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Dragon Queen (Avery Rome Book 3)

Page 32

by P. S. Power

  Judy Swan walked over to them, the actress dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. L. J. was dressed that way as well. Avery had come in a skirt, blouse, and a colorful vest that had an opal like quality to it along with shoes that were practically form fitting slippers. It meant she looked over dressed by a good extent. Even Krista was just in slacks. No one commented on how she looked, though Judy hugged them all, finally leaving her arm around Avery’s shoulders.

  “Hey all! Are we running lines? I have a scene with both of you…”

  Avery nodded, even though her only part in that would be a rather blank stare the whole time. Her character wasn’t chatty, after all. The original idea had been to have her be mute, in case Avery couldn’t act. That had seemed likely at the time. Then it had turned out she was pretty good at it.

  “I can stand there and do my part, so that it’s more realistic. L. J.?”

  There was an amazed look, then a slow smile.

  “Wait… We’re going to actually be professional and not pull all sorts of prima donna bullshit? Is it just us three, or is the whole crew doing that? If so, it will be a first for anything I’ve worked on.”

  Krista brushed at her long hair, and nodded.

  “Me as well. Let’s go for it? I’ll let you three set that up?”

  They decided to do that by practicing in the open. Then they went over the other scenes they were shooting that day. All of them stayed the whole time, as the others finally started to get the idea. They didn’t leave just because they weren’t on camera at the moment. That was the norm, but as they started working for the day, everyone was right there the whole time. They got half an hour for lunch, which was catered for them and set up not a hundred feet from where the work was taking place. Most of them sat together, at a large table.

  Judy was next to her the whole time, touching her almost constantly. She was an Alede, but managed not to be as aggressive about it as some of them were. It was still noticed.

  L. J. sighed and shook his head.

  “Are you two dating? I was kind of hoping that I could hook up with one of you. At least for the tabloids. My press agent told me that I’d better make it clear that I don’t hold anything against the other groups right off the bat. Or else. I’m not kidding, she actually said that.” The good-looking man, who had three days of beard growth, which was part of his character, looked around the table.

  Everyone else there was Human. They didn’t have extras yet, since the cast was being kept small to start with. Only forty or so people in all. Most of them weren’t needed each day, but they were all there, for the first one. Even if they weren’t going to be needed for a scene.

  Judy smiled and touched his arm as well.

  “We can do that? I’m just trying to get in good with the line walker. The rest of you just don’t get what a huge thing this is, having Avery here. I’m not even sure that Krista gets it… There are only ten or so people in all of the infinite worlds that will take us from one to another. That we have one of them on the show with us is… Vast.”

  The woman ate, since Alede did that, without having to worry too much about gaining weight. Avery had a heaping plate of food, which had a few of the other actresses giving her knowing looks. For the wrong reason, naturally. They all probably had it worked out that she was going to throw it back up later. That idea seemed insane to her, of course. She needed the calories too badly for something that foolish to be allowed.

  People glanced at her then, with Farley, who was one of the main cast members, playing a Vampire like she was, making a face.

  “Line walker. I’ve heard about that. Barb, my Vamp coach… She’s one of those. I didn’t know it was a big deal though.”

  There was a wide-eyed look from Judy.

  “Wait… You have Barbara Fines as your acting coach for being a Vampire? That’s… Impressive. How did you get that done?”

  The very thin blonde woman, who had light blue eyes, looked at the other, equally good looking blonde lady, across the table.

  “Honestly? I just called up their embassy. The one that’s always in the news? I talked to the Ambassador, um… Ed Freeman? He hooked me up. He didn’t even make it hard for me. I guess she’s the Assistant Ambassador there, too? She’s really sweet. Even if my character is a bitch most of the time. I guess a lot of Vampires aren’t that nice?” She seemed worried, talking about it in public. A few of the others kind of glared at her, so it wasn’t a small thing.

  Judy nodded a bit, but didn't comment.

  Avery did though, since it was possible that these people were going to meet up with the undead at some point, being in the public eye like they were.

  “The younger ones can be aggressive. The older they get, the less likely they are to do things like that, at least in public. The ones going through the new training program tend to be good from the start. Part of that is how they’re being conditioned before they turn. They’re also selected to be stable. There are only… I think five or six of those, so far? Eve Benson, Troy Lopez, Ben Epstein, Steve York… I don’t know all of them.” Even the names she had were either friends or people met in passing.

  People were looking at her funny then, as if it were strange to know that kind of thing.

  L. J. grinned at her though.

  “Different worlds, hey? It used to be that when we had a teen actress in, we just had to make sure the dickhead producers didn’t get her pregnant. Now they come pre-loaded with a bunch of political information as well? I guess we should all learn that kind of thing. At least enough that we don’t mess up in public too much. I know that I need to get up to speed on Shifters a bit more. At least if Farley is setting the bar that high off the bat, getting a Vampire coach like that. I was counting on the fact that I’d already played the same character to get me through.”

  That had been on Krista’s show, Blood Reborn, which was still running. She played a Vampire on that, for all that she was a Human being in reality. Even the Vampires didn’t have an issue with that, since she did the whole thing right.

  L. J. wasn’t bad, either. Apparently, that was down to the writing.

  Her watch beeped, having been set on the table next to her plate. She hurried to finish her food, calling out.

  “Ten-minute warning. We need to be back on set in ten minutes.”

  That got her stared at again, but everyone actually returned on time, as she was beeped at the second time. Then she had to go and change, since there was a real scene that she was needed for after that. The one with Judy, who was playing an Alede, and L. J. who was in charge of a mercenary operation. That was why she was there. As muscle.

  Her outfit for that was all in black. Military fatigues and shining black boots. Those were destroyed as she changed to her second form during the fight scene, taking about fifteen seconds to do the whole thing. It was really fast for that kind of thing, which L. J.’s character Commander Weston, commented on in the show.

  “That would take me five minutes.” Plus, his character was a Wolf, not a Dragon at all. They had to do that with special effects though. Avery was able to interact with people, though she was nude while doing it, part of the time. Even trashing her clothing, she was nude at times. That had to be hidden though, since it wasn’t allowed for her to be nude on camera. She was too young for that, needing to be eighteen at least, by the rules.

  They did it carefully, and she worked with the stuntmen and woman to go over the fight three times. The trick was to never make contact with them, and to keep her hands in fists so that her razor sharp talons didn't hit anyone. Her tail spikes had little black caps put on them. That ended up saving one of the men, who stepped wrong and ended up falling over her tail. It wasn’t her fault, thankfully, because the man had bruises when they were done.

  It was a bit awkward, changing back, since she had to lay on the ground and cover her breasts with her left arm. That part was called out as well, by Commander Weston.

  “It isn’t like I’ve never seen the goods before
, Spires.”

  Bethany gave him a look that was supposed to be a little hostile.

  “What can I say? I’m shy.” It sounded too fierce to her own ears, and they had to do it a couple of times in different ways, but the scene was written for it to be tough. Her character simply was, all the time.

  Then she got up, trying not to feel as naked as she honestly was. When she had clothing on, the scene was reset to a different one, that she wasn’t in at all. She stood at the back however, the whole time, anyway. There to support her fellows, even if only emotionally.

  By seven they were two full scenes ahead of schedule for the day.

  Krista stood up from her cloth chair and clapped.

  “Great work, everyone. I want another early start tomorrow. Keep this up and we can move to four day weeks! Not that we’ll get that, but I’d love it, myself. Six-thirty again? I have to say, I’m getting excited already… This is going to be pretty awesome.”

  Everyone nodded, though Judy jogged over to her.

  “Hey… I was going to go and get dinner. Do you want to come?”

  She shook her head, then frowned and tilted it to the side.

  “I need to go check something in a different reality. There was a protest against my people there, yesterday. Handled without violence. Do you want to come with me? I think we can get food there. It’s kind of a military base, but they also do cooking shows. I have… Well, I have a show from there. We shot it on vacation, but…” That was on her, actually. She pulled the thumb drive out, which got Krista to jog over and then wave toward her trailer.

  “This way then? If it’s any good we can all go and hang out there? Chat people up and make contacts.”

  That sounded good to her, as long as they didn't have to fight anyone. In that case, well, things might go differently.

  “That could be fun. I haven’t gotten to see it yet, so… I don’t know what it will look like. We can shop it around here, if it’s any good? We have permission.”

  That got a nod from Krista. Judy took her hand and led the way to the trailer.

  Inside they were actually able to use the thumb drive, since the programs were the same. The tech as well. It was interesting, but the others didn’t comment on it.

  The show…

  Was actually decent. At least the others said so, after the first half hour episode.

  “That’s great, Avery! I mean, I was actually interested in cooking for longer than five minutes. This is a real show, too. I was thinking that it might be your home movies. That whole thing, going to other worlds like that for it is really different.”

  Next to her, sitting on a small sofa, pressed up against her bodily, Judy Swan nodded.

  “I agree. I know some people that might want to look at something like this. Can I get a copy of it?”

  That turned out to be a thing that Krista could do. She had people as well, given they were both in the industry and popular enough to have friends. They could, in fact, send things from the computer right there. It took about ten minutes, after which the women were ready to go and visit with Mark and Denis. They’d been in the show after all, if only briefly.

  It was embarrassing, but Avery had been in the first show almost the entire time.

  They moved fast, and ten minutes later were able to go visit the IPB base. There was no ongoing protest that day, thankfully. Avery led them inside the command center, explaining as they did it.

  “We need to check in first, each time.” Technically she was supposed to ask before bringing people, she realized.

  Just as she walked up to Director Turner’s door, having gotten it wrong.

  The woman looked up, but smiled from behind her desk.

  “Hey, Rome. You brought friends?”

  “I did. Forgetting until just now that I was supposed to get permission first. This is Judy Swan and Krista Hall. Actresses. Krista is directing Red Rain. We did the first day of shooting for that. I showed them Cooking: Alt-Real? They both got with people after seeing the first episode. To see about selling it in my world. Um… Mainly we came for dinner?”

  Instead of sending them away, the Director stood up.

  “We can all go? I need to get something or else they’ll gang up on me and force me to eat. It’s a bit of a chore for me. I don’t have a sense of taste, and don’t feel hunger. What I do have is a need to eat a lot each day, which isn’t fun at all.” The woman, who was in tan, moved out then, the others right behind her.

  As they got outside, Judy spoke, her voice slightly amused.

  “You know, you look just like my granddaughter…”

  “And you look like my grandmother when she was younger. She passed away, a few years ago. I noticed that right off.” They walked a bit further. “We also have one for you here, Krista. Her name is Becky.”

  That got a laugh.

  “Yeah. I changed my name when I started acting. Becky Hoader just didn't have the right ring to it.”

  They were stopped at the door, Director Turner looking around.

  “Ah… We can go to the restaurant over there. I’m not actually dressed for it. You three…”

  That got set aside, since Bridget stood up and yelled.

  “Avery! Over here!”

  That meant sitting with the regular people, some of whom were very distinctive. If that was a problem for the famous people they didn’t let it show at all.

  Ms. Turner laughed and shook her head.

  “Or we can do it this way? The food is just as tasteless over here.”

  It meant going to get their own food, and loading up trays, but when they got back there were other people sitting at the long table with them. Including one empty seat that apparently held a ghost. Avery looked in that direction and waved.

  “Um, hi, Becky?”

  Krista was excited to talk to the dead version of herself, which really did sound interesting. Judy listened and watched closely as well. For a while. Then she moved on to everyone else, clearly trying to get their attention for personal reasons. That was fine, since it left her time to eat for a while. Just as she was finishing, Mark, Warren and Den came and forced some of the others to leave. In the end they had those three, Marcia Turner, Kerry and Tobin. Bridget hopped up, but came back with a second tray of food. Listening to the others talk about television programs.

  It was interesting, but Avery didn't have much to add, personally. She just sat there, as the others made friends.

  Eventually Bridget patted her on the shoulder.

  “We should chat. This way? We’ll just be outside.” That last bit was for everyone else. Then they took their trays and plates to a window, where they were taken in for cleaning.

  Bridget didn’t speak, waving for her to go outside.

  “We had a meeting earlier, about the coming conference? I have some messages for you to take around. Well, it’s from the IPB, but Marcia doesn’t want to push you after messing up yesterday. We should have been ready. Oh!”

  The girl touched her arm, then giggled in her high-pitched voice.

  “We were on the news. It wasn’t even horrible, for once. That thing where we walked out and served the protestors food was all over television last night. Even the hate channel had to admit we kind of nailed it. No one has ever managed that kind of thing before with a large protest. The bet was that we’d kill half of them. That or use Infected powers on them. Not chow. My mom wants me to get you back in, for a photoshoot.”

  “You have parents here?”

  “Yup. Scott and Charlot Chambers? You met them both, yesterday. A pretty but angry woman and a golden guy in a cape?”

  “Oh. I did meet them then. I can try to make time for that? I need to know when to come… It might be a while, because, you know, work and all that. As it is I need to get back home. I have a meeting with my mentor tonight. I think.”

  That got a nod from Bridget.

  “Cool. Let’s collect the messages then? It’s only a few. Six, I think?”

letters were being kept with Cindy Mableton, who was in her office, working when they found her. The Ambassador waved at them, not smiling. She did hand over a small stack of letters to be taken around.

  “Hey kids. How are things going, Avery?”

  “Not bad. I brought some people in… Friends of mine?”

  That got a nod.

  “Yeah. You should get with Judy on those parties? Valerie has been talking to her about that, since it won’t work as well for her to go places with you. Judy is just planning to get with you though. I don’t know if that will work? Phillip’s info said that you don’t really have a sex drive? Hence me getting you hooked up with the data now, ahead of time so you can be ready for that. See how nifty I am? Hmmm? That makes you want to take me around for visits, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes? That does sound like a good idea. I should be back in a few days, if you want to go someplace?”

  That got a wink.

  “I’m just setting things up for vacation, later, if I ever get one. I’m still kind of new, so I can’t count on that kind of thing for a while. Anyway, you should reset the plan to Judy? She doesn’t know why it should be done. I have it, since Phil does. I read up on the whole thing. I get bored, what can I say?”

  Bridget was standing there, her face curious seeming.

  Ambassador Sin rolled her eyes, getting that Avery wasn’t going to speak up on the topic.

  “Kaitlyn, who’s Judy’s granddaughter, even if they look the same age, was nearly killed by their people when she was in school. Murdered, really. So, the line walkers are going to take out the Alede Governing Body and take over. It’s a real drama thing. Avery is planning on infiltrating them, along with Phillip. They were going to go in with Val, Kait’s mother, but she’s kind of been outspoken over the years against them. Judy kept her mouth shut, being famous. It’s the better plan.”

  “Okay. I’ll do that then. Thanks.”


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