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Prince of Wolves (The Grey Wolves #1)

Page 10

by Quinn Loftis

  “If I said I wasn’t I'd be lying. But I would also be lying if I didn’t say I was absolutely beyond excited,” Jacque told them.

  “Why do you say that?” Jen asked in a rare moment of seriousness.

  “I wish I could tell you guys this without ya’ll thinking I’m a total nut, but no matter how I put it, it’s still going to sound crazy,” Jacque admitted.

  “Um, Jac, hate to point this out, but two days ago you told us you were hearing a voice in your head,” Sally told her.

  Jacque looked thoughtful for a moment. “Point taken,” she agreed.

  “Okay, well I don’t know quite how to explain it, but I feel like I belong with him, like I have always belonged with him. Now that I've been close to him it’s like a part of my soul was missing and now I have it back,” Jacque explained.

  “That is so romantic,” Sally said dreamily.

  “Well, there’s only one way to find out,” Jen said. “Spend time with him, get to know him, and see if he feels the same way.”

  Jacque and Sally looked at each other in shock. “Jen, did you just suggest something that didn’t involve wild making out, clothes coming off, and is comparable to the car scene in Titanic?” Sally asked incredulously.

  “You didn’t let me finish. Then after you get to know one another, seal the deal with a steamy make out scene on the motorcycle, like in Top Gun. Ahhh, see? There is always a time and place for lip locking, hand roaming, and good ol' fashion clean, or if you’re lucky, not so clean fun,” Jen said with a wink.

  “As always, Jen, you did not disappoint,” Jacque told her.

  “I aim to please, my dear,” Jen replied, completely undaunted.

  Jacque looked at her watch and realized it was twenty after. Okay, she told herself, have fun, don’t worry about all the other crap going on. Jacque took one more look in the mirror and caught a glimpse of her neck and shoulders.

  “Oh shite, the markings are showing!” Jacque exclaimed.

  “We know,” Sally said.

  “Why didn’t you remind me?”

  “Because they look as cool as Hades, that’s why,” Jen piped in.

  “That statement doesn’t even make sense, Jen. Hell is not cool, geez…”

  “Oh, my bad. They look as hot as Hades, that’s why,” Jen interrupted.

  Jacque continued, “And what should I say to my mom? ‘Hey mom, going on my date, oh don’t worry about these handy dandy marks, ya know how it is with random, mysterious markings and what not, just popping up when you least expect it'.”

  “No, we were going to tell her they were the stick-on ones and that Jen insisted you wear them,” Sally said.

  “The idea that I be the one to blame was completely involuntary, I will have you know.” Jen frowned.

  “Seeing how thick that one is I doubt she will swallow it, but he is gonna be here…” before Jacque could finish the doorbell rang.

  “So I don’t have time to change,” she finished.

  “Look, you’re going to be great. Just be yourself,” Sally told her in a motherly voice.

  “For goodness sakes, if you wind up not liking him, kiss him anyway for us, okay? Throw us a bone, Jac,” Jen told her.

  “And if I like him but I’m not ready to kiss him, what then my little nympho?” Jacque asked her.

  “If you like that gorgeous piece of meat out there and you don’t kiss him, I will personally take every bra you own and hang them on all the antennas of the cars on your street. Oh, and I'll write your name on them in black magic marker and hang two on hottie's motorcycle! How you like them apples?” Jen told her.

  “Where on earth do you come up with these ideas? Is there like a website called, or” Sally asked her sarcastically.

  “Nope, I think of them all by my little self,” Jen answered.

  The girls all turned when they heard a soft knock on Jacque’s bedroom door.

  “Come in.” They all three said. Jacque looked at the other two as if to say hello, my room, but they just shrugged.

  Jacque’s mom came in the room looking at the girls like they were guilty, and in truth they usually were.

  “Fane’s here. He brought a helmet. Did you forget to mention you would be riding a motorcycle?” Lilly asked her.

  “No, I just assumed that you knew,” Jacque said.

  “Well, I did see him on one but I assumed that he would be borrowing one of the Henrys' cars.”

  “Well, you know what they say about assuming,” Jen added.

  Both Lilly and Jacque turned their heads to look at Jen, who simply shrugged and said, “I’m…”

  “Just saying. Yeah, we know,” Sally finished for her.

  Jacque decided to just go ahead and let her mom see the marks so she wouldn’t freak out in front of Fane.

  “Mom, what do you think about these fake tattoos that Jen put on me?” Jacque asked, turning around so her mom could get a look at her shoulders and neck.

  Jacque heard her mother take in a sharp breath. She turned to look at her and saw her mom had her hand over her mouth and there was fear, major fear in her eyes. Once again she knew her mom knew something that she wasn’t sharing.

  “Are you ok, Lilly?” Sally asked Jacque’s mom.

  It took a minute for Lilly to get her composure back, but as soon as she did her face went blank.

  “Of course. I’m fine, it was just a bit of a shock. They look so real,” her mom told them.

  Jacque turned to look at her two best friends. “What are ya’lls' plans? Staying here or going home?” she asked them.

  “We’re going back to Jen’s to hang out. If you want to come over after your date and Lilly’s ok with it, that’s fine,” Sally answered.

  “That’s fine with me, if you want to,” Lilly told Jacque.

  Jacque couldn’t decide what she wanted. Part of her wanted to be with her friends, the other part wanted to be alone so she could talk to Fane. She would see how the night went and decide then.

  “I’ll call you guys and let you know if I’m coming. I don’t know what time we are going to be home so I wouldn’t want to come over if it was really late and ya’ll were already in bed,” Jacque told them.

  Sally and Jen gave her a ‘yeah, what a load of crap super sized with fries’ look. Jacque just tried to look as oblivious as possible under their scrutiny.

  Jacque looked at her mom, expecting her to say something about a curfew but she never did, she just turned to go back downstairs. “I’ll be downstairs with Fane telling him embarrassing stories from your childhood, so you might want to expedite your final preparations,” Lilly told her daughter.

  Jacque turned back to her friends. “Look, I’m not going to lie. Part of me wants to stay home tonight so I can talk to Fane, but the other part of me wants to be with my girls,” Jacque told them.

  “We’re totally cool with you staying home to get to know him more. There is only one stipulation and that is we get everything in living color detail. No condensing, no paraphrasing, no inconclusions, and no summaries. Every single detail!” Jen told her adamantly.

  Jacque laughed at her two friends and gave them both hugs. “Thanks, chicas. You two are the best.”

  “Ok, I’m ready. I’ll see you guys later,” Jacque told them.

  “Have fun!” Sally and Jen said together.

  “Oh look, Sal. Our little girl is growing up. Where did the time go? From teaching her to cut her Barbie doll’s hair, to cutting her own hair, and now sending her off with a hot piece of Romanian meat. I’m getting all choked up.” Jen faked tears.

  Sally looked at Jen and shook her head. “You done?”

  “Yeah, I’m done. Why you always gotta cramp my style, yo?” Jen asked in her best slang voice.

  “’Cause that’s how I roll,” Sally answered.

  “Are you two sure you can be left unattended and to your own devices?” Jacque asked them, smiling.

  “Go already,” Jen said.

>   Jacque opened her bedroom door and walked to the top of the stairs. She took a deep breath and let it out through her mouth.

  “Luna, I’ve been waiting to see you all day. Are you rethinking going out with me? Because that’s okay, I’ll just go back to the Henrys' and let you be with your friends,” Fane told her through his thoughts.

  “NO!” Jacque responded, realizing a little too late that she had just incriminated herself letting him know how much she wanted to see him as well. “I’m on my way down now. Quit being so impatient, it’s not becoming,” Jacque told him.

  She felt his confusion when he asked, “Becoming what?”

  Jacque couldn’t stop the giggle that came out of her but she regained her composure by the time she was at the last of the stairs.

  “Never mind,” she answered as she came around the corner into the living room. Her mom was sitting on the couch and Fane was sitting across from her on the antique, high winged back chair that her mom had inherited from some distant relative. It was a horrible shade of peach but Lilly loved it so the ugly lump stayed in their living room. Somehow, with Fane sitting in it he managed to make it look good. Man, I have it bad, Jacque thought to herself.

  Fane must've caught that last thought because he grinned at her knowingly.

  He stood up when she entered the room and, without shame, looked her up and down from her toes to her head and back again. Jacque was a tad surprised that he would do this in front of her mother and supposed because of her nerves she could be excused for having a Jen moment.

  “Did you get your fill or would you like me to turn around for you too?” Jacque asked.

  “Jacque, is that anyway to speak to your date?” Lilly asked, clearly not shocked that Jacque had acted with such attitude.

  “Actually,” Fane started, “I would love for you to turn around so that I may admire the new addition to your already beautiful skin.”

  Jacque couldn’t help but blush for two reasons: one, he had called her skin beautiful. I mean, come on. Who wouldn’t blush at that, right? And two, the way he commented about the markings seemed very possessive, like they tied her to him in some way and for some weird, messed up reason Jacque liked that. Yeah, she thought, they have a padded cell in the insane asylum just waiting for ya, babe.

  Jacque didn’t miss the way her mom responded to Fane noticing the markings – she was glaring daggers at him, as if daring him to make any further comment. Jacque knew that look. It was one of the looks in her mom’s repertoire that meant if you wanted to keep your ass then you better cover it now.

  So Jacque did a quick turn around and grabbed Fane by the hand. Oh, he had great hands. I mean, seriously, she thought. Does he have to have great everything? She nearly burst out laughing because she could just imagine the comeback Jen would have for that.

  “Alright. We’re going, mom. Love you. Don’t wait up, I’ll wake you up when I get home. Yes, I will wear my helmet; no, I won’t be cold; no, I don’t need any money; yes, I have my house key, and yada yada yada,” Jacque answered before her mom could even ask.

  They were out the front door before Lilly could get in a word.

  “Was that really necessary?” Fane asked her.

  “Did you not see the look my mother was giving you when you asked about these marks on my skin? Which, by the way, I know you know something about and you will be happily divulging said information tonight,” Jacque told him.

  Fane acted as if he simply had not heard her and since he had not let go of her hand once they made it outside, simply pulled her along to his motorcycle. He handed her a black and dark pink helmet which, upon closer inspection, had different designs on it. It was actually pretty awesome. She put it on her head, trying not to feel too ridiculous, and waited for his instructions.

  Fane looked at her and grinned a breathtaking smile, dimples and all, “You ready, Luna?” he asked her. It felt like he wasn’t just asking her about the motorcycle ride, more like he was giving her a choice, one that she had no plausible outcome for.

  “Probably not, but what the hell. What’s life without a little excitement or craziness, ya know? Take your pick,” Jacque answered.

  Chapter 16

  As Fane drove across town with his mate behind him, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, he thought about how it had taken every ounce of self control for him not to reach out and run a finger across the markings on Jacquelyn’s shoulders and neck – his markings. It was bad enough that Lilly had noticed the possessiveness in his voice when he asked about them, but his wolf just wouldn’t ease up until he asked Jacqueline about them. Thankfully, he hadn’t made a total fool of himself by touching them or growling in contentment. But the night was still young, and he had ample time to make a fool of himself, so better not count your pups.

  Before they got on the motorcycle, Fane asked her if she was ready, and although he meant for the date, he also was pleading with his eyes to understand he needed her to be ready for more. He knew that she was strong mentally and physically, the Moon would not give him a weak mate as he was Alpha, and she would be over the females. But Fane was not so naive to believe that it wouldn’t be a shock to learn werewolves were real, and quite possibly other things that went bump in the night.

  “How are you, Jacquelyn? Are you cold?” Fane sent her the question.

  “I’m great! This is awesome. I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before. I can honestly see why you wouldn’t want to drive a car after you’ve been on one of these! Oh, and no I’m not cold,” Jacquelyn answered him, sounding excited.

  It pleased him to know he was able to do something to bring her happiness. He could feel her joy pouring off in waves and it was so soothing to his wolf. His mate was happy and that was very important to him.

  They reached the restaurant that Fane had decided on. Brian had told him about it when he mentioned he was taking Jacquelyn out. It was a mom and pop diner with a little bit of everything.

  “This ok with you?” Fane asked her.

  “Yeah, this is great,” Jacquelyn answered.

  Fane looked at her for a moment. He couldn’t help it when his eyes lingered on the markings on her shoulders and neck. Those marks told all Canis lupus she was his, his to make happy, his to protect, his to…and to his astonishment he realized she was his to love as well. Even though he didn’t know her very well yet, he knew without a doubt he would love her.

  “Fane, is everything alright?” she asked him.

  “Yes, Luna. Everything is fine, better than fine, actually,” Fane told her with a smile.

  To Fane’s satisfaction, dinner was pleasant, easy. There was no time when he felt the conversation forced or awkward. He smiled over the fact that she didn't refuse dessert like most girls on a first date, and she had absolutely no qualms about taking food off his plate without even asking.

  After they ate, Fane took Jacquelyn to a nearby park. He had no plan of telling her anything yet. He'd told his Alpha he would keep quiet until her mom talked to her and he planned to keep his word. But he knew she would ask questions and it was better here where their conversation would not be easily overheard.

  “I know you've only been here a few days, but how do you like Coldspring?” Jacquelyn asked.

  “Thus far, it seems like a pleasant place to live, not as formal as the life I am used to, or as cold,” Fane told her with a wink.

  “No offense, but based on what you wear, your life doesn’t seem all that formal.”

  Fane hadn’t thought about how his appearance might look to her. She probably thought he lived in a little hovel of a house with junk out front. She would be surprised to find that his home was actually 7,000 square feet, although it was partly because his father often had members of the Pack stay with them.

  “I guess the clothes would lead you to a different conclusion,” Fane responded.

  Suddenly he had this intense desire to know her, know anything or everything. “What’s your favorite color? What is your favorite son
g, book, and movie? What do you like best about being an only child and least?” Fane fired question after question, not really giving her a chance to answer. He was so eager to learn all about his mate, his Luna.

  “Step back, take a deep breath, ‘cause any minute now you are going to pass out from lack of oxygen,” she told him. “Well, seeing as I'm super shy this will be hard for me to share, so bear with me.”

  Fane rolled his eyes at her sarcasm. Jacquelyn was anything but shy.

  “My favorite color depends on the day and today it is green,” she explained.

  “Is that why you are wearing green?” Fane asked.

  “Yes. I have to admit that I dress very much in accordance with my mood, and the colors I choose reflect that. I know, I’m a conundrum. What can I say? I like to keep things interesting.”

  “Favorite song? That changes frequently as well. Right now I would have to say its ‘Accompany Me,’ by Bob Seager. Ask me again next week and it'll be different. Favorite book? Well, you’re probably going to laugh if you know what this book is, but it’s one I have always loved. It’s called ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ by Shell Silverstein. It’s a children’s book of outlandish poetry. Ever heard of it?” she asked him.

  “No, actually. I have not. Perhaps you will share it with me sometime,” Fane told her.

  “I don’t have a copy of it anymore. I lost it along time ago, although, I think Jen took it and just never ‘fessed up,” she explained.

  Fane made a note of this is in his head. That was something he could get her, something to show her he cared about what she liked.

  “Okay, where were we...oh, my favorite movie. Well, it’s not just one, it’s a series. The ‘Harry Potter’ movies. You’ve heard of them, right?” she asked.

  “Yes, I have actually seen them as well. They were good,” he told her.

  “As far as being an only child, I don’t know that I've ever really thought about what it would be like to have a sibling. I've always been so close to Jen and Sally it’s like I have sisters.” She shrugged. “What about you? Same questions.”

  Without repeating the questions, Fane simply answered them in the order he had asked them. “Any shade of black or grey, ‘Lord of the Rings’, ‘300’, and I don’t like the responsibility that comes with being the only heir in my family.”


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