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Parker (Striking Back #3)

Page 4

by S. M. Shade

  I’m a pig. I know. This woman has put her life in my hands, gave me her absolute trust, and I keep picturing her naked. It’s not really about her beauty. There’s something else, some deeper attraction that makes me want things I can’t have. The words off limits beat inside my head, but I’m not trying to fuck her. I just enjoy spending time with her. True, I’ve never had a female friend before, but it doesn’t mean I’m not capable of it.

  Fuck it. I just have to protect her until she heals. If Al isn’t found, she’ll probably agree to be relocated to a safe house out of state. The thought makes my chest tight and I know I have to do something to stop this infatuation with her. I need a night at Hype. She’d be fine with Devon for a night.

  “Quit staring at me,” Macy orders, frowning.

  Shit. Busted. “Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

  “Ugh.” She digs her fingers around her cast. “I can’t wait to get this damn thing off tomorrow. It itches.”

  “You’ll get a nice stylish boot,” I tease, helping her off the chair as night drops around us.

  “The better to stick up your ass,” she retorts with a grin.

  “You want to get out of the house for a while tomorrow? Mason is hosting a Fourth of July cookout. Everly will be there.”

  Apprehension drenches her features. “You think it’s safe?”

  “I wouldn’t take you otherwise. Mason’s house is secure, and he and Alex will be there.” Absently, I tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “You’ve had a rough week. It’ll do you good to hang out with your friend.”

  I’m rewarded with a shy smile. “Sounds good.”

  “Would you like me to call Ms. Den?” She’s been coming by to help Macy shower.

  “No, if you help me wrap some plastic around my ankle, I can manage alone this time.”

  “Call if you need me,” I tell her after wrapping her foot.

  “You wish,” she teases, heading off to take her shower.

  Damn. Back to my room to fire off some knuckle children.

  * * * *

  Macy winces as the orthopedist straps a large blue boot onto her ankle. “Use the crutches if you need them, but it’s okay to walk on it a bit if it isn’t too painful,” the doctor says.

  After thanking him, she grabs her crutches and we head back to the car. “Do you want to try to walk on it?” I ask.

  “I guess I should.” My arm finds its way around her warm waist, supporting her while she puts weight on her injured ankle.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Not too bad. It’ll be nice to take a bath tonight. He said I could take it off to bathe.” Great, now all I can see is her supple little body, slick with suds. “Are we going to Mason’s?”

  “Yep. He promised food. Don’t tell him I said so, but he can grill the hell out of a steak.”

  I can feel Mason’s eyes on me while I get Macy settled into a lounger on his back patio. The sight of her in a little bikini isn’t helping my dirty thoughts. “What’s going on there, Park?” Mason asks when I grab a beer and join him by the grill.

  “She’s getting better,” I reply.

  His bright eyes study me. “Not what I meant. You haven’t left her side since she got hurt. She’s getting around without help. You don’t have to stay with her anymore.”

  A warning is implicit in his tone. “She’s afraid, having panic attacks. She shouldn’t be alone,” I defend.

  “You don’t want her getting too attached to you. It’ll be harder for her later.”

  “Get to the fucking point, Mason. What are you trying to say?”

  “Fine. I see the way she stares at you and damned if you don’t look at her the same way. She came to us for protection. Don’t fuck her. When you get bored and move on, you’ll set her back and she won’t trust us.”

  “Mason,” Alex warns, laying a hand on his arm.

  “No, let him talk. Because that’s what I do, right, Mason? I can’t count the bruised up battered women I’ve fucked and chucked.”

  His accusation pisses me off, mainly because it hits too close to home. I do want her, but not like he thinks. I want to be with her, spend time with her, not just in bed. I know I don’t have a great track record, but he has no reason to doubt me when it comes to our residents. I’ve never been inappropriate with any of them.

  Mason sighs. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. Just…be careful, okay? Don’t let her get the wrong idea.”

  “I get it,” I grumble, taking another pull from my beer.

  “Come to Hype tomorrow night. Cooper and Ian are going,” Alex offers.

  “What about you?” I ask Mason.

  “He’s whipped now.” Mason grins at Everly, and she winks at him. He’s head over heels, and I don’t blame him. Ev’s a great girl.

  “I’ll get Jensen and Devon to stay with Macy,” Mason says. “You need a break.”

  Maybe they’re right. I’ve enjoyed spending time with Macy, but I need to get out. Pick up a willing body and fuck this confusion out of my system. Mason is right about one thing. I’m always quick to move on, and a nice pair of legs wrapped around me should set my head straight and stop me obsessing over Macy. “Sure. I’ll meet you there.”

  Chapter Three


  Laughing and hanging out with Ev and Amy feels like coming home after a long miserable trip. Watching Parker get shot down by Amy when he hits on her is funny, and I laugh along with everyone else, but I also feel relieved. Jealousy. That’s what it is, when I have no right to be jealous.

  He’s been so sweet to me this week, so caring, but I need to remember it’s his job. My brain knows he doesn’t think of me that way, but my heart doesn’t give a shit. When I’m wrapped in his strong arms, I feel safe and cared for. I have to remember this is what he does. He done the same for countless women before me and will continue long after I’m gone.

  Amy jumps into the pool, all big boobs and flowing blonde locks. “Mace,” Ev says, when a frown appears on my face as Parker nearly drools on himself.


  “Parker can be a sweetheart, but he’s not the dating type.” Damn, I guess I wasn’t being very subtle.

  “I know he’s not interested in me.”

  Sympathy softens her face. “That’s not what I meant. He looks at you like he wants to eat you for breakfast or I wouldn’t be warning you. Parker’s a good guy, but he has a different woman every week. Never the same one twice.”

  Of course he’s a player. Look at him. I never stood a chance. Why the hell am I thinking about him anyway when a relationship should be the last thing on my mind? “Don’t worry, my last relationship was a catastrophe. The last thing I need is another asshole telling me what to do. I just want to see Al locked up and go back to my life.”

  “Then we’re going to go out and party until we drop.”

  Mason approaches us with a mischievous smile, and Ev scrambles to her feet, giggling.

  “Don’t even think about it!”

  “But you’re all sweaty.” Before she can run, he scoops her up and jumps into the pool with her in his arms. She plants a kiss on his lips when they emerge, then smacks his chest.


  “Love you, too, Panda.”

  Lucky bitch. His eyes nearly glow with love and admiration for her. I’d give anything for someone to look at me like that. Yeah, okay, I’m jealous again, but I’m also thrilled for my friend. Everly’s never had a family and she deserves a great guy like Mason.

  Parker unrolls a net, stringing it across the center of the pool and tosses a volleyball to Amy. “Girls against boys!” Ev calls and serves the ball before they’re ready. It splashes down on the far side of the net. “One point!”

  “Bullshit,” Parker scoffs, turning to Mason. “Your girl’s a cheater!”

  “Put down the wah-burger and serve,” Amy orders. It really is the funniest volleyball game ever. I watch for a while, then lie back with my eyes closed, soaking in the sun
and listening.

  “You should’ve caught that,” Parker scolds.

  Mason’s deep voice booms, “With my go-go gadget arms? It was closer to you!”

  “Maybe if you stop staring at my tits, you won’t miss,” Amy taunts Parker.

  “Tell your nipples to stop staring at my eyes!” Cries of “Ooohhh!” and “Eat that!” echo through the yard until finally Parker cries, “That’s game. We win. You know the rules, ladies. Losers have to strip.”

  Mason dunks him before swimming over to Ev and pinning her to the side of the pool. When Ev grabs his hand and leads him inside the house, there’s little doubt what they’re off to do.

  Amy grins. “I’m going to catch up with Ian. Sounds like he’s getting his ass kicked at pool by Cooper and Alex.” Throwing me a meaningful look, she heads to the garage, leaving me alone with Parker. She seems to be the only one not concerned if I fuck him.

  Parker flops down on the chair beside me, water still dripping from his body. I watch as a drop slips across his full lower lip to run down his stubble. “You’re sweating,” he says, interrupting my blatant ogle.

  “It’s hot.” Genius answer, Macy. Genius.

  His cool hand settles above my knee as his other unfastens my boot. “What are you doing?”

  “You can remove it to bathe, right? Then we can take it off for a few minutes for a dip in the pool.”

  “No,” I argue, trying to refasten it. “I can’t stand on it unsupported.”

  “I’ll hold you.”

  Oh, someone knock the little devil off my shoulder because I don’t have the willpower. Let him wrap me in those cool muscular arms? A no-brainer. There are no more arguments as he scoops me up and leaps into the pool. “Shit!” I gasp, cold water forcing the breath from my lungs. Deep laughter rattles his chest, and I swat his arm. “You could’ve eased me into it.”

  “Nah, that’s the pussy way.” Oh god. Don’t say pussy. “See, you’re already used to it.” He shifts me around to face him. “Can you wrap your legs around my waist?”

  Somebody help me. Trying not to react to his request, I comply, consciously resisting the urge to grind against him or hump him like a horny beagle. His eyes glow, matching the blue of the water. He walks over so I can lean against the side while he holds me. “Feel better?” he asks.

  “Feels good.” That’s an understatement. “Thanks for bringing me. It’s great to get outside again. Fourth of July and Labor Day were my favorite holidays when I was a kid.”

  His brow furrows. “That’s an odd preference.”

  “The fireworks,” I explain, dipping my head back into the water. His eyes sweep down my neck as I continue. “It’s the two times a year they shoot off the big fireworks at the river. I lived right down the street when I was a kid and I could watch them from my front yard.”

  “Halloween was my favorite. Candy and scaring the shit out of people. Awesome.” A smile lights up his face like he has a secret. “Let’s get dried off.”

  Everly and Mason return, looking more than satisfied, and the party breaks up. Everyone says their goodbyes and within minutes, I’m in Parker’s car, zooming down the highway. Huh. We’re traveling the wrong direction to go to the safe house. “Am I being kidnapped?”

  “Tempting, but I thought we’d stop by my gym. It’s closed today and I can show you around. If you’re up to it.”

  “I’d love to see your gym. Does it have a name?”

  “Reed Brothers. It belongs to me, Alex and Mason, but Alex spends more time there than us.” After parking the car, he reaches into the console and retrieves a contact case and a pair of glasses. “Give me a sec. That pool water irritated my eyes,” he explains, removing and storing his contacts before sliding the thick black framed glasses on his face. Nerd glasses.

  He looks so different in them. Too damn adorable. The man could wear googly eyes and fake wax lips and still be attractive. Stars are just becoming visible in the sky as I’m led to the door. Lights race across the ceiling at the flip of a switch, illuminating a floor of bright blue mats. My disheveled hair is revealed in a floor to ceiling mirror which runs the length of the room, and I quickly pull it back into a messy ponytail.

  “This is where we spar and practice. Classes are held here a few days per week.” His hand folds around mine and he leads me to another large room. Treadmills, steppers, and ellipticals line the walls, surrounding a bunch of weight lifting equipment.

  “I take it this is where you spend most of your time?” I tease.

  I’m almost sorry when a conceited smile tilts his lips. “Does a body good.”

  Do my body good. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me lately. I’ve never been so sexually…charged. Of course, I haven’t had the luxury of my battery operated boyfriend in weeks or even taken care of myself. As soon as he leaves me alone tonight, I’m taking care of business so I’ll stop lusting over him. “Do you give self-defense classes for women?”

  “We train women, but it’s more for competitions. I’ve been thinking of talking to Mason about converting the second level into another sparring area, but it would be ideal for a women’s basic self-defense class. Martial Arts takes years of study and practice. Not everyone has the time, discipline, or endurance to become adept. We could use a program that teaches women how to escape dangerous situations.”

  Turning his back to me, he squats and says, “Hop on for a piggyback ride.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because the stairs aren’t wide enough for your crutches. Hang on tight,” he warns, sliding his hands beneath my legs.

  “How did you and your brothers get into this line of work? Protecting women from domestic violence?” I ask as I’m carried up a narrow staircase into a room cluttered with dusty furniture and workout paraphernalia.

  The lights are dim on the second floor, but it’s bright enough to see pain flash across his face when he sets me down. “Our father killed our mother when I was eight. The system failed her as it does so many. When Mason, Alex, and I came of age we inherited enough money to start the shelter. Try to catch those who fall through the cracks.”

  His hand is in mine, and I give it a squeeze. “Well, thank you. From me and on behalf of everyone else you’ve helped.”

  Running a hand through his hair, his voice softens as he says, “If Al isn’t caught soon, you should consider letting us move you to another state. You’d still have security, but you wouldn’t be trapped inside.”

  I don’t want to leave. I love Indy, and a small stubborn part of me thinks I have a chance with Parker in the long run. When I’m back on my feet and strong again, he won’t see me as this weak pathetic person. A burden. I’ve always been strong and independent. I need to be that woman again. “I’ll think about it. At least my job can travel with me. Nowhere cold though.”

  His deep chuckle returns a smile to my face. “Indy winters are freezing.”

  “Well, if I have to uproot, it may as well be an improvement.” A sudden boom rattles the windows, making me jump.

  “We don’t have to talk about it now,” he says, grabbing a folded blanket from the sofa. “Follow me.”

  A rusty metal door leads us to the roof of the building. Long and flat, it still holds the heat of the day. Parker drags two mats from a pile in the corner and motions for me to sit. “You aren’t afraid of getting dirty are you?” he teases. Why does everything out of his mouth sound dirty?

  “Nope.” Another boom vibrates my ribs and I realize why he brought me here. We’re near the river, and the fireworks explode right above our heads. I barely notice when he sits beside me, draping the blanket around our shoulders, blocking us from the chilly wind. I’m too busy grinning like a fool at the sky, now filled with bursts of color.

  “So beautiful,” I breathe, turning my head to smile at him. His eyes fall to my mouth and my heartbeat triples. A moment of tension hangs between us, like the silent pause between an intense lightning strike and the inevitable clap of thunder y
ou know is coming, but still aren’t prepared for.

  Our first kiss doesn’t feel like our decision, but as if some outside force is drawing our lips together. My soft moan is drowned out by his throaty growl as his tongue slips in to slowly explore my mouth. His hair is fisted in my hand while I press his mouth to mine harder, diving in and kissing him like I need his air to breathe.

  “Fuck, Macy,” he murmurs, and we lie back on the mat. The weight of all that firm muscle spread over me, his soft mouth leaving little licking kisses down my neck has me gasping his name when I want to be screaming it.

  The fireworks in the sky are nothing to the ones behind my eyelids when he slides my shirt and bikini top up and sucks a nipple into his warm mouth. His fingers barely touch the waistband of my shorts when a door slams below, followed by Alex yelling, “Where the fuck are you, Park?”

  No, no, no, we were so close. “Shit,” Parker groans. “My car’s out front so he knows I’m here.” With a slightly guilty grin, he straightens my clothes and helps me up. “We’d better go downstairs.”

  I climb on his back like a chimp when he bends down. “I hate this frickin boot,” I grumble, and he laughs.

  “I’m getting accustomed to carrying you around.”

  Alex’s eyes widen when Parker lets me down at the bottom of the stairs and hands me my crutches. “Hey, what are you guys up to?” he asks, his expression revealing what he thinks we’ve been doing.

  “Watching fireworks on the roof. The hell are you doing here?”

  “Ian and Cooper are in the car. We were headed to grab a few beers, and I saw your truck, thought you might want to come.”

  “Thanks, but I’m working.” Alex smirks at the word working. “We’re leaving for the safe house.”

  “We still on for tomorrow night?” Parker nods and Alex adds, “Ten o’clock at Hype.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Alex smiles at me. I swear these brothers were born with more testosterone than normal. “Take care of that ankle, Macy. It was good to see you.”

  “You too,” I reply, feeling my cheeks heat up. I know we’re busted. My neck has to be flushed and blotchy, my lips swollen from our kisses.


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