46. Autograph dedication on the final folio of Vie de Sainte Colette manuscript The
Convent of the Poor Clares at Ghent.
47. William Caxton presenting his book to Margaret, frontispiece to Caxton’s edition of the Recuyll of the historyes of Troy by R. LeFevre. The Huntington Library, San Marino, California.
The Burgundian Low Countries 1468-1503
1. Selected genealogy of the Houses of York and Mortimer.
2. Selected genealogy of the Houses of Beaufort and Neville.
3. Selected genealogy of the Valois Dukes of Burgundy.
4. Selected genealogy of the Habsburg rulers of Burgundy.
List of Abbreviations
ADN – Archives départementales du Nord, Lille, France
Adrien de But – ‘Chronique des religieux des Dunes’ in Chroniques relatives à l’histoire de la Belgique etc. (ed.) Kervyn de Lettenhove, Brussels (1870)
AGR – Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels, Belgium
Arrivall – Historie of the Arrivall of Edward IV in England (ed.) J. Bruce (1838)
ASEB – Annales de la société d’ émulation de Bruges
Bacon – Francis Bacon, History of the reign of King Henry VII (1621), (ed.) J. Rawson Lumby (1881)
BARB – Bulletin de l’Académie Royale de Belgique
BCRH – Bulletin de la Commission Royale d’histoire, Belgique
BIHR – Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
BJRL – Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
BN – Bibliographie Nationale de Belgique
CCR – Calendar of Close Rolls
Chastellain – G. Chastellain, Oeuvres (ed.) Kervyn de Lettenhove, 8 vols. (Brussels 1863-6)
Chronicles of London – Chronicles of London (ed.) C. L. Kingsford (1905)
Chronicles of the White Rose – The Chronicles of the White Rose of York (ed.) J. Bohn (1845)
Chronique Scandaleuse – J. de Roye, Journal connu sous le nom de Chronique Scandaleuse, 1460-1483 (ed.) B. de Mandrot, 2 vols. (Paris 1894-96)
Commines/Godefroy – Phillippe de Commines, Mémoires (ed.) D. Godefroy and Lenglet du Fresnoy, 4 vols. (Paris 1747)
Commynes/Calmette – Phillippe de Commynes, Mémoires (ed.) J. Calmette and G. Durville, 3 vols. (Paris 1924-5)
Commynes/Mandrot – Philippe de Commynes, Mémoires (ed.) B. de Mandrot, 2 vols. (Paris 1901)
CPR – Calendar of Patent Rolls
Croyland – Ingulph’s Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland (ed.) H. T. Riley (1854)
CSPM – Calendar of State Papers and manuscripts existing in the Archives and Collections of Milan, I, 1385-1618 (ed.) A. B. Hinds (1912)
CSPV – Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs, existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice etc., I, 1202-1509 (ed.) R. Brown (1864)
CSPS – Calendar of State Papers relating to negotiations between Spain and England, 1485-1509 (ed.) G. A. Bergenroth (1862)
English Chronicle – An English Chronicle of the Reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V and Henry VI (ed.) J. S. Davies (1856)
EHR – English Historical Review
Excerpta Historica – Excerpta Historica (ed.) S. Bentley (1831)
Foedera – Foedera, conventiones etc. (ed.) T. Rymer, 20 vols. (1704-35)
Great Chronicle – The Great Chronicle of London (ed.) A. H. Thomas and I. D. Thornley (1838)
Hall – Edward Hall, Chronicle etc. (ed.) H. Ellis (1809)
Haynin – Jean de Haynin, Mémoires, 1465 (ed.) D. D. Brouwers (Liège 1905-6)
Historical Collections – The Historical Collections of a London citizen in the fifteenth century (ed.) J. Gairdner (1876)
La Marche – Olivier de La Marche, Mémoires (ed.) H. Beaune and J. d’Arbaumont,
4 vols. Paris (1883-8)
MA – Mechelen (Malines) Archives, Belgium
Marguerite d’York – Catalogue of Marguerite d’York et son temps, Exhibition organised by the Banque de Bruxelles, 1967
Molinet – Molinet, J., Chroniques (ed.) G. Doutrepont and O. Jodogne, 3 vols. (Brussels 1935-7)
New Chronicles – The New Chronicles of England and France (ed.) H. Ellis (1811)
Paston/Davis – The Paston Letters (ed.) N. Davis, 2 vols. (1971)
Paston/Gairdner – The Paston Letters (ed.) J. Gairdner, 3 vols. (1910)
Polydore Vergil – The Anglica Historica (ed.) and trans. Denis Hay (1950)
PRO – Public Record Office, London
Rozmital – The Travels of Leo of Rozmital (ed.) Malcolm Letts (1957)
RP – Rotuli Parliamentum (ed.) P. Strachey, 6 vols. (London 1767-83)
Six Town Chronicles – Six Town Chronicles (ed.) R. Flenley (1911)
Waurin – Jehan de Waurin, Recueil des Chroniques (ed.) Sir W. Hardy, 5 vols.
Whethamstede – Registrum Abbatiae Johannis Whethamstede (ed.) H. T. Riley (1872)
Wielant – Wielant, P., Recueil des Antiquités de Flandre (ed.) J. J. de Smete, Recueil des chroniques de Flandre iv, 1-442 (Brussels 1865)
Selected Bibliography
Anglo, S., The Great Tournament Roll of Westminster, 1968.
------- , Anglo-Burgundian Feats of Arms at Smithfield, June 1467, Guildhall miscellany, 1965, ii.
Archbold, W. A. J., ‘Sir William Stanley and Perkin Warbeck’, EHR, 1899, xiv.
Armstrong, C. A. J., England, France and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Century, 1983.
Barante, A. de, Histoire des ducs de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois, (ed.) L. P. Gachard, 2 vols., 1838, Brussels.
Bartier, J., Charles le Téméraire, 1944, Brussels.
Basin, T., Histoire de Louis XI, (ed.) C. Samaran, 3 vols., 1963-72, Paris.
Benecke, Gerhard, Maximilian I, 1459-1519, an analytical biography, 1982.
Bennett, M., Lambert Simnel and the Battle of Stoke, Alan Sutton, 1987.
Blades, W., The Life and Typography of William Caxton, 1861.
Boeren, P. C., Twee Maaslandse Dichters in Dienst van Karel de Stout, 1968, Den Haag.
Burne, A. H., Battlefields of England, 1950.
Calmette, J., The Golden Age of Burgundy, 1962.
-------, Dom Pedro, roi des Catalans et la cour de Bourgogne, Annales de Bourgogne, 1946, xviii.
-------, Le mariage de Charles le Téméraire avec Marguerite d’York, Annales de Bourgogne, 1929, i.
Calmette, J. and Perinelle, G., Louis XI et l’Angleterre, 1930, Paris.
Campbell, W., (ed.), Materials for a History of the reign of Henry VII, 2 vols., 1873, 1877.
Cartellieri, O., The Court of Burgundy, 1929.
Chmel, J., Monumenta Habsburgica, 2 vols., 1855, Vienna.
Chrimes, S. B., Lancastrians Yorkists and Henry VII, 1964. ,
-------, Henry VII, 1972.
Cokayne, G. E., The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland and the United Kingdom, (ed.) Vicary Gibbs, H. A. Doubleday and others,13 vols., 1910-59.
Conway, A., Henry VII’s relations with Scotland and Ireland, 1485-1498, 1932.
Corstanje, C. van, O.F.M. and Derolez, A., Saint Coleta her life, holiness and historical significance, 1982, Tielt and Leiden, in five languages.
Crotch, W. J. B., The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton, 1928.
Delaisse, I. M. J., La Miniature Flamande, Le Mécénat de Philippe le Bon, Exhibition Catalogue, 1959, Brussels.
Dogaer, G., Margaretha van York bibliofiele, Studia Mechliniensia en Handelingen van de Koninklijke Kring voor Oudheidkunde, Letteren en Kunst van Mechelen, 1975, lxxix.
Doren, P. J. van and Hermans, V., Inventaire des Archives de la ville de Malines, vol. 2, 1862, Malines.
Dumont, G-H., Marie de Bourgogne, 1982.
Ellis, H., (ed.), Original Letters Illustrative of English History, 11 vols., 1824-1846.
Gachard, L. P., (ed.), Particularités et documents Inédits sur Commines, Charles le Téméraire et Charles Quint,
L’instrument du 3 Novembre, 1471, Trésor National, ii, 1842, Brussels.
-------, (ed.), Collection de documents inédits concernant l’histoire de la Belgique, 3 vols., 1833-5, Brussels.
-------, Rapport sur les archives à Lille, 1841, Brussels.
-------, and others (ed.), Inventaire des archives des chambres des comptes, 6 vols., 1837-1931, Brussels.
Gairdner, J., (ed.), Letters and Papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III and Henry VII, 2 vols., 1861-3.
-------, (ed.), Memorials of King Henry VII, 1858.
-------, Life of Richard III and the Story of Perkin Warbeck, 1898.
Galesloot, L., Marguerite d’York, duchesse douairière de Bourgogne, 1468-1503, Annales de la société d’Emulation pour l’étude de l’histoire et des antiquités de la Flandre, 4th series, 3rd vol., 1879, Bruges.
Genard, P., Marguerite d’York, Duchesse de Bourgogne et La Rose Blanche (1495), BCRH, 4th ser., ii, 1875, Brussels.
Gorman, V. J., ‘The Public Career of Richard Duke of York’, Ph.D. thesis, 1981, Catholic University of America.
Griffiths, R. A., The reign of King Henry VI, 1981.
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., (ed.), Letters of the Kings of England, 2 vols., 1846-8.
Hanham, Alison, (ed.), The Cely Papers, 1472-1488, 1975.
Hare, C., Maximilian the Dreamer, 1913.
Harthan, John, Books of Hours, 1977.
Hicks, M. A., False, Fleeting, Perjur’d Clarence, Alan Sutton, 1980.
Hommel, L., Marguerite d’York ou La Duchesse Junon, 1959, Paris.
Horrox, R. and Hammond, P. W., (ed.), Harleian Ms. 433, 4 vols., Alan Sutton,
Hughes, Muriel J., Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy, Diplomat, Patroness, Bibliophile and Benefactress, The Private Library, 3rd series, vol. 7, 1 & 2, Spring and Summer 1984.
Huizinga, J., The Waning of the Middle Ages, 1924.
Hume, David, The History of England in Eight Volumes, 1802.
Hunter, G. L., The Practical Book of Tapestries, 1925.
Kampeneer, A., Une résidence de Charles V, Mélanges d’Histoire offerts à Charles Moeller, 1914, Louvain & Paris.
Kervyn de Lettenhove, Relation du mariage du due Charles de Bourgogne et de Marguerite d’York, BCRH, 1867, III, x.
Kingsford, C. L., English Historical Literature in the Fifteenth Century, 1913.
Kipling, Gordon, The Triumph of Honour, 1977, Leiden.
Kirk, J. Foster, History of Charles the Bold, 3 vols., 1863-8.
Laborde, L. de, Les ducs de Bourgogne, 3 vols., 1849-52, Paris.
Lander, J. L., The Wars of the Roses, 1965.
-------, Conflict and Stability in Fifteenth Century England, 1969.
-------, Henry VI and the Duke of York’s Second Protectorate, BJRL, 1960, xliii.
-------, Government and Continuity, 1980.
Laporte, J., Marguerite d’York, duchesse de Bourgogne, 1446-1503, unpublished Mémoire de Licence for the Catholic University of Louvain, 1941.
Legeay, U., Histoire de Louis XI, 2 vols., 1874, Paris.
Lejeune, T., Histoire de la ville de Binche, 1887, Binche.
Levine, Mortimer, Tudor Dynastic Problems, 1460-1571, 1973.
McFarlane, K. B., The Nobility of Later Medieval England, 1973.
Mackie, J. D., The Earlier Tudors, 1957 edition.
Madden, Sir Frederick, Documents relating to Perkin Warbeck with remarks on his history, Archeologica, 1838, xxvii.
Morel-Fatio, A., Marguerite d’Yorck et Perkin Warbeck in Mélanges d’Histoire offerts à Charles Bémont, 1913, Paris.
Münch, E., Margaretha von York, 1832, Leipzig.
Myers, A. R., The Household of Edward IV, 1959.
Nicolas, N. H., Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV, 1830.
Nichols, J. G. and Bruce, J., (ed.), Wills from Doctors Commons Campden Society, 1863.
Phillips, Sir Thomas, Account of the Ceremonial concerning the marriage of Margaret, taken from Garter King of Arms, Archeologica, 1846, xxxi.
Pirenne, H., Histoire de Belgique, 7 vols., 1900-32, Brussels.
Plancher, U., Histoire générale et particulière de Bourgogne, 4 vols., 1739-81, Dijon.
Pollard, A. F., The reign of Henry VII from Contemporary Sources, 3 vols., 1913.
Praet, L. van, Recherches sur Louis de Bruges, seigneur de la Gruthuyse, 1831, Paris.
Prevenier, W. and Blockmans, W., The Burgundian Netherlands 1380-1530,
Ram, P. de, Details concernant le mariage de Charles le Téméraire avec Marguerite d’York en 1468, BCRH, 1841, II, v.
Ramsay, J. H., Lancaster and York, 2 vols., 1892.
Rausch, R., Die burgundische heirat Maximilian I, 1880, Vienna.
Robins, Patricia, ‘La veuvage et le douaire de Marguerite d’York dans les Pays Bas’, unpublished Mémoire de Licence 1977, University of Brussels.
Ross, C., Edward IV, 1974.
Rubbrecht, O., Trois portraits de la maison de Bourgogne par Memlinc, ASEB,
1910, lx.
Sandford, F., Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, 1707.
Scofield, C. L., The Life and Reign of Edward IV, 2 vols., 1923.
Stevenson, J., (ed.), Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the Sixth, 2 vols., 1861-4.
Storey, R. L., The End of the House of Lancaster, 1966.
Tambuyser, R., Margareta van York en Mechelen, Handelingen van de Koninklijke Kring voor Oudheidkunde, Letteren en Kunst van Mechelen, 1952, 56.
Vaesen, J. and Charavay, E., Lettres de Louis XI, 12 vols., 1883-1909, Paris.
Vander Linden, H., Itinéraires de Charles, duc de Bourgogne, Marguerite d’York et Marie de Bourgogne, 1936, Brussels.
Vaughan, R., Philip the Good, 1970.
-------, Charles the Bold, 1973.
Wellens, R., Les États Généraux des Pays Bas des origines à la fin du règne de Philippe le Beau, 1464-1506, 1974, Brussels.
-------, Un fragment d’itinéraire des ducs de Bourgogne, 1469-79, Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique, 1967, xxxviii.
Wiesflëcker, H., Kaiser Maximilian I, 2 vols., 1975, Munich.
Williams, D., (ed.), ‘England in the fifteenth century’, Proceedings of the 1986 Harlaxton Symposium.
Unless fully cited here see Bibliography and Abbreviations
1. The most satisfactory original sources in print are: La Marche, iii, pp. 101-201, iv, pp. 95-44. After writing a hundred pages on the wedding in the third volume of his memoires he went on to write another fifty pages in his fourth volume to rectify any faults and omissions; Haynin, ii, pp. 17-63; Excerpta Historica, pp. 223-239; Waurin, v, pp. 559-62; de But, pp. 489-90; Phillips, Archealogica, xxxi, pp. 326-38.
Good secondary sources: Cartellieri, pp. 124-134; Hommel, pp. 25-52; Kipling, pp. 75-163; Kirk, i, pp. 468-78; Laborde, ii, pp. 293-381; Münch, pp. 8-38; Vaughan, pp. 45-53.
Useful articles: C. A. J. Armstrong, ‘La Politique Matrimoniale des ducs de Bourgogne de la maison de Valois’ first printed in the Annales de Bourgogne, xl, 1968, pp. 5-58, 89-139, and reprinted in England, France and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Century, 1983, pp. 237-342. Mr Armstrong provides a definitive analysis of the issues concerning the dower and dowry of Margaret; Boeren, pp. 89-94, 234-251; Calmette, Le mariage, pp. 193-214; Kervyn de Lettenhove, Relation du mariage, pp. 245-66; de Ram, pp. 168-74.
2. Hall, p. 269; for Simon Mulart’s ‘De Ortu’: pp. 234-241 in Boeren, ‘Twee Maaslandse Dichters’. Mulart records all the clergy present and gives details of the processions and the banquets including a list of the meats provided, eg. ‘800 pingues porcos 2500 vitulos and 2100 lepores’. Like Sir John Paston he compared the magnificence of the occasion to the golden age of King Arthur.
3. Paston/Davis, i, pp. 538-40, 8 July 1468.
4. Rozmital, p. 45.
5. The most famous feast of Ph
ilip’s reign was the Feast of the Pheasant at Lille, 1454, see R. Vaughan, Philip the Good, pp. 143-6.
6. Paston/Davis, i, pp. 397-8, 1 May 1467.
7. See Map, p. 207.
8. La Marche, iii, pp. 75-6; Vaughan, Charles the Bold, p. 45; Scofield, i, p. 404 n.l.
9. Armstrong, La Politique Matrimoniale, pp. 5-58; Vaughan, Philip the Good, p. 342. There were past marriages between English princesses and the rulers of the Low Countries. Edward I’s daughter Margaret had married John II, Duke of Brabant in 1294.
10. See genealogy Tables 2 and 3.
11. For an examination of the economic situation see: M-R. Thielemans, Relations politiques et économiques entre les Pays-Bas Bourguignons et l’Angleterre 1435-67, Brussels, 1966; J. H. Munro, Review of Thielemans in Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 46 B, 1968, pp. 1228-1238; Prevenier and Blockmans, pp. 97-107, 121; P. Spufford, Monetary problems and policies in the Burgundian Netherlands, Leiden, 1970.
12. For the negotiations: PRO, C/81/1499/no.7; C/81/1380/no.ll; CPR, 1461-67, p.442; Foedera, xi, p.565; Hommel, pp.27-34; Armstrong, La Politique Matrimoniale, pp. 44-7; CSPM, pp. 198, 256, 270, 356, 372.
13. Hicks, pp. 42-4.
14. CSPM, i, pp. 118-20; Croyland, p. 457; Scofield, i, pp. 327, 424-6; Ross, pp. 107-9; Vaughan, Charles the Bold, pp. 44-7; Calmette and Perinelle, pp. 78-80, 81-7.
15. CSPV, i, p. 117; Vaughan, Philip the Good, pp. 34-50, 80-84.
16. Commynes/Mandrot, i, p. 196.
17. Six Town Chronicles, p. 115; the Woodvilles advanced their position at court and in the country throughout 1466-8, Hicks, pp. 35-36. Their support for Margaret’s marriage to Charles may derive from Jacquetta’s connections with the St Pol family and a wish to assert their influence over the King.
18. Anglo, Tournament Roll, pp. 19-20; Anglo, Anglo-Burgundian Feats of Arms, p. 7; La Marche, iii, pp. 48-56; New Chronicles, pp. 655-6; Historical Collections, p.236; Foedera, xi, p.580; Armstrong, England, France and Burgundy, pp. 277-8.
19. Hall, p. 267; for a contemporary assessment of the significance of the Count of La Roche’s visit see T. Hearne, (ed.) Thomae Sprotti Chronica, 1719, p. 295; Kingsford, English Historical Literature, p. 177.
Margaret of York: The Diabolical Duchess Page 32