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The Legend of Elora: Book 1 A Queen's Quest

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by K. M. Bonde

  The Legend of Elora

  By K.M. Bonde

  Copyright © 2019, K M Bonde

  All rights reserved.

  Published by K M Bonde

  Cover Art by BRoseDesignZ

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  To my daughters.

  Nothing is impossible. We can go as far as our limitless imagination takes us.

  Find your dream world and live in it. May all your dreams come true.


  The Legend of Elora


  Chapter 1: The Rose

  Chapter 2: The Finding

  Chapter 3: The Meeting

  Chapter 4: The Truth

  Chapter 5: The Reunion

  Chapter 6: The Change

  Chapter 7: The Gathering

  Chapter 8: The Journey

  Chapter 9: The Fields

  Chapter 10: The Cave

  Chapter 11: The Ambush

  Chapter 12: The City

  Chapter 13: The Inn

  Chapter 14: The Slums

  Chapter 15: The Sewer

  Chapter 16: The Thief

  Chapter 17: The Quest

  Chapter 18: The Search

  Chapter 19: The Dagger

  Chapter 20: The Beast

  Chapter 21: The News

  Chapter 22: The Road

  Chapter 23: The Camp

  Chapter 24: The Island

  Chapter 25: The Healer

  Chapter 26: The Raiders

  Chapter 27: The Wolf

  Chapter 28: The Baron

  Chapter 29: The Escape

  Chapter 30: The Hills

  Chapter 31: The River

  Chapter 32: The Beauty

  Chapter 33: The Tower

  Chapter 34: The Dawn

  Chapter 35: The Massacre

  Chapter 36: The Clan

  Chapter 37: The Seramon

  Chapter 38: The Pass

  Chapter 39: The Trail

  Chapter 40: The Greeting

  Chapter 41: The Feast

  Chapter 42: The Pit

  Chapter 43: The Oracle

  Chapter 44: The Mine

  Chapter 45: The Giant

  Chapter 46: The Fire

  Chapter 47: The Surprise

  Chapter 48: The Snow


  About the Author

  Book One: A Queen's Quest

  This journey begins as many journeys have begun in the past, with a dream of something greater, with something that is worth fighting for, with something that tickles your imagination and thirsts for adventure. And of course, there’s a couple in love, weird creatures, interesting characters, and dangerous places. From high mountains to great seas, from low plains to rolling hills, from dense forests to barren deserts, this adventure takes you everywhere.

  This journey does not begin with once upon a time, because this journey is now.

  Chapter 1: The Rose

  Elora stands by the rose garden in her favorite park in the city, listening to the leaves singing to the wispy clouds above. The summer sun is warm on her fair skin and long brown hair.

  When did the day get so beautiful, and when did my relationship with Ryan become so easy?

  She watches as Ryan Harrison, her dear boyfriend, kneels and plucks a single red rose from a bush in the garden. Elora stifles a giggle.

  “Are you not a bit tall to be bending down like that?” she calls to Ryan, teasing though she admires his gentle nature.

  He strides toward her, his blue eyes focused and glimmering. Elora catches her breath, hoping he doesn’t notice. She likes to pretend she isn’t constantly swept off her feet by his romantic gestures, but she is. Though she is a few years younger than him—three years to be exact—she likes to act stoic and mature, not like a giggling school girl in love.

  “May I present this rose to my beautiful Elora,” he says, flashing her a toothy grin.

  “You’re so sweet,” she says, delicately taking the flower from his outstretched hand.

  They look at each other and start walking down a small path toward the park exit. Elora loves that while the park isn’t huge, it’s big enough to feature many beautiful trees, plants, bushes, and walkways. It's located in the middle of the city which makes it a popular place for people to relax and stroll around the many small paths. The park has been a sanctuary, a joyous place for Elora and Ryan for many years, a treasure among the chaotic city around them. Elora gazes upon the tall buildings silently watching over the park from every side.

  They look like tall sad faces starring jealously upon the beauty of the park.

  Elora brings the rose close to her nose, inhaling deeply. “It’s been such a nice day Ryan, so full of happiness,” she says, thinking about the past few hours they’ve spent together.

  “It really has been,” says Ryan.

  “Do you think that people could be this happy all the time, everywhere?” Elora asks, a glint of hope flashing in her eyes.

  Ryan scrunches his face up, his eyebrows knitted together. “You mean like a utopia?”

  “Yes! Like that,” Elora answers quickly, grinning.

  Ryan takes her hand, “I don't know. For everyone to be happy all the time… it’s hard to say. What if someone dies? Surely someone would be sad over that.”

  Elora frowns, shrugging. “I guess. Do you think that when something good happens to some people, something bad happens to someone else?”

  “Like a balance of nature?”

  “Yes, something like that,” says Elora, looking at the park’s exit as they approach.

  “Yeah, I think so,” Ryan continues. “Nature has a way of making things work even though people can sometimes screw it up.”

  Elora smiles. “Like this flower,” she says, holding it up to eye level. “No matter how much people screw up the world, this flower shows that there is still beauty in the world.”

  Smiling, Ryan glances between Elora and the flower. “Yes, that flower could be the answer.”

  Upon exiting the park, they’re met with a street full of buzzing noises, noises hardly audible from within the park. Cars and buses move around, leaving smog trails in their wake. Street vendors, shouting and trying desperately to get noticed, are selling their goods and food to the hungry souls passing by. On one street corner, an old man sits and plays his accordion. It’s the only peaceful sound on the street, like an arrow of joy clawing its way through clouds of high-pitched sounds.

  It’s a normal day in this city.

  Ryan looks at his watch and sighs. “I need to get back home and check on my brother. Remember those punk friends I told you about?”

  Elora frowns. “Is John still hanging out with them? I thought he wasn’t allowed to.”

  “Just because he’s not allowed to doesn’t mean he's following the rules. I need to make sure he’s not getting into any trouble while our parents are out. Want to get some coffee later?”

  Elora smiles at him. “Yeah, sounds good. Maybe we could catch a movie too?”

  “Perfect! I'll call you a bit later.”

  Elora smiles. “Great, I'll talk to you soon!”

  The pair share a quick kiss before Ryan leaves. She watches as he b
oards the bus, then hurries down the stairs into the metro station, still holding the red rose.

  * * *

  “Thanks,” Ryan calls to the bus driver as he gets off in his neighborhood.

  The area where he lives is calmer than the rest of the city. Manicured lawns and houses stretch up and down the street. On his way he passes an old rusty Chevy parked tilted next to the curb. That must be one of the saddest looking cars I’ve ever seen, Ryan thinks. He smiles and shakes his head, continuing toward home. Outside, he sees his brother, John Harrison, bouncing a basketball. Ryan can't believe that his little brother is soon old enough to get a driver's license.

  John is talking to a few guys standing in the driveway, and Ryan sighs.

  “Of course he’s with them,” Ryan mutters. He straightens his shoulders and walks up to the group, his normally easy smile gone. “Hi, John. What’s up?”

  John looks surprised, “Hey, Ryan. Not much, hanging with some friends.”

  John’s friends glare at Ryan, but he ignores the pathetic teens.

  “It’s time to go inside. Mom and Dad will be home soon, and we have things to do.”

  One of John’s friends smirks. “Aw, it’s the boring brother, the mama’s boy.”

  The other troublemakers snicker in response, and Ryan turns to them. “It’s time for you guys to leave,” he snaps.

  John frowns at Ryan, but he turns to his friends and waves. “It's okay, I'll catch you guys later.”

  Once the boys leave, the brothers enter the house, and John slams the door. “Why do you have to act like that to my friends?”

  “They’re bad news,” Ryan says. “You are friends with a gang. You should stay away from them so you don't get into trouble.”

  “Screw you!” John shouts. “Get down from your high horse. I'm old enough to do what I want.”

  Ryan just frowns. “Seventeen is too young in my book, and I don't want to burden Mom and Dad with this. You understand?”

  John looks at Ryan, his eyes cold and begging. “But I need to meet them tonight.”

  “No,” says Ryan. “You’ll stay home and help our parents. I’m meeting Elora tonight for a movie.”

  John stomps his foot, slamming the palm of his hand against the wall. “The boys will be pissed.”

  “Well, send them my best regards and tell them to stay away.”

  “This is so messed up,” John mutters. “They won't be happy.” He takes a few well placed harsh steps toward the staircase, bashing his hand against the railing a few times as he goes upstairs.

  The door to John’s bedroom slams shut, and Ryan sighs. “Teenagers.”

  * * *

  John's friends are sitting in the car smoking something that could easily give them all a fine and some time behind bars. There are four of them: the leader, Craig, a beefy guy close to seeing the inside of a jail soon. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder, two daggers crossed. His face is rough, bruised from last night's bar fight. Two other goons, Brian and Stu, often called brain stew together since they lack vital thinking process. There is also the calmer fat guy, Mort, but everyone calls him Mooch since he always eats when given the chance.

  Craig’s phone rings, and he looks down. John flashes on the display. Craig picks up the phone. After a short phone conversation, Craig hangs up.

  Craig looks out the window. “He can't make it. His brother is being an ass.” He takes his doobie out of his mouth and says, “Perhaps we should teach that brother a lesson. What do you say? Want to have some fun?”

  The two idiots in the back answers quickly with silly voices “Hell yeah, let’s do it!”

  The driver looks over his shoulder, “John said that he is stuck in the house tonight, but his brother is going out with his girlfriend. Let’s pay the two lovebirds a visit tonight. “

  From the backseat comes a quick, “Yeah, alright!”

  The fat one quietly asks, “Will there be any fast food stop before the fun starts?”

  Everyone responds at the same time, “Shut up!” They drive off, the car tires screeching and smoking as they leave the curbside.

  * * *

  Inside the Harrison residence, Ryan is cleaning, and John is barely helping. John is being lazy on the couch holding a hand control that is part of some fancy game console.

  Ryan glares at him. “It would be nice if you could help a little more. After that party we had, we need to clean. It's a mess here, and Mom and Dad will be home soon.”

  John doesn’t move an inch, focused on his game.

  Ryan takes a few steps closer, staring at his little brother. “Remember the party? When you drank hard liquor for the first time and it left marks all over the place?”

  John glances up at Ryan, and seeing the serious look on his face, stands up. “Fine, what do you want me to do?”

  Ryan answers calmly. “Could you please vacuum the living room carpet and take out the trash? I'll fix the kitchen.”

  John mopes toward the trash bin with a few stomping steps and grabs the trash bag. He walks out the door and slams it behind him. Ryan doesn’t pay him any attention as he cleans off the table in the kitchen and puts the utensils in the dishwasher.

  * * *

  “I wonder if Mom’s home,” Elora murmurs as she walks down the sidewalk toward her home. “Not that she leaves the house much anymore.”

  She shares a small townhouse with her mother on a quiet street. As she approaches the front gate, Elora admires the flowers, plants, and trees that she and her mom take so much pride in. Gardening has always been a shared hobby with her mom.

  She runs up the stairs calling for her mother, “Mom!”

  Elora comes into the room and sees her mother, Catherine Nichols, at the desk writing some letters. Elora's face saddens as she looks at her mother struggling to hold the pen steady. Poor Mom, she is only twice my age and her sickness has really taken a toll on her. So weak and tired, I wish there was something I could do.

  Catherine replies with a strained but happy voice. “Here, dear!”

  Elora walks up to her mom and gives her a long hug. “How are you feeling, Mom?”

  Her mom looks at her and smiles. “Much better now that you’re here.”

  Elora smiles back and squeezes her mom’s shoulder.

  “How was your day? Did you see Ryan?”

  “Yes, Mom. Look what he got me from the park.” Elora shows her mother the rose.

  Catherine, observing the rose, glances up at Elora. “It’s beautiful, is that from the Garden Park?”

  “Yes, it is. It’s a very nice park. “

  Catherine's eyes slowly fill with concern. “I’ve heard stories about that park, and it's not as safe as you might believe. Have you been to the park near fifth street? That one has even more roses.”

  “Oh, I didn't know,” says Elora. “Maybe I should bring Ryan there next time instead.”

  Catherine smiles again. “That sounds good. “

  Elora glances toward the window for a short while and then faces her mother again. “Ryan is so nice to me, and I think I really love him. We’re going out to a movie tonight, if that’s ok.”

  “Of course,” says Catherine, gently touching her daughter’s hand. “You go have fun.”

  Elora kisses her mother on the cheek. “I need to go get ready. I love you, Mom.” Leaving her mother’s room, Elora glances over her shoulder and notices Catherine’s concerned face as she continues writing her letter.

  * * *

  Ryan and John are sitting on the couch, done with the cleaning. Suddenly the front door opens, and their parents enter. Ryan gets up, looking at his parents, Jeff and Laura Harrison.

  Ryan thinks to himself, I can't believe that my parents are already in their fifties. They still look young for their age though.

  Laura puts a bag down on the floor, her long brown hair falling over her shoulder. She looks up and meets Ryan's eyes, smiling. “Hi Ryan, how is everything?”

  “Great, Mom. I met up with Elora ear
lier today, and we’re planning on seeing a movie later tonight. “

  Laura smiles. “That sounds great, I hope you have fun.” She looks around the room. “It’s so nice here, have you been cleaning?”

  John gets up from the couch and responds quickly, “Yeah, we have been doing a lot of cleaning and I was thinking of going to...” But seeing Ryan’s glare, John pauses. “… Going to get a movie for tonight.”

  Jeff looks at Ryan and then at John, smiling. “Sounds great!. We bought some snacks so we can have a little family time.”

  John sighs. “Of course.”

  Ryan takes a few steps toward the stairs before turning to his parents. “I’m going to take a quick shower and then leave.”

  John walks toward the door with heavy steps. “I guess I'll get that movie then.”

  Laura calls out quickly, “Get something easy to watch, a comedy would be nice!”

  “I'll see what I can find,” says John, glancing at Ryan before leaving the house.

  Ryan starts walking up the stairs as he sees his parents walking into the kitchen with their grocery bags. “Do you need any help with that?” he asks even though he already knows their answer.

  “No dear, we are fine,” says Laura as she puts the bags on the kitchen island.

  Ryan begins heading back up the stairs, but he pauses when he hears his parents begin talking again.

  Laura talks to Jeff while arranging the groceries, “So nice of them to clean.”

  “Yeah,” says Jeff, “ I have a feeling that it was Ryan that orchestrated this. John has never been much of a cleaner. “

  Laura laughs, “Perhaps, he is a good boy though. “

  “They both are”, says Jeff.

  “This thing with Elora seems to be getting serious,” says Laura.

  “Yeah,” says Jeff. “I think he really likes her.”

  Laura looks at Jeff and smiles. “They are cute together. I'm glad for them. I like Elora, she has her heart in the right place. “

  “She’s a smart girl. They seem good for each other.”

  Ryan shakes his head and smiles, heading upstairs to get ready for his date.

  A little later, freshly showered and changed for the evening, Ryan runs to the front door. “I'm headed out, see you later!”


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