The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
Page 57
ent two such simulations, to examine: (a) a rise in the productivity of R&D,
and (b) a rise in automation for middle- skilled tasks ( jobs currently requir-
ing BA- level workers).
13.6 Rise in R&D Productivity
What happens to the structure of an economy when the returns to R&D
rise because of a new general purpose technology such as transistors and
342 Jeff rey D. Sachs
computers in the 1950s or machine learning and artifi cial intelligence in the
2020s. The experiment, to be precise, is a permanent, one- time step increase
, the productivity of high- skilled R&D workers. In this fi rst variant,
I assume that only low- skilled workers face the competition from automa-
tion. In a sense, this illustration tracks the experience of the 1950s– 2010s,
when the breakthroughs of the digital revolution enabled the automation of
low- skill tasks. The full model and specifi c parameters are available in the
supplementary materials. For the purposes here, I emphasize the qualitative
In the numerical illustration, the rise in
occurs in period 5 yet is
anticipated from period 1. Even before the rise in R&D takes hold, workers
begin to raise their educational attainment in anticipation of the widening
gap between low- skill and higher- skill wages. After the rise in
the shift
in educational attainment is even stronger. The end result is a sharp decline
in the proportion of low- skilled workers and a commensurate rise in middle-
skilled and high- skilled workers, as shown in fi gure 13.7, which qualitatively
tracks the same empirical pattern we saw for the US economy in fi gure 13.5.
Automation initially gives rise to a fall in wages for unskilled workers,
and a rise in wages for the intermediate and high- skilled sectors. The wage
gap between high- skilled and low- skilled workers therefore opens, but then
leads to the shift in educational attainment in fi gure 13.7, thereby tending
to restore the preshock relative wages across skill levels.
In the second simulation, the rise in
for low- skill tasks (again start-
ing in period 5) is now accompanied by a similar rise in R&D productiv-
ity for automation in intermediate- skill tasks (starting in period 10). Thus,
automation replaces both low- skilled and intermediate- skilled workers. The
Fig. 13.7 Labor by educational attainment
Source: See appendixes A, B, and C.
R&D, Structural Transformation, and the Distribution of Income 343
Fig. 13.8 Labor by educational attainment: automation for low- skill and
intermediate- skill tasks
Source: See appendixes A, B, and C.
result, of course, is to give an added boost to the attainment of advanced
degrees, so that both L and L decline, while L rises. The pattern is shown U
in fi gure 13.8, which may usefully be compared with fi gure 13.7.
In the case of automation of both unskilled and intermediate- skill tasks,
the main result is that market forces induce those receiving a bachelor’s
degree to continue on to an advanced degree. The labor market ends up
with just two kinds of labor, unskilled and highly skilled, with intermediate-
skilled workers disappearing from the scene. Note that the model so far
assumes that all workers are equally endowed with the skills needed for
all levels of education; there is no “scarcity” value of STEM skills, for ex-
ample, that would limit the supply of high- skilled workers. In a more real-
istic model, we would grapple with the obvious fact that not all students have
the aptitude for an advanced degree for high- skill work. Instead of the wage
diff erentials being off set by highly elastic shifts in educational attainment, a
premium on higher education would be sustained in the long run as a kind
of natural rent on high educational aptitude.
In both scenarios, the labor share of GDP declines markedly, as jobs are
lost to automation. Figure 13.9 shows the time path of the labor share of
GDP in the second scenario, in which automation for low- skilled workers
takes off after period 5, and for intermediate- skilled workers after period
10. The labor share of income begins to dip around period 5, but then soars
again around period 10 as the wages of skilled workers increases. Over time,
as workers raise their educational attainment, wages decline and the overall
labor share of income falls sharply under the pressures of automation.
344 Jeff rey D. Sachs
Fig. 13.9 Labor share of GDP
Source: See appendixes A, B, and C.
Next Steps
So far, the conclusions of the simulations are wholly qualitative. The next
steps in modeling will be to parameterize the model according to the main
structural features of the US economy. Of course, there are many diffi
modeling and conceptual choices ahead, both in validating a parametrized
model according to recent history and using the model to project the impli-
cations of future technological changes. Some of the diffi
culties are the fol-
1. modeling the automation process with empirical detail, for example,
by identifying the classes of machines that are complementarity to versus
substitutional with various skills and occupations;
2. estimating the returns to automation- inducing R&D, and the implica-
tions for the earnings of advanced technical workers;
3. characterizing the supply and demand for higher education as a func-
tion of wage diff erential, borrowing costs, and educational aptitudes;
4. characterizing the relative roles of private and public fi nancing in deter-
mining the investments in R&D and in education;
5. creating realistic scenarios for the future evolution of smart machines
and their interaction with occupations at various skill levels;
6. modeling the intergenerational dynamics of automation as in Sachs
and Kotlikoff (2012) and Benzell, Kotlikoff , LaGarda, and Sachs (2015);
7. accounting for monopoly rents on patents and other changes in market
structure associated with smart machines and artifi cial intelligence;
R&D, Structural Transformation, and the Distribution of Income 345
8. accounting for the income distributional consequences of big data and
network externalities, for example, for giants such as Google and Amazon;
9. accounting for the distributional implication of dematerialized pro-
duction (ecommerce, ebooks, epayments) and the sharing economy (e.g.,
vehicles on demand); and
10. modeling the changes in past and future labor force participation
and leisure time as the result of smart machines, artifi cial intelligence, and
Appendix A
GAMS Equations
Kf ( tf ). . . K( tf ) = e = K0;
Hf ( tf ). . . H( tf ) = e = H0;
Uf ( tf ). . . U( tf ) = e = U0;
Sf ( tf ). . . S( tf ) = e = S0;
IPPA f ( tf ). . .IPPA( tf ) = e = IPPA0;
IPPAIf( tf ). . .IPPAI( tf ) = e = IPPAI0;
Output( t). . . Q( t) = e = TA( t)**Alpha* M( t)**(1-Alpha); BAprod( t). . .BA( t) = e = MBA( t)**.2*SBA( t)**.2*HBA( t)**.6; PROFprod( t). . .PROF( t) = e = MPROF( t)**.2*ProdPROF( t)*
HPROF( t)**.8;
*PROFprod( t). . .PROF( t) = e = ProdPROF( t)*HProf( t); Health( t). . .HL( t) = e = MHL( t)**.2*LUHL( t)**.1*SHL( t)**
.2*HHL( t)**.5;
*HealthD( t). . .HL( t) = e = HLmin*IPP( t)**.2;
HealthD( t). . .HL( t) = e = .01;
Capital( t). . . K( t) = e = M( t) + MBA( t) + MPROF( t) + MHL( t) + RA( t)
+ RAI( t);
Task( t). . .TA( t) = e = ( LU( t) + A( t))**Beta*( LS( t) + AI( t))**(1-Beta); Robot( t). . . A( t) = e = ThetaA( t)*HA( t)**Gamma*IPPA(t)**
Delta*RA( t)**(1-Gamma- Delta);
ArtInt( t). . .AI( t) = e = ThetaAI( t)*HAI( t)**Gamma*IPPAI( t)**
Delta*RAI( t)**(1-Gamma- Delta);
RDA( t + 1). . .IPPA( t + 1) = e = IPPA( t)*(1-depRD) +
PRODRDA( t)*HRD( t);
RDAI( t + 1). . .IPPAI( t + 1) = e = IPPAI( t)*(1-depRD) +
HighS( t). . . H( t) = e = HAI( t) + HA( t) + HRD( t) + HBA( t) + HPROF( t)
+ HHL( t);
346 Jeff rey D. Sachs
KNext( t + 1). . . K( t + 1) = e = K( t)*(1-dep) + FINV( t); Saving( t). . . C( t) = e = Q( t)—FINV( t) ; UNext( t + 1). . . U( t + 1) = e = U( t)*(1- n)—BA( t) + n*( U( t) + S( t) + H( t)) ; SNext( t + 1). . . S( t + 1) = e = S( t)*(1- n) + BA( t)—PROF( t); HNext( t + 1). . . H( t + 1) = e = H( t)*(1- n) + PROF( t); LaborU( t). . . U( t) = e = LU( t) + BA( t) + LUHL( t); LaborS( t). . . S( t) = e = LS( t) + 0.2*PROF( t) + SBA( t) + SHL( t); Utils( t). . .Ut( t) = e = log( C( t));
KLast( tl ). . .KL( tl ) = e = K( tl )*(1-dep)+ FINV( tl ); CLast( tl ). . .CL( tl ) = e = Q( tl )—dep*KL( tl ); Utility. . .Util = e = sum( t,disc( t)* Ut( t)) + sum( tl,disc( tl )*log(CL( tl ))/
* Output
Parameter WageU( t), WageS( t), WageH( t), Rrate( t), IPPArate( t), IPPAIrate( t), Lshare( t), Kshare( t), HAshare( t), RArate( t), Income( t), Lshare( t), LUshare( t), LSshare( t), LHshare( t);
Parameter Kshare( t), IPshare(t), LULF( t), LSLF( t), LHLF( t), LF( t); WageU( t) = Alpha*Q.L( t)/ TA.L( t) * Beta * TA.L( t)/ (LU.L( t) + A.L( t)); WageS( t) = Alpha*Q.L( t)/ TA.L( t) * (1-Beta) * TA.L( t)/ (LS.L( t) +
AI.L( t));
Rrate( t) = (1-Alpha)*Q.L( t)/ M.L( t) ;
WageH( t) = ThetaA( t)*Gamma*(A.L( t)/ HA.L( t))*WageU( t); HAshare( t) = HA.L(t)/ H.L( t);
RArate( t) = (1-Gamma- Delta)*(A.L( t)/ RA.L( t))*WageU( t); IPPArate( t) = Gamma*(A.L( t)/ IPPA.L( t))*WageU( t);
IPPAIrate( t) = Gamma*(AI.L( t)/ IPPAI.L( t))*WageS( t);
Income( t) = WageU( t)*LU.L( t) + WageS( t)*LS.L( t) + WageH( t)*H.L( t)
+ Rrate( t)*K.L( t) + IPPArate( t)*IPPA.L( t) + IPPAIrate( t)*IPPAI.L( t); Lshare( t) = (WageU( t)*LU.L( t) + WageS( t)*S.l(t) + WageH( t)*H.L( t)) /
Income( t);
LUshare( t) = WageU( t)*LU.L( t)/ Income( t);
LSshare( t) = WageS( t)*LS.L( t)/ Income( t);
LHshare( t) = WageH( t)*H.L( t)/ Income( t);
Kshare( t) = Rrate( t)*K.L( t)/ Income( t);
IPshare( t) = (IPPArate( t)*IPPA.L( t) + IPPAIrate( t)*IPPAI.L( t))/
Income( t);
LF( t) = LU.L( t) + LS.L( t) + H.L( t);
LULF( t) = LU.L( t) / LF( t);
LSLF( t) = LS.L( t) / LF( t);
LHLF( t) = H.L( t) / LF( t);
R&D, Structural Transformation, and the Distribution of Income 347
Appendix B
Parameter Values
Parameters Gamma, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Disc( t), dep, depRD, HLmin,
Gamma = .5;
Alpha = .7;
Beta = .7;
Gamma = .3;
Delta = .3;
Discrate = .06;
Disc(t) = (1/ (1+Discrate))**(ord( t)- 1);
dep = 0.05;
depRD = .05;
HLmin = .1;
Parameters ThetaA, ThetaAI, tfpRA( t), tfpRAI( t);
ThetaA( t) = 1;
ThetaAI( t) = 1;
*tfpRA( t) = .01;
*tfpRA( t)$(ord( t) ge 10) = 1;
*tfpRAI(t) = .01;
*tfpRAI(t)$(ord( t) ge 15) = 1;
tfpRA( t) = 1;
tfpRAI( t) = 1;
Appendix C
Initial Values
Parameter K0, U0, S0, H0, ProdRDA( t), ProdRDAI( t), ProdPROF( t), IPPA0, IPPAI0, n, Start( t);
K0 = 21.9;
U0 = 7.3;
S0 = 2.25;
H0 = 0.15;
ProdRDA( t) = .01;
ProdRDAI( t) = .01;
*ProdRDAI( t)$(ord( t) ge 10) = 1;
ProdPROF( t) = 2;
IPPA0 = 0.001;
348 Jeff rey D. Sachs
IPPAI0 = 0.001;
n = 0.05;
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Artifi cial Intelligence and Its
Implications for Income
Distribution and Unemployment
Anton Korinek and Joseph E. Stiglitz
14.1 Introduction
The introduction of artifi cial intelligence (
AI) is the continuation of a
long process of automation. Advances in mechanization in the late nine-
teenth and early twentieth centuries automated much of the physical labor
performed by humans. Advances in information technology in the mid- to
late twentieth century automated much of the standardized data processing
that used to be performed by humans. However, each of these past episodes
of automation left large areas of work that could only be performed by
Some propose that advances in AI are merely the latest wave in this long
process of automation, and may in fact generate less economic growth than
past technological advances (see, e.g., Gordon 2016). Others, by contrast,
emphasize that AI critically diff ers from past inventions: as artifi cial intelli-
gence draws closer and closer to human general intelligence, much of human
labor runs the risk of becoming obsolete and being replaced by AI in all
domains. In this view, progress in artifi cial intelligence is not only a continua-
Anton Korinek is associate professor of economics and business administration at the
University of Virginia and Darden GSB and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Joseph E. Stiglitz is University Professor at Columbia University and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
This chapter was prepared as a background paper for the NBER conference The Economics
of Artifi cial Intelligence. We would like to thank our discussant Tyler Cowan as well as Jayant Ray and participants at the NBER conference for helpful comments. We also acknowledge
research assistance from Haaris Mateen as well as fi nancial support from the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) and the Rewriting the Rules project at the Roosevelt Institute, supported by the Ford, Open Society, and the Bernard and Irene Schwartz Foundations. For acknowledgments, sources of research support, and disclosure of the authors’ material fi nancial relationships, if any, please see http:// www .nber .org/ chapters/ c14018.ack.
350 Anton Korinek and Joseph E. Stiglitz
tion, but the culmination of technological progress; it could lead to a course
of history that is markedly diff erent from the implications of previous waves
of innovation, and may even represent what James Barrat (2013) has termed
“Our Final Invention.”
No matter what the long- run implications of AI are, it is clear that it has
the potential to disrupt labor markets in a major way, even in the short and