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The Second Chance Groom

Page 15

by Taylor Hart

  The air cracked with electricity between them and she didn’t know how it was different with Anthony … but it had always been different with him. “Because I want to tell the truth … finally.”

  Unable to believe he was here and unable to believe that he had actually committed to doing an article on something so private, she felt her lower lip tremble.

  He coughed and looked past her. “Is … is Kyle here?”

  Vulnerability. It was rare to see it on a Kincaid’s face, she would be lying if part of her didn’t find that ironic. She crossed her arms and tried to focus. “What if he is?”

  Anthony ran a hand over his hair. “Then I’ll leave with you this.” He held it out the sunflower to her. “And I’ll tell you one more time…” he broke off and choked up. “How much I love you and I need you and I’m here … fighting for you. And I don’t care what anybody thinks of me. I never should have.” Determination lit into his eyes and she couldn’t stop but think he had the same look on his face he’d had the other day when he’d played San Diego. Right before he’d gone in and stormed the field in fury. “I care about you. About us.”

  Impossibly, her eyes swelled with tears.

  Sensing her fragility, his gaze softened. “And I know I don’t deserve you.”

  Hardening her gaze, she tried to glare at him. “You lied to me and you didn’t trust me.”

  Remorse washed over his face. “I know.”

  She pointed at him. “I won’t be someone you don’t tell everything to. I…”

  He was already taking her by the waist and pulling her into him. At first she tried to fight him, but then she surrendered, it was pointless, she loved him. Wanted him. Closing her eyes, she let him pull her to his chest.

  “I messed up, but I’m here and I…” he pulled back. “And I want you to know that I can’t change what I did … and I will tell you everything from now on. And, I will trust you. Gently, he moved a piece of hair out of her face and peered into her eyes. “Plus, someone said recently that as far as Anthony Kincaid was concerned…she believed good was coming.”

  She blinked. “I do believe that.”

  “And you’re good.” He grinned. “Plus, I really do want you to give me a surf lesson.” The side of his lip tugged up.

  Unable to stop herself, she let out a laugh, thinking she could teach him to do anything. This glorious, completely coordinated male, who would probably rent a surfboard and be surging within the hour. “Whatever.” She looked around. “I never told you if Kyle was here or not.”

  He took her hand into his. “Poe, don’t you know I can read you like a book.” He grinned. “Always could.” He pulled her into him, again.

  She pulled in a ragged breath and she let him hold her again.

  For a few moments they just stood there.

  He asked. “Why didn’t you … why isn’t Kyle here?”

  A nervous flutter went through her and she leaned back, studying his face. “Because I can write again.”

  He looked confused.

  Now it was her turn to feel vulnerable. “As you know, I’ve been stuck. After you came into my life again, I felt free again.” A sad smiled washed over her face. “I even think I’ll be able to finish this book and get it submitted to publishers soon.”

  Elation filled his face. “Of course you will.”

  That’s what she realized she loved about him. His belief in her. His concern for her. His … everything that he’d always been for her.

  She blinked. “Even though I was so hurt, the truth is that I love you. I always have and…I couldn’t do that to Kyle. All that’s between you and me…it’s messy but…”

  He squeezed her hand and finished her thought. “It’s real.”

  She blinked. “Yeah.”

  Getting onto one knee, he pulled a ring out of his pocket.

  She couldn’t believe he was doing this. “I know I don’t deserve it, but Cassidy Gertrude Stone, give me another second, second chance. Marry me?”

  Even though it wasn’t perfect and she didn’t know what the future held, she did know she wanted this man in her life. “Yes!” She threw her arms around him and let out a laugh.

  Standing, he pulled back, slipping the ring on her finger and then bear hug lifting her up and swinging her around.

  They laughed together.

  He put her down and his lips were on hers, kissing her with an intensity that she’d only ever felt with him.

  She kissed him back, loving the fact he wanted a second chance at a second chance…and loving the fact he was her second chance too.

  He put her down and searched her face. “You’re so beautiful, Poe.”

  She grinned and pointed at him. “Hey, just because I said yes doesn’t mean you should get a big head, Boss.”

  He laughed. “That’s exactly what it means.” Then his eyes grew serious. “Also, I’m hoping it means that this is the last chance that we’ll ever need.”

  Closing her eyes she kissed him again and knew … she would hold him for the rest of her life.


  Cassidy sat on Sunshine, watching the sunset, feeling … like everything was in front of her. Gently, she put her hand on her lower stomach and smiled, she hadn’t told him yet, but she knew he’d be ecstatic. Was it too fast?

  She thought about the past six months. Throwing caution to the wind, she and Anthony had gone back to Dallas and planned a small wedding at the ranch. Of course, when it came to the Kincaids, nothing was ever that small. She honestly hadn’t cared about the fuss, all she could really remember was the moment her father walked her down the isle, a proud smile on his face, looking young and happier then she’d seen him look in a long, long time. Then, Anthony’s face, how he took her hands into his and it felt… like they were flying, riding their horses faster and faster and laughing like teenagers.

  It was … everything.

  She heard a horse galloping, and with a jolt of surprise she turned to see Anthony riding toward her, looking like one of those knights in shining armor in one of those romance movies. Happiness surged within her and she couldn’t stop herself, giving Sunshine a jab in the ribs she took off.

  The problem was, Biscuit was faster than Sunshine and he caught up to her. “Cassidy!” he shouted.

  She kept going, laughing. “Quit chasing me!”

  He laughed too, keeping pace with her. “Stop, woman!”

  For a few moments they kept on, head to head. It was inevitable she would have to face him. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him slow down, and she stopped Sunshine to let him catch up.

  His horse circled hers, finally stopping next to her. A bright smile filled his face. “You left your phone and a publisher called, they want to publish you!”

  Joy filled her. “What?”

  Dismounting from his horse, he reached for her hand and then her waist, helping her down. “Cassidy,” he muttered and kissed her neck.

  She batted him away, loving his constant attention to her. “What did they say?”

  He laughed again and kissed her, not letting her squirm out of it.

  She laughed against him, giving into his kiss, feeling all the past, not just the ten years before, but the past few weeks circle her. She thought of how being with him was the most right she’d ever felt. She pushed him back. “What did they say?”

  He laughed again.

  He leaned forward, kissing her on the forehead, and took her hand in his. “That it’s good and they want it.” His eyes sparkled.

  She laughed, letting it fill her whole chest. “Ohmygosh. I can’t believe it.”

  He picked her up and twirled her. “Believe it—good is always coming!” He said in an announcer voice.

  She loved being with him, the strength of him. Their eyes met and it was what it always was with him … timeless.

  He put her down and wiggled his eyebrows. “Let’s head back and take the old men out and celebrate.”

  She and Anthony, at her father’s
request, had built a house a half a mile down from him. At first, she hadn’t been sure Anthony would want to move, but he’d loved the idea. Honestly, he was out riding more then she was.

  “Wait,” she said, holding him tighter and not moving. “I have to tell you something.”

  Seeming to do a quick evaluation of her, he narrowed his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  She wanted to play with him and do the whole poker face thing, but, as he told her all the time, he’d always been able to read her. So she bursted out. “We’re pregnant.”

  It was something they’d been wanting, hoping for … but his face went agog for a moment and then she saw him actually tear up.

  It was quite the moment when she could extract tears from him and she leaned into him, loving this amazing, tender man.

  His arms secured her next to him, keeping her close. “Wow.” His breath was on her head. Seeming to digest this information, he kept holding her. “You shouldn’t be on a horse, you shouldn’t be really walking or … I think I’ll carry you home.” He swooped down and picked her up like he was carrying her over the altar.

  She giggled. “Put me down you oaf, I’m fine. I’m only eight weeks along.”

  He stopped and she could see the wheels grinding in his head. “We’re having a baby.” He said all syrupy, the same way he spoke to Kade’s baby boy sometimes.

  She grinned. “Yes we are. And we’ll be first time parents. And get a first chance.”

  He kept her in his arms and kissed her. “I like the sound of that.”

  Second Epilogue—Why not:)

  1 Year Later

  If anyone would have told Anthony he would be back as the starting quarterback for the Houston Sentinels two years ago…when he’d broken his neck…he would have laughed them into obscurity.

  Also, if anyone would have told him that he’d be standing on the field, staring up at his wife, Cassidy’s face, and son Harrison, sitting in the VIP box seat….with Kade and Felicity and their son, Jimmy…there wouldn’t have been words.

  There weren’t words now.

  Gratitude. Grace. Love.

  Second Chances.

  First Chances.

  The game was about to start. Pre-season game against San Diego.


  He turned and saw Scar Walker pointing at him across the field. Scar had unexpectedly left the Titans at the end of last year and walked onto to San Diego. A surprise to everyone, but…well, not really a surprise to him.

  Scar had been starting up the Kincaid Vets projects the past year and he actually considered him a close friend now. It wasn’t that Scar had just helped him through a tough time in his life, but he and Scar and his family worked closely to help military vets through sparring.

  Breaking with his team on the sidelines, he met Walker in the middle of the filed and they gripped hands and then fist bumped.

  “Sup.” Walker nodded at him. “You ready for the big comeback game today?

  The press had left behind the words second chance and were now using words like comeback.

  Anthony waved a hand through the air, granted it’d taken a lot of hard hits in his life to realize what was really important…and it wasn’t football.

  Sure, football was life, after all, he was a Kincaid…but it wasn’t…everything.

  He grinned and turned to the box nodding at his family “Harrison is three months old.”

  “Nice.” A warm smile washed over Scar’s face.

  Anthony turned back to him. “You and the fiancé are coming out to dinner tomorrow, right?”

  Scar nodded. “Thanks for the invite.” He pumped his eyebrows.

  Anthony had heard about this amazing woman who had lured Scar away from the Titans. Heck, who had almost convinced him to retire completely from football.

  Scar motioned to the field. “Just so you know, Kincaid, the first string quarterback has an arm that gets it down the field quick.

  Anthony gave Scar a half smile and narrowed his eyes at him “You think you can still trash talk me?”

  Scar laughed. “Just sayin.” He winked at him and leaned forward. “Let’s face it…he’s not better than me.”

  Anthony laughed. He had to admit, Scar was good. More than anything, Anthony had always imagined Scar played with much the same kind of passion he could see him taking men into war with…desperation, determination, the kind of man who wouldn’t quit and had the medals to prove it.

  Anthony nodded to him. “Maybe you’ll get your shot today?”

  Scar snorted. “In my dreams, man.”

  Anthony shrugged. “Sometimes dreams do come true, dreams you never expect.”

  Scar’s face lit up. “Don’t get soft on me now, Kincaid.”

  Anthony laughed and turned away, jogging back to his team and shouting over his shoulder. “Go Sentinels!”

  The game started and the Sentinels were up by three touchdowns late in the third quarter when…San Diego’s quarterback was taken down.

  Anthony watched as Scar came in, heading into the game with what was seemingly no trepidation whatsoever.

  Like a warrior on the battlefield, a man meant to lead….that was Scar.

  Scar got to his huddle, then they all went into formation, but before he called the play, he turned to Anthony and he pointed at him. “You’re mine!”

  Anthony roared with laughter and pointed back and kinda hoped … Scar just might get his first chance.

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  Also by Taylor Hart

  Bachelor Billionaire Romances

  The Country Groom

  The Unfinished Groom

  The Barefoot Groom

  The Masquerading Groom

  The Christmas Groom

  Rescue Me: Park City Firefighter Romance (A Bachelor Billionaire Companion)

  The Lost Groom

  The Undercover Groom

  The Last Play Series

  Last Play

  The Rookie

  Just Play

  A Player for Christmas

  Second String

  End Zone

  Hail Mary

  Snow Valley Series

  A Christmas in Snow Valley: The Christmas Eve Kiss

  Summer in Snow Valley: First Love

  Spring in Snow Valley: The Bet

  About the Author

  Taylor Hart has always been drawn to a good love triangle, hot chocolate and long conversations with new friends. Writing has always been a passion that has consumed her dreams and forced her to sit in a trance for long hours, completely obsessed with people that don’t really exist. Taylor would have been a country star if she could have carried a tune—maybe in the next life. Find Taylor at: │ Twitter: @taylorfaithhart │ Facebook: Taylor Hart




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