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Mr. White

Page 6

by Tessa Layne

  She opens her mouth like a little bird, and I fill it. Our eyes lock, and who knew feeding your lover was so erotic? Because all I can think of is my cock in her mouth, and I can see she’s thinking of it too. The air sizzles, and after a pregnant pause, she bites down with a little smile. And somehow, I know exactly what she’s thinking. That it’s not my cock, but it tastes just as good. She slowly wipes the crumbs from her lips, then clears her throat. “That was delicious,” she says with a strained voice. She pulls the roll from my hand and dips it in the sauce. “Here, you try.”

  Again, our eyes lock as she feeds me, and my heart thumps a little harder in my chest. The eggroll is delicious. Crispy, but not greasy, the perfect amount of cabbage and spiced meat, and enough umami to make you devour the entire order and ask for seconds.

  We make short work of the eggrolls, and she grabs another container, mouth curving with delight when she opens it. “Lo Mein.”

  “I ordered combo because I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”

  She beams at me and hands me the chopsticks. “It’s perfect.”

  I dig in and capture a bundle of noodles offering them to her. It’s awkward and unwieldy, and unbelievably entertaining, trying to feed her noodles. “Maybe I should teach you how to use chopsticks,” I suggest between bites.

  “Good luck,” she says with a laugh.

  “Clearly, you haven’t been taught by an expert.”

  She gives me a dubious raise of an eyebrow. “You’re an expert?”

  “My nanny took me to Chinatown once a week, growing up. Once you learn to use plastic chopsticks, you can use anything.”

  “Teach me, Master,” she teases with a smirk.

  I take her hand and place one of the sticks between her thumb and middle finger. “Show me how you hold a pencil.” She adjusts her grip. Then I move the stick lower down her third finger and move her thumb up. “Now pinch the top stick.” I slip the second stick between her thumb and forefinger. “Now, see if you can move the top stick.”

  It’s awkward at first, but she brightens as she gets the hang of it. “You mean like this?”

  I nod. “Now try and pick something up.”

  She tries for a piece of broccoli, but it slips out of her grip.

  “Try a piece of chicken, or some noodles.”

  She grabs a piece of chicken and successfully guides it to her mouth. “That’s amazing,” she gushes after she’s enjoyed it.

  “Now try for some noodles.”

  She does, and it’s too big, but she manages to get most of the noodles in her mouth, and the delighted sounds she makes go straight to my cock. She leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you.” Raw grief flashes across her face, but she hides it with a smile. At least she thinks she does. “I want to remember this forever.”

  “I know I will,” I answer, offering her a piece of tofu. No matter what happens between us, I’m quite certain I’ll never again find myself naked on a red velvet bed, eating Chinese with a gorgeous woman in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere.

  When we finish, and the empty containers are trashed, and the linens folded and put away, Emmaline stretches out next to me. I roll over, pinning her, notching my erection between her pussy lips. “Now Ms. Andersson. It’s confession time.”

  Her eyes smolder and she bites down on her lower lip. “You first.”

  “You’re not really in a position to make demands,” I remind her with a roll of my hips.

  She squirms beneath me, tongue darting out to lick the bite mark on her lip. “No one knows I’m Madame M,” she confesses in that sexy sweet voice.

  “Why not?”

  Her eyes roll up, as if she’s searching for words. When her eyes meet mine, it’s with resignation. “For starters, the scandal.”

  She’s given me the easy answer, and I hate it. “I don’t believe that for a second. I’ve only been here two weeks, but Dottie over at the diner has already given me the entire soap opera surrounding Simon Sinclaire, and the Sinclaire-Hansen feud. Not to mention the porn pics that got posted between Emma Whoeversheis and some baseball player. I think the discovery that Prairie’s beloved dressmaker was a secret high-end lingerie designer wouldn’t ruffle their feathers at all.”

  Her jaw sets with determination. “I made a promise to never tell. And I’m not going to break it.”

  That, I can accept. Even if I don’t like it. An ugly knot takes up residence below my sternum. “Is Danny holding something over you?” I hate that I’m jealous of their connection, but I can’t help it. And it irritates the fuck out of me that he knows her secrets and I don’t. I want to be her secret keeper, even though I know it’s unreasonable to expect that.

  She gives me that deep unfathomable look that peers right into my soul. “You have nothing to be jealous of where Danny’s concerned.”

  “I don’t get jealous,” I scoff.

  “Now who’s lying?” she teases with a self-satisfied smile. She lifts her head and lands a kiss at the corner of my mouth. “Don’t worry. I think it’s cute.”

  “Cute?” I growl before capturing her mouth in a long slow kiss. “I’ve been going about this all wrong if that’s the best you can come up with.”

  Her pupils widen and she rolls her bottom lip between her teeth. “Okay…. you’re big…. and bad…”

  I like this description much better. I nip her earlobe, and pepper kisses down the side of her neck. “And?” She pauses long enough, I stop my kissing and lift my head to stare down at her. She looks decidedly unsure of herself, and it pulls at something deep inside me. “What is it, Emmaline?” That thing, whatever it is, balloons and presses against my chest, making it hurt to breathe.

  Two creases appear above the bridge of her nose as her brows knit together, and she sucks in a breath, pink creeping up her cheeks. “And I like the way you spanked me,” she says in a rush, turning bright pink. “A lot.”

  “Has anyone ever done that with you before?” Somehow, I already know the answer, and I swell with deep satisfaction.

  Her face is a deep shade of crimson, as she shakes her head.

  I feel like I’ve been given a gift. It’s fragile, her trust. I instinctively feel it’s not given, nor is it earned easily. And wildly ironic, given my own issues with violence and pain. “I won’t ever hurt you, Emmaline. I’ll do whatever you want, whenever you want, as hard or soft as you want - just say the word. And I promise to put your pleasure above all else.” The insane declaration surges out of me, but I mean every word of it.

  “Would you… would you… dominate me?” She whispers the last two words like it’s the most scandalous, taboo phrase in the English language.

  “What do you want?”

  “Orgasms. Lots of them.”

  My chest shakes with laughter. “I’ll keep you up all night if you want.” My cock is thickening at the prospect. There’s nothing I love more than taking complete charge, and with her trust in my hands, I feel like I can conquer the world.

  Her eyes light, and she bites her lip to hold back a grin. “I’d like that.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Hands over your head,” I order.

  “What if I refuse?” she challenges with an eager light in her eyes.


  “Spanking?” she says hopefully.

  “Only if you’re good,” I say, turning the tables.

  “Oh.” She raises her arms over her head with a little pout.

  I can’t help but laugh - a low rumble from deep in my belly. I don’t think I’ve ever had fun in bed. This is new, and prickly feeling, and I’m not quite sure about it, but I sure as fuck like it. Hell, I like her. That - in and of itself - is a first. “Patience little grasshopper,” I growl as I hover over her.

  I start at the hollow of her throat. Nipping, then licking up to the dip just behind her ear, before taking her mouth and slowly exploring every crevice. Her tongue is soft and pliant against mine, echoing my movements. Her body undulates underneath
me, her slick pussy sliding against my shaft. It’s erotic, it’s dangerous, and it feels so, so good. Never have I wanted to fuck a woman bare, leave my mark inside her. But with Emmaline, the thought is sorely tempting. We kiss and kiss. I lose myself in her, telling her with my mouth, with my tongue, things that feel too big, too risky to verbalize. She’s moaning in rhythm with her hips, little mewling cries emanating from the back of her throat, and the sound is like music to my ears. I want to kiss her all night, but that won’t get her where I want her to go.

  I trail open-mouthed kisses back down her neck to the valley between her pert breasts. Two perfect pointy mounds, capped with rosy hard peaks, begging for teeth, tongue, fingers. I start slowly, brushing the tips of her nipples with the pads of my fingers, watching with rapt attention as they pull tighter, harder, as her areolas pucker. I pinch, and she arches instinctively. “More,” she demands. I pinch harder, then take the reddened tip into my mouth, exploring every wrinkle, every bump with my tongue, alternately sucking hard, and grazing the sensitive tip with my teeth. She’s coated my cock with her arousal. Our legs, too. I slide through her, my own arousal coiling like a snake ready to strike. Each kiss, each thrust of the hips, pulls me ever closer to an edge that will require superhuman strength to not tumble over.

  I lap at the underside of her breasts, then tongue a trail to her belly button and below, to the top of her perfectly smooth mound. The scent of her overloads my senses - it’s heady. Hell, it’s addictive - as necessary as oxygen. I take time to memorize her sex, the way her engorged clit protrudes like Venus, rising up through puffy, slick, pussy lips. Or maybe more like a pistil proudly rising from voluptuous pink petals - an exotic, delectable flower a lá Georgia O’Keefe. I push on her thighs, spreading them wider, opening her further to my inspection. I glance at her only to catch her staring avidly, a look of raw hunger on her face. I grin slowly. “You like this.”

  She nods, licking her lips, as if she can already feel me tasting her.

  “Is your cunt ready to be tasted?”

  She lifts her hips with a nod, offering the most intimate part of herself. My cock is like iron. It’s the fucking most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen - Emmaline staring down at me, white-hot lust emanating from her eyes, hair tousled and wild, legs splayed open, hips up displaying a perfect pink, ruffled pussy. It’s better than Christmas and my birthday.

  “And what about this?” I trace a finger around the puckered little rosebud nestled in the valley between her ass cheeks. “Has anyone ever touched you here?”

  She shakes her head mutely, eyes wide.

  “Do you want me to?”

  She nods, excitement flaring in her eyes.

  “This is mine then, no one else’s. Understand?”

  She nods, mouth tilting up as if I’ve given her a present, not a promise of debauchery.

  I begin to caress her thighs, squeezing the muscles, stretching her just a little wider. Only then do I drop my head between her legs, starting at a point midway up her inner thigh. I suck hard enough to leave a mark. On each side. Slowly I work my way up, leaving more red marks, until I get to where I could reach out and touch her sex. I breathe deeply, working to slow my heart rate. We have all the time in the world. I start with a long slow swipe up her slit, using the flat of my tongue. She answers with a long low groan. “Oh yes, that.”

  I do it again, only this time, I go twice as slow, working my tongue into the little valleys and divots. Her knees pop up, but I push them down again, bracing my forearms against her thighs, limiting her movement to her hips. This drives her wild, and she bucks against my mouth, blindly seeking more friction. I force myself to keep a slow pace, even though it makes us both crazy. I feel like I’m combusting from the inside out. I thrust my tongue into her velvety channel, loving the way she squeezes around me, then up to her clit, where I finally seal my mouth around it and suck, while my tongue laps and laps. She comes apart with a cry, body wracked with shudders, but I don’t let up. I keep sucking and lapping, pressing first one, then two fingers inside her, scissoring and pulling against her G-spot. Her hips are moving nonstop, rolling and rocking as she presses against my mouth. I love it- this mutual getting off of her, the shameless movements of chasing an orgasm, while I use my mouth to help. And within moments, she’s at the edge again, crying out more loudly, face contorted in pure ecstasy as another orgasm tears through her with the force of an earthquake.

  She’s so beautiful, so wild, that the words come tumbling out of me before I know what’s happening. “I’ve never been bare inside anyone Emmaline, and I want to with you. So badly.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise, then soften, and she reaches for my cheek, a simple gesture that says so much. “Me either.”

  I take a deep breath and confess. “I had a vasectomy a year ago. I have no intention of having children, and I didn’t want to run the risk of accidental pregnancy.” That’s a deal-breaker for pretty much everyone. So much so, I’ve never told anyone - not even Austin, that I had the procedure done.

  Her eyes are wide, filled with a funny light. “I love that you told me this. And I think it’s perfectly okay to not want children.” Her face twists, looking almost… guilty. “I don’t want them either,” she says so quietly I barely hear it.

  What are the chances? A million rocks on the seashore, and I pick the one that matches me. My stomach flutters. “So should I go get the condom?”

  “No,” she says emphatically, heat returning to her eyes. “I want you. All of you. No barriers.”

  My cock swells and bobs, and I push up to kiss her, long and deep, letting her lick the taste of herself from my mouth, until we both taste of her pussy. I break off. “I’m going to fuck you now. Hard and slow. Put your hands back up over your head.”


  “No buts. We can do it another way next time.”

  Her mouth curls up. “Whatever you say, Sir.”

  Oh, her sass. “That’s exactly right, sweetheart. Now open that sweet cunt for me.”

  She complies, widening her legs and lifting her hips, until the head of me teases her entrance. I push in a tiny bit, then pull out, running my cock up her slit and around her opening, teasing her until she whimpers in frustration. Then slowly, oh so slowly, I penetrate her until I’m fully seated, and then I push farther, filling her completely.

  “Do you like that?”

  She nods, biting down on her lip.

  “And how about this?” I pull out then thrust hard, pushing us both up the bed.

  She cries out as I touch the tip of her womb. “Oh yes, just like that.”

  I adjust my angle so that I’m sliding against her clit. She’s so tight, and wet. To have my cock surrounded by this slick heat, squeezed against with every moment is unfuckingbelievable. I slowly pull in and out, determined to maintain my pace and my deep thrusts, even though it’s the sweetest kind of torture. I can feel when she starts to wind up again - her breathing speeds up, and the rolls of her hips become more intense. I feel my cock swell inside of her, an animal-like ferocity taking over inside me as I thrust. I curl over her so that I can take a nipple into my mouth. That sets her on fire, and her hands come down to clutch my head. “Oh yes,” she cries. “So good. So, so good.”

  Tension pulls at my hamstrings, as my arousal spools and swirls in shrinking concentric circles, the energy coiled so tight, that I can hardly see. Her orgasm rips through her, wracking her body with tremors, as she bears down on my cock, spasming around it with such intensity, I’m a goner. My orgasm rockets through me, launching me to another plane. I let go with a roar, burying myself in her, unloading my come in great hot spurts inside her. Doing what no man has ever done to her, I think with a caveman-like pride. And as soon as we’ve recovered, I’m going to do it again, and again.

  Chapter Twelve

  I’m back in the barn, hands tied behind my back. My wrists burn from repeated attempts to loosen the ropes, but Jason’s tied them too tight. They’re probably b
leeding by now. Austin’s are. I can see that much out of the swollen corner of my eye. Down the aisle, Nico is tied up by himself.

  “I’m not gonna ask again,” Jason growls. “Where the fuck is it?”

  “I don’t know,” I whimper. And that’s God’s truth.

  “You lying sacks of shit,” he snarls. “And I assume you’re going to tell me you had nothing to do with the mini dumpster fire on my bed?”

  “That was me,” Austin says with a fuck-you smile.

  “No it wasn’t. It was me.”

  “It was my idea,” chimes in Nico.

  Jason lights a cigarette, and fear pulls at my stomach. “All for one and one for all, huh?” He takes a long drag and slowly blows out a stream of smoke.

  We’d tried to break the knife blade with a rock, but the steel was so hard the rock barely made a dent. So we buried it, but only Nico knows where, and somehow, Jason’s figured that out. He’s separated the black sheep from the white. But we’d promised each other that if Jason caught us, no matter what happened, he wouldn’t break us. Even if he killed our new puppy, which he had tied up on a leash just out of reach.

  He saunters over to Nico. “So little Nicky, what’s it gonna be? Them or him?” He tilts his head toward the Springer Spaniel puppy we’d received for our eleventh birthday.

  “Asshole,” I mutter under my breath. Because seriously, who hurts animals?

  Jason spins. “What was that?” He stalks toward us, face mottled. He gets right in my face. So close I can smell the cigarette on his breath. “You wanna say that to my face? Punk?”

  I roll my shoulders back and spit on him. I’m gonna pay for that, but it will be worth it to see the look on his face. “Yeah, Asshole.” And it feels good. Really good, to say what I think. Until his fist collides with my nose and the cartilage breaks with a sickening snap.”

  “Nooo,” Nico shouts from down the aisle. “Stop it. Please stop.”

  “Then tell me where the fuck my knife is, pindick.”


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