Book Read Free

Three Questions

Page 25

by Meagan Adele Lopez

  Met him. You’re fit. Wish you were here. Guy x

  Butterflies, caterpillars, frogs and ladybugs are all making their way through my stomach. My cheeks feel hot. I trace his words with my finger, once, twice until I can’t take it anymore. There is another bubble-wrapped envelope. I twitch with anticipation. I need scissors for this one and carefully cut it open. Inside is a blue and white beaded bracelet with a note attached:

  I had this made for you by a Maasi tribesman while I was in Zanzibar. It’s a prosperity bracelet, made to bring peace, luck and good fortune to all that wear it. Hope you like it.

  Guy x

  P.S. If you don’t like it, you are supposed to hang it behind your door for the same effect. (i.e. don’t wear it!)

  I hold the bracelet above my head and flop onto my back on the bed. I reread the notes and bring them both to my lips.

  He had a bracelet made for me. For me?

  The design is intricate diamonds and the colors my favorite, royal blue and white. I undo the clasp and test the size on my tiny wrists. It’s rare that a bracelet fits my wrist, they usually slip right off. This one perches perfectly.

  I imagine Guy sitting next to the Maasi, telling him what colors to use and arranging the pattern, the heat of the sun darkening the back of his neck – and all for me. How could he possibly think I wouldn’t like it?

  The phone rings. The numbers are spoken out by the automated voice. It’s David. He’s here.

  In my revelry, I forgot that I have a date tonight. There’s no way I can sit through a date after my talk with the old man and this package. Then again, feigning sickness is out of the question. Tess would catch wind of my lies and I don’t want to be on bad terms with her. Guilt overwhelms me.

  Guy is the only one that I want to be with and to think I could replace him or distract myself was foolish.

  I resolve to face David in person.

  I run outside. David is waiting in his black BMW, tinted windows closed. He is still looking at his phone when I approach his car, probably sending me a text message. I tap on the window and he jumps. He smiles lightly when he realizes it’s me. A whiff of evergreen trees wafts towards me as the window is lowered – way too much cologne.

  “Almost didn’t recognize you out of work mode,” he says. I can’t help but stare at his long nose and thin lips – nothing like Guy’s.

  “Oh. Just threw something on.” I try to be modest.

  “Hop in.” David takes his work papers off his passenger’s seat. I hesitate.

  “Here’s the thing. Um.” I didn’t figure out what I was going to say before I came out. Now I’m at a loss for words. Then it comes to me. “Samantha, my best friend, she desperately needs me. Really bad problems. I’m so sorry to have you come all the way here. She just called me and I’ve never heard her sound so hysterical.”

  I hate lying, but this is the only thing I can think of without hurting his feelings. He grips the steering wheel tighter and nods. I know he drove all the way from Malibu to pick me up, but I just can’t bear to have him take me out. After I plead with my eyes and apologize profusely, he seems to forgive me.

  “This really sucks, but you gotta be a good friend, right? Just wish I had known sooner. Had a great evening planned. Guess the private concert will have to wait….” He glances up at me to measure my expression.

  “Private…” I say, but hold back my obvious glee. I don’t want him to see my surprise. “So sorry.”

  “Alright then. If not tonight, when?”

  “When?” I say. I want to gulp but refrain.

  “When can I take you out again?” My reluctance is obvious when I don’t answer right away and he nods his head. “You don’t want to see me at all, do you?” David pegs me to a wall. I don’t know what to say and play with my new bracelet. His tiny lips shrink even further into a straight line. “I see. A phone call would have been nice. Unbelievable.” He stares straight forward and throws the car into drive. I am just barely able to step back to get out of the way.

  He is gone.

  I take a deep breath and sigh. This didn’t feel good at all. It’s all so confusing, but I couldn’t go out with him. I would have felt even worse – like I was cheating on Guy somehow. I decide there and then that I wouldn’t hold it against Guy if he went on dates while traveling, but I wasn’t going to let myself.

  Let all the ugly women of the world transcend on Africa at once.

  Saturday, July 5th, 2008

  Hello mister mystery man,

  How is the rest of Egypt going?

  You’re probably looking at Pharaohs right about now. Is your knowledge of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics coming in handy?

  Tess joined me here in Aspen yesterday. She needed me to drive her car from LA for her so she’d have it while she vacationed the next month. It was actually my idea.

  I figured it would be cheaper for them than renting a car for the duration, and plus, it gave me a chance to be paid to do a road trip. Only problem was I got here two days before Tess did to set up the beds, etc. - which is why I was alone in the house with her father-in-law.

  Charlie and Olive (my godfather and his wife) drove with me up here since Charlie grew up in Colorado and wanted to see a bit of it. We originally thought we were going to be driving Tess’s Lexus, but her husband wasn’t comfortable with that, so instead we got the nanny’s car - the Subaru station wagon. All three of us could barely fit in there with all our luggage and Tess’s, but the drive up through Utah, Nevada and finally Colorado was well worth it.

  Absolutely the most stunning landscapes of rock formations, desert and mountains.

  I’m sure it’s nothing compared to Egypt, but it is amazing how much you tend to take your own country for granted. I am lucky to live here. Would be even luckier if you were with me.

  Wish you were here.

  Found a chance to escape from the house and am sitting in a Starbucks in the town center. I really wanted to sit in a quaint local coffee shop, but the first one barely had Wi-Fi, and the second one I tried, the people in it were really rude and didn’t accept credit cards. So I opted for high speed Starbucks and a triple grande soy latte.

  I have to get some boring spreadsheets finished and sent out, but it’s nice to be in an atmosphere rather than the stuffy house with Tess’s father-in-law. He is about 75 and recovering from cancer - old, frail, bitter and ill - not a good combo. Although, I have to admit, he’s a lot nicer than Tess made him out to be.

  I thought he would hate me but he seems to not mind a bit of idle chitchat. To be honest, he seems to crave it. I have a hunch that he gets ignored regularly for the reasons mentioned above. Must be lonely to grow old alone.

  Their house overlooks all of Aspen. Charlie and Olive are staying on South Galena Street, right under the ski lifts (not that there’s any skiing going on) in a hotel. The house I’m in is on Red Mountain, and is off Main Street and up, up, up overlooking the town center. It’s nestled on the cliff with a glass balcony. The smell is overwhelming - must, fir trees and aging wood.

  The women here are all cloaked in generic designer labels, handbags clutched at the elbows, feet covered in nothing lower than three-inch heels – it must be the go-to place for retired Hollywood folk. The men sport more makeup than the women do, comb-overs abound. Not a single unmanicured hand. I swear I saw Paul Newman yesterday - but he’s dead, so couldn’t be.

  Woke up at 6 a.m. this morning and took a hike near the house - came across a huge meadow after walking for thirty minutes through the woods with mud all around. As soon as I came around the bend, it was as if the sun decided to pop out right at that moment. I pictured fairies and nymphs serenading me, it felt so magical.

  Was just nice to be in nature and out of a big city. We used to go skiing in Breckenridge, Colorado when I was little, so am glad to be back. It’s just strange being in a mountain town in the middle of summer. Feels like snow should be around me.

  You’ve inspired me to be a bit more adven
turous. So, on the fourth of July, I had a day off work. I went white water rafting by myself for the first time ever. I was in a group of seven others – mostly made up of one blonde family built from pure muscle. Their rowing steadied my heartbeat. I barely noticed the trees passing by so quickly, but the smell of the water hit my nose and I was unable to answer the guide’s inane question. So inane I can’t remember what it was!

  I mean, it’s not exactly a matter of life or death like your white water rafting was, but it was exciting. And I immediately wanted to board the boat again. I’m trying to find what else I can do. Any suggestions?

  Ah. Chicago.

  This whole trip to Chicago has all been so built up in my mind and among my friends, and I’m scared that it could never truly be as good as maybe I hope it will be. I try to not have expectations, but it’s so hard! I’ve met other guys on vacation for one night. I’ve met people who I thought at the time were perfect for me, but usually when I went home and that feeling went away within a week. It hasn’t with you, and I don’t know what that means.

  All I know is that I really need to see you again. I don’t care if I sound desperate at this point.

  I can’t sleep at night, and work is impossible to accomplish, but I can’t wait either. These last four months have been the longest four months I’ve ever experienced. I’m not afraid that we won’t get along, because I know we will. If it’s nothing more than friends, at least I’ve met a really great person in my life.

  Chelsea isn’t doing so hot - her grandmother passed away, and I think that pushed her over the edge. They were very close. She’s been drinking a lot lately, and I’m not quite sure what to do.

  Miles hasn’t been in touch with her either, which probably doesn’t help - then again, it’s probably for the best that he doesn’t stir the pot right now. I just wish I could be there in Baltimore with her.

  All right, so I’ve waited to send this message until they got back to me. They needed to discuss it over, but in just ten minutes they called me back.

  The play still wants me! I was very close to calling off Chicago because of this play I just got into. Instead, I’m going for something I haven’t had in my life before – a chance to find someone special. (smile)

  They say as long as I have all my lines memorized, they’re not worried about this trip affecting my performance. The director said that I’m the only person they can imagine playing this role. How amazing is that?

  So, the only way the play affects our time together is that you’ll have to help me learn my lines. That may or may not involve a kissing scene…and I need a lot of practice for that scene in particular….

  Here are my answers. I’m too wound up right now to focus on anything else around the house.

  1. I think I would go with knowing the day I would die rather than being in the dark. It’s always better to know the truth, is it not? But then the fear and panic of knowing the date of your death is approaching could become unbearable - so maybe God or whoever is up there didn’t want us to know for a reason. But I would still probably go with knowing…

  2. If I were suddenly blind, the idea of a perfect boyfriend wouldn’t change, but I probably wouldn’t have stopped at the Ghost bar when I saw you either - then again, it was more to do with what I heard coming out of your mouth then what you looked like, per se. Yeah, it wouldn’t change all that much (I don’t think). I’m really picky when it comes to someone’s personality. Finding someone good looking is easy compared to finding someone with a good personality.

  3. I’ve always liked Mercedes. I find them sexy, classy and with enough security to make you feel at ease. My favorite one is a Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren.

  Hope to hear from you soon.

  Del x x

  Tuesday, 8 July, 2008

  Morning to you oh American one!

  Such a lovely email from you to wake up to.

  The things happening don’t sound particularly lovely for Chelsea, poor girl. Bless her. Please send Chelsea my condolences on her grandmother. I really do feel so sorry for her.

  Miles hasn’t been in touch with me either really, so I don’t know what’s going on. He’s not really one to believe in long distance relationships, but like you said, it sounds like it’s best if they aren’t in touch at this point. Might make things more difficult.

  But I am so pleased about your play. I have to admit, you gave me quite a scare when you went on about not being able to make it. You had me worried. I seriously think my heart fell out of my chest for a moment.

  Of course I can help you with your lines. I can’t promise to be a good actor, but if the scenes are anything like you are describing, then it sounds like I won’t have to work too hard at the acting part. I’ll only help you on one condition, that’s that I can watch you in it afterwards.

  Also, what day are you leaving me now that you got the part in the play? Just so I know. (I don’t want you to go and you’re not even here yet).

  Aspen sounds gorgeous. I’m sure the old man appreciates your company. What old man wouldn’t like you at his side? I know I would.

  Are you back yet? How was the rest of your trip? Glad you enjoyed the white water rafting. Can’t say I enjoyed my experience of being thrown out of the boat, but I don’t think many people would. Perhaps our adventure in Chicago will entail some outdoor adventures as well?

  I have to admit that a certain lady was never far from my mind whilst I was in Africa either. I don’t think you realise how much I am looking forward to seeing you again as well.

  I am back safe and sound in the UK. Only for a few days admittedly before the States beckons but it’s nice nonetheless. Got back two days ago, but it’s been chaos trying to figure out the internet at my parents. They just got wireless, but hadn’t set it up yet. Took me until now to get it working, and it’s now late afternoon on Tuesday.

  Hopefully you got my quick note the other day from my iPhone? Wanted to make sure you knew I hadn’t forgotten you.

  Tell you what - it has been nice to wear some different clothes to the five t-shirts and two shirts I’ve been lumbered with for the last three months. Went for a run yesterday (a cool three miles) and felt OK after, but did the same run today and now I can’t feel my thighs. Maybe you can help me out with that? God, I’m unfit. Having not seen rain for almost four months, it’s almost a pleasure to see it. But, it’s literally raining at the speed and volume of a switched-on tap (or faucet as you would say). Nice. Had thunder and lightening last night too.

  Sat here in front of telly watching Peppa Pig with the nieces, trying to chill, but my sis is around and the nieces are causing havoc. Man they’ve grown up. Nice to be back, shattered and starving, but good ole mum is cooking a roast. Good ole Guv.

  So Cape Town was awesome, Egypt sweltering and Jordan a pleasure (top food).

  Managed to get my iPhone all the way around Africa with no troubles, scratches, chips, etc., then get out of the car (parents picked me up) back home, and it tumbles to the floor. It bounces a little and lands face down on the driveway. Superficial damage, I am pleased to report, but maybe that was fate telling me why travellers shouldn’t have iPhones.

  Just began to sort my stuff for the States, seems weird having only been back for such a short time, but I’m sure once I’m back on the plane, I’ll jump straight back into travel mode.

  Have some things to talk about for Chicago. Boring stuff:

  Have checked different hotels for five different days and prices. Have a few other sites to check, and my mate at Expedia is helping out, but have exhausted most options. The Allerton (the one we discussed originally) is the best value given the location I think? If you’re happy with that hotel, then I’ll sort it when I get over there. There’s also the James…let me know what you think.

  The Cubs tickets are now available from pick-up at Wrigley Field. Now, just have to get there. Not the greatest seats, i.e. top shelf, but they’re tickets nonetheless. Hope they’ll suffice…?

Africa done, very much looking forward to America ahead of me. First round of questions from England then.

  1. Lose your arms or your legs?

  2. Why do you trust me enough to come to Chicago and be with me?

  3. Are you nervous at all to come meet me next week?

  Cheerio for now. I’m being beckoned by the nieces and the Guv.

  Toodle pip! Speak soon.

  Guy x x x

  Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

  Good evening Guy!

  Of course I can help you with your sore thighs! But that’s it - just the thighs ;)

  Rehearsals started yesterday, and you won’t be happy with the scene we start work on this weekend. It’s the one you’re going to help me practice on. They want us to get it down before we go. Don’t worry though, he shaves his legs and has long hair…both VERY big turn-offs for me. The actors seem talented though, which is always a plus.

  If I remember correctly, you had some theater training somewhere in your past, did you not? I want to see those acting chops. And, I suppose that I might allow you to come watch the play. Don’t know yet. Will have to make sure it’s good first.

  Yes, that’s right. Next week, we will meet again. Unbelievable. The time has gone by so quickly. (Total and utter lie. Not even sure why I bothered writing that. Must be that scotch and water I just drank – kidding.)

  I’m so impressed you were able to keep in touch so well while you traveled. More than impressed - shocked really. You did actually do what you said you would. That’s a rarity in the male species - you’re an enigma.

  Hope you enjoyed your time with your nieces. What is Peppa Pig anyway? Never heard of it.

  With regards to Chicago, I’ve taken another look at the Allerton Hotel, and it really looks fantastic. So, go ahead and book it. Also, thank you for getting those Cubs tickets. I promise to buy the beers, pretzels and hot dogs, how’s that for a fair trade?


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