The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
Page 9
programs measure AI capital.
The primary diffi
culty in AI capital measurement is, as mentioned earlier,
that many of its outputs will be intangible. This issue is exacerbated by
the extensive use of AI as an input in making other capital, including new
types of software, as well as human and organizational capital, rather than
fi nal consumption goods. Much of this other capital, including human
capital, will, like AI itself, be mostly intangible (Jones and Romer 2010).
To be more specifi c, eff ective use of AI requires developing data sets,
building fi rm- specifi c human capital, and implementing new business pro-
cesses. These all require substantial capital outlays and maintenance. The
tangible counterparts to these intangible expenditures, including purchases
of computing resources, servers, and real estate, are easily measured in the
standard neoclassical growth accounting model (Solow 1957). On the other
hand, the value of capital goods production for complementary intangible
investments is diffi
cult to quantify. Both tangible and intangible capital
stocks generate a capital service fl ow yield that accrues over time. Real-
izing these yields requires more than simply renting capital stock. After
purchasing capital assets, fi rms incur additional adjustment costs (e.g.,
business process redesigns and installation costs). These adjustment costs
make capital less fl exible than frictionless rental markets would imply. Much
of the market value of AI capital specifi cally, and IT capital more gen-
erally, may be derived from the capitalized short- term quasi- rents earned
by fi rms that have already reorganized to extract service fl ows from new
Yet while the stock of tangible assets is booked on corporate balance
sheets, expenditures on the intangible complements and adjustment costs
to AI investment commonly are not. Without including the production and
use of intangible AI capital, the usual growth accounting decompositions
of changes in value added can misattribute AI intangible capital deepening
Artifi cial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox 47
to changes in TFP. As discussed in Hall (2000) and Yang and Brynjolfsson
(2001), this constitutes an omission of a potentially important component
of capital goods production in the calculation of fi nal output. Estimates of
TFP will therefore be inaccurate, though possibly in either direction. In the
case where the intangible AI capital stock is growing faster than output,
then TFP growth will be underestimated, while TFP will be overestimated
if capital stock is growing more slowly than output.
The intuition for this eff ect is that in any given period t, the output of
(unmeasured) AI capital stock in period t + 1 is a function the input (unmea-
sured) existing AI capital stock in period t. When AI stock is growing rapidly, the unmeasured outputs (AI capital stock created) will be greater than the
unmeasured inputs (AI capital stock used).
Furthermore, suppose the relevant costs in terms of labor and other
resources needed to create intangible assets are measured, but the resulting
increases in intangible assets are not measured as contributions to output. In
this case, not only will total GDP be undercounted but so will productivity,
which uses GDP as its numerator. Thus periods of rapid intangible capital
accumulation may be associated with lower measured productivity growth,
even if true productivity is increasing.
With missing capital goods production, measured productivity will only
refl ect the fact that more capital and labor inputs are used up in producing
measured output. The inputs used to produce unmeasured capital goods will
instead resemble lost potential output. For example, a recent report from
the Brookings Institution estimates that investments in autonomous vehicles
have topped $80 billion from 2014 to 2017 with little consumer adoption of
the technology so far.21 This is roughly 0.44 percent of 2016 GDP (spread
over three years). If all of the capital formation in autonomous vehicles
was generated by equally costly labor inputs, this would lower estimated
labor productivity by 0.1 percent per year over the last three years since
autonomous vehicles have not yet led to any signifi cant increase in mea-
sured fi nal output. Similarly, according to the AI Index, enrollment in AI
and ML courses at leading universities has roughly tripled over the past ten
years, and the number of venture- back AI- related start-ups has more than
quadrupled. To the extent that they create intangible assets beyond the costs
of production, GDP will be underestimated.
Eventually the mismeasured intangible capital goods investments are
expected to yield a return (i.e., output) by their investors. If and when mea-
surable output is produced by these hidden assets, another mismeasure-
ment eff ect leading to overestimation of productivity will kick in. When the
output share and stock of mismeasured or omitted capital grows, the mea-
sured output increases produced by that capital will be incorrectly attributed
to total factor productivity improvements. As the growth rate of invest-
ment in unmeasured capital goods decreases, the capital service fl ow from
21. https:// www .brookings .edu / research / gauging - investment - in-self- driving- cars/.
48 Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, and Chad Syverson
unmeasured goods eff ect on TFP can exceed the underestimation error from
unmeasured capital goods.
Combining these two eff ects produces a “J- curve” wherein early produc-
tion of intangible capital leads to underestimation of productivity growth,
but later returns from the stock of unmeasured capital creates measured
output growth that might be incorrectly attributed to TFP.
Y + zI = f ( A, K , K , L)
dY + zdI = F dA + F dK + F dL + F dK .
Output Y and unmeasured capital goods with price z(zI ) are produced
with production function f. The inputs of f (·) are the total factor productivity A, ordinary capital K , unmeasured capital K , and labor L. Equation (2) 1
describes the total diff erential of output as a function of the inputs to the
production function. If the rental price of ordinary capital is r , the rental 1
price of unmeasured capital is r , and the wage rate is w, we have
r K
S = dY
r K
r K
S* = dY
+ zI 2
where ˆ
S is the familiar Solow residual as measured and S∗ is the correct
Solow residual accounting for mismeasured capital investments and stock.
The mismeasurement is then
S* = r 2 2
= r 2 2 g
g .
The right side of the equation describes a hidden capital eff ect and a hidden
investment eff ect. When the growth rate of new investment in unmeasured
capital multiplied by its share of output is larger (smaller) than the growth
rate of the stock of unmeasured capital multiplied by its share of output,
the estimated Solow residual will underestimate (overestimate) the rate of
productivity growth. Initially, new types of capital will have a high marginal
product. Firms will accumulate that capital until its marginal rate of return
is equal to the rate of return of other capital. As capital accumulates, the
growth rate of net investment in the unmeasured capital will turn negative,
causing a greater overestimate TFP. In steady state, neither net investment’s
share of output nor the net stock of unmeasured capital grows and the pro-
ductivity mismeasurement is zero. Figure 1.9 provides an illustration.22
22. The price of new investment ( z) and rental price of capital ( r) are 0.3 and 0.12, respectively, in this toy economy. Other values used to create the fi gure are included in the appendix.
Artifi cial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox 49
Fig. 1.9 The mismeasurement J- curve for an economy accumulating a new kind
of capital
Looking forward, these problems may be particularly stark for AI capital,
because its accumulation will almost surely outstrip the pace of ordinary
capital accumulation in the short run. AI capital is a new category of
capital—new in economic statistics, certainly, but we would argue practi-
cally so as well.
This also means that capital quantity indexes that are computed from
within- type capital growth might have problems benchmarking size and
eff ect of AI early on. National statistics agencies do not really focus on mea-
suring capital types that are not already ubiquitous. New capital categories
will tend to either be rolled into existing types, possibly with lower inferred
marginal products (leading to an understatement of the productive eff ect
of the new capital), or missed altogether. This problem is akin to the new
goods problem in price indexes.
A related issue—once AI is measured separately—is how closely its units
of measurement will capture AI’s marginal product relative to other capital
stock. That is, if a dollar of AI stock has a marginal product that is twice
as high as the modal unit of non- AI capital in the economy, will the quan-
tity indexes of AI refl ect this? This requires measured relative prices of AI
and non- AI capital to capture diff erences in marginal product. Measuring
levels correctly is less important than measuring accurate proportional dif-
ferences (whether intertemporally or in the cross section) correctly. What is
needed in the end is that a unit of AI capital twice as productive as another
should be twice as large in the capital stock.
It is worth noting that these are all classic problems in capital measure-
ment and not new to AI. Perhaps these problems will be systematically worse
for AI, but this is not obvious ex ante. What it does mean is that econo-
50 Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, and Chad Syverson
mists and national statistical agencies at least have experience in, if not
quite a full solution for, dealing with these sorts of limitations. That said,
some measurement issues are likely to be especially prevalent for AI. For
instance, a substantial part of the value of AI output may be fi rm- specifi c.
Imagine a program that fi gures out individual consumers’ product prefer-
ences or price elasticities and matches products and pricing to predictions.
This has diff erent value to diff erent companies depending on their customer
bases and product selection, and knowledge may not be transferrable across
fi rms. The value also depends on companies’ abilities to implement price
discrimination. Such limits could come from characteristics of a company’s
market, like resale opportunities, which are not always under fi rms’ control,
or from the existence in the fi rm of complementary implementation assets
and/or abilities. Likewise, each fi rm will likely have a diff erent skill mix that
it seeks in its employees, unique needs in its production process, and a par-
ticular set of supply constraints. In such cases, fi rm- specifi c data sets and
applications of those data will diff erentiate the machine- learning capabili-
ties of one fi rm from another (Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2017).
1.11 Conclusion
There are plenty of both optimists and pessimists about technology and
growth. The optimists tend to be technologists and venture capitalists, and
many are clustered in technology hubs. The pessimists tend to be econo-
mists, sociologists, statisticians, and government offi
cials. Many of them are
clustered in major state and national capitals. There is much less interaction
between the two groups than within them, and it often seems as though they
are talking past each other. In this chapter, we argue that in an important
sense, they are.
When we talk with the optimists, we are convinced that the recent break-
throughs in AI and machine learning are real and signifi cant. We also would
argue that they form the core of a new, economically important potential
GPT. When we speak with the pessimists, we are convinced that productiv-
ity growth has slowed down recently and what gains there have been are
unevenly distributed, leaving many people with stagnating incomes, declin-
ing metrics of health and well- being, and good cause for concern. People
are uncertain about the future, and many of the industrial titans that once
dominated the employment and market value leaderboard have fallen on
harder times.
These two stories are not contradictory. In fact, in many ways they are
consistent and symptomatic of an economy in transition. Our analysis sug-
gests that while the recent past has been diffi
cult, it is not destiny. Although
it is always dangerous to make predictions, and we are humble about our
ability to foretell the future, our reading of the evidence does provide some
cause for optimism. The
breakthroughs of AI technologies already demon-
Artifi cial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox 51
strated are not yet aff ecting much of the economy, but they portend big-
ger eff ects as they diff use. More important, they enable complementary
innovations that could multiply their impact. Both the AI investments and
the comple mentary changes are costly, hard to measure, and take time to
implement, and this can, at least initially, depress productivity as it is cur-
rently measured. Entrepreneurs, managers, and end- users will fi nd powerful
new applications for machines that can now learn how to recognize objects,
understand human language, speak, make accurate predictions, solve prob-
lems, and interact with the world with increasing dexterity and mobility.
Further advances in the core technologies of machine learning would
likely yield substantial benefi ts. However, our perspective suggests that an
underrated area of research involves the complements to the new AI tech-
nologies, not only in areas of human capital and skills, but also new processes
and business models. The intangible assets associated with the last wave of
computerization were about ten times as large as the direct investments in
computer hardware itself. We think it is plausible that AI- associated intan-
gibles could be of a comparable or greater magnitude. Given the big changes
in coordination and production possibilities made possible by AI, the ways
that we organized work and education in the past are unlikely to remain
optimal in the future.
Relatedly, we need to update our economic measurement tool kits. As
AI and its complements more rapidly add to our (intangible) capital stock,
traditional metrics like GDP and productivity can become more diffi
cult to
measure and interpret. Successful companies do not need large investments
in factories or even computer hardware, but they do have intangible assets
that are costly to replicate. The large market values associated with compa-
nies developing and/or implementing AI suggest that investors believe there
is real value in those companies. In the case that claims on the assets of the
fi rm are publicly traded and markets are effi
cient, the fi nancial market will
properly value the fi rm as the present value of its risk- adjusted discounted
cash fl ows. This can provide an estimate of the value of both the tangible
and intangible assets owned by the fi rm. What’s more, the eff ects on living
standards may be even larger than the benefi ts that investors hope to cap-