The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
Page 34
a period of very rapid substitution, with nonmarket- produced goods being
substituted by market- produced goods. Women stopped making clothes
and making pies and cakes from scratch, and started going to work, buying
clothes, and buying pies and cake mixes. Technological change occurred in
a way that crowded out homemade goods and crowded in women’s labor
force participation.5 Should we think about this as increasing or decreasing
work? One thing is clear, work shifted from outside our typical measure-
ment scope to inside it. For example, I suspect that there are fewer childcare
workers today than forty years ago if you count every stay- at- home mom
with children as a childcare worker.
Yet, time- use surveys reveal that the decline in hours worked is smaller
than measured hours of employment suggest, at least since the 1970s. If we
look at time- use surveys, dads are working more hours, even though they
are working less in the labor force.6 Once we account for hours spent on
childcare and housework, men work more hours than they did in the 1960s.
Why consider childcare and housework hours? If we want to think about
really measuring what happens to work we need a more holistic sense of
5. Stevenson and Wolfers (2007).
6. Council of Economic Advisors (2014).
Artifi cial Intelligence, Income, Employment, and Meaning 195
what work is. Particularly if the question is whether we can fi nd meaningful
ways to spend our time outside of paid work.
Artifi cial intelligence won’t replace the need for human connection, both
in our personal lives and professionally. A robot may be able to care for an
elderly bed- bound person, but it is unlikely to produce the joy and satisfac-
tion of connecting with a human being. Will there be more paid jobs caring
for one another? Undoubtedly. But will our higher incomes also allow us to
choose to work less in order to provide more uncompensated care for our
friends and family? I hope so.
7.7 Productivity Growth Ultimately Gives Us
Better Lives and More Options
In the end, there are really two separate questions: there is an employment
question, in which the fundamental question is, can we fi nd fulfi lling ways
to spend our time if robots take our jobs? And there is an income question,
can we fi nd a stable and fair distribution of income?
The answer to both will depend on not just how technology changes, but
how our institutions change in reaction to technological change. Do we
embrace technology and increase funding for education, worker training,
the arts, and community service? Or do we allow inequality to continue to
grow unchecked, pitting workers against those investing in robots?
The challenge for society is to ensure that we solve both problems. That
we help shape a society in which people can fi nd fulfi lling ways to spend their
time. And to solve that problem, we must also solve the separate problem of
fi nding a stable and fair distribution of income.
Council of Economic Advisors. 2014. “Eleven Facts about American Families
and Work.” https:// obamawhitehouse.archives .gov/ sites/ default/ fi les/ docs/ eleven _facts_about_family_and_work_fi nal .pdf.
IGM Economic Experts Panel. 2014. Accessed Dec. 15, 2017. http:// www .igmchicago
.org/ surveys/ robots.
———. 2017. Accessed Dec. 15, 2017. http:// www .igmchicago .org/ surveys/ robots
- and- artifi cial- intelligence- 2.
Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD). 2017. “Hours
Worked: Average Annual Hours Actually Worked.” OECD Employment and
Labour Market Statistics (database). Accessed Sept. 13, 2017. https:// stats.oecd
.org/ Index .aspx?DataSetCode=ANHRS.
Stevenson, B., and J. Wolfers. 2007. “Marriage and Divorce: Changes and Their
Driving Forces.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 21 (2): 27– 52.
Artifi cial Intelligence,
Automation, and Work
Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo
8.1 Introduction
The last two decades have witnessed major advances in artifi cial intel-
ligence (AI) and robotics. Future progress is expected to be even more spec-
tacular, and many commentators predict that these technologies will trans-
form work around the world (Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2014; Ford 2016;
Boston Consulting Group 2015; McKinsey Global Institute 2017). Recent
surveys fi nd high levels of anxiety about automation and other technologi-
cal trends, underscoring the widespread concerns about their eff ects (Pew
Research Center 2017).
These expectations and concerns notwithstanding, we are far from a sat-
isfactory understanding of how automation in general, and AI and robotics
in particular, impact the labor market and productivity. Even worse, much of
the debate in both the popular press and academic circles centers around a
false dichotomy. On the one side are the alarmist arguments that the oncom-
ing advances in AI and robotics will spell the end of work by humans, while
many economists on the other side claim that because technological break-
throughs in the past have eventually increased the demand for labor and
wages, there is no reason to be concerned that this time will be any diff erent.
In this chapter, we build on Acemoglu and Restrepo (2016), as well as
Daron Acemoglu is the Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics at the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Pascual Restrepo is assistant professor of economics at Boston University.
We are grateful to David Autor for useful comments. We gratefully acknowledge fi nancial support from Toulouse Network on Information Technology, Google, Microsoft, IBM, and
the Sloan Foundation. For acknowledgments, sources of research support, and disclosure of the authors’ material fi nancial relationships, if any, please see http:// www .nber .org/ chapter
/ c14027.ack.
198 Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo
Zeira (1998) and Acemoglu and Autor (2011) to develop a framework for
thinking about automation and its impact on tasks, productivity, and work.
At the heart of our framework is the idea that automation and thus AI
and robotics replace workers in tasks that they previously performed, and
via this channel, create a powerful displacement eff ect. In contrast to pre-
sumptions in much of macroeconomics and labor economics, which main-
tain that productivity- enhancing technologies always increase overall labor
demand, the displacement eff ect can reduce the demand for labor, wages,
and employment. Moreover, the displacement eff ect implies that increases
in output per worker arising from automation will not result in a propor-
tional expansion of the demand for labor. The displacement eff ect causes
a decoupling of wages and output per worker, and a decline in the share of
labor in national income.
We then highlight several countervailing forces that push against the
displacement eff ect and may imply that automation, AI, and robotics could
increase labor demand. First, the substitution of cheap machines for human
labor c
reates a productivity eff ect: as the cost of producing automated tasks declines, the economy will expand and increase the demand for labor in
nonautomated tasks. The productivity eff ect could manifest itself as an
increase in the demand for labor in the same sectors undergoing automa-
tion or as an increase in the demand for labor in nonautomating sectors.
Second, capital accumulation triggered by increased automation (which
raises the demand for capital) will also raise the demand for labor. Third,
automation does not just operate at the extensive margin—replacing tasks
previously performed by labor—but at the intensive margin as well, increas-
ing the productivity of machines in tasks that were previously automated.
This phenomenon, which we refer to as deepening of automation, creates a
productivity eff ect but no displacement, and thus increases labor demand.
Though these countervailing eff ects are important, they are generally
cient to engender a “balanced growth path,” meaning that even if
these eff ects were powerful, ongoing automation would still reduce the share
of labor in national income (and possibly employment). We argue that there
is a more powerful countervailing force that increases the demand for labor
as well as the share of labor in national income: the creation of new tasks,
functions and activities in which labor has a comparative advantage rela-
tive to machines. The creation of new tasks generates a reinstatement eff ect
directly counterbalancing the displacement eff ect.
Indeed, throughout history we have not just witnessed pervasive automa-
tion, but a continuous process of new tasks creating employment opportuni-
ties for labor. As tasks in textiles, metals, agriculture, and other industries
were being automated in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a new range
of tasks in factory work, engineering, repair, back- offi
ce, management, and
fi nance generated demand for displaced workers. The creation of new tasks
Artifi cial Intelligence, Automation, and Work 199
is not an autonomous process advancing at a predetermined rate, but one
whose speed and nature are shaped by the decisions of fi rms, workers, and
other actors in society, and might be fueled by new automation technologies.
First, this is because automation, by displacing workers, may create a greater
pool of labor that could be employed in new tasks. Second, the currently
most discussed automation technology, AI itself, can serve as a platform to
create new tasks in many service industries.
Our framework also highlights that even with these countervailing forces,
the adjustment of an economy to the rapid rollout of automation tech-
nologies could be slow and painful. There are some obvious reasons for
this related to the general slow adjustment of the labor market to shocks,
for example, because of the costly process of workers being reallocated to
new sectors and tasks. Such reallocation will involve both a slow process
of searching for the right matches between workers and jobs, and also the
need for retraining, at least for some of the workers.
A more critical, and in this context more novel, factor is a potential mis-
match between technology and skills—between the requirements of new
technologies and tasks and the skills of the workforce. We show that such
a mismatch slows down the adjustment of labor demand, contributes to
inequality, and also reduces the productivity gains from both automation
and the introduction of new tasks (because it makes the complementary
skills necessary for the operation of new tasks and technologies more scarce).
Yet another major factor to be taken into account is the possibility of
excessive automation. We highlight that a variety of factors (ranging from a
bias in favor of capital in the tax code to labor market imperfections create
a wedge between the wage and the opportunity cost of labor) and will push
toward socially excessive automation, which not only generates a direct inef-
fi ciency, but also acts as a drag on productivity growth. Excessive automa-
tion could potentially explain why, despite the enthusiastic adoption of new
robotics and AI technologies, productivity growth has been disappointing
over the last several decades.
Our framework underscores as well that the singular focus of the research
and the corporate community on automation, at the expense of other types
of technologies including the creation of new tasks, could be another factor
leading to a productivity slowdown because it forgoes potentially valuable
productivity growth opportunities in other domains.
In the next section, we provide an overview of our approach without
presenting a formal analysis. Section 8.3 introduces our formal framework,
though to increase readability, our presentation is still fairly nontechnical
(and formal details and derivations are relegated to the appendix). Section
8.4 contains our main results, highlighting both the displacement eff ect
and the countervailing forces in our framework. Section 8.5 discusses the
mismatch between skills and technologies, potential causes for slow pro-
200 Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo
ductivity growth and excessive automation, and other constraints on labor
market adjustment to automation technologies. Section 8.6 concludes, and
the appendix contains derivations and proofs omitted from the text.
8.2 Automation, Work, and Wages: An Overview
At the heart of our framework is the observation that robotics and current
practice in AI are continuing what other automation technologies have done
in the past: using machines and computers to substitute for human labor in
a widening range of tasks and industrial processes.
Production in most industries requires the simultaneous completion of
a range of tasks. For example, textile production requires production of
fi ber, production of yarn from fi ber (e.g., by spinning), production of the
relevant fabric from the yarn (e.g., by weaving or knitting), pretreatment
(e.g., cleaning of the fabric, scouring, mercerizing and bleaching), dyeing
and printing, fi nishing, as well as various auxiliary tasks including design,
planning, marketing, transport, and retail.1 Each one of these tasks can be
performed by a combination of human labor and machines. At the dawn
of the British Industrial Revolution, most of these tasks were heavily labor
intensive. Many of the early innovations of that era were aimed at automat-
ing spinning and weaving by substituting mechanized processes for the labor
of skilled artisans (Mantoux 1928).2
The mechanization of US agriculture off ers another example of machines
replacing workers in tasks they previously performed (Rasmussen 1982).
In the fi rst half of the nineteenth century, the cotton gin automated the
labor- intensive process of separating the lint from the cotton seeds. In the
second half of the nineteenth century, horse- powered reapers, harvesters,
and plows replaced manual labor working with more rudimentary tools such
as hoes, sickles, and scythes, and this process was continued with tractors
in the twenti
eth century. Horse- powered threshing machines and fanning
mills replaced workers employed in threshing and winnowing, two of the
most labor- intensive tasks left in agriculture at the time. In the twentieth
century, combine harvesters and a variety of other mechanical harvest-
ers improved upon the horse- powered machinery, and allowed farmers to
mechanically harvest several diff erent crops.
Yet another example of automation comes from the development of the
1. See http:// textileguide .chemsec .org/ fi nd/ get- familiar- with- your- textile- production
- processes/.
2. It was this displacement eff ect that motivated Luddites to smash textile machines and agricultural workers during the Captain Swing riots to destroy threshing machines. Though these workers often appear in history books as misguided, there was nothing misguided about their economic fears. They were quite right that they were going to be displaced. Of course, had they been successful, they might have prevented the Industrial Revolution from gaining momentum with potentially disastrous consequences for technological development and our subsequent prosperity.
Artifi cial Intelligence, Automation, and Work 201
factory system in manufacturing and its subsequent evolution. Beginning
in the second half of the eighteenth century, the factory system introduced
the use of machine tools such as lathes and milling machines, replacing
the more labor- intensive production techniques relying on skilled artisans
(Mokyr 1990). Steam power and later electricity greatly increased the oppor-
tunities for the substitution of capital for human labor. Another important
turning point in the process of factory automation was the introduction
of machines controlled via punch cards and then numerically controlled
machines in the 1940s. Because numerically controlled machines were more
precise, faster, and easier to operate than manual technologies, they enabled
signifi cant cost savings while also reducing the role of craft workers in manu-
facturing production. This process culminated in the widespread use of
CNC (computer numerical control) machinery, which replaced the numeri-
cally controlled vintages (Groover 1983). A major new development was the
introduction of industrial robots in the late 1980s, which automated many
of the remaining labor- intensive tasks in manufacturing, including machin-