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The Second Chance Groom

Page 12

by Taylor Hart

  Leaning in, he brushed his lips to hers. “If you believe, then I believe.”

  “Good is coming,” she said between kisses.

  Pulling back, he gently touched her face. “Good is already here.”

  Chapter 18

  Sunday afternoon, Anthony watched from the sidelines, his mind not on the game at all. Which worked, because they didn’t need him anyway. They were down by a touchdown. It didn’t matter, because Kade would punish this defense in just a couple of seconds.

  Turning, he looked up at the box where his father, Cassidy’s father, and Cassidy all sat. She lifted her hand and dramatically threw him a kiss.

  He almost caught it, but he couldn’t be that cheesy. Could he? The center of his chest filled with warmth. Cassidy was here, and they were falling in love all over again. At least, he thought she was, because he’d pretty much already laid his cards on the table.

  A whistle blew, and the offense went in. Turning to the field, he watched as they huddled, and he knew the exact play Kade would run.

  The ball was hiked and Kade looked at the tailback, but the defense was too quick, so Kade ended up throwing an interception. San Diego caught the ball and took it all the way down the field.

  Anthony cursed and watched as Kade ripped his helmet off and yelled at the ref about how the defense had tackled him improperly. Honestly, Anthony wasn’t sure if it was a bad hit or not, because he’d been watching the ball.

  Coach rushed out to the field, putting a calming hand on Kade’s shoulder, but Anthony could tell Kade was wound up tight.

  Scar was next to him. “Get ready to go in, man.” His voice was intense, his eyes on the game.

  Anthony felt it, too.

  The next play, Kade got the ball and the same defensive lineman came at him. Once again, Kade threw it and San Diego made another interception, though they didn’t return the ball very far.

  Kade managed to get up, but didn’t back up. Instead he ran at the defensive lineman, giving him a sucker punch kind of hit and knocking him down.

  The field erupted and before Anthony knew what happened both teams were at each other’s throats. Whistles blew like crazy, and without warning Kade was ejected from the game. The whole stadium roared in delight, of course. San Diego was more than happy Zeus had been taken out.

  Adrenaline shot through Anthony, and on autopilot he grabbed his helmet. The offensive coach shouted plays in his ear.

  Kade moved toward him, two of the coaches flanked Kade, pulling him off the field. Kade pointed at Anthony and roared, “You got this, bro! Titans!”

  Anthony tried to focus on the coaches, but he had to rush out to the field. Getting to the huddle, he barked out the orders, and for just a second he looked up at the box.

  Cassidy stood plastered against the box glass, her fist in the air. His father stood next to her with a determined look on his face, lifting his fist too. Then her father joined them.

  Something flipped inside of Anthony. They believed in him. He could do it. He could. He was back. It felt like before his accident when he was first-string quarterback for the Sentinels. He barked out a play, then executed it perfectly, sending a throw sailing into the end zone into Rennen Bradley’s hands.

  Anthony stuck his fist into the air and pointed at the box. “Titans!” he shouted.

  His team rallied and the defense shut down the next couple of plays.

  When the offense came back out, Anthony felt like he was on fire. The ball was hiked and Teo Parata cleared an open spot; Anthony took it, storming down the field, all sorts of chaos erupting. Out of nowhere there was an opening, and Anthony threw it perfectly into Brady Giles’s hands in the end zone.

  It was on. He threw two more touchdowns in the last two minutes of the game, and it ended with the Titans hoisting him around the field on their shoulders.

  Cassidy ran onto the field and into his arms. “Nice job, Boss,” she said, and they kissed.

  At this moment, Anthony knew if second chances were being handed out, he’d just gotten all the ones he’d ever wanted.

  Chapter 19

  Elation swept through Cassidy as she sat in the doctor’s office Monday morning, finishing up the appointment for her father.

  “I wouldn’t call this remission, per se.” The doctor pushed his glasses back. “But it’s close. The cancer has responded to the radiation and it’s shrinking.”

  “Oh my gosh,” Cassidy said, squeezing her father’s hand and saying prayers of thanks in her mind.

  “What’s next?” her father asked.

  “You go back to living your normal life and come in for scans every three months for the next year.” The doctor grinned. “This is a win.”

  Cassidy and her father smiled at each other.

  Immediately, she got a text from Anthony. ‘Result status? And would you care if we went out instead of me cooking?’

  It still felt surreal she was dating Anthony Kincaid—her high school boyfriend, star quarterback for the Texas Titans. The man she’d thought about, sort of obsessed about over the past ten years. The man whom she’d kissed on national television and it was all over the media. She didn’t even care, which wasn’t like her. ‘Good news! It’s shrinking! And yes! Let’s go out.’ She was pretty sure at that moment she would agree to anything.

  He texted back. ‘I’m sending an Uber for you at six. Wear something fancy.’

  With a nervous thrill, she texted, ‘Sounds perfect!’

  Chapter 20

  Anthony had to face it: timing had never been a thing he’d felt he had down in regards to women. He stared at his outfit in the mirror. Black pants, a white shirt, and a black jacket—nice gear for the restaurant. Nervous energy wove through him, and he thought about how Cassidy had looked at his father’s party and how she looked in his arms kissing him all over the media since the San Diego game. He loved it. This woman was intoxicating to him, so much more than any woman he’d ever dated.

  Checking his phone, he noted he had half an hour before he even needed to leave for the restaurant. He’d spent the last couple of hours putting everything together for this date and he hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed by the outcome.

  He gingerly picked up the ring in the box that lay open. His mother’s ring, a garnet with a huge diamond. It was the first ring his father had given her. Before she’d passed, she’d given it to Anthony, for his bride.

  Closing his eyes, he remembered his mother whispering in his ear: “I hope it’s Cassidy.” He blinked away a tear. Man, he still missed his mother. She’d been everything a good mother should be—fun, overprotective, always ready with a kind word for strangers. She made them toe the line with school and chores, but she’d softened his father for them.

  He thought of Cass and how much they had loved each other. Shame nagged him as he thought of how he’d refused to even talk to Cassidy back then, but now hope bolstered his spirits. “Good is coming, Kincaid,” he said to himself in the mirror, like a coach would say to a player. With certainty, finality, like there would be no turning back. “Man up!”

  Even so, he felt a bit uneasy thinking of the secret she didn’t know about him.

  “Hey!” He heard his big bro down the stairs, yelling up at him.

  He wasn’t due to have a visit with Kade. “What?” he called, putting the ring in his pocket and rushing down the stairs.

  Kade stood there looking casual in gym shorts and a T-shirt. He let out a whistle. “Where is little bro going tonight?” He circled, chugging back some water.

  Anthony pushed his brother in the shoulder. “Shut it.”

  “And he’s a bit defensive. Could it be the lovely Ms. Stone?” Kade flashed a grin.

  Anthony walked into the kitchen, pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge, and gulped it down. “Yes.”

  Kade followed him. “I’m happy for you, bro. You seem better with her back. And since you pretty much stomped San Diego!” They both jumped into the air, chest-bumping and letting out manly
whoops of laughter. Anthony loved the rush of being on the same team with Kade.

  “How is Felicity doing today?” Anthony asked, knowing the baby would come soon.

  Kade lifted a hand and waved it through the air. “Her feet are up, her father is there, arguing with her over some social issue. They are a thinking people and I love that about them … but man, they like to argue.”

  Anthony laughed. “At least she’s happy and entertained.”

  Kade nodded. “I was just going to head to Scar’s gym and get some sparring in with the guys. Wanted to see if you wanted to come, but you can’t come.”

  “Nah, got plans.”

  “As I see.” He grinned again.

  “Would you stop with the happy looks?” Anthony hoped his annoyance concealed his nervousness. He wanted to tell Kade what he had planned, but wanted to wait until he knew what she would say.

  Kade pumped his eyebrows. “Man, you’re gonna do it, aren’t you?”

  He slammed his fist down on the countertop. “How in the world do you know that?”

  Kade laughed. “I wasn’t entirely sure until now.”

  Anthony ran his hand through his hair nervously. “I think so. I know it is fast, but it—”

  “It’s right.” Kade grinned at him, and then he swallowed. “I’m happy for you.” He hugged his brother. It took him by surprise, but face it: everything in the past year had been so much different with Kade.

  He gave in to the hug. “Thanks.”

  Kade pulled back. “Do it. It’ll be great.”

  So with the blessing of his big brother, he left to the restaurant and to the future he hoped he would have with Cassidy Stone.

  Chapter 21

  As Cassidy was escorted to the table in the tallest building in Dallas, she couldn’t help but marvel at the floor-to-ceiling glass and the fact no one else was in the entire restaurant. He’d bought the place out. She couldn’t believe it. She shook her head and muttered, “You date a prince and get treated like a princess.” She got to the table, but Anthony wasn’t there yet, so she asked the server if she could go stand by the window.

  After a few moments of staring down at the city, she felt Anthony’s presence before seeing him behind her in the glass. “Hey,” he said. His hand took hold of her waist, pulling her back against him, and their eyes held through the glass.

  “Hey.” She was mesmerized by the image of them. She wore heels and a royal-blue satin dress that was barely off the shoulder. Anthony didn’t have to bend far to gently kiss her between her ear and neck and send a surge of electricity through her.

  He spun her toward him, leaving her breathless. His lips settled on hers and she put her hands behind his neck, pulling him closer. It was like her dream of him and reality had merged into this amazing plane of the present.

  He gave her a quick up-and-down. “You do things to me, woman.”

  She laughed and didn’t want to admit what he did to her. “You bought the whole place out tonight?”

  He shrugged, keeping his hands on her hips. “How would you describe this moment?” he asked, searching her eyes.

  Her heart raced, and then she noticed the music had changed. Instead of the subtle soft sound of the music on the speakers, a man stood in the center of the room, strumming his guitar. “Who, what?”

  “The writer is speechless,” Anthony said softly.

  “I can’t believe this,” she muttered, gaping. “Kent Sloane is here?”

  He just leaned in and brushed his lips to hers, sending fire through her. “You said you liked my song, I thought he’d be a good choice to play it tonight.”

  Sloane looked up from his guitar and waved. “’Sup, Cassidy.”

  A laugh skittered out of her. “Hey.”

  “I thought he should play the song for you,” Anthony said.

  Incredulous, she stared at Sloane. “You did all this for me?”

  Anthony put his arms around her waist and kissed her again. “I would do anything for you.”

  Dancing with him in this moment … felt perfect. Her heart raced and all she could think about was how in love with him she felt.

  After Sloane ended Anthony’s song, he started strumming out a fast song.

  Anthony pulled her into some country dance moves, which she followed as best she could. It felt amazing and she couldn’t believe the last ten days with him. Being near to him, learning about him. Discovering this man again. Then she thought of her father, and she pushed both hands into the air in celebration. “And his tumors are shrinking!”

  Anthony mimicked her, shooting his hands up too. “Woot!”

  She dissolved into giggles and thought of how when she was with Anthony, she just felt this natural high.

  He spun her out and then brought her in quickly. It did feel like a fairy tale.

  “Are you my prince?” she asked him.

  He held her gaze. “Do you want me to be?”

  Her heart thudded inside her chest and she sniffed. “Yeah, I do.”

  He laughed, and she thought she could see tears in his eyes. He pulled her in and held her tight, whispering in her ear. “Maybe we do get second chances, Cass. Maybe we do.”

  “Well, you’re the second-chance quarterback if there ever was one.” She kissed him.

  As if on cue, the song ended and Sloane started playing another slow one.

  Anthony held her to him tightly and deepened the kiss. They swayed back and forth for a few moments.

  Joy warmed every part of her. She’d never imagined when she’d come back to Dallas that things would turn out this way. She thought of how he’d confessed his love to her in the car, and she pulled back, staring into his beautiful brown eyes. “I love you.” Her voice was shaky and her eyes filled with tears. “I know I didn’t say it when you did, but I want you to know it.”

  A huge grin lit up his face and he kissed her again.

  After a few moments, he led her back to the only table in the room and pulled her chair out. The city lights sparkled up at them and she felt like her heart could burst.

  “I took the pleasure of ordering for you. Hope that’s okay.”

  She smiled, not caring a fig about the food, and reached for his hand. “It’s great.”

  Scooting his chair closer, he sat and pulled the back of her hand to his lips, kissing up her wrist.

  She giggled. “We’re at dinner.”

  He grinned and kept kissing. “I bought the place out so I could kiss you all night.”

  This made her insides feel like a melting truffle. “You think?”

  There was really no point playing coy, because his lips were already back on hers and she happily kissed him back. She’d fallen back in love with Anthony Kincaid for the second time, and it was more remarkable than she’d ever imagined.

  Anthony’s phone made a funny buzzing noise. He fumbled to tug it out of his pocket, then gasped. “Oh my gosh, we have to go. The baby’s coming!”

  Chapter 22

  Anthony stared into the face of his new baby nephew and took him gingerly from Kade’s willing hands. Kade wore the proud look of a warrior himself.

  Anthony winked at his brother. “Better watch yourself. You’re bursting so much Kincaid pride you might just outdo Dad over there.”

  His brother slapped an arm around his shoulders and they both gazed down at the baby. “I can’t believe it, I’m a father.”

  Anthony laughed at him and turned back to the baby. “Good thing you have your uncle Anthony to keep your dad in check.” He cuddled him closer and turned to Cassidy, who hovered by his side, beaming at them. “What do you think?”

  She gently nudged the baby’s chin, staring up at Kade. “He’s perfect.”

  Kade nodded. “Yeah, he is.”

  Anthony passed him back to the happy dad and took Cassidy’s hand, striding over to his father and Felicity.

  His father had a hand on her shoulder, a bubble gum cigar displayed proudly in his mouth. He’d been handing them out to a
ll the staff and anyone who walked within a yard of him. “My daughter-in-law here is a warrior.”

  Felicity peered back at Anthony’s father, a sheen of sweat still on her face, and rolled her eyes. “Be warned: the Kincaids have no boundaries.” She winked at Cassidy.

  Cassidy laughed. “The baby is beautiful.”

  Felicity softened. “He is, isn’t he?” She looked over at Kade, raising her voice. “Bring our son back to me.”

  Kade looked up from showing off the baby to the nurses, who were cooing over him. “Okay.” He crossed the room and met her gaze, and Anthony felt almost embarrassed at the way they looked at each other.

  Anthony turned to Cassidy, thinking he probably looked at her that way, too. He gently squeezed her hand, wanting to ask her the important question. “Should we go?”

  Chapter 23

  Cassidy stood on her porch, kissing Anthony. They’d taken an Uber back to her place, but she didn’t want to go in yet. She didn’t want the night to be over, either.

  So here they stood, making out.

  He’d insisted on coming back with her, which felt silly to her. Especially since he’d sent the Uber car away and told him he would text him to pick him up in a little bit.

  Anthony held her, gently running his hands down the length of her hair, his cheek against hers. “What are you thinking?”

  Once again, she felt like a teenager. “That I don’t want to go in yet, but you have practice tomorrow.”

  Pressing his lips to hers, he smiled. “I don’t want to leave, either.”

  The feeling of soaring, flying, having everything right in front of her in this man was intoxicating. “What am I going to do when I finish the exclusive? I won’t have an excuse to see you.” Leaning into him, she kissed him.

  This time, he put his hand behind her neck and held her closer, deepening the kiss. He pulled back before her knees buckled and stared at her. “We’ll just have to figure out a different reason to see each other.”


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