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The Con Artist: (Formally Published as Playing The Millionaire)

Page 5

by Lynn, Sandi

  “You have all the money in the world. Thirty thousand dollars is change to you.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Believe it or not, thirty thousand dollars is a lot to me, and when someone decides to steal something of mine, I don’t take it very lightly. Let’s go.”


  “Out of my office. In fact, you need to go back up to your room. I have to go out for a while.”

  “Seriously? You’re going to keep me locked up in that small room while you’re gone? There’s nothing to do up there.”

  “Watch TV. Same thing you’d do if you were down here. Now let’s go.”

  “But the kitchen is down here. What if I get hungry or thirsty?”

  He took hold of my arm (I was really getting sick of him doing that) and led me to the kitchen. Opening the pantry, he grabbed a bag of chips and some almonds. Then he walked over to the refrigerator, grabbed two bottles of water and an apple and handed them to me.

  “There, you have your snacks and drink. You’ll be fine until I return.” He grabbed my arm again and took me up to my room.

  “You know what? You’re a real asshole, Gabriel Quinn!” I shouted as he shut and locked the door.

  Chapter 10


  I sighed as I walked downstairs and headed out the door. Climbing into the limo, I dropped the envelope addressed to Samuel off at the post office and then headed to the office to pick up a file I needed so I could work from home.

  “Mr. Quinn, I thought you weren’t coming in today,” Lu spoke as I walked past her desk.

  “I’m only here to grab a file. Anything I should know about?”

  She got up from her chair and followed me into my office.

  “Your meeting from this morning has been rescheduled for Friday at nine o’clock, and Mr. Ingram called and needs to talk to you about the details of the grand opening of the hotel in Hawaii.”

  “Thank you, Lu. I’ll give him a call when I get home.”

  “Very well, Mr. Quinn. Enjoy the rest of your day,” she spoke.

  “You too.” I gave her a small smile as I left my office.

  Upon climbing into the limo, I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Grace.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “Grace, it’s me. What are you doing right now?”

  “Not much. Why?”

  “Do you think you can meet me at Whole Foods?”

  “Umm. Sure.”

  “Thanks. I need you to help me pick out something for dinner and I need to discuss something with you.”

  “Okay. Are you cooking tonight? I can come by and cook dinner for you. It’s no trouble.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to cook. Can you meet me in about fifteen minutes?”

  “Sure. I’ll see you soon.”

  I figured since I was going to be working from home, I’d cook dinner for me and—the girl who stole my Cartier watch. One thing was for sure, she would reveal her name tonight. Even if I had to fuck it out of her, I would know her real name.

  Upon entering Whole Foods, I saw Grace standing in the produce section looking at the peaches.

  “Thanks for coming, Grace.” I smiled as I kissed her cheek.

  “You’re welcome, Gabriel. So what is this special dinner you’re cooking and for whom are you cooking it?”

  I sighed as I picked up a peach and examined it.

  “I have a houseguest and she will be staying for quite a while.”

  “She? What’s her name?”

  “Well,” I set the peach down, “when I first met her, she said her name was Hannah, but that has proven to be untrue. So I don’t know her real name yet, but I will find out tonight.”

  She narrowed her eye at me as she began pushing the shopping cart.

  “So you’re telling me that you met a woman named Hannah, but it turns out that’s not her real name, yet she’s your houseguest and you still don’t know her name?”

  Placing my hands in my pants pockets, I spoke, “Yep.”

  “What’s going on, Gabriel?”

  “She stole something from me, and she will be staying at the house until she gives it back.”

  “I’m not sure I like the way you said that. Is she staying on her own free will?” She cocked her head.

  “No. The first chance she gets, she’s going to run. So I need you to keep an eye on her while I’m at the office.”

  She stopped the cart and shot me a disapproving look.

  “Gabriel, what did you do?”

  “Don’t look at me like that. She’s a con artist. I’m doing the upper class a favor by keeping her at my house.”

  She rolled her eyes and pushed the cart over to the meat counter.

  “I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you had sex with her?”

  “Yes. About a month ago.”

  “Before or after you broke up with Greta?”

  “After. I met her on the plane back from Seattle. But enough with the details. Now, what should I make for dinner?”

  “What does she like to eat?” she asked as her brow raised.

  “I don’t know. Does it matter? She’ll eat whatever I make and if she doesn’t like it, then that’s her problem.”

  “If it didn’t matter, you would have come here by yourself and bought whatever you wanted. You wouldn’t have asked for my help. My suggestion would be to get some salmon and a couple of steaks. She should like one or the other.”

  “Thanks, Grace. I owe you.”

  “You sure do, Gabriel. Especially if I’m now a babysitter.” She smirked.

  * * *


  I lay on the bed, grabbed the remote, and started flipping through channels, praying and hoping something good would be on to keep me occupied. He could not, and I repeat, could not keep me locked up in this room. I’d go stir crazy. Insane. How did he expect me to repay him for the watch when he wouldn’t let me out of this damn room? I threw the remote down and began pacing back and forth trying to figure out how to get myself out of this mess. I stopped and ran to the door when I heard footsteps in the hallway.

  “If you’re back, you can let me out of this room!” I shouted as I pounded on the door.

  “Hello?” I heard a male voice that wasn’t Gabriel’s.

  My heart started pounding. Someone else was here and this was my chance to escape.

  “Help me!” I pounded on the door. “Can you please let me out?”

  “Who’s in there?” the male voice spoke.

  “Please just open the door!” I shouted.

  “Lady, calm down. Why are you locked in there?” he asked as he jiggled the doorknob.

  “Because the man of the house is holding me as his prisoner. Please help me!”

  I heard him chuckle from the other side.

  “Gabriel would never do that. Who are you?”

  “Who are you?” I asked in a calm tone.

  “Caleb. Gabriel’s brother.”

  Ah, the cute one I saw in a frame on Gabriel’s desk.

  “Caleb, you have to help me. Your brother is crazy. He’s holding me captive here in this room.”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t have a key. Where’s Gabriel?” he asked.

  “I don’t know! He went out! Please help me. Can you find anything to open the door?”

  “Umm. Like I said, I don’t have the key. Just sit tight. I’m sure Gabriel will be home soon.”

  Was he serious? I began pounding harder on the door.

  “Please, don’t leave.”

  * * *


  As Carl helped me put the grocery bags in the back of the limo, my phone rang, and Caleb was calling.

  “What’s up, little brother?” I answered.

  “I called your office and Lu said you took the day off, so I came by your place. Want to tell me what’s with all the security men outside and the woman that’s locked inside your guest room? She said you’re holding her as your prisoner. Do I
even want to know what’s going on?”

  “I’m on my way home now. I’ll explain when I get there.”

  “She was screaming at me to let her out and banging on the door. Bro, seriously, what the fuck is going on?”

  I chuckled. “Like I said, I’ll explain when I get home.”

  “When will you be home?” he asked.

  “In about twenty minutes or so.”

  “And what do you want me to do? She’s still screaming and pounding on the door.”

  “Ignore her. She’ll eventually stop. I’ll see you soon.”

  I took in a deep breath as I ended the call with Caleb. Shit. I didn’t expect him to come over, and now I needed to explain to him what I’d done and why I was keeping her there. She had to talk to me and tell me about herself so I could figure out my next plan with her. But, as long as she remained tight-lipped about who she really was, she’d be spending an awful lot of time in that bedroom.

  As soon as Carl pulled up to the house, I grabbed the bags and entered through the service door to the kitchen. When I walked in, Caleb was sitting at the island eating a sandwich.

  “Enjoying your lunch?” I smirked.

  “Yeah, actually, I am. Grace can make one hell of a chicken salad.”

  “Did she quiet down?” I asked as I set the bags on the counter.

  “Yes. Thank god. Now explain to me what the hell is going on.”

  “She’s the woman who stole my watch.”

  “Shut up! How did you find her?” he asked as he cocked his head.

  “I saw her at Samuel’s Gala, except she looked totally different. Different hair and colored eyes.”

  “I thought you said she was only in New York for a couple of days.”

  “That’s what she told me, which was obviously a lie. She lives here in an apartment over on East 84th Street. She has a briefcase full of aliases. Different names, different looks.”

  “So you kidnapped her to get your watch back?” His brow arched.

  “I didn’t technically kidnap her. I tricked her into coming over and now I won’t let her leave until I get my thirty thousand dollars back.”

  “The price of the watch?” He narrowed his eye. “Where’s the watch?”

  “She sold it.”

  “Oh. Shit.” He scratched his head. “So she’s a con artist, I take it?”

  “Yep. She was conning Samuel Coldwater. He had given her a twenty-thousand-dollar ring from Tiffany. A ring that I made her give back to him.”

  “Ouch.” He chuckled. “If she cons rich men, she must have the thirty grand to pay you.”

  “That’s the thing. She said she doesn’t and that’s all she’ll say. I still don’t know her real name.”

  “So what are you going to do? You just can’t keep her locked up in this house. The first chance she gets, she’ll call the police, and then you’ll go to jail. Do you know what that will do to the company?”

  “She won’t call the police. I have her briefcase with all her passports and different aliases and the keys to her apartment. She’ll be the one going to jail.”

  “Dude, I seriously can’t believe this.” He laughed. “Here I was coming to spend a little time with my brother, and I find out he’s got some girl locked up in one of the guest rooms. I thought maybe you were doing something kinky.” He smiled.

  “I wish it was something like that. I guess I better go check on her.”

  As I began walking out of the kitchen, Caleb stopped me.

  “Hey, Gabriel?”

  “Yeah.” I turned around.

  “Remember when you first told me about the watch, and I told you I believed it just wasn’t about that?”

  “Yeah. I remember.”

  “I still think this isn’t about the watch.”

  I looked away and headed up the stairs.

  Chapter 11


  I was sitting on the floor with my back up against the door when I heard the key go into the lock. Standing up, I stood in front of it as he opened the door.

  “Are you done screaming and pounding?” Gabriel asked.

  “I am; for now, at least.”

  “Come downstairs and meet my brother Caleb.”

  “Why should I? Why would I want to meet a man who turned his back on me and refused to help?”

  “There’s nothing he could have done. He didn’t have the key and you can’t unlock this type of lock with a credit card.”

  “Now I have to question what kind of person you really are.” I arched my brow. “Who has locks like that on their bedroom doors?”

  “To be honest with you, these locks were on the doors when I bought the house. I had found the keys tucked into a drawer in the kitchen.”

  “And you didn’t think that was weird or bothered to have it changed?” I folded my arms and cocked my head.

  “It wasn’t a priority of mine. Please, come downstairs. I’ll be cooking dinner for us soon.”

  Rolling my eyes, I followed him downstairs and into the kitchen where Caleb was sitting.

  “Caleb, I would like you to meet the woman who stole my watch. Woman who stole my watch, I would like you to meet my little brother Caleb.”

  “Nice to meet you. I think,” he spoke as he held out his hand.

  Placing my hand in his, I lightly shook it.

  “I take it you aren’t in the family business?” I asked.

  “How can you tell that?” He cocked his head.

  “By the way you look.” I smiled. “You’re more rugged than your brother.” I took his hand and turned it over, slipping the watch right off his wrist. “And you have calluses on your fingers. Are you a musician?”

  “I am.” He smiled. “How did you know?”

  “I can read people very well.” I smiled.

  “I’m sure that comes in handy when you’re ripping people off,” Gabriel spoke.

  I shot him a look and then turned my attention back to Caleb.

  “Are you in a band?” I asked.

  “I am. We’re called Fallen Angels.”

  “Cool name.” I grinned. “I play the guitar. Acoustic mostly.”

  “Really? How long have you been playing?”

  “Since I was about eight years old.”

  “She’s playing you, Caleb,” Gabriel spoke.

  “For your information, Mr. Quinn, I do play the guitar.”

  “Right you do.” Gabriel winked.

  “Call her bluff, Gabriel,” Caleb spoke. “You have that Gibson J-45 around here somewhere. Go get it and let’s see if she’s telling the truth or lying.”

  Gabriel looked at me, his eyes burning through mine.

  “Good idea, Caleb. I’ll be right back.”

  Rolling my eyes, I walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch.

  “Tell me how you did it,” Caleb spoke.

  “Did what?”

  “Stole my brother’s watch without him knowing.”

  “Why? Are you thinking of getting into the business?” I smirked.

  “No. I’m just curious.”

  “I would show you, but I already took it.” I smirked as I held up his watch.

  “What the fuck! How?” He smiled in amazement.

  Gabriel walked into the room and handed me his Gibson J-45 acoustic guitar.

  “Here. If you can play, then play.” His brow arched at me.

  “I don’t want to because I don’t like your attitude, Mr. Quinn.” I raised my brow as I set down the guitar.

  “That’s because you’re lying. You told Caleb you knew how to play to make him believe you had a common interest. To gain his trust so you could play him.”

  “Whatever.” I looked away.

  “I’m going to start dinner. You can either help me, stay in here, or go back up to your room. It’s your choice.”

  “I’ll stay here.”

  “Fine,” he spoke with an attitude. “Caleb, come with me.”

  As soon as the two of them walked out of the
room, I picked up the guitar. The feeling that overcame me every time I held one in my hands never got old. I placed my fingers in position on the strings and began playing A Thousand Years, singing the lyrics as I strummed each chord.

  * * *


  I set the knife down on the counter and looked at Caleb. Walking into the living room, I stood and stared at her while she played the guitar and sang. Her voice was beautiful and took my breath away. I swallowed hard as I placed my hands in my pockets and watched her. She wouldn’t look at me. She just sat there staring out the window as she strummed each chord. When she finished, Caleb slowly clapped his hands.

  “Wow. Just wow.” He smiled.

  She got up from the couch and handed me the guitar with a sadness in her eyes.

  “Thanks. I’m going to go upstairs for a while,” she spoke.

  “Fine. I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

  When she left the room, Caleb and I walked back into the kitchen.

  “Bro, did you hear that? I know you heard it. She’s amazing and she wasn’t lying.”

  “I heard it,” I spoke as I took the steaks out of their package.

  “Listen, I have to go. Me and the guys have practice. I’ll call you later. Be gentle with her, Gabriel. There’s more to her than just the woman who stole your watch. I felt it and I heard it in the way she sang and played the guitar. And I know you did too.” He winked.

  After I prepared dinner, I went upstairs to get her and found she wasn’t in her room. Shit. Where did she go? I knew she didn’t leave the house, so I went up to the terrace and found her sitting on the couch with her knees up.

  “There you are. Dinner’s ready.”

  “It’s nice up here,” she softly spoke as she stared out into the city.

  “Thank you. It’s probably my favorite part of the house.”

  Since she liked it up here, I had an idea.

  “Why don’t we have dinner up here? I’ll bring everything up.”

  “I’d like that.” She gave me a small smile.


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