The Difference
Page 9
“Can we start with tomorrow night and take it from there?” Her voice is soft, uncertain.
My heart picks up speed at what this could finally mean for us. “Yes. Do you have a dress? If not, I’m happy to buy one since it’s such short notice.”
“That’s not necessary. Just tell me what time I need to be ready.”
“I’ll be at your place at six. Dinner will be served at the event.”
“Okay. I’ll be ready.”
“I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me too,” she whispers before the line goes dead.
I don’t know how long I sit here staring at my phone. She said yes, not just to agreeing to go to the banquet with me, but… to more.
“You know, that pile of work isn’t going to go away with you just staring at it,” Justin says, standing in my doorway.
“Yeah.” I rub my hands over my face, pulling myself out of my head.
“I’m heading out for the day. You call Addyson?”
“I did. She’s in.”
“Ah, that explains the staring.”
“You have no idea.”
“I think I do. I’m headed to Harper’s. We’re having dinner with her parents tonight.”
“Moving right along.”
“And couldn’t be happier, my man. See ya tomorrow night.”
“See ya.”
Glancing at the clock, I see it’s just past five. I’m useless here, so I pack up my laptop and head home for the weekend. I have a date to plan.
Chapter Thirteen
* * *
I left at five on the dot and headed straight to the mall. I knew that Harper and Justin were having dinner with her parents, so I called my mom for backup. I didn’t give her specific information. I told her a friend needed a plus one for an event, and I needed to find a dress.
“Took you long enough,” Mom says when I find her at the mall entrance waiting on me.
“You live like five minutes from here,” I remind her.
“So, I do.” She grins. “Tell me who is this friend and what kind of event are we talking about?”
“Well, he’s Harper’s boyfriend, Justin’s, best friend. We’ve all hung out a few times.”
“Does Harper’s boyfriend’s best friend have a name?” she asks in a way only Mom can.
“I like it. So why is this Lucas character waiting until the day before?”
“I assumed that as well, but I was wrong,” I admit, thinking about my earlier conversation. “He takes his mom every year. It’s kind of their thing. She called him earlier letting him know that she’s sick and can’t make it.”
“Aww.” She holds her hand over her heart. “This Lucas sounds like a good man. Why have you not snatched him up?” She bumps her shoulder into mine.
“I’m taking a break.”
“From what?”
“Why on earth would you do something crazy like that? How am I ever going to become a grandmother if you take a break? You have to get back out there.”
“Mom, you know all the drama that seems to follow me and relationships.”
“That’s not drama, Addy, that’s life. It’s how you move forward, how you bounce back that’s important. Sure, you’ve dated a few tools, but you can’t let that stop you.”
“Like you know.” I raised my brows at her. “You started dating Dad in high school. There just aren’t any men out there who want what I want.”
“What do you want?”
“I want what you and Daddy have. I want someone to come home to, someone who wants to come home to me. I want to give you those grandbabies you’re always harping about. I want to know that I’m his number one.”
She nods. “How do you expect to find that if you’re not out there looking?”
“I don’t know. I’m tired of being second best. I don’t know if my heart or my ego can take another breakup.”
“Life is about change, Addyson.”
“I get that, Mom. I do. But look at you and Dad. No change there.”
She throws her head back and laughs, causing several shoppers to glance our way. “If that’s what you think, I’ve done you a disservice as your mother. Addy, marriage is hard work. It takes time and patience and compromise. Your father and I love each other very much, but that doesn’t mean we’ve not had changes. Take you for example. We were first time parents, a huge change as this little angel now depended on us for everything. It was a learning curve for both of us and wasn’t always storybook. Being a parent is hard, yet so rewarding, but a challenge none the less. That’s just one of many examples I could throw at you. You can’t let your past keep you from the future you’ve always dreamed of. Only you can make your dreams come true.”
“I remember you telling me that in fifth grade when I was trying to win the science fair,” I remind her.
“Exactly. You can’t wait until the day before it’s due to put together a winning project. It takes time and preparation. So does any good relationship. You have to put work into it. You have to risk pain and hurt to find love and devotion. I was lucky. I found my forever at sixteen. You, on the other hand, will be old and gray if you don’t lose this ‘taking a break’ business.”
“He’s asked me out a few times,” I confess.
“Let me guess. You turned him down.”
“Yes. When he called me earlier, I jumped to conclusions when he said his date fell through. I kind of went off and then he calmly told me that it was his mother and then asked me in the sweetest of words to be his date.”
“I knew I liked him.” She smiles. “Now, let’s find you a dress that will be sure to bring him to his knees.”
“Do I want that?”
“I think you do. You set the pace, be the one in control. If he’s in this for you, for the right reasons, he’s going to have no issue with that.”
“You’re right. Okay. Let’s do this.” I let the excitement I’ve been trying to hide shine through my smile. I’m thrilled to be able to spend more time with Luke. Tonight is a favor, but in my fragile heart, I’m already wishing for it to be more. We go from store to store, and I start to get discouraged on being able to find something. When we walk into the final store and make our way to the formal dresses I see it. Immediately, I fall in love with it.
“That’s it,” Mom says when we reach the rack and I find my size, holding it up. “Go try it on.”
Not needing to be told twice, I head for the dressing room. I strip down and slide into the dress easily. “Mom,” I call out. “Can you come here and zip me up?”
“Oh, Addy, this is the one,” she says when I turn around to face her.
I look in the mirror, turning this way and that. It’s A-Line with silver mesh over the chest, near the neck, and deeper silver with dark and light teal, and soft pink beads covering the bust, and neck. The beads stop at the waistline where the long chiffon skirt in dark teal takes over.
“I love it.”
“It’s perfect. Do you have silver heels?” she asks.
“I do, but I want a new pair,” I say, turning left to right, still admiring the dress.
“That color really brings out your tan,” Mom comments. “Not to mention, it’s your favorite. Do you need to tell him what color?”
“No, I don’t think so. I assume he’s just going black and white.”
“You’re probably right. Leaves more suspense for when he sees you in it. Definitely going to bring him to his knees. You look beautiful.”
“Thanks, Mom. Thanks for coming with me.”
“Thanks for inviting me. Your dad went to a poker game over at Fred’s, so you saved me from a lonely night at home.”
“Well, dinner’s on me.”
“After we find you some shoes.” She steps out so I can get changed, and I take the dress straight to the register. After
paying, we hit the shoe store next door and find an adorable pair of silver strappy heels. I find my size, try them on, and just like that, I have my outfit for tomorrow night. My palms are sweaty from my nerves and the excitement of what’s yet to come.
I barely slept at all last night. I finally climbed out of bed at around seven and made some breakfast. And by that, I mean, put a bagel in the toaster. It’s no fun to cook for one. I got caught up on laundry and cleaning. It’s just after noon, and I still have six hours before Lucas is due to pick me up. Needing something to occupy my time, I call Harper.
“Hey, you,” she answers.
“How was last night?”
“Perfect. They all hit it off so well. Justin is making plans for us to have dinner with his parents in the next couple of weeks.”
“That’s great, Harp. I’m so excited for you.”
“How was your night?” she asks.
“Well, Mom and I went to the mall. I needed a dress.”
“What for? You should have bought one while we were out on Monday.”
“See, that’s the thing, I didn’t know I needed one.”
“So are you going to tell me what it’s for or do you enjoy keeping me in suspense?”
“Lucas called me yesterday just as I was getting off work.”
“His date fell through for the event tonight. He asked me if I would go. I said yes.”
“Wait? You said yes after he already asked someone else?” I can hear the disbelief and anger in her voice. Like me, she’s assuming the worse. That’s just my luck, and we both know it.
“Yes, but it’s not what you think. Believe me, I told him how I felt about it. Then he proceeded to tell me who his date originally was.”
“Well?” she prompts.
“His mom.” I go on to tell her the story, and by the time I’m done, she’s team Lucas all the way.
“He really likes you, Addyson.”
“How do you know that?” It’s a stupid question. Even I can tell he’s into me. The more time I’m around him, the more I realize Lucas is a “what you see is what you get” kind of guy. He’s not hiding an agenda. He’s just Luke.
“Let’s see. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and Justin might have mentioned it.”
“What did he say?” I’m prying, but I’m curious as to what he said. Butterflies swarm my belly just knowing that he’s been talking about me to Justin.
“I’m not telling you.”
“What? Why not? Come on, you have to give me something.”
“No, I don’t think I do. This is what needs to happen. Let it happen organically. You want to know how he feels, you need to ask him. I can tell you this. Lucas and Justin, they’re the good ones. The guys you take home to meet your parents.” I can hear the smile in her voice, no doubt remembering her own dinner just last night. “They’re not into games.”
“I didn’t think the others were either.”
“True, but there is something different about these two that the others didn’t have.”
“What’s that?”
“A heart. There is no way Lucas can look at you the way he does and be able to screw you over. Let’s not forget his determination to win you over, and his promise to not break your heart. He knows your background. Hell, that’s how the four of us met. He knows what he’s up against, that you’re fragile and broken, but he’s still here. He’s still standing tall waiting for you to give him the time of day.”
“It’s a look, Harper.”
“It’s a look that would have any other woman dropping her panties,” she replies, making me laugh.
“He’s going to be here at six. I bought a dress and shoes, and I’m nervous.”
“Good. That means you’re not as unaffected as you want me to believe. Want my advice?”
“Shave everything.”
“On it, boss.” I chuckle.
“That’s my girl. I need to go so I can start getting ready.”
“Yeah, I guess since shaving everything was just added to the agenda, I should as well.”
“See you in a few hours. Oh, and send me a picture of the dress.”
“See you.” I end the call and snap a picture of the dress lying on my bed to send to her.
* * *
Harper: OMG! Teal is your color. I can’t wait to see you in it.
* * *
Me: Thanks. See you later.
* * *
Tossing my phone on the bed, I head to the shower. Time to get ready.
Chapter Fourteen
* * *
My palms are sweating. I don’t think I was this nervous for my first date when I was sixteen. Then again, that date wasn’t with Addyson. Stepping up to her front door, I squeeze the flowers I bought for her tightly in one hand while lightly knocking on the door with the other.
Seconds later, she’s pulling open the door, and I honest to God feel my knees go weak. Reaching out, I brace myself with my free hand against the doorframe. I’m going for casual, but I’m not so sure I’m pulling it off. “Wow,” I breathe.
Her cheeks turn the slightest shade of pink. “Thank you. You look handsome.”
“These are for you,” I thrust the flowers at her like the fumbling fool that I am.
Just for her.
Just for Addyson.
From the moment I met her, she’s been this… light. I can’t describe it really. It’s as if she calls to me on a deeper level.
“Thanks, come on in, and I’ll put them in some water.” She steps back, letting me pass before closing the door.
I don’t take my eyes off her as she fills a vase she finds under the sink and puts the flowers in water. “Ready,” she says, looking up at me.
“Yes, but first I need to show you something. We match,” I tell her, tugging up the leg of my suit to show her my teal socks.
“How did you know I’d be wearing teal?”
I shrug. “I didn’t. I know it’s your favorite, and my favorite on you. I thought worse-case scenario you would know that I was thinking about you when I got ready.”
“You’re one of a kind, Lucas Prescott.”
“Come here.” I hold my hand out for her. She doesn’t hesitate as she moves toward me and places her hand in mine. “Can I just look at you for a minute?” I rake my eyes over her. “Jesus, Addyson, you’re stunning.”
“I already agreed to go out with you tonight. No need for flattery.”
“It’s the truth. You take my breath away.” I wish just once she would believe me when I tell her how beautiful she is. I wish she would believe me when I tell her she’s the only woman I want. Then, when I tell her that I’m falling in love with her, she’ll believe me too.
“Lucas Prescott, who knew you had a silver tongue?”
“Thank you,” I say, my tone serious. “For coming with me tonight. You took a lot of pressure off my mom. She’s already called twice asking me to thank you for her. Oh, and she wants to meet you.”
“Well, tell her it was my pleasure.” She hesitates then says, “I’d love to meet her.”
I nod and hold my arm out for her. It’s a small victory, one I’m not going to make a big deal out of, even though inside I’m celebrating. Addy doesn’t need the validation. She knows what she’s just agreed to. “Ready?” Her answer is to slide her arm through mine. “You have what you need?” I ask. She points to a little silver purse sitting on the table by the door. She picks it up on our way out, and I watch as she makes sure her door is locked before guiding her to my car.
“What happened to the truck?” she asks.
“It’s at home. I thought the car was more fitting for tonight. I wasn’t sure, but I assumed climbing into my truck in a dress and heels is not exactly a good time.”
“You guessed right.” She grins. “Nice ride.”
“Thank you.” I open the door for her then wait for her to be settled and buckled in before sh
utting it. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do, but honestly, it was hard to pull my eyes off her. I’m one lucky bastard to have her on my arm tonight.
I keep glancing over at her every chance I get. When she places her hand on my arm, I turn to look at her once again.
“You okay?” she questions.
“No.” I signal and pull into a grocery store parking lot. We’re maybe a mile from the venue, but this can’t wait.
“What’s wrong?” Addyson asks, concerned.
“This.” Sliding my hand behind her neck, I pull her close, and I have every intention of kissing her, but stop just before our lips touch and rest my forehead against hers. My breathing is accelerated, as is hers. Her soft breaths brush against my skin. “I want to kiss you so fucking bad right now,” I whisper.
“Why did you stop?” she asks breathlessly.
“Makeup. You took the time to get all dolled up, and I’m not messing that up by mauling you in my car before we even get to the event.”
“Makes sense,” she says, defeated.
“I want to though,” I say, pulling away and staring into her eyes. “You deserve better than that, and I’m going to give it to you, but…” I trace the column of her neck with my thumb. “Once this event is over. When I take you home at the end of the night, these lips are mine,” I say huskily.
It takes a minute for her words to register. My heart thumps heavily in my chest. This is one promise I intend to keep. On my life. “Promise.” I place a kiss on her cheek.
When we arrive at the event, I take advantage of the valet parking, tossing the attendant my keys. I don’t warn him to take it easy. I don’t give him a look telling him not to fuck up my ride. I barely spare him a glance before placing my arm around Addyson's waist and guiding her into the building.
“Wow.” She takes in the room before her. “This is… not what I expected.”