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A Christmas Bride / A Christmas Beau

Page 33

by Mary Balogh

  He had taken one lady on each arm and was leading them up the front steps and into the tiled and marbled great hall with its fluted pillars and marbled galleries. And if the approach to the house had not taken one’s breath away, Judith thought, then this surely would. The hall was two stories high and dwarfed any person standing in it.

  And yet it was unexpectedly warm. Fires blazed in two large marble fireplaces facing each other at either side of the hall.

  The Marquess of Denbigh presented his housekeeper, who was standing in the middle of the hall curtsying to them and smiling warmly from a face that must boast a thousand wrinkles, Judith thought, and turned them over to her care. Mrs. Hines smiled with motherly warmth at Rupert, clucked over Kate, and led them all upstairs to their rooms.

  Tea would be served in the drawing room, she told them, after they had refreshed themselves. She would return to conduct them there in half an hour’s time.

  The children had been put into the care of a very competent nurse, who had been provided by the marquess. Judith sank down onto a small daybed at the foot of the high four-poster bed in her room and blew out two cheekfuls of air.

  So it had begun. A week’s stay at Denbigh. The final week of her punishment, doubtless. There was a week to live through before she could make arrangements to return to her own home in Lincolnshire and try to begin normal life again.

  A week was not an eternity. It was a shame that it had to be the week of Christmas so that her first Christmas free of Andrew’s family was to be ruined after all. In fact, it was more than a shame, it was infuriating. But nonetheless it was only a week. She must fortify herself constantly with that thought.

  She frowned suddenly. All his guests had arrived, he had said. Where, then, were all the children he had promised Rupert and Kate? Had he lied to them on top of everything else?

  She straightened her shoulders suddenly as there was a tap on her door and Amy’s head appeared around it.

  “Are you going to change your frock, Judith?” she asked. “Or are you just going to wash your hands and face?”

  “Oh, let us change by all means,” Judith said, getting briskly to her feet. She had already made a disaster of an opening scene—her mind touched on her clumsy stumble and the firm security of his arms and chest, and veered away again. At least she would face the next one in a clean and fresh dress and with combed hair. “There is a maid in my dressing room, unpacking my things already.”

  “Yes, and in mine, too,” Amy said. “I shall see you shortly, then, Judith.” She withdrew her head and closed the door again.

  Yes, shortly, Judith thought, drawing a deep breath and walking through into the dressing room.

  “WE WERE FACING that much-dreaded experience,” Lady Clancy was telling Judith during tea in the drawing room, “a Christmas alone. Why is it, I wonder, that no one would dream of pitying a married couple for having to spend any other day of the year alone in each other’s company whereas any number of people would consider it a dreadful fate on that one particular day?”

  “Perhaps because Christmas is for families and sharing,” Judith said.

  “Oh, undoubtedly,” Lady Clancy agreed. “Clement and I have been assuring each other since November that it will be delightful to spend one quiet holiday free of our daughter and her family. But of course it was mere bravado, and Max saw that in a moment. He always does. His home is always filled with lonely persons at Christmas—first at his other home and now here. Not that I am for a moment suggesting that you are one of that number, Mrs. Easton. Your two children are upstairs? They must be weary after the journey. Carriages and children usually do not go well together.”

  Filled his home with lonely persons? Judith thought as she answered Lady Clancy’s questions. That did not sound at all like the Marquess of Denbigh as she knew him.

  “He used to fill his house to overflowing,” Lady Clancy said. “But last year and this there have been fewer invited guests because he has been taking in the children for the holiday. I daresay it will be very noisy once they arrive. I am not sure whether to look forward to it or to plan my escape tomorrow. But we have had plenty of warning, of course. And I like the idea. I really do admire Max more than I can say for actually doing it instead of merely talking about the problems as most of us do. Are you in any way apprehensive about your children’s mingling with them, Mrs. Easton?”

  Judith looked at her companion, mystified. “Lord Denbigh mentioned that there would be children here,” she said. “But where are they? And who are they?”

  “He has not told you?” Lady Clancy laughed. “How naughty of him. They are children from the streets of London, Mrs. Easton, children who had no homes and no prospects for the future except perhaps a noose to swing from eventually. They are housed in the village and fed and clothed and taught. The older ones will be trained eventually to a trade and I am sure Max will see to it that they find suitable positions. From what I have heard, they also enjoy a great deal of recreation and merriment. They will be here, staying at the house, for Christmas.”

  “Ten boys and ten girls,” the marquess’s voice said from behind Judith’s shoulder. She had not heard him come up. “And a more boisterous score of youngsters you would not wish to meet, ma’am. Did I neglect to explain to you in London who the children were? I did mention the children, did I not?”

  He seated himself close to Judith and Lady Clancy and proceeded to engage them both in conversation. His manner was amiable, Judith found. He seemed at ease, relaxed. The country and his home apparently suited him.

  Lonely persons? She had been introduced to everyone in the drawing room. Lord and Lady Clancy were without their daughter and her family that year and would have spent Christmas alone. The Misses Hannibal, his aunts, were elderly ladies, both spinsters, who would perhaps not have been invited anywhere else. Sir William and Lady Tushingham she did not know. But she remembered Mr. Rockford. She had been slightly acquainted with him during her come-out Season. Andrew and his friends had used to make ruthless fun of the man because no one could listen to him talk without falling soundly asleep after three minutes if they suffered from insomnia, they had used to say.

  Was Mr. Rockford a lonely person, too? Did he have no family? Or friends? Somehow it seemed unlikely that the Marquess of Denbigh was his friend. And yet he had invited the man to his home.

  And Amy and the children and she. They would have been alone, too, lonely despite the fact that there were four of them. Was that why he had invited them? But no, she knew that was not the reason. Besides, she did not like to think of its being the reason for any of the invitations to his guests. The Marquess of Denbigh compassionate? She did not like the image at all.

  But what about those children? The ones he had taken from lives of desperation in London and brought here. But she knew only Lady Clancy’s version of that story.

  The marquess and Lady Clancy had been left to talk alone, she realized suddenly. She was being ill-mannered and not doing her part to sustain the conversation.

  Lord Denbigh was looking at her, his keen gray eyes holding hers. “Your children are contentedly settled in the nursery, Mrs. Easton?” he asked. “Mrs. Webber will make them feel quite at home. She was my nurse many years ago and was quite delighted to come out of retirement for the occasion.”

  “Thank you,” Judith said. “Kate had eyes for nothing but the rocking horse before I left, and Rupert had spotted the books.”

  “But you must not feel that they are being confined to the nursery,” he said. “You must allow them downstairs as often as you wish. I have never subscribed to the theory that children should remain invisible until they have grown as sober and dull as the rest of us. And at Christmastime especially children should always be allowed to run wild—or almost so, anyway.”

  “Thank you,” Judith said again.

  And she stared, fascinated, as he smiled at her. A smile that only just touched the corners of his mouth and brightened his eyes, but a smile nonetheles
s. And one that transformed his face for the moment from harshness to handsomeness.

  Judith felt that growingly familiar somersaulting feeling within and concentrated on keeping her breathing even.


  “JUDITH.” AMY CAME BURSTING INTO HER SISTER-IN-LAW’S dressing room the following morning after a quick knock. “Ah, you are up. His lordship is a magician or a prophet, I do declare. Have you seen?”

  Judith had indeed seen and had had much the same thought. And also the thought that if it had only happened one day sooner, or better still, two, she might have been saved. She, not anyone else. Amy would have been disappointed and the children quite despondent.

  “Yes,” she said. “It must have been snowing in earnest all night for there to be such a thick covering already.”

  “And it is still coming down,” Amy said. “Do you realize what this means, Judith? Snow for Christmas. It does not happen often, does it? Especially fresh white snow. It is going to be perfectly splendid for the children. Have you heard about the children? I do admire Lord Denbigh for doing such a thing. But will this snow impede their coming here tomorrow night, Judith? I do hope not, though of course it could be said that it is not at all the thing for such children to be brought into a house with guests. I think the idea quite charming, however. I hope you do not think it is in poor taste with Rupert and Kate here.”

  Amy was excited and enjoying herself already—Judith could see that. There was even a flush of color in her cheeks. The Misses Hannibal had taken her to their bosoms the evening before and Mr. Rockford had even tried flirting with her. Amy had never been made so much of in her own home.

  “It will be a new experience,” Judith said, swiveling about on the stool, her temporary maid having finished pinning up her hair. “I look forward to it. Shall we go down to breakfast?”

  Amy’s fears were put to rest very soon after breakfast. Rupert and Kate were very eager to be outside in the snow. Judith and Amy dressed themselves and the children warmly and descended the stairs. But when they emerged into the great hall, it was to find the front doors being opened and children of all sizes and descriptions pouring inside, all variously covered with snow, all seemingly talking at the same time. Two adults came in after them. The marquess was emerging from a downstairs room.

  “Cor blimey,” someone yelled, “it’s three feet thick out there if it’s an inch.”

  “Ow, luverly,” someone else shrieked, “fires. Me fingers is froze off me ’ands.” A thin girl detached herself from the mob and raced for one of the fires. Two others followed her.

  “Ow, look,” a tall and gangly boy said above the general hubbub of noise. “ ’Oo are the nippers, guv?”

  The Marquess of Denbigh stood with his feet apart and his hands clasped behind his back. “The nippers, Daniel, my lad,” he said, “are Master Rupert Easton and his sister, Miss Easton. Could you children not have left at least some of the snow outside? Did you have to drag it all inside with you?”

  A chorus of voices explained with varying degrees of coherence that there had been snowball fights to accompany the walk from the village.

  “And Val got shoved in the snow by Toby,” one of the larger girls said, “and Toby got shoved in by five of us girls and got ’is face washed in it, too.”

  “Ah,” the marquess said. “That explains it, then. Now, left turn the lot of you and march smartly into the salon. Mrs. Hines is having warm chocolate sent up for you.”

  “And cake, too, guv?” Daniel asked, a cheeky grin on his face.

  “Left turn,” the gentleman who had arrived with the children said sternly. “And the ‘guv’ is ‘my lord’ to you, Daniel, as I have explained five thousand times at a conservatively low estimate.”

  As quickly as the hall had filled, it emptied again, leaving behind only the adults and Rupert and Kate.

  “May I go, too, Mama?” Rupert asked hopefully.

  “Me, too, Mama?” Kate tugged at her cloak.

  “I shall take them in with me if you have no objection, ma’am,” the lady who had come with the children said. She was plump and matronly and looked perfectly capable of dealing with the toughest urchin.

  “Mrs. Easton,” the marquess said, “Miss Easton, may I present Mrs. Harrison and Mr. Cornwell, the very capable and long-suffering guardians of the hurricanes who just passed through here?”

  Mr. Cornwell was short and inclined to stoutness, though Judith guessed that there was a great deal more muscle than fat on his frame. Frost was melting from his sandy mustache and eyebrows. His fair hair was thinning.

  “Ladies?” he said, bowing to them.

  Mrs. Harrison curtsied. “Despite all the noise,” she said to Judith, “the children are quite a harmless lot, ma’am. They will not gobble up your own children, I promise you.” She smiled.

  “I am afraid,” Mr. Cornwell said, “that their elocution slips alarmingly whenever they get excited about something, Max. And this morning they are very excited.” He turned and addressed himself to Amy. “One would hardly know that in the schoolroom they often speak something approximating to the English language, would you?”

  “Go along, then,” Judith said, relinquishing Kate’s hand to the outstretched one of Mrs. Harrison.

  The two children disappeared inside the salon. A moment later two maids followed them, each with a tray laden with steaming cups. A third maid was carrying a tray of cakes and muffins.

  “Come into the library, Spence,” the marquess said, “and breathe in some sanity for a few minutes. Ladies, will you join us? You are dressed for the outdoors, I see. I was about to send up to invite you and the children to accompany us once the party arrived from the village. This is the morning when we are to haul in the Yule log and gather the greenery for decorating the house. The task is now to be made more difficult and infinitely more exciting by the presence of the snow. Rockford should be down soon, too.”

  Amy clasped her hands tightly and beamed. “Oh,” she said, “this is so much more pleasurable than being in town, shopping at a market. We would be delighted to come, would we not, Judith?”

  Lord Denbigh ushered them all into a large and cozy library. Looking about, Judith guessed that he spent a great deal of his time there. There was an open book on a table beside a leather chair, she noticed. The desk was strewn with papers. It was obviously a room that was used, not just a showpiece.

  Both gentlemen had a drink. The ladies refused.

  Amy had been a little divided in her feelings about the invitation to spend Christmas at Denbigh Park. The lure of a country home was strong and she liked the marquess and looked with hope on what appeared to be a budding romance between him and Judith. But there was also the fact that they must leave London so soon after she had finally gone there.

  She no longer had any misgivings. From the moment of her arrival the afternoon before, she had felt like a person. Judith had always made her feel that way, of course, and the marquess in the past few weeks had been very civil. But now she was in a country home with several other guests and she was being treated with respect. That silly Mr. Rockford had even tried flirting with her the evening before.

  Amy realized in full just how much less than a person she had always been considered at home.

  She was enjoying herself immensely. And she was enchanted by the story of all the children and by her first sight of them. She was almost envious of Mrs. Harrison and was admiring of Mr. Cornwell.

  “I do think it a splendid job you are doing, sir,” she said to him now. “But what gave you the idea? Or was it his lordship’s?”

  He looked at her and smiled. He was quite as willing as the marquess and the other guests to take her seriously, she thought in some surprise. He had a pleasant face. It was not at all handsome, but it was good-natured. It was the kind of face that would inspire trust in troubled children, she thought. Just as his rather solid frame would inspire respect and a sense of security.

  “It was a joint brainchild, actually, ma
’am,” he said. “We dreamed up the idea one night, thought at the time that we must both have taken leave of our senses, and are even more convinced of the fact two and a half years later.” He chuckled. “I have never been happier in my life.”

  “How wonderful it must be,” she said somewhat wistfully, “to be able to devote one’s life to children.”

  “Are you sure you wish to come gathering greenery, ma’am?” he asked. “It is a longish walk to the trees and there is bound to be a great deal of noise and foolery. I cannot assure you in all confidence either that the language will all be suitable for a lady’s ears.”

  “I would not miss it for worlds,” Amy said. “This is what Christmas is all about, sir—children and decorations and trudges in the snow. And company.”

  He actually winked at her as he set his empty glass down. “Never say I did not warn you, ma’am,” he said.

  Amy felt herself turn pink, reminded herself that she was thirty-six years old, and told herself not to be silly.

  “I would imagine,” the marquess said to Judith, “that by the time these children have finished gathering and decorating there will be more greenery inside the house than out. And a great deal more noise and chaos. I hope you will not mind. I was a little afraid last year that my aunts might have an apoplectic fit apiece. But they smiled and nodded and were enchanted—and horrified the boys by kissing all the girls. The boys thought that they would surely be next. Fortunately, my aunts had more sense of decorum.”

  Judith laughed, finding the situation and his humor amusing despite herself.

  “I should have told you about the children,” he said. His eyes were looking very directly into hers, a hint of a smile in them again. “But I was afraid that you would cry off if you knew. It was shameful of me, was it not?”

  Judith felt a twinge of alarm. If she had not known him eight years before and again in the past few weeks, she might well be gaining a totally different impression of him than the true one, she thought. He seemed quite human suddenly. More than human. And there was a warmth in his look.


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