Marque of Caine
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Ed Peña: covert operative for ODINS
Eku: factotum in the service of Alnduul
Gray Rinehart: Associate Director, IRIS
Karam Tsaami: Pilot and Flight Officer, CSSO; crew of UCS Puller
Kim Schoeffel: Captain, SS Down-Under, ex-UCAS naval officer
Kyle Seaver: Lieutenant, USSF, Operations liaison between JAG and IRIS; covert operative for ODINS
Larry Southard: analyst (covert) for ODINS
Lorraine Phalon: Commander, USSF; JAG
Miles O’Garran: Master CPO, former SEAL/IRIS; crew of UCS Puller
Missy Katano: Lost Soldier; civilian contractor
Newton Baruch: Lieutenant, Benelux/EUAF; former IRIS; crew of UCS Puller
Peter Wu: Captain, ROCA/UCAS; former IRIS; crew of UCS Puller
Richard Downing: former Director of IRIS
Ryan Zimmerman: analyst (covert) for ODINS
Trevor Corcoran: Captain, USSF; SEAL/IRIS
Dalir Sadozai: Associate Director, Procedural Compliance Directorate, IRIS
Yaargraukh Onvaarkhayn of the moiety of Hsraluur: Exile from the Hkh’Rkh Patrijuridicate, former Advocate of the Unhonored
Yan Xiayou: Director, Procedural Compliance Directorate, IRIS
Antanas Voldermaras: leader, resistance movement
Bram Prins: leader, resistance movement
David Lawrence Weiner: Earl of Greater Connecticut, industrial magnate of the CCC and avatar of Kutkh
Nolan Corcoran: Deceased Admiral, USSF; Director (and creator) of IRIS
Rebecca: niece of Pip Robinson
Steven “Pip” Robinson: veteran of the Coal War; leader, resistance movement
Alnduul: Senior Mentor of the Custodians of the Accord, Dornaani Collective
Glayaazh: Third Arbiter (Senior) of the Dornaani Collective
Heethoo: Seventh Arbiter (Senior) of the Dornaani Collective
Hsontlosh: loji liaison and expediter retained by members of the Collective’s Senior Assembly
Irzhresht: Custodian; loji under Alnduul’s protection
Laaglenz: Virtua expert; “The Speculator”
Laynshooz: Regional Arbiter of the Dornaani Collective
“Kutkh”: Keeper of Virtua node of Leltlosu-shai
Nlastanl: Fifth Arbiter (Senior) of the Dornaani Collective
Menrelm: Acting Senior Auditor of the Custodians
Oduosslun: former Academician of the Collective; “The Observer”
Ssaodralth: journeyman Custodian
Suvtrush: Fourth Arbiter (Senior) of the Dornaani Collective
Thlunroolt: Warder of the Rooaioo’q Conservancy, former Custodial Senior Mentor
Uinzleej: Caretaker of Issqliin, Park of Antiquities; “The Historian”
Yaonhoyz: Regional Arbiter of the Dornaani Collective
Appendix B
The Accords
1. The Accord is a democratic council comprised of politically equal member states. Membership is conferred through a process of mutual assessment and determination. Attendance at all Convocations of the Accord is mandatory; absences are treated as abstention and warrant the censure of the Accord. Accord policy and arbitration outcomes are determined by simple majority votes. However, changes in the accords themselves (additions, deletions, emendations) require unanimous approval (abstentions are construed as rejections). Issues addressed by the Accord include:
• Accord policies and actions toward non-Accord powers, races, objects, or phenomena;
• interpretation and application of the accords;
• proper procedures for administering the Accord, including first contact, meeting, and communication protocols;
• reassessment and periodic alteration of the current pathways of allowed expansion for Accord member states.
2. A member state’s membership in the Accord requires, and remains contingent upon, truthful self-representation in all disclosures of data or statements of intention: lies of omission or commission are expressly forbidden. If it is found that a member state misrepresented itself upon application for membership in the Accord, its membership is annulled.
3. One member state of the Accord is designated as the Custodian of the accords. The Custodians are charged with ensuring that all member states comply with the accords, that lack of compliance is corrected, and that disputes are resolved by arbitration commissions.
4. The Accord and its individual member states are expressly and absolutely forbidden from interfering in the internal affairs of any member state. The only exception to this is articulated in the Twenty-first Accord.
5. All entry into another member state’s space must comply with territorial transit agreements negotiated between the member states in question. If no such agreements exist, a member state may declare any intrusion into its territory as illegal and may require the Accord to convene an arbitration commission to seek redress. The race designated as Custodians are excluded from these constraints when acting in their capacity as Custodians. However, they are expected and enjoined to use all possible restraint and to secure prior permission wherever and whenever possible.
6. No violence of any kind or on any scale is permitted between the races of the Accord.
7. No espionage is permitted between the races of the Accord, nor are other clandestine attempts to subvert or circumvent the autonomy, prerogatives, or secrecy constraints of another member state.
8. No agreement (legal or personal) made between individuals or collectives from two (or more) member states may ever explicitly or implicitly encumber or abridge the absolute indigenous autonomy of any of the parties to the agreement. Therefore, any member state (or inhabitant thereof) may terminate any agreement with any other member state (or inhabitant thereof) at any time for any reason, contractual obligations notwithstanding.
9. Disputes between member states and violations of these accords may only be resolved by a Custodian-appointed arbitration commission. Member states involved in a dispute may not serve on arbitration commissions convened after the commencement of their dispute until said dispute is resolved. All arbitration commissions are chaired by Custodians, and must follow the same determinative protocols as the Accord itself, as outlined in the First Accord.
10. Member states which are found to have violated an accord are instructed by the finding commission how to make amends for this violation. If the member state finds these instructions unacceptable, they may propose an alternate means of making amends, may request a reconsideration, or may appeal for clemency or exoneration (if there are suitably extenuating circumstances).
11. Member states which flagrantly or willfully violate one or more accords forfeit their membership in the Accord. The same applies to member states which choose to ignore or reject the final determination of arbitration commissions. Former Accord member states may reapply for membership.
12. Members of the Accord must agree to restrict their use of interstellar-rated microwave and radio emissions to dire emergencies (such as distress calls, or in the event that all other communication systems have malfunctioned).
13. All Accord ships must be equipped with a transponder that, upon inquiry from any other Accord ship, will relay its member state of origin, its name or code, its master, and any special conditions under which it is operating.
14. All Accord ships must be furnished with multiple crewpersons who are conversant in the Code of Universal Signals and, if requested, must use this Code to initiate and respond to any and all communiqués.
15. All member states must maintain strict compliance with the Accord-prescribed pathways of allowed expansion. A single race may petition for a revision of its own expansion pathway: this is handled as an arbitration.
16. New races are contacted by the Accord only when they achieve routine interstellar travel, whether of a faster-than-light or slower-than-light variety.
17. The time and method of contacting a new race is determined by the Custodians of t
he Accord. Prior to contact, new races are designated as “protected species.”
18. Monitoring of nonmember intelligent species is the responsibility of the Custodians. Routine supporting tasks may be assigned to one other member state that possesses sufficient technological and exploratory capabilities.
19. An outgoing Custodian member state selects the order in which member states are invited to succeed it. FTL travel is the prerequisite for Custodianship. The minimum duration of Custodianship is 24.6 Earth years. Minimum advance notice of resignation from Custodianship is 4.1 Earth years.
20. If no race is willing to accept Custodianship, the Accord is considered dissolved, as are all agreements previously made and enforced under its aegis.
21. Extraordinary circumstances: the Custodians are to intervene as soon as is practicable, and unilaterally if that is most expeditious, if:
• any member state’s or protected race’s homeworld is invaded or otherwise attacked;
• if any member state or protected race takes action that is deemed likely to result in the destruction of a planet’s biosphere.
The Custodians may undertake this intervention without soliciting Accord consensus, and may, if necessary, violate other accords in order to ensure that the intervention is successful.