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The Sweetest Summer: A Bayberry Island Novel

Page 23

by Susan Donovan

  Christina leaned forward and began taking big sniffs, though she kept a good two feet away.

  Clancy glanced up at Evelyn, his eyes crinkling with laughter, his face golden in the setting sun. She felt her heart drop. It was as if she were fourteen again, coming alive in the company of a boy who fit her, made her laugh, kissed her lips, and touched her soul. It had been the sweetest summer of her life. Though they’d both changed in many respects over the years, that feeling remained.

  The physical differences in Clancy were obvious. On his way to becoming a man, his bones had lengthened and his muscles filled out. He face was still boyishly handsome, but with a harder edge to it and a lot more than the beginnings of peach fuzz. His hair was shorter than it had been as a wild island child. And he was far more confident than he’d been as a gangly fourteen-year-old. The kinks had been smoothed out in the way he moved, spoke, and filled a room with his presence.

  Clancy’s eyes, though, were exactly the same. Hal was right—he did have a penetrating gaze. They were the same intense dark blue, set deep behind dark lashes, and still flashed with intelligence and kindness.

  But the thing that most obviously connected the boy to the man was an underlying sweetness about him. That, more than anything, took her back in time.

  Evelyn suddenly felt her throat tighten. Here she was, letting herself feel the old attraction, but the fact remained: he claimed he never got her letter. How could that have happened? It took years for her to talk herself into believing she’d been naive for falling in love with Clancy Flynn. With the help of her friends and Amanda, she finally decided her instincts had been wrong about him, that he’d only used her as a festival week distraction, and that he probably lied to all the tourist girls.

  Or was it possible the only mistake she’d made was to doubt him? Could the whole thing really have been some stupid mix-up with the mail?

  Evelyn couldn’t keep it in a second longer. “You had to have received a letter from me. I sent you one. I spilled my guts to you. I told you I loved you.”

  His smile faded. He gave her a barely there nod.

  “I want to hold it? Can I hold it?”

  Clancy returned his attention to the excited Christina. “How about I put it down right here in the sand for you? That way, you can touch it if you want but you don’t have to hold it. Does that sound good?”

  She began bouncing and twirling again. “Yep, yep, yep!”

  Clancy stood and moved toward Evelyn. He walked with determination, serious and focused, and he kept his eyes locked on hers until he was close enough that she could reach out and touch him if she dared.

  “I never got a letter, Evie. I waited and waited, for years, really.”


  “Finally, when I went off to school on the mainland, I told myself I had to let you go. By the time I started the police academy, I thought of you only occasionally. And then, life got ahold of me.”

  “But . . . I waited for years, too! It crushed me that you never wrote back!”

  A high-pitched screech jolted them. Christina was running in the surf after the dogs, her arms flailing in alarm. “They took it! They got the horse crap!”

  Clancy kissed Evelyn’s forehead. “Someday we’ll know what happened. The important thing now is that you don’t waste another second of your life doubting me, because I meant every word I ever said to you, Evie.”

  Evelyn’s spirit lifted and her mind stilled. There was so much happiness in that moment—Clancy, Christina, the dogs, the sunset. She didn’t know if her heart could carry it all. Now she knew. Clancy had not dismissed her.

  “I’ve been thinking.” He took her hand and they resumed their walk. “It’s not a mistake you’re here, you know. You’re here for a reason.”

  “Ya think?”

  They both laughed and he pulled her tighter. “Not only because of your current . . . difficulty.”


  “I think you’re back because there’s a lot of unfinished business between us, Evie. Maybe we’re getting another chance.”

  “A second chance at a first love?”


  Eighteen years ago . . .

  So this is what it felt like. Clancy hadn’t said the words yet, but Evie knew by the way he held her close as they danced, and touched his lips so softly to her neck. He loved her. She was fine with that. Because she loved him back.

  There were almost too many emotions to handle that night, and too many things going on in the background. For one, her parents were at the Mermaid Ball, too, and every once in a while, she’d feel her mom or dad’s eyes on her, evaluating the danger their daughter might be in. As if. Clancy was a complete gentleman, and they had no idea how wonderful he was compared to some of the boys she knew at home.

  Clancy’s family was there, too, wandering around. His little sister, it turned out, was the same age as Amanda, and they’d been hanging out together much of the week. After some observation, Evie decided that Clancy was right about his brother, Duncan. He did act like an ass. He was one of those brainy superjocks who thought they were all that, the kind of guy who strutted around totally sure that girls were staring at him and fighting over him.

  Duncan had been smiling at Evie all evening, even when he was out on the dance floor with a girl of his own. Right now he sat at one of the side tables, trying to get her attention. She definitely sensed some serious competition going on between the brothers—Duncan was daring her to ditch Clancy and come hang with him. Ugh. She didn’t understand boys sometimes, but she did know that guys like Duncan weren’t her type at all.

  Her type was Clancy—a boy with smarts, a sense of humor, and good looks. He was sweet, kind, and a blast to be with. And all of this came without a hint of being conceited. That is what made him special.

  “You look so beautiful tonight, Evie. This is the first time I’ve ever seen you in a dress, and it was totally worth waiting for.”

  Oh, she was so happy to hear that! She had debated with herself whether to take up space in her suitcase for something as useless as a dress because, really, who wore a dress on vacation? But at the last minute she balled it up and stuffed it inside. Maybe somewhere in the back of her mind she’d known she would meet her true love that week.

  “Thank you.” She slid her arms lazily over his shoulders and cocked her head, just enjoying that handsome face in the twinkling lights. The only shadow on the evening was the fact that by tomorrow morning she would be gone.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

  “Ah, man, so do I.” A shadow moved across his expression, and Evie saw he was as bummed out as she was. “Hey!” Clancy perked up. “Do you think my parents could adopt you so you could stay on Bayberry forever?”

  They both chuckled.

  Just then, a flash of light surrounded them, leaving black spots in Evie’s vision. They glanced over to see Clancy’s mother with her camera, giving them a thumbs-up and a big grin. She wandered off to catch another couple unawares.

  “Sorry about that. My mom’s kind of in charge of the festival and likes to document all the events with pictures.”

  “I’m not sorry at all.” Evie kissed his cheek, not caring who saw her do it. “Now you’ll have a picture of us together. It will help you remember me.”

  He whispered in her ear. “I won’t need a picture for that.”

  As if on cue, the DJ played their song. It wasn’t exactly a shock, since it was pretty much the love song of the summer and the Mermaid Ball was coming to an end, but to Evie it was a sign. The lyrics flowed through the breeze. The paper lanterns along the dock began to dance. They held each other tighter. We’ll always be a part of each other . . . our love will never die . . . I will always be your baby . . .

  After the Mermaid Ball ended, she went to her parents and begged for a little extra time.

  “I just want to take one last walk on the beach. Please, please, please let me. Just a few minutes.”

  Her parents shared a glance, and her dad looked at his watch. Oh, great. She’d be lucky to get five minutes and thirty seconds.

  “Be back by eleven thirty.”

  Evie’s mouth hung loose with surprise. Eleven thirty?

  Amanda rolled her eyes. “God! I hate being twelve!”

  Evie hugged her mom and dad, not sure what had just happened. They must have had pity on her, or maybe the fact that she was hopelessly in love was so obvious it was ridiculous. But she didn’t care why her usually uncool parents had just been totally chill and given her a whole hour! She was taking it!

  “Remember, we’re leaving on the morning ferry, so you need to get your rest.”

  She nodded at her mom. How could she forget? As of tomorrow morning, the dream would be over. The best week of her life would be history.

  Evie met Clancy at the public marina. He was so relieved and excited to see her that he picked her up and swung her around like they did in the movies, and Evie’s legs flew in a circle around them.

  Most of their time together was spent in silence. Neither of them seemed to know what to say as they took their last nighttime stroll along the beach, water tickling their feet. Clancy had his arm tight around Evie’s waist, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Do you think you’ll grow any taller?”

  That surprised Evie—what a strange question for the kind of important moment they were sharing. “Probably not much. Why?”

  “Because.” Clancy tilted his head so that his temple touched her hair. “I’d like to be a couple inches taller than you eventually, you know, in a few years. I always pictured myself with a girl who was just a little shorter than me.”

  Evie raised her face. Clancy smiled shyly, gazing down on her. They stopped walking.

  “What are you saying, Clancy?”

  “I’m saying that I love you. I know kids our age aren’t supposed to fall in love—except maybe for Romeo and Juliet—but it happened. And I really don’t think one week is going to be the end for us.”

  Her bones weakened and her heart slammed in her ears. This was it—the most important moment of her life. He just said he loved her!

  “Oh, Clancy. I love you, too. Don’t ever forget it.”

  He grabbed her face in his hands and they kissed ferociously. Evie felt Clancy’s tears on her own cheeks and it made her cry, too, and this was after she’d successfully avoided crying the whole night long.

  Clancy held her hand in his all the way back to the motel. He got her there right on time. “I’ll be at the dock in the morning to see you off.”

  He kissed her one last time, with so much tenderness and love. Then she slipped inside the motel door.

  Evie had never been so sad in her life. She told her parents she was fine, just tired and a little sunburned, but her mom knew better. Evie cried while she washed her face and brushed her teeth, and she cried herself to sleep as silently as she could, wishing the morning would never come.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Evelyn eased from the guest room bed. Exhausted from their beach day, Chrissy had fallen into a deep sleep. Now Evelyn tiptoed across the room, shut the door, and slipped into the hallway. Silently, she disappeared into the bathroom.

  The reflection she saw in the mirror startled her, but trying to do something with her hair was pointless. Maybe one day she could grow it out again, let it return to its natural brown. But for now, this was it. No matter what her hair looked like or what she wore or how frazzled she was, Clancy was in the living room waiting for her. The moment she’d thought about for her entire adult life had finally arrived, and it was nothing like she’d pictured.

  Evelyn smoothed out her shirt and turned off the light. She was greeted in the hallway by a happy Earl and an even happier Mr. T, and the threesome headed toward the living room.

  Clancy was sprawled out on the couch, all six-feet-something of him golden under the light of a floor lamp, sound asleep. His sandy bare feet hung off the edge of the cushions while a loose hand cupped his cell phone. She couldn’t blame him. It had to be well past ten and in addition to everything else he’d dealt with that day, Clancy told her this had been his very first evening routine with a four-year-old. That would wear anyone out.

  Evelyn studied him for a long moment, thinking about their evening. They’d returned to the beach just before the sun disappeared. She’d whipped together a dinner using stuff she found in his pantry and freezer—a brown rice pilaf with chicken and spinach, and a fruit salad for dessert. The three of them ate at the butcher block, as they’d done at breakfast. Then Evelyn got Christina ready for bed while Clancy cleaned up, and afterward, he volunteered for story duty. Evelyn watched as her niece and the police chief snuggled together in the big living room chair, his deep voice becoming tender as he said good night to the moon, the mittens, the socks, and the stars, only to do it all over again at least three times. Christina was so worn out and happy that it took just minutes for her to fall asleep.

  Apparently, it had been the same for Clancy.

  Evelyn sat cross-legged on the living room rug and leaned against the chair. The dogs joined her, each resting a big, bony head in her lap. She scratched their ears as the exhaustion hit. It was a type of tired she had never felt before, not even after the most grueling marathons. The weariness cut down to the marrow of her mind and heart as much as her body. She let her eyelids close.

  She could not fail. It had been the only thing Amanda ever asked of her. Evelyn remembered the day she made the promise. The air was bracing and the sky deep blue, and Amanda asked her to have a seat on the stone wall. It wasn’t like her sister to reveal her deepest feelings, so Evelyn let her talk. She broke apart, releasing everything she’d been carrying by herself.

  Though five years had gone by, Amanda’s words were as clear as if they’d just been spoken.

  “If anything ever happens to me, you cannot let him get his hands on her. He threw her away. Please promise me you will not let that bastard near Christina.”

  The memory faded. Evelyn felt as if she were floating through the air. Had she fallen asleep? Where was Amanda? Christina? Had she been dreaming? Remembering? Who was carrying her?

  “It’s okay, Evie. Go back to sleep.”

  It was Clancy, taking her into his bedroom. She wanted it. She wanted to sleep with him at her side. Christina was happy and safe. Evelyn was not alone anymore. She had hope. So when Clancy gently placed her on his mattress and snuggled up behind her, she melted in bliss.

  Oh, the relief of his arms around her, the comforting heat of his body, the knowledge that she could truly relax. She could sink into nothing yet be protected . . . from . . . everything. . . .

  He opened his eyes, immediately sensing that his bed and his life were different. This was not Mr. T shoved up against his left hip. This was Evie, and her arm was flung loosely across his chest while a firm thigh pressed into the front of his shorts. He lay in the dark, listening to the soft rhythm of her breath, letting the uniquely female essence of Evelyn McGuinness wash over him. His brain had remembered the exactness of the scent for eighteen years—sea breeze over wildflowers—and it now flooded him with memories. The scent was a deeper and richer version now, that of a woman, not a girl.

  Just then he realized this hadn’t been such a great idea. Yes, they were fully clothed and had done nothing but sleep for the last several hours, but now what? Evie was in his bed. For real. He was awake and she’d soon be, too.

  Oh, God, she just shifted and made a sweet little moan in her sleep. Evie’s knee slid higher on his body, her long calf muscle pressing directly onto his cock. Clancy tried everything to avoid the inevitable: he thought of Cosmo Katsakis’s stained wife beater, the Bayberry Freedom Colony, the mountain of pape
rwork on his desk. But nothing prevented his body from doing what nature intended.

  “Good morning, Sir Clancy.”

  He froze.

  “Yes, I’m awake and you are, too. I can tell.”

  Slowly, Clancy turned to face her. With the barest hint of light in the room, he could make out the lovely shape of her face and the curve of her smile. He traced his fingertips along her cheek. “Good morning, sweet Evie.” He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  Evie pressed tighter to his hip while pulling her leg away, as if she realized what she’d done to him. “This is the first time we’ve ever woken up together. It’s pretty nice.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Say what?”

  “Yeah. See, waking up with Earl is pretty nice, and you’re way hotter than him.”

  They giggled together, then busted into full-out goofy laughter, holding on to each other while trying to keep the noise level down.


  “What time does Christina usually wake up?”

  “Six thirty or so. What time is it?”

  Clancy reached for his smartphone by the bed. “Four fifteen. I need to be at work by seven.”

  Evie placed her lips against the side of his neck. He heard himself groan with the pure pleasure of her silky flesh and warm breath. He imagined how incredible it would be to feel that sensation everywhere on his body.

  Clancy turned on his side and propped his head on an elbow. He traced the outline of her body from shoulder to knee and back again. “It pains me to say this . . .”

  “I agree.”

  “I figured.”

  Evie nodded slowly. “It wouldn’t be smart. Everything has been so strange for Christina lately. If she were to see or hear something, it would scare and confuse her. Thank you for understanding, Clancy.”

  He decided to keep his frustration to himself.

  “I don’t think I could be quiet, anyway,” Evie said.


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