The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
Page 7
productivity growth
Previous ten- year average LP growth
Previous ten- year average TFP growth
Previous ten- year average TFPua
R- squared
Note: Standard errors in parentheses.
***Signifi cant at the 1 percent level.
**Signifi cant at the 5 percent level.
*Signifi cant at the 10 percent level.
Table 1.2
Regressions with standard errors clustered by decade
Total factor
Ten- year average productivity growth
Utilization- adjusted
(SEs clustered by decade)
productivity growth
Previous ten- year average LP growth
Previous ten- year average TFP growth
Previous ten- year average TFPua
R- squared
Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***Signifi cant at the 1 percent level.
**Signifi cant at the 5 percent level.
*Signifi cant at the 10 percent level.
Artifi cial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox 35
Fig 1.5 Labor productivity growth scatterplot
Fig. 1.6 Total factor productivity growth scatterplot
faster growth in the following decade. In the TFP growth regression, the
R 2 is 0.023, and again the coeffi
cient on the previous period’s growth is insig-
nifi cant. Similar patterns hold in the utilization- adjusted TFP regression
( R 2 of 0.03). The lack of explanatory power of past productivity growth is
also apparent in the scatterplots (see fi gures 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7).
The old adage that “past performance is not predictive of future results”
applies well to trying to predict productivity growth in the years to come,
36 Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, and Chad Syverson
Fig. 1.7 Utilization- adjusted total factor productivity growth scatterplot
especially in periods of a decade or longer. Historical stagnation does not
justify forward- looking pessimism.
1.5 A Technology- Driven Case for Productivity Optimism
Simply extrapolating recent productivity growth rates forward is not a
good way to estimate the next decade’s productivity growth. Does that imply
we have no hope at all of predicting productivity growth? We don’t think so.
Instead of relying only on past productivity statistics, we can consider
the technological and innovation environment we expect to see in the near
future. In particular, we need to study and understand the specifi c technolo-
gies that actually exist and make an assessment of their potential.
One does not have to dig too deeply into the pool of existing technologies
or assume incredibly large benefi ts from any one of them to make a case
that existing but still nascent technologies can potentially combine to create
noticeable accelerations in aggregate productivity growth. We begin by look-
ing at a few specifi c examples. We will then make the case that AI is a GPT,
with broader implications.
First, let’s consider the productivity potential of autonomous vehicles.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2016 there were
3.5 million people working in private industry as “motor vehicle operators”
of one sort or another (this includes truck drivers, taxi drivers, bus driv-
ers, and other similar occupations). Suppose autonomous vehicles were to
reduce, over some period, the number of drivers necessary to do the current
workload to 1.5 million. We do not think this is a far- fetched scenario given
the potential of the technology. Total nonfarm private employment in mid-
Artifi cial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox 37
2016 was 122 million. Therefore, autonomous vehicles would reduce the
number of workers necessary to achieve the same output to 120 million. This
would result in aggregate labor productivity (calculated using the standard
BLS nonfarm private series) increasing by 1.7 percent (122/ 120 = 1.017).
Supposing this transition occurred over ten years, this single technology
would provide a direct boost of 0.17 percent to annual productivity growth
over that decade.
This gain is signifi cant, and it does not include many potential productiv-
ity gains from complementary changes that could accompany the diff usion
of autonomous vehicles. For instance, self- driving cars are a natural comple-
ment to transportation- as-a- service rather than individual car ownership.
The typical car is currently parked 95 percent of the time, making it readily
available for its owner or primary user (Morris 2016). However, in locations
with suffi
cient density, a self- driving car could be summoned on demand.
This would make it possible for cars to provide useful transportation services
for a larger fraction of the time, reducing capital costs per passenger- mile,
even after accounting for increased wear and tear. Thus, in addition to the
obvious improvements in labor productivity from replacing drivers, capital
productivity would also be signifi cantly improved. Of course, the speed of
adoption is important for estimation of the impact of these technologies.
Levy (2018) is more pessimistic, suggesting in the near term that long dis-
tance truck driver jobs will grow about 2 percent between 2014 and 2024.
This is 3 percent less (about 55,000 jobs in that category) than they would
have grown without autonomous vehicle technology and about 3 percent of
total employment of long distance truck drivers. A second example is call
centers. As of 2015, there were about 2.2 million people working in more
than 6,800 call centers in the United States, and hundreds of thousands more
work as home- based call center agents or in smaller sites.11 Improved voice-
recognition systems coupled with intelligence question- answering tools like
IBM’s Watson might plausibly be able to handle 60– 70 percent or more of
the calls, especially since, in accordance with the Pareto principle, a large
fraction of call volume is due to variants on a small number of basic queries.
If AI reduced the number of workers by 60 percent, it would increase US
productivity by 1 percent, perhaps again spread over ten years. Again,
this would likely spur complementary innovations, from shopping recom-
mendation and travel services to legal advice, consulting, and real- time per-
sonal coaching. Relatedly, citing advances in AI- assisted customer service,
Levy (2018) projects zero growth in customer service representatives from
2014 to 2024 (a diff erence of 260,000 jobs from BLS projections).
Beyond labor savings, advances in AI have the potential to boost total
factor productivity. In particular, energy effi
ciency and materials usage
could be improved in many large- scale industrial plants. For instance, a
11. https:// info .siteselectiongroup .com / blog / how - big - is - the - us - call - center - industry
- compared - to-india- and- philippines.
38 Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, and Chad Syverson
team from Google DeepMind recently trained an ensemble of neural net-
works to optimize power consumption in a data center. By carefully track-
ing the data already collected from thousands of sensors tracking tempera-
tures, electricity usage, and pump speeds, the system learned how to make
adjustments in the operating parameters. As a result, the AI was able to
reduce the amount of energy used for cooling by 40 percent compared to
the levels achieved by human experts. The algorithm was a general- purpose
framework designed to account complex dynamics, so it is easy to see how
such a system could be applied to other data centers at Google, or indeed,
around the world. Overall, data center electricity costs in the United States
are about $6 billion per year, including about $2 billion just for cooling.12
What’s more, similar applications of machine learning could be imple-
mented in a variety of commercial and industrial activities. For instance,
manufacturing accounts for about $2.2 trillion of value added each year.
Manufacturing companies like GE are already using AI to forecast product
demand, future customer maintenance needs, and analyze performance data
coming from sensors on their capital equipment. Recent work on training
deep neural network models to perceive objects and achieve sensorimotor
control have at the same time yielded robots that can perform a variety
of hand- eye coordination tasks (e.g., unscrewing bottle caps and hanging
coat hangers; Levine et al., [2016]). Liu et al. (2017) trained robots to per-
form a number of household chores, like sweeping and pouring almonds
into a pan, using a technique called imitation learning.13 In this approach,
the robot learns to perform a task using a raw video demonstration of what
it needs to do. These techniques will surely be important for automating
manufacturing processes in the future. The results suggest that artifi cial
intelligence may soon improve productivity in household production tasks
as well, which in 2010 were worth as much as $2.5 trillion in nonmarket
value added (Bridgman et al. 2012).14
Although these examples are each suggestive of nontrivial productivity
gains, they are only a fraction of the set of applications for AI and machine
learning that have been identifi ed so far. James Manyika et al. (2017) ana-
lyzed 2,000 tasks and estimated that about 45 percent of the activities that
people are paid to perform in the US economy could be automated using
existing levels of AI and other technologies. They stress that the pace of
12. According to personal communication, August 24, 2017, with Jon Koomey, Arman
Shehabi, and Sarah Smith of Lawrence Berkeley Lab.
13. Videos of these eff orts available here: https:// sites .google .com / site / imitationfrom observation/.
14. One factor that might temper the aggregate impact of AI- driven productivity gains is if product demand for the sectors with the largest productivity AI gains is suffi
ciently inelastic.
In this case, these sectors’ shares of total expenditure will shrink, shifting activity toward slower- growing sectors and muting aggregate productivity growth à la Baumol and Bowen
(1966). It is unclear what the elasticities of demand are for the product classes most likely to be aff ected by AI.
Artifi cial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox 39
automation will depend on factors other than technical feasibility, including
the costs of automation, regulatory barriers, and social acceptance.
1.6 Artifi cial Intelligence Is a General Purpose Technology
As important as specifi c applications of AI may be, we argue that the
more important economic eff ects of AI, machine learning, and associated
new technologies stem from the fact that they embody the characteristics
of general purpose technologies (GPTs). Bresnahan and Trajtenberg (1996)
argue that a GPT should be pervasive, able to be improved upon over time,
and be able to spawn complementary innovations.
The steam engine, electricity, the internal combustion engine, and com-
puters are each examples of important general purpose technologies. Each
of them increased productivity not only directly, but also by spurring impor-
tant complementary innovations. For instance, the steam engine not only
helped to pump water from coal mines, its most important initial appli-
cation, but also spurred the invention of more eff ective factory machinery
and new forms of transportation like steamships and railroads. In turn,
these coinventions helped give rise to innovations in supply chains and mass
marketing, to new organizations with hundreds of thousands of employees,
and even to seemingly unrelated innovations like standard time, which was
needed to manage railroad schedules.
Artifi cial intelligence, and in particular machine learning, certainly has
the potential to be pervasive, to be improved upon over time, and to spawn
complementary innovations, making it a candidate for an important GPT.
As noted by Agrawal, Gans, and Goldfarb (2017), the current generation
of machine- learning systems is particularly suited for augmenting or auto-
mating tasks that involve at least some prediction aspect, broadly defi ned.
These cover a wide range of tasks, occupations, and industries, from driv-
ing a car (predicting the correct direction to turn the steering wheel) and
diagnosing a disease (predicting its cause) to recommending a product (pre-
dicting what the customer will like) and writing a song (predicting which
note sequence will be most popular). The core capabilities of perception and
cognition addressed by current systems are pervasive, if not indispensable,
for many tasks done by humans.
Machine- learning systems are also designed to improve over time. Indeed,
what sets them apart from earlier technologies is that they are designed to
improve themselves over time. Instead of requiring an inventor or devel-
oper to codify, or code, each step of a process to be automated, a machine-
learning algorithm can discover on its own a function that connects a set
of inputs X to a set of outputs Y as long as it is given a suffi
ciently large set
of labeled examples mapping some of the inputs to outputs (Brynjolfsson
and Mitchell 2017). The improvements refl ect not only the discovery of
algorithms and techniques, particularly for deep neural networks, but
40 Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, and Chad Syverson
also their complementarities with vastly more powerful computer hardware
and the availability of much larger digital data sets that can be used to train
the systems (Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2017). More and more digital data
is collected as a byproduct of digitizing operations, customer interactions,
communications, and other aspects of our lives, providing fodder for more
and better machine- learning applications.15
Most important, machine- learning systems can spur a variety of comple-
mentary innovations. For instance, machine learning has transformed the
abilities of machines to perform a number of basic types of perception that
enable a broader set of applications. Consider machine vision—the abil-
ity to see and recognize objects, to label them in photos, and to interpret
video streams. As error rates in identifying pedestrians improve from one
per 30 frames to about one per 30 million frames, self- driving cars become
increasingly feasible (Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2017).
Improved machine vision also makes practical a variety of factory au-
tomation tasks and medical diagnoses. Gill Pratt has made an analogy to
the development of vision in animals 500 million years ago, which helped
ignite the Cambrian explosion and a burst of new species on earth (Pratt
2015). He also noted that machines have a new capability that no biological
species has: the ability to share knowledge and skills almost instantaneously
with others. Specifi cally, the rise of cloud computing has made it signifi -
cantly easier to scale up new ideas at much lower cost than before. This
is an especially important development for advancing the economic im-
pact of machine learning because it enables cloud robotics: the sharing of
knowledge among robots. Once a new skill is learned by a machine in one
location, it can be replicated to other machines via digital networks. Data
as well as skills can be shared, increasing the amount of data that any given
machine learner can use.
This in turn increases the rate of improvement. For instance, self- driving
cars that encounter an unusual situation can upload that information with
a shared platform where enough examples can be aggregated to infer a pat-