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Until You're Mine

Page 15

by Langston, K.

When I turned the corner and saw my future staring down my past, my heart leapt in my fucking chest. My good girl had the vicious snake trapped, and the words falling from her mouth may have been spoken in anger, but they were wrapped in fucking love.

  “Archer,” The fear in her voice made my gut twist in agony. I had to get her out of here. After hearing and watching her spit venom back in Megan’s face, my cock twitched to show her and my mouth watered to tell her.


  Without a glance to Megan, I wrapped my arm around Katherine’s waist, pulling her toward the exit. “Time to go, baby,”

  Two steps later, she struck again.

  “Yes, go back to your miserable life in the sticks while I count your money, Archer. Thanks for everything by the way.”

  In the past, the treachery and vindictiveness in her voice would have me screaming mad and ready to spit nails. But today I smiled. Yes, I actually fucking smiled. It was a satisfying, relieved smile that lit my goddamn soul on fire. I looked to the source of my overwhelming happiness, finding the strength I needed to truly let her go. I was not about to give this woman one more second of my time, or Katherine’s, for that matter.

  I looked at Megan one final time, wondering how in the hell I ever loved this woman, but thanking the good Lord above I did. Because had I not…

  “Thank you,”

  “For what?” Megan spat.

  “Because of you, I know what true love really means. Because of you, I found the one. And because of you, I can fuckin’ appreciate it. ”

  With a loud and dramatic huff, Megan turned on a heel and walked away…taking with her the burden I’d carried for so many years.

  Good fucking riddance.

  I didn’t even wait for Megan to turn the corner before I pounced. My mouth devoured hers and we were all tongue and hands and desperate hungry breaths. “God, I love your mouth.” I confessed against her lips. “I love your mind,” I added. “But most of all,” I stopped all movement. “I love your fuckin’ heart.”

  “Archer,” she breathed, clasping at my neck.

  “Yes, baby,”

  “Take me home,”

  “With fuckin’ pleasure,”

  My grandmother used to say, time flies when you’re in love. And she was right. The next several months had flown by, and for the first time in my life, I was willing time to slow down. I wanted to savor these moments, and my incredible life with her.

  Immediately upon returning from Vegas, Katherine moved in. The sun rose and fell with her. She had to be the one I made love to in the morning, and the one I fucked goodnight. Anything else was not an option.

  She wholeheartedly agreed.

  Some days I can hardly believe I survived without her. Her sacred kiss and soothing touch were the only two luxuries I needed in my life anymore. Oh, and the beautiful secret she was now carrying. The knowledge that my baby, our child, was growing inside of her made my heart ache with so much fucking love. It’s true, love hurts…

  Hurts so fucking good.

  I took another sip of my beer, looking around the decorated back yard. Katherine had planned a surprise party for my birthday. I don’t know how the hell she pulled it off without me knowing. I’d been spending more time at home with her over the last few weeks, allowing Cannon, of all people, to take on more responsibility at the bar. Still, I had no clue until I arrived back here two hours ago from a Grizzlies game with Holden.

  “So who’s the pussy now, huh?” Holden and his relentless teasing had been nonstop for months now. I had to give him credit. He gave as good as he got.

  Reluctantly looking away from the love of my life, I arched one brow. “That all you got?”

  Holden grinned around the rim of his bottle. “So when are you handin’ over the rest of your nuts?”


  “Soon huh? Well, don’t wait too long…she might realize what an asshole you are and kick you to the curb.”

  “She already knows. That’s why she loves me, shithead.”

  Laughing, he slapped the back of my shoulder. “Happy Birthday, asshole.”

  “Thanks pussy.”

  Blessed are the hearts that can bend;

  they shall never be broken.

  ~Albert Camus

  The summer sun hung high in the cloudless sky as it burned its last remaining light. Red and white paper lanterns hung from the trees surrounding the dance floor while Reckless Heart sang We Were Us. After weeks of planning, all of my hard work had paid off. Archer was definitely surprised. The look on his face was priceless.

  “He still looks at you like he wants to eat you alive, it used to be kinda creepy, but now I think it’s kinda hot,” Maddie said, nudging me with her elbow.

  My wanderlust mind drifted back to this morning when he told me where he was taking me, right before he fucked me on the kitchen counter and then made love to me in our bed.

  Maddie waved her hand in front of my face, interrupting my day dream. “Hello! What the hell is with you? You’ve been actin’ so weird lately,”

  It was killing me not to tell her, but Archer and I had both agreed that waiting until after the first trimester would be for the best. We were enjoying not having to share our little secret with anyone else just yet. Archer was over the moon about becoming a father and terribly cute about the whole thing. I was so scared when I found out. When we’d broached the subject of children before, we’d both agreed that we wanted kids, we just never discussed when. Well, fate had decided it was time and we just rolled with it.

  Of course, he made me quit work immediately. I’d had terrible morning sickness since I found out, and he’s been falling hand over foot to cater to my every need since. I told him this would raise red flags, and of course, it did. Maddie had become a vulture, pecking away at me daily for answers. She didn’t buy the fact that I just wanted to stay home and take care of my man and our home.

  “I’m onto you. Something’s up, I just haven’t figure it out yet.”

  Diverting the attention from myself, I nodded toward Cannon and Cora. “What’s up with that?”

  “I have no clue. I’ve been askin’ Holden the same thing, but he’s just as clueless. I don’t know why she would waste her time with that Neanderthal.” Maddie scoffed, shaking her head.

  “He’s not so bad. Just misunderstood, I think.” I took a sip of my bottled water.

  “Well, she’s been through a lot. Between her brother and her mother, I’m surprised she’s not strung out somewhere hookin’ it on the streets. I can’t tell you how many times that poor girl has cried on my desk.”

  “I know. I feel so bad for her,”

  Holden stepped up next to Maddie, placing his beer bottle on the table in front of her. The band switched gears, playing the first chords of All Your Life as he reached for her hand. Kissing her knuckles, he pulled her from the seat. “Dance with me, babe.”

  Maddie beamed up at me before looking down at me. “I’ll be back,”

  With a nod, I turned my attention to the birthday boy, holding my breath as he walked toward me. Now that I was pregnant, my appetite for him was even more insatiable. I wasn’t sure if it was the hormones, or the fact that he’d given me everything I’d ever dreamed of and more.

  Kneeling down next to me, he took my hand in his and kissed the inside of my wrist. “I’m ready for all of these people to leave so I can thank you for my gift.”

  I stroked his hair, and brushed my hand along the stubble of his jaw. “But I haven’t even given you your birthday gift yet.”

  His gaze locked with mine, shimmering with unimaginable love and adoration. “All I need is right here,” He placed his hand on the tiny bump of my belly, rubbing back and forth affectionately. “And what I see lookin’ back at me,”

  Tears of joy burned my eyes and my heart flooded with so much warmth and love for this man. “God, I love you,”

  With his hand cupping the back of my neck, he held my lips to his. “I love you too, baby. “So fuckin�

  Those who don’t belive in

  magic will never find it

  ~Roald Dahl

  The lights of the Eiffel Tower shimmered like tiny crystals against the star sprinkled sky, and the French music that Archer had discovered in the room only added to the romance in the air. The day had been perfect, but the night had been magical.

  His hands caressed the silk of my white gown as he pressed his body against mine, nuzzling my exposed neck. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today, Mrs. Brooks,”

  “Several times, but I never grow tired of hearing you say it.” I twisted around in his arms. Tiny hairs that had escaped the loose bun at the base of my neck tickled my face as the wind whipped around us, fiercely stirring our love and desire for one another. His face glowed and his green eyes sparkled like emerald jewels, reflecting the lights of the tower. Archer pressed the hardness of his cock into my pelvis, swaying back and forth to the music.

  “This is the happiest day of my life.”

  “I feel like I’m dreaming. This can’t be real.”

  He gave his hips a gentle thrust, igniting every cell in my body. “This…is real baby. I can assure you of that.”

  Inhaling a deep breath, I buried my face into his chest. “I love you,”

  “I love you too, baby. Wake up,”

  My mind desperately tried to hold on, but with the feel of Archer pressed up against my backside and his hand caressing my swollen belly, I was pulled away from my perfect dream.

  I huffed in irritation. “Good dream?” he chuckled.

  “Yes, and you ruined it.”

  His hand slid beneath the covers, gliding through my aching wet flesh. “Fuck baby, it was a good dream. Tell me.”

  I rolled over to face him, his dark green eyes dancing with wonder and desire. It had been the best two weeks of my life.

  I moved my hands to his chest and the sunlight streaming from the window flickered against the ring on my left finger. I couldn’t breathe. My head spun and I felt dizzy. My gaping mouth refused any and all air.

  Lifting my hand to his mouth, he kissed the ring that he’d somehow snuck on my finger while I was sleeping. The chocolate stone was cradled by diamonds, encrusting the band on both sides. It was the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. Tears stung my eyes and a smile replaced my open mouth.

  “It matches your eyes.” He smiled and it could have melted the diamond right off my finger.

  The air returned to my lungs. “It’s so beautiful Archer. I love it.”

  “So it’s a yes then?”

  “Well,” I continued admiring my gorgeous ring, wondering how on earth I could be any happier than I was in this moment. “You haven’t asked me anything yet.”

  “C’mon, if I’m gonna do this, I wanna do it right dammit.”

  My silk gown fell to my feet as I rose from the bed to follow him out onto the terrace. I squinted against the dawning sun and tears formed in my eyes when he knelt down before me on both knees. The Eiffel Tower in the distance painted the perfect romantic scene. One that I’d dreamed about all my life. Holding my hands in his, he gazed up at me with so much love and adoration…it had me falling to my knees.

  “See, this is why I love you so goddamn much. I had this all planned out and you just came along and…change everything.” The moment could not be any more perfect. “Katherine Elaine, I want you to be mine forever, because a day short of forever will never be enough. Will you please make me the happiest motherfucker in the world and be my wife?”

  Tears streamed down my face as I wrapped my arms around him. Was it possible to die from too much happiness? If so, I would gladly leave this earth right now a very happy woman.

  “Yes,” I breathed into his neck.

  Pushing me back, his hands cupped my face. “Told ya you would say yes,”

  Before I could object, his lips covered mine. Kissing me so tender and sweet, conveying his love with each gentle swipe of his tongue. I was reminded of what I knew all along, love changes everything.

  Rising to his feet, he helped me up. With a quick scoop, I was in his arms and carried to the bed. He pulled the nightgown from my heated body. “Pretty soon, you won’t be able to do that,” I said, crawling into bed.

  Archer removed his jeans, positioning his naked body between my legs. Resting on his haunches, he raised one foot to his mouth. “Baby, you will never be too big to fit inside my arms.” He planted a wet kiss on my instep, sparking goose bumps to life across my body. “I can’t believe he’ll be here in four months,” He said, smiling down at my ever changing body.

  Archer had said he didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl as long as the baby was healthy. But when the doctor told us we would have a son, you couldn’t wipe the smile off of his proud face. He was a completely different man than the one I fell in love with, and that made me love him even more.

  Archer fisted his cock before sliding inside my welcoming body. Cradling my face in his hands, he looked deep into my eyes. “I promise to love you hard,” he growled with a rough thrust. “And soft,” he whispered, dragging in and out of me slowly. “But most of all,” He kissed me, his hands and lips conveying his deep love for me, branding my heart and soul once more. “I promise to love you forever,” Tears ran from the corners of my eyes. He licked them sweetly before kissing me again. “All of you, baby. Mine,”

  And while he made love to me, in a luxurious suite fit for a king and queen, the young girl that still lived in my heart could not ignore the resounding words I’d always longed for.

  They lived happily ever after.

  Please continue reading for a sneak peek at Chapter 1 of When You’re Mine (Mine #3)

  Thank you so much for reading Until You’re Mine.

  E, as you know I could not have done any of this without your continued love and support. Thank you for all of your “inspiration”!!

  I love you more than anything, babe. Always.

  L & C, thanks for letting mama work in peace and for pulling me away when you needed my attention. I love you both so very much and thank GOD every day for blessing me with two amazing children.

  Mom and Dad, thanks for letting bum the WiFi, and for loving my babies when I had my head stuck in the story. Your love and support mean more than you will ever know.

  Randi, Kelly, Dustin, thank you for all of your love and support. You are the best sisters and brother in the whole wide world. Love you all tons.

  Shelbi, where the hell would I be without you? You are the only one who truly understands what is going on in this crazy ass head of mine. You have been there from the beginning and I will never be able to thank you enough for all you do. Thank you for pushing me and for being patient and understanding when I pushed back. We got this!!

  Lisa, you have encouraged me, pushed me and been there for me when I needed you most. Thank you for always being there and giving me the truth even when I didn’t want to hear it. We did it girl…we are living our plan B!!!!

  Rene, my best friend, my sista, thank you for believing in me. I love you gul.

  Khym, you know how much I love my cocoa butta. Thanks for being a true friend and encouraging me to follow my dream.

  Alissa, you are an amazing PA and I don’t have a damn clue what I did before you or what I would do without you. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication and for believing in me. You’re the best!

  Sofie, you are such an amazing and gifted writer. I absolutely adore you and am honored to call you my hooker ho and friend. Thank you for giving it to me straight when no one else would.

  Trish, you make me laugh daily whether we’re talking about books or…you know what we talk about in those PMs, you always put a smile on my face. Thank you for giving me the feedback and encouragement I needed to make this book better. HOLLA!!!

  Amy, thank you for all of your advice and word of encouragement. And for loaning me Colton when I was feeling blue. You’re the best stabby bird in the whole wide world.

>   Tracy, thank you for loving Archer’s dirty mouth as much as I do and making his filthy words look pretty. You are such an amazing woman and friend.

  Dani, I can never thank you enough for all your hard work and continued support. I can’t wait to hug your neck and thank you personally in Denton. Drinks on me!!!

  Betas: Bobbie Jo, Trish, Rene, Tracy, Khymyanna, Sofie, Kelly, Shelbi, thank you all so much for loving these characters as much as I do. Thank you all for your feedback and pushing me to dig deeper and write better.

  Street Team: I love each and every one of you pimpin’ bitches. Thank you so much for your continued love and support. Your endorsement of my work means the world to me and I can never thank you enough.

  MINE Group: I love all of you sweet ladies. Thank you all so much for your love and support.

  DG Group: You ladies know who you are. I don’t know what I would do without this group or the amazing women in it. You make me feel normal. Love you all so damn much.

  #FYW: Thank you ladies for all of your words of encouragement and for being my “go to” when I didn’t have a clue.

  HUGE thanks to Ari at Cover It! Designs for making my covers look amazing and to Tami at Integrity Formatting for making my words looks so pretty.

  Bloggers: Without you, no one would know who the hell I was. Thank you all so much for sharing and pimping me and my work. I am eternally grateful for all you do.

  Special thanks to the following bloggers for their constant love and support:

  Just Booked

  Books, Coffee & Wine

  Two Crazy Girls with a Passion for Books

  Schmexy Girl Book Blog

  A Book Whore’s Obsession

  A Lust for Reading

  Scandalous Book Blog

  Author Stalkers

  Abbey’s Book Blog

  The Book Enthusiast

  Swoon Worthy Book Blog

  Last but certainly not least to my readers & followers: thank you all so much for your continued love and support. You amaze me daily with your words of encouragement and inspire me to be a better writer.


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