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Curved Blue Lines - Episode 1: A Policewoman’s Tale

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by Nova Black

  Copyright © 2014 by Nova Black Books

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  Nova Black Books

  Curved Blue Lines

  A Policewoman’s Tale

  Episode One

  by Nova Black

  Tessa’s Story

  They told me I could find her on Bell Road. She was a speeder, seen often by my cop buddies flying past in her yellow Porsche, not giving the faintest of fucks for traffic laws.

  I had lost my last case recently, a tattooed brunette with a wicked smile, and was trying my best to ‘get back on the wagon’. But, my failure to rehabilitate Emily was eating at me, worrying me in the corner of my mind. I had liked her - maybe too much. Had I been too soft with her?

  Brass said they’d give me another chance with Em if I broke my new case hard and fast. And this time I wouldn’t let pity or attraction interfere with my job.

  We spotted the Porsche flying down a quiet residential road. I let my partner pull her over while I watched from the squad car. The driver was stunning in that cold, untouchable way – blonde hair pinned back in a tight bun, dark rimmed glasses and white button up shirt with the first three buttons undone. You know the type, upwardly mobile career woman, living for the job and not much else.

  I chuckled. A nod to Brass, who knew my type.

  After a couple of back and forths, with the blonde turning her charm full blast, my partner Nina simply scolded her, letting her off with a warning. The car sped away and Nina slipped back into our squad car with a heavy sigh. “Nice,” she said. Glanced at me with a knowing grin. “You going to share this time, Tessa?”

  I shrugged. The petit black woman had a voracious appetite, not everyone could handle her particular methods of discipline. I was no slouch in that department, either. Until I started falling for Emily and lost sight of my goal, my job.

  “We’ll see. I’ll need to spend a little time with her first.”

  Nina rolled her eyes, not that she had anything to complain about - she had her own harem of men and women, previous lawbreakers very interested in keeping the vivacious Nina pleased and occupied.

  But Nina was concerned with my recent funk, we had never lost a case before, never had one backslide. It had shaken both of us and I had spent the last couple of nights alone, working my way through my well stocked liquor cabinet.

  “Come on. They told me she eats lunch at this place down the road. We’ll patrol this area for a while.”

  We gave a couple of speeding tickets to some college kids fresh from spring break, found a couple of bags of dope on a jaywalking hipster, sending him on his away after confiscating it, and gave a very satisfying DUI to one imbecile driving the wrong way through a school zone.

  All in all a slow morning; reluctantly I admitted that I was ready for a little excitement. Nina too, untucking a charm bracelet from her sleeve and dangling it, letting it swing against the steering wheel to the music she put on the radio. I smiled, humming along. She does that whenever we’re assigned a new case.

  But this one was mine and I gave Nina a nudge with my arm. “She’s over there in that restaurant. I’ll be back.”

  Nina nodded, idling the car before pulling off again. She’d be back in forty minutes. It rarely took me longer than a half-hour for the initial ... orientation.

  I passed the blonde’s car - parked in a handicapped spot no less, and slipped a fresh ticket under the wipers. The restaurant was an older out-of-the-way-place, but served good and fresh food. I placed my hat on my head and entered the restaurant, hands on my hips. The lunch crowd had mostly left and I scanned them with a hard glare.

  “Excuse me. Who owns the yellow Porsche parked outside this establishment? The vehicle illegally parked in the handicapped zone?””

  Blanks stares as everyone shook their heads. Almost everyone. The blonde was peeking at me over a hardback book, frozen.

  A thick, bearded guy in a red flannel shirt leaned over from his window booth. “Lady, isn’t that your car?”

  She made a little noise and ducked behind her book. Then slowly lowered it, realizing how ridiculous she looked.

  My gaze sharpened as I studied her. She had a hard, sharp beauty - high cheekbones and strong, willful eyes.


  “I…” She shifted, putting a little force in her voice. “Yes officer? Is there a problem?”

  I didn’t move, letting my gaze frost. She paled a bit, leaning back. Touched her throat, the throat I would be tasting very soon.

  “Ma’am, do you own the yellow Porsche - license plate BRKTHM?”

  Her head tilted up and she met my eye, raising one eyebrow. “I do.” She was starting to regain her composure, remembering there was an audience. I couldn’t let her do that yet.

  My voice carried over the silent cafe, the customers enjoying the show. “Are you aware there is a warrant out for your arrest? Apparently you have over $52,000 in unpaid speeding tickets, parking violations and resulting fines.”

  Someone whistled and I bit back a smile. It helped when the crowd was on my side.

  The book, some flowery romance novel, fell out her hand and she picked it up and closed it, shaking hand smoothing the plastic cover. She caught her tremble and placed her hand in her lap, probably squeezing it so she wouldn’t give her nervousness away.

  If I had a nickel for every hardass women that broke under my pussy, I could dip my squad car in silver.

  “Officer, “ She glanced at my badge but didn’t say my name. “I know I had a few tickets I hadn’t paid yet, but I was unaware it was that much…”

  “So, you do admit to these charges?”

  I walked toward her table, and she sat back, eyes flicking over me.

  “Identification, please.”

  Her hand shook as she handed it to me. I read it, voice stern. “Carmela Carter?”

  She shook her head yes.

  Brass didn’t give me cases that only had simple, petty fines. They gave Nina and I cases that were right on the border of becoming major criminals. I suspect this one was into something deeper, something a little more sinister than illegal parking. She had that look to her.

  You’ve been a bad, bad girl, Carmela - time to get your spoiled ass spanked by the long arm of Justice.

  “Come with me, ma’am.” I brushed past her table, towards the restrooms in the back, somebody tssking loudly at the blonde lawbreaker.

  She was flushed and angry by the time she stepped through the restroom door, mouth opened to argue. But I circumvented that, pulling her from the threshold and against the wall.

  Her wide eyes blinked and I hushed her, tapping her lips with my finger. Then used that finger to slowly lock the door. Her mouth closed and I turned her around, face against the wall, fifteen hundred dollar blazer rubbing pitted concrete.

  “Spread your arms and legs, ma’am.”

  She made a little whimpering noise and I kicked her legs apart, enjoying the rising moan. Fear and sex noises are pretty much the same and I like knowing what I’m getting.

  “Do you have anything in your pockets? Anything I should be aware of?”

  She shook her
head, cheek scraping the wall. I pulled a loose tendril of hair from her eyes, tucking it back behind her ear and she glanced at me, surprised at the gesture.

  That was good cop.

  Next, I took off her jacket, checking the pockets and then frisked her, keeping strictly to protocol. I had no need to sneak a feel, she’d be begging me to touch her soon enough. But I was thorough, checking the inside of her thighs, her waist, under her breast.

  “Am I under arrest officer?” Her voice was stern and cold, but she ruined it with the tremble at the end.

  I leaned forward, my weight on her back. “Would you like to be?”

  Her tensed, uneasy reaction made me grin. The high powered ones, the ones who think their office power meant dick in my world, are the most fun.

  I bet her employees would love to see her now, flustered and half disrobed in a public bathroom.

  She made herself relax under my weight. A flutter of the eyelids as the possibilities of what I was doing entered her head.

  “What does that mean? Am I being detained, or not?”

  I pulled back, letting her feel the absence of my body heat. Placed a hand on the small of her back and she didn’t pull away. “That is still a possibility. Unless you can pay the entire fine now. Cash.”

  Her shoulder slumped. “If I moved some things around I may be able to pay half.” She attempted to turn around, “you see, most of my money is tied up in –.”

  My voice dropped, cold. “Turn your ass back to the wall Carter or I will throw it and you in the back of my squad car.” She nearly knocked herself out flinging back to position.

  I let the silence draw out. My hand still resting on her back.

  “If you can’t pay the fine I’ll have to take you in. Unless… “

  Her shoulders slumped even more. “Unless, what? That’s all the money I have right now, I can’t afford to give you a bribe.”

  I laughed. Laughed harder when the back of her neck flushed red. “I don’t want money, Carmela.”

  Her voice was small. “Then… what do you want?”

  Oh, she knew.

  The leathered creak of my belt unbuckling was surprisingly loud in the silent room. She trembled but didn’t turn around.

  “I’m going to take off my pants and sit on the counter behind you. You can choose to come to me, or turn around and walk out of here.” She gave a surprised start and I smiled. “That’s right, I will let you go - go back to your car with $52,000 worth of fines. There’s a flag on your plates, Carmela, but maybe you will be able to explain yourself to the next office who pulls your over.”

  She shivered and made herself turn around, giving me an assessing look.

  I had my own charms, firm rounded hips and slim waist. Brown skin and green eyes. I’ve been called exotic by some but who knows if I was, my adoptive parents certainly didn’t have any idea.

  I smiled, knowing what she would choose. Nina and I have a knack for knowing how to play with our cases, that’s why Brass put us together, encouraging us to use our own brand of justice. And it usually works, us keeping them in line. Only one ever backslid, but she’ll be back. She will come back on her fucking knees.

  Speaking of, I spread a couple of paper towels and hopped onto the counter, my pant legs dangling. “I don’t have all day, Carmela.” I kept my voice firm, matter of fact. But in fact I was looking forward to having her mouth in my pussy, Carmela was an icy beauty and I was enjoying the angry, intrigued looks she was shooting me.

  She walked over slowly, keeping her face averted. I dropped her jacket on the bathroom floor, laughing at the furious glare she gave me.

  “It’s for your knees. Don’t want them marked up.”

  She raised her head, holding my eyes in one last ditch chance to keep control. “Shouldn’t we kiss first? At least tell me your first name.”

  “This is a transaction, Carmela - not a date. On your fucking knees.”

  She flushed. Lowering to kneel on her blazer.

  I peered down at her.

  “Besides, I’ll kiss you after you eat me. And if you are a good girl, maybe I’ll do a little more than that.”

  She nodded absently, already enraptured by the view before her. She traced a finger along my thigh and I shivered, resisting burying her head into me. Forcing her. Oh, she would do it, would love it if I made her eat me.

  But the first time, every advance had to be hers.

  A kiss on my thigh and she hesitated. “I don’t quite know what to do, Officer.”

  Bullshit. But I kept my voice calm. “You have the same parts. Do what gets you off and I’ll tell you if it works for me.”

  Her hair tickled the inside of my thigh and I moved forward, just a inch to give her easier access. Her tongue grazed the tip of me and I moaned. “More, Carmela.”

  She made a noise and pushed her face deeper, the top of her head wedged between my thighs. What a pretty sight, golden head bobbing as her lips nibbled me, nudged me open. She ran her tongue along my entrance and I shivered. Delicious.

  “That’s a good girl. Stick that tongue in deep.”

  She did and I groaned, thrusting my hips into her face. “Fuck. Yes, like that Carmela.”

  She made a noise, a whimpering, needy noise and I smiled. “You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you girl?”

  She didn’t answer, speeding up her sliding tongue. It was sending ripples through my body and and I ground her face in it before pulling her away by the bun. She looked up at me, surprised. Disappointed.

  I held her chin. “You want to finish the job, Ms. Carter?’

  Her gaze slid away to the wetness between my thighs. A hint of pink tongue showing between her parted lips. She licked them and shivered. Ran her tongue along her lips again.

  “Got a taste of the good stuff, didn’t you?” I said, chuckling.

  I held her away, waiting. She strained forward, pretty face smeared and confused. She didn’t know why she didn’t just get up, walk away. I moved her closer to my thighs.

  “Tell me you want this, and I’ll let you lick me.” I hardened my voice. “Say it, Carmela.”

  Her eyes closed, voice barely a whisper. “Officer. Please let me… let me finish you.”

  I nodded. “Very good. You’re a good girl, aren’t you.” I pressed her back and she groaned, tongue finding its way back inside me. I hissed. Fuck, she was good. My hand was tangled in her hair, moving her head around me. Pushing her, rubbing her face in it.

  Time was running out and I sighed. Can’t get too greedy.

  “Carmela. Lick my clit now, baby. Lick it just how you like it done.”

  She did. Running her mouth up to it. A light touch with the tip of her tongue to tease it hard. Then firm, wet circles. My back arched, running air through my teeth.

  “Shit. This is your first time?” She was a natural; Nina was going to love her.

  Carmela paused, then slowly sucked my clit into her mouth, her tongue lapping at it.

  Goddamn I was close. My legs tensed. “Yes. Fuck, yes. You want me to cum all over your face, don’t you?”

  Her body trembled as her pace increased. She started moaning, bobbing her head. Hands caressing my legs. One of her hands moving down her own waist, toward her cunt and I tightened my grip in her hair.

  “Don’t you fucking touch yourself. You don’t touch yourself until I say so.”

  She whimpered, hands returning to where they should be. On me, pleasuring me I smiled, pressing my thighs on her head like a vice. “Come on, earn it Carmela.”

  She did, lapping and sucking, her rhythm smooth. Shit. I felt the first wave coming and I tilted my hips, bucking them into her face. She licked faster, sucking me smoothie style, her eyes lifting to watch me cum and I growled at her. “Keep your eyes on the job.”

  She lowered her eyes quickly and nestled deeper, tongue keeping pace. Felt so good. Her mouth hot and wet and, fuck, here it comes…

  Goddamn! The first wave nearly knocked me off the counter, ar
ching, biting my lip to keep from screaming. I clenched everywhere, rigid as the next one hit. Shit. I was muttering obscenities at her, telling her what a good girl she was being, licking her officer’s cunt. And she pushed in further, wet slapping noises as she finished me off.

  My body calmed and I had to drag her head from my thighs. She shuddered, grunting, straining to get back there, making me chuckle. “Don’t worry. This is your place of business. You’ll be back real soon.”

  A faint awareness entered her eyes as she realized what I said. What I meant.

  “You think getting me off one time was worth fifty-two grand? Honey, you good but not that good.”


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