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Metal Mage 14

Page 27

by Eric Vall

  The little moans she made into my mouth sent my libido into overdrive, and before I knew it, my shaft was buried inside her as every thrust sent a wave of crippling heat through me. The sensation only made her powers more overwhelming as my entire body buzzed with Nemris’ spark, and I locked her arms above her head to keep her in place. The goddess let me kiss her all over until my lips were numb from it, but I didn’t let up until she was quivering in my hold. Once I’d licked or nipped every inch of her shimmering breasts, I finally let her cling to me again, and I was lost in the way she whimpered hungrily as she kissed my chest and shoulders.

  Nemris’ breathless moans were as silvery as her giggles as she feverishly met every thrust, and watching the goddess writhe for more of me made the last of my restraint snap. I kept Nemris pinned against the soil as I took her with deep, powerful thrusts, and the electrifying surge of her power seeped straight to my bones until I could hardly breathe.

  Still, Nemris never stopped devouring me while the sound of her pleasure overran my mind, but when I saw her figure flicker for the briefest moment, I knew I didn’t have much longer with her.

  “Now. Give me the future. Fill me with your seed. Our child will protect the cosmos,” Nemris moaned, and I caught her lips in mine before I drove myself as deep as I could into the goddess.

  Then a jolt shot through me from the point where our bodies met, and as my spine went rigid in response, I cried out as Nemris’ shriek echoed through the woods. Every heavy pulse of my dick wrecked me while the goddess clutched me against her, and she just kept whimpering for me to give her more of my seed.

  So, I kept pounding into her as my vision blurred completely from the effort, but while her orgasm built with each surge of semen I poured into her womb, I felt the heat between us spike all at once.

  A moment later, a blinding burst of blue light erupted beneath me, and the last thing I heard was Nemris moaning my name once more as she vanished. Then my back seized painfully, and while I collapsed into a shaking heap against the ground, I was swallowed up into a comatose state.

  I wasn’t fully gone, though. Part of me was drifting in a void for longer than I knew, and while I couldn’t form a coherent thought, I knew I wasn’t alone. Nemris’ hands seemed to trail across me even though I couldn’t see clearly enough to find her, and her silvery voice whispered in my mind without any of the words registering properly. I felt like I wasn’t fully alive or dead at this point, but her presence kept me in a kind of trance as I remained paralyzed, and time didn’t even seem to exist anymore.

  All I processed was weightlessness and the feel of Nemris encircling me, but after ages of drifting in a tantalizing void, I opened my eyes to a dim forest drenched in rain.

  Slowly, my mind began to function again, and I registered the smaller details first.

  Rain was pelting my body, and I was still collapsed across the ground. Thunder rolled overhead as a few flashes of purple illuminated the woods, and there were no strange vines surrounding me anymore. It must have been close to dawn, because a soft blue hue permeated my surroundings, and my limbs shook, either with cold or from the effects of being with the goddess.

  Then I tried to move, though, and my spine rippled so violently, I had to hold my breath to withstand the force of it. I clutched the stonework beneath me to keep from shaking even more, but when the rippling in my spine finally abated, I realized I wasn’t supposed to be on stone.

  I’d laid Nemris out in a bed of damp soil when I gave her a child last night, and I furrowed my brow as I shifted my head just enough to look down.

  Through the rain streaming into my eyes and the purple flash of lightning, I studied the substrate beneath me, but when I tried to send my powers through it, no information came back to me.

  Still, I knew it was stone from the look and feel of it, and I took a few careful breaths before I attempted to move again.

  My spine jolted with every movement, but I managed to brace myself on my hands and knees, and I could see the same substance had replaced the forest floor all around me for several feet. It was one giant slab of white stone I couldn’t influence or recognize, and this realization made my shoulders begin to go numb with anticipation.

  Because I’d only come across one substance in this world that my Terra powers should have affected but didn’t.

  Then my pulse quickened as I thought back to the stout white stones I’d seen elves carrying to the runed vats in Dragir’s shop, and I sent my powers through the surrounding soil as a grin came to my face.

  The mass of stone extended hundreds of feet into the ground as it sprawled out beneath the soil in all directions, and if I wasn’t trying to keep my spine intact, I would have laughed while I recalled the flash of blue light Nemris gave off as she quivered in ecstasy beneath me.

  “So, that’s how Halcyan is formed,” I muttered as a few chuckles jolted through my back, but then I winced and eased myself onto the ground to recover for a little longer.

  I managed to roll onto my back while I waited for my spine to absorb the aftermath of impregnating Nemris, and as I considered the storm raging above the bluish treetops, a smile slowly hitched at the corners of my mouth.

  The hazy state between my climax and this moment was difficult to recall, but the moment leading up to that was vivid, and I didn’t even need to close my eyes to see Nemris’ flawless form writhing beneath me. I could hear her moaning my name and feel the overwhelming spark she sent through me with every touch, and I could even recall the sweet scent of her skin as I pulled her nipple deep into my mouth to make her quake in my hold. When I remembered the feel of her clenching around my shaft, though, my spine went rigid as my breath caught in my throat, and I had to dig my nails into the stone to contain the tremor rocking my frame.

  So, I decided to take it easy on the instant replay for now, and I redirected my focus in the hopes of keeping my spine in one piece.

  Luckily, I had plenty else to think of at the moment, because my theory had been correct, and the Master was Rekekis’ pawn. I finally understood why he’d been trying to get me on his side for months, and everything Hulsan said about my potential made complete sense to me now. The Master had told the old mage he’d seen what I could become, and while I didn’t remember my past lives at all, the one form Nulena showed me was evidence enough of what Rekekis had in mind.

  Or rather, what he had in mind before Nulena and I stole his domain right out from under him. Now, I wasn’t the prize, I was the primary target, but this notion didn’t faze me in the slightest.

  Because if I was the primary target, I could just as easily become the bait, which meant this siege would definitely go differently than any of our other battles.

  I’d make sure of it myself, and after speaking with Nemris, I was just as deliriously certain I’d succeed as all of my women combined.

  I was Mason Flynt, after all, the baron with the metal magic and six women on his arm, and only one pawn stood between me and the rest of my life in this realm.

  Despite my confidence, though, making it home was fucking impossible, and I tripped, stumbled, collapsed, and crawled through the western woods. Mud caked the few articles of clothing I’d managed to put on again, and I couldn’t count how many times I found myself lying face down in a puddle while I spluttered to breathe. Through all of this, my spine rippled nonstop, and each paralyzing jolt reminded me I had yet another baby on the way.

  Another immortal, cosmically powerful, and no doubt gorgeous child on the way.

  This thought alone made it hard to give a shit how many times my knees buckled under me, and after I dragged my useless body the last few feet to the clearing beside the mansion, I finally just gave up and called for my women.

  In a matter of seconds, their bare feet padded across the mud as they ran over to me, and when all of them forcefully flipped me onto my back, their eyes were wide with wonder.

  “Tell me everything,” Aurora demanded.

  “What color are her ni
pples?” Cayla panted.

  Nulena smirked when I squinted in her direction. “I knew she would do this. Nemris has never been able to obliterate worlds without immediately trying to fix it. She doesn’t have the spite for it.”

  “One of the things I love most about her,” I chuckled. “I can’t fucking stand.”

  “Yes,” Nulena sighed without concern. “Conceiving a child with a goddess is even more affecting than it is with a spectra. Such a feat has killed hundreds of mortals before. You always seem to survive it, though…”

  “Wait, how many times have I gotten Nemris pregnant?”

  The Baroness only sent me a sly grin as she motioned for my women to pick me up, and they promptly hitched their arms around each of my limbs like they’d done this plenty of times before.

  Considering all the Rosh and near-death experiences, though, this seemed logical.

  So, I let my women do their thing as they hauled me into the house and to the dining hall, and I curled forward against the table top when setting myself into a chair agitated my spine until I shook uncontrollably. I heard Alfred’s shoes entering the room shortly after, but when he abruptly turned on his heels and headed for the kitchen, I knew he’d fix me up in no time.

  “Tell me anything, pleeease?” Aurora begged. “I could hardly sleep last night after Nulena told us you were out there with Nemris. Her shield sensed the two of you together, and tell me everything that happened up to and including the goddess sex.”

  “Down, girl,” I chuckled against the table. “We talked about Rekekis and the Master. He’s a pawn the god was molding to pit against me down the line, but Nemris couldn’t risk losing Deya and Dragir, so she brought me here.”

  “I told you she is the most kind and gracious goddess,” Deya sighed. “I always felt she loved me just as much as I loved her all my life.”

  “She definitely loves you,” I agreed.

  “Aaand then she begged you to get her pregnant?” Shoshanne asked hopefully. “Did she get on her ethereal knees for it?”

  “Gods, Mason would be virile enough to make a goddess beg,” Aurora moaned. “Was she as desperate as Nulena? Did she cry?”

  “I was not desperate,” the Baroness scoffed, but when we all glanced at her, she flushed like a pearl and crossed her arms.

  “Nemris didn’t beg,” I informed the women. “She simply wanted to make up for the cosmic-level destruction I am not okay with causing, and I obviously wouldn’t say no to an offer like that.”

  “But her nipples,” Cayla pressed. “Do they glitter? Are they as pale as the rest of her body? Does she--”

  “Cayla,” I sighed.

  “Answer the question,” the princess demanded.

  “They don’t glitter,” I mumbled. “They’re kind of pearly like Nulena gets when she blushes, but they glow like the rest of her.”

  “Mmm,” Cayla moaned. “Did you bite them? Just a little bit?”

  “Do they taste immortal?” Shoshanne asked.

  “Do not speak of Nemris so crassly,” Deya scolded. “She is a goddess and deserves to be spoken of with the utmost respect. Except I am curious if she is as sleek as Nulena down there, or if--”

  “None of this is relevant,” I cut in. “We have other details to discuss.”

  Aurora nodded. “Like how many times you filled her with your--”

  “No, like the siege,” I clarified. “We’re marching on the fortress today.”

  “Today?” Shoshanne gasped. “But I’m not all-powerful yet!”

  “You’re plenty powerful,” I assured the woman. “I saw the disaster zone you left in the countryside, but more importantly, this storm hasn’t let up for a moment, which means no one knows we’re preparing to move out. If we wait much longer, Rekekis could have time to recharge and hit us twice as hard at the fortress, and I’m not giving him the opportunity. Too many lives are at stake. We leave for the foothills today, and before nightfall, the Master’s headquarters will amount to nothing but a crater if I have anything to say about it.”

  “We’d better get to work, then,” Aurora decided, and I nodded as Alfred arrived with a steaming cup of kill juice.

  “Thank you, Alfred,” I sighed as the butler helped me stay upright, and he remained at his post until I’d finished half the mug.

  By this point, I could stay seated without shaking uncontrollably anymore, and Alfred bowed before he left to prepare everyone’s breakfast.

  “Cayla, send for your army and make sure they’re in Falmount within the next two hours,” I told the princess, and she gave me a diligent nod. “Send word to the knights of Rainard as well, and the train can pick them up on its way back from Cedis. Aurora, get in touch with Bagneera so we have enough cars for our entire army in time, but make sure she hitches up the stock cars already at the station, too. The parts for the catapults are in there. Then we need to find the generals and have them give the order for the troops to prepare to move out, and send word to the Oculus for the rest of our Defenders to get out here ASAP.”

  “Yes, Mason,” Aurora agreed.

  “Deya,” I continued, “I’ll have the dwarves load up a platform with the armor Rhys and Dragir ordered for their warriors, but once you deliver it all, light a fire under Dragir’s ass about those rockets. Bring back as many as he can finish within an hour, and take your time flying them back here. Consider those rockets as precious as dragon eggs.”

  “I will guard your semen blasters as if they were truly filled with your blessed semen,” Deya assured me.

  “Thank you,” I chuckled into my kill juice. “Shoshanne, I want you out at the training fields with the other Aer Mages getting up to speed on how to help counter these storms, and--”

  “I’m certain I don’t need anyone’s help,” the healer said as she smugly stroked her belly. “Our super baby and I are perfectly capable of decimating this storm without any assistance.”

  I smirked. “I’m glad to hear it, but you will be expected to work with the rest of the troops regardless. I need you to conserve your energy if you’re going to blast through the Master’s fortress once his defenses are down.”

  “Oh, I want to do that part!” Shoshanne said as her face lit up. “I can do the blasting part, don’t worry about anything, Mason.”

  “I won’t,” I chuckled. “You’ll need to select about a dozen of your best healers to join us from the infirmary, and make sure they have everything they’ll need to set up healing stations in the train cars once we get to the forest.

  “I already know who I’ll bring,” Shoshanne replied, “and they’ve had their equipment packed for the last five days.”

  “I’d expect nothing less,” I assured her. “Nulena, how are you feeling?”

  The Baroness’s grin fell as she rolled her eyes. “Immortal. Why?”

  “I just want to be sure you’re feeling strong enough to shield us all once this thing gets started,” I replied. “You had to shield me all night out in the woods, and I know--”

  “Mason Flynt, do not finish that sentence,” Nulena growled. “I am feeling as strong as a pregnant spectra with no need for any coddling, and don’t even get me started on Nemris’ little trick to undo all of the Chaos I caused on your behalf.”

  I raised my eyebrows at her deathly glare. “Okay, but Nemris didn’t trick me. I fully support her decision to…”

  I trailed off as the spectra narrowed her two-toned eyes, and I focused on draining the last of my kill juice rather than continue.

  “Alright, so next topic,” I muttered. “Nemris mentioned Rekekis will most likely avoid channeling his powers through any forces your Chaos can disrupt.”

  “Really?” Deya gasped. “Like what forces?”

  “Anything with an unpredictable nature can be stoked by my powers when I’m in my spectral form,” the Baroness said with a shrug. “This includes any of the elements. For example, a fire can be made to burn out of control, even beyond the grasp of the Ignis Mages. The sea can swell to incomp
arable heights, tornadoes, earthquakes, the fury of a woman… all of these possess a nature that cannot be predicted, and my Chaos can be harnessed through them all.”

  “That sounds sexy,” Aurora mused.

  “It is,” Nulena agreed. “I sometimes pleasure myself while I do this sort of thing because it’s just so enjoyable to watch it all spiral out of control.”

  “And you can use these powers whenever you want?” I asked.

  “No, I must be in my spectral form,” the Baroness answered, “and this is something I cannot maintain for long while I exist in the physical plane.”

  “Okay.” I nodded. “Then my question is, can we use your powers to interrupt Rekekis’ storms?”

  “I would not advise it,” Nulena admitted. “I considered this for a time, but a storm of this magnitude with an added dose of Chaos would mean you and your troops wouldn’t stand a chance of survival. Rekekis has chosen his force with me in mind, and he knows my love for you will keep me from acting as I could.”

  “Aww,” Shoshanne said with a sappy smile.

  “Fair enough,” I chuckled. “Then we’ll stick with our approach. If you could fly on Deya to make sure she’s safe for the trip to Nalnora and back, I’d really appreciate it.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” the Baroness assured me.

  “Thank you,” I replied. “Let Rhys and Dragir know their armies should be at the border in no longer than three hours. I’m gonna alert Temin and restock the Boms’ ammunition before I send them ahead of us to the foothills. Then I’ll be getting all our own ammunition to the station until Deya returns with the rockets. If everything goes smoothly, the troops should be heading out as soon as the knights from the south arrive. Deal?”

  “Deal,” Cayla said with a nod.

  “Gods, I cannot wait for this siege!” Aurora squealed. “Blood, ladies. I want to see it splattering straight into the clouds today. Otherwise, you’re not killing hard enough.”

  “I’m going to let my baby take over my trigger finger for a while,” Cayla clarified, “but then, I will give you the blood show you want.”


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