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Milk for the Viking Lord (Viking, Virgin, Breeding, Milking Erotica, Lactation Sex, BBW, Group Milking)

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by Laviolette, JC

  A fire burned in her as his wet cock slid into her slowly. There was a brief moment where it seemed to pause, almost hover, before pushing into her. A brief moment of pain followed by tenderness was punctuated by an unbelievably amazing feeling as Styr slowly pushed himself in and out of her. She moaned and clutched her breasts tightly. It felt so good! She couldn’t believe how amazing it was, even through the tenderness.

  Milk ran down her chest as she kneaded her breasts. Styr lowered himself down onto her and nestled himself in as he pushed and ground himself deeper into her. She loved it, she loved how it felt, she loved how he felt, she loved how her breasts were swollen, she loved the thought of having a son, Styr’s son.

  She watched him, a wide smile on her face, as he pushed in and out. His beard tickled her breasts and she giggled with excitement and lust. Her hands were wet and slick with the milk. She slid her fingers into his mouth, he eagerly sucked the milk off of them. She finally reached the moment she had waited for and had the most amazing orgasm that she ever thought possible. Her cries of joy were heard far out into the hall, she could hear cheers echo back. She was pleased and Styr looked very pleased.

  He pushed faster, squeezing her in his large arms, until he finally came inside of her. She knew it was done, she could see the fire dim in his eyes as he held himself deep inside of her. The warmth spread and she knew that she was bred. She was reluctant to feel him go, but he slowly pulled himself out of her. He slid down and suckled on her breast, drawing her nipples in deep, and lapping the milk that came from her.

  She basked his the warmth of the moment and cradled his head in her arm. She knew she would be happy now, she had what her mother always told her that she would have. Styr, dark hair and beard on her chest, looked content. He stopped his suckling and sat up next to her.

  “Now, you will be a mother to all who will suckle from you, such is your duty.” Styr looked her in the eyes and held her gaze. He stood and put his clothes back on.

  She felt odd at first, and warm with nervousness, but she knew now what the crone meant. She would be a mother to them all. Styr stood and handed her a gown, blue like the sea. She stood before him and shrugged herself into it. She looked like a queen now and knew it. She walked out into the hall proudly, arm in arm with Styr.

  A cheer rose from the collected Vikings that nearly deafened her. She savored the moment and stood next to Styr. A wooden chair, slightly lower than Styr’s, was sat next to his throne. Asa looked down to the hall filled with Vikings. Styr stood and silenced the crowd.

  “Berserkers! Vikings! Behold your new Queen!” The crowd erupted in rough cheers. “She will provide me with a son, an heir for us all.” The cheers grew louder in the hall. “She will nurse my berserkers, her milk will make us strong!” The berserkers stood, and cheered loudest of all. “So come forth my berserkers, and taste milk from her breast!” The crowd rose in cheers again as Styr finished his speech. He looked down and nodded to Asa.

  She raised her hands and untied the gold broach that held up the blue gown. Her swollen milk filled breasts dropped down. Each of her nipples trickled a steady stream of cream white milk. The eyes of the berserkers grew and they murmured in satisfaction. They walked up in pairs, fierce looking, as they knelt at her side.

  Each of the berserkers looked to Styr. He nodded his head and watched in satisfaction as each latched onto her breasts. Asa stifled a moan as she felt the rough beards tickle against her tender breasts. Each of the men suckled deeply and loudly. She could tell that this wasn’t the first time they had done this. She felt relieved and satisfied to be please her lord. The first pair stepped away and the milk ran down her large bared breasts even faster.

  Asa looked up to Styr who gazed down on her in smug satisfaction. The next set of men knelt and repeated. The sensation of feeling the lips and tongues on her nipples was almost too much. She moaned lightly and clutched their heads tight to her breasts. The crowd watched in rapt attention as more berserkers came and latched onto her swollen breasts.

  She could barely contain the ecstasy she felt as more and more of the vikings came forth and suckled from her breast. Some came and suckled a moment, others latched on for a slow lapping bit. She came close to orgasm more than once. When the line finally dwindled Styr bid her to go. He leaned over so close that she could feel his whiskers on her neck.

  “You’ve done well my bride, now sleep.”

  Asa stood and felt the crones grip on her arm. The two walked out of the hall and into Styr’s chambers. The crone nodded approvingly as Asa sat on the edge of the bed. She felt warm, relaxed, and her breasts finally felt relieved.

  “Freya would be most proud my dear. I’ve only seen a berserker nursing go so well once before in Uppsala.” The crone walked to the heavy wood door and opened it slowly. “Sleep well child, you’ve done so well!”

  Asa laid back in the rich folds of the bed and fell asleep. Her last visions were of Styr and the men all suckling from her breast. She was most satisfied with herself.

  Did you love Milk for the Viking Lord (Viking, Virgin, Breeding, Milking Erotica, Lactation Sex, BBW, Group Milking)? Then you should read Captured by Celts (An Explicit Reluctant Historical Erotica Story) by JC Laviolette!

  What if you were the daughter of a commander of one of Rome’s Legions traveling through the wilds in the newly conquered Wales?

  The young, nubile, Gaia is venturing across Wales, when she encounters the remnants of the defeated Welsh army. Soon she finds herself a captive of the handsome Welsh Lord Cen and offered a choice : Wait to be rescued or give herself to him for her freedom.

  This 3300 word Explicit Historical Erotica contains a reluctant nubile Roman, a handsome Celtic Lord, and a deal that will change history forever.


  He came to her in the evening. Gaia sat near the hearth and watched the dim peat flames sputter. The chill of the wet evening air drove even more through the cloak. She shivered as he sat down next to her.

  “So Roman, have you decided?”

  She turned her gaze to him and asked, “How do I know you’ll keep your word?”

  “If I wanted you, I’d just take you. I’m not an animal, just a man,” he said softly.

  She looked back to the fire and slipped the heavy crimson cloak from her shoulders. His hands slid along her shoulder and caressed her neck softly. She felt conflicted, angry, but strangely liberated. She, for once, was taking full responsibility for her own actions and her own fate.

  Gaia closed her eyes. She began to feel strangely excited as Cen slid his hands through her hair. She breathed in the deeply and tried to relax. He slid his hand along her neck and slowly massaged her. She rolled her neck and felt his fingers pulse deeply into her muscles.

  Read more at JC Laviolette’s site.

  About the Author

  A modern professional woman by day, an Erotica writer by night! Exploring all of the Erotic that can be explored.

  Read more at JC Laviolette’s site.




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