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This Side of the Grave

Page 3

by Jeaniene Frost

  Bones glanced at Tiny, who followed me outside. I didn’t reach for my cell phone, but that had been my first instinct. Using my government connections to chase cops away from crime scenes was habit to me after the years at my old job. This next part, however, was still relatively new.

  “Hey,” I called down when the police officers arrived and got out of their squad car. “Glad you’re here, I was just about to call.”

  “Do you live here, ma’am? We received a report about suspicious persons loitering in the area,” the blond cop said, eyeing Tiny in a wary manner. His partner’s hand moved to his gun.

  “Skin that piece again and I’ll forget I’m not hungry,” Tiny muttered, so low the cops couldn’t hear him.

  I stifled a laugh and addressed the police officers again. “I don’t live here, but my friend’s place was broken into. Can you check it out?”

  The cops gave me a once-over as they came up the stairs to the second floor. I smiled in a harmless way and made sure my empty hands were well within eyesight. Of course, a thorough cop would wonder why I was wearing a long jacket during the warm summer afternoon.

  When they were within a dozen feet of me, my gray eyes turned glowing green. I lasered that stare at them, letting the entrapping nosferatu power cloud their minds.

  “There’s nothing going on here,” I said in a firm, pleasant voice. “Turn around and leave, the call was a false alarm.”

  “Nothing going on,” the blond officer intoned.

  “False alarm,” his buddy repeated, his hand leaving his gun.

  “That’s right. Go on. Serve and protect somewhere else.”

  They both turned around and got back into their car without another word, driving off. Before I became a vampire, it would’ve taken twenty minutes and two phone calls to get the same result, unless Bones green-eyed the local cops into leaving. Vampire mind control sure made it easy to cut through the bureaucratic red tape when it came to crime scenes.

  Bones appeared in the apartment doorway holding two slender, sheet-draped bundles. To any nosy neighbors, he might have been carrying wrapped horizontal blinds instead of what I knew they were—the remains of Shayne and Harris.

  “Tiny, put these in your boot,” Bones said.

  Tiny glanced down at his feet in confusion. I snorted. “He means your trunk. British English can be so confusing at times.”

  “That’s only because you Yanks keep renaming things,” Bones replied with an arch look, handing off the corpses to Tiny. Then he leapt over the balcony, landing in the parking lot without a hitch in his stride as he walked over to Ed and Scratch. Both vampires regarded Bones gloomily.

  “What’re you doing with their bodies?” Ed asked.

  “Burying them elsewhere,” Bones replied.

  Scratch ran a hand through his gray-streaked hair. “Suppose you’ll be off now that you’ve learned what you wanted to know.”

  Scratch sounded resigned. I caught Bones’s slight smile as I came down to the parking lot the normal way by taking the stairs.

  “Get in the car, lads. We have some things to discuss.”

  I got behind the wheel with Bones riding shotgun as Ed and Scratch warily climbed into our backseat. From my rearview mirror I saw Tiny stuff the remains of the two vampires into his trunk, then he and Band-Aid were ready to go.

  “Back to the mall?” I asked, pulling out of the driveway.

  “That’s fine, Kitten,” he replied. His arm rested across the back of his seat as he settled himself in a lounging way while staring at Ed and Scratch.

  “Would you try to bring your mates’ killers to justice if you had assistance?” Bones asked them.

  A scoff came from Ed. “Of course. Shayne didn’t deserve to go out like that. Didn’t know Harris very well, but he probably didn’t, either.”

  “Damn straight,” Scratch muttered.

  I cast a sideways glance at Bones, wondering where he was going with this and still unable to plug into his emotions to get a hint. He tapped his chin thoughtfully.

  “Would be dangerous, even with help.”

  Another scoff, this time from Scratch. “Living is dangerous when you’re Masterless, unless you’re one of the lucky strong ones, but I don’t expect you’d know much about that.”

  A smile ghosted across Bones’s lips. “I know a thing or two about dangerous living, in fact, but as you seem not to fancy being Masterless, what say you to joining my line?”

  My gaze flew to Bones before flicking to the rearview mirror. Both Ed and Scratch looked stunned. So was I. What Bones was offering was akin to adopting them.

  “Think before you answer,” Bones went on. “Once sworn, you can’t change your mind and get your freedom back unless you formally ask for it and I decide to grant that request.”

  Ed let out a soft whistle. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “As death,” Bones lightly replied.

  “I heard you’re a mean bastard,” Scratch said after a long pause. “But I’ve also heard you’re a fair one. I can deal with mean and fair. Beats being on my own trying to fight off every asshole who thinks killing Masterless vampires is an easy way to make a name for himself.”

  My brows went up at this blunt analysis, but Bones didn’t look the least bit offended. “What about you, Ed?”

  “Why are you offering this?” Ed wondered, looking at Bones with narrowed eyes. “You know from our power levels that we’ll never be Masters. You can’t be hard up for our measly ten percent tithe, either, so what’s in it for you?”

  Bones matched Ed’s stare. “For starters, I want to catch these ghouls, and you’d help me with that. You also must have heard that recent wars killed several members of my line. You were loyal to your mates even after your Master died and you had no obligation to them. Then you were smart enough not to walk into a potential trap without backup. I could use more smart blokes whose loyalty to me, my wife, and my co-ruler would be without exception.”

  Ed met my gaze briefly in the rearview mirror before looking back at Bones. “All right,” he said, each word measured. “I’m in.”

  Bones pulled out a silver knife. I snapped my attention back to the road before I caused a wreck with my frequent glances around the car. Besides, I knew Bones wasn’t about to start stabbing Ed and Scratch. He was just making this official.

  “By my blood,” Bones said, scoring a line in his palm, “I declare you, Ed, and you, Scratch, to be members of my line. If I betray this oath, let my blood be my penalty.”

  Then Bones passed the knife to Ed, his cut healing before the first drops of blood splashed against his dark pants. I didn’t need to look back to know that Ed made a slice into his palm; the tantalizing new scent of blood told me that.

  “By my blood, I acknowledge you, Bones, as my Master,” Ed rasped. “If I betray this oath, let my blood be my penalty.”

  Scratch repeated the words to the accompaniment of another mouthwatering scent filling the car. Aside from my discomfort with the whole “master” aspect that came with vampire lineage, I now had the tightening in my stomach to think about. I hadn’t fed since last night and my next meal might be tricky to get since I had to find someone aside from Bones to drink from. Normal vampires had plenty of options when it came to feeding. The power in their gaze meant they could snack off humans without their donors remembering it had happened, or vampires exchanged room and board with specially selected humans in return for blood.

  I didn’t have those conveniences. Mind control didn’t work on other vampires, and no undead households I knew of had a stable of vampires available to feed from. Plus, we were still trying to keep my strange diet—and its side effects—from becoming common knowledge. So I couldn’t just ask the next vampire I saw if I could take a bite out of him or her.

  Scratch passed the blood-smeared knife back to Bones once he was finished swearing his fealty. I resisted a sudden urge to lick the blade and concentrated on the road, making a mental rundown of ways I could get b
lood. Juan, a member of my old team, was undead just a year, so he was a possibility. Maybe I could get him to ship some of his blood to me, though Juan would wonder why I wanted it. None of them knew about my odd diet yet.

  Bones’s best friend, Spade, knew what I fed off of and I’d had his blood before, but I didn’t want to make it a habit. Spade was a Master vampire, so that meant he was too strong. Most of Bones’s friends were too strong, in fact.

  Dammit. Not drinking from Bones without starving would be more difficult than I’d imagined.

  “For now, don’t tell anyone of our association,” Bones said to Ed and Scratch, centering my attention back on the present situation. “Go about your business as if we’d never met. Here’s a number where you can reach me. At the first sight of those ghouls, you ring me straightaway, but do not confront them. Understood?”

  “Got it” and “Sure” were the responses. I wondered if they did understand. I did, and wasn’t thrilled.

  I dropped the vampires off close to the Easton fountain where we’d met them, waiting until I’d driven a couple miles away before I slanted a glance at Bones.

  “You’re using them as bait.”

  Bones met my gaze, his dark brown stare concealing nothing. “Yes.”

  “God,” I muttered. “You’re not letting them tell anyone that they’ve just been upgraded from being Masterless to belonging to a powerful vampire so those ghouls will still consider them easy meat. That’s deliberately putting them in danger.”

  “No more than they were before, as they said themselves. But now if they’re harmed, I’ll have rights under our laws to investigate,” he replied with annoying logic. “Believe me, pet, I’m hoping nothing happens to them and their usefulness comes from pointing me in those ghouls’ direction. But if Apollyon is behind these attacks, we need a way to get to him without looking like we’re being mindlessly antagonistic. Otherwise . . .”

  Bones didn’t have to finish the sentence. Otherwise, Apollyon will have more fuel for the rumors that I’m seeking to be some sort of vampiric Stalin, I mentally finished. Right, because that’s what I put on my To Do list every morning. Brush teeth. Wash hair. Rule undead world with an iron fist.

  “I don’t know why ghouls would listen to Apollyon about me being a threat anyway,” I muttered. “I might have a wacky diet as a vampire, but Apollyon can’t tell people that I’ll combine ghoul and vampire powers anymore. Changing over took care of that paranoid rant from him.”

  Bones’s stare was sympathetic, but unyielding. “Kitten, you’ve been a vampire for less than a year. During that time, you’ve blown the head off a Master vampire through pyrokinesis and frozen dozens of vampires into a stupor through telekinesis. Your abilities, plus your occasional heartbeat, are bound to frighten some people.”

  “But they’re not my abilities!” I burst. “Okay, the intermittent heartbeat is mine, but all the rest were borrowed powers. I don’t even have them anymore, and if I hadn’t drunk from Vlad and Mencheres, I never would have gotten them in the first place.”

  “No one knows how you got them, or that you lose them after a while,” Bones noted.

  “Maybe we should tell them.” But even as I said it, I knew better.

  He let out what might have been a sigh. “If Apollyon knew the source of your abilities, he could argue that you could manifest any power you wanted merely by drinking from a vampire who had it. Better he just thinks you’re extraordinarily gifted based on your own merits.”

  In other words, no matter how we tried to dress it up, I still came across as a dangerous freak. I took in a deep breath in the hopes that the familiar gesture would calm me. It didn’t. All it did was bring the scent of blood into my lungs, clenching my stomach in an almost painful way.

  “Too bad your co-ruler’s visions still aren’t back to full strength. That would take the guesswork out of whether or not this is Apollyon’s doing.”

  Bones gave a shrug in concurrence. “Mencheres has had a few more glimpses into the future, but nothing relating to this, and he still can’t command his visions at will yet. With luck, his full powers will return soon.”

  But until then, we were on our own. “So we stick to not telling anyone how I absorb power from blood, and to using Ed and Scratch to lead us to these ghouls to see if Apollyon is behind them.”

  “That’s right, luv.”

  I closed my eyes. I might not like the plan, but at the moment, it was our best option.

  “That just leaves one more thing,” I said, opening my eyes to give Bones a wan smile. “Finding someone other than you for me to feed from.”

  Chapter Four

  I didn’t recognize the guards who ran onto the helicopter pad to escort me and Bones into the compound run by my former boss and uncle, Don Williams. Then again, I hadn’t been back here since last year. Maybe I should’ve called first. Announcing myself to the control tower once I was inside their air space wasn’t really giving notice, but Don needed to know about the trouble brewing. That sort of information merited a face-to-face update, in my opinion. Plus Juan was here, and I hoped he was open to the idea of letting me take some of his blood.

  Of course, if I were being entirely truthful, I’d admit the impromptu helicopter trip to eastern Tennessee was about more than information or even eating. Business had made Don cancel our last few attempts at getting together, so it had been months since I’d seen my uncle. We might have had a rocky start to our relationship, but I’d missed him. This trip was a chance to kill three birds with one stone, which Don should appreciate. He was all about multitasking.

  We had reached the double doors of the roof when Bones stopped walking so abruptly, one of the guards collided into him.

  “Bloody hell,” Bones muttered.

  My head whipped around, but nothing unusual was going on except the guard looking embarrassed about plowing into Bones’s back. Then pity and resolve skittered across my subconscious. I tensed. Those weren’t my emotions.

  “What?” I asked Bones.

  His expression became so controlled that fear flared in me. The guards next to us exchanged baffled glances, but if they knew what the problem was, I couldn’t tell. I couldn’t hear anyone’s thoughts but my own at the moment.

  Bones took my hand. His mouth opened, but before he could speak, the roof doors swung outward and a muscular vampire with short brown hair strode toward us.

  “Cat, what are you doing here?” Tate demanded.

  I ignored the question from my former first officer, keeping my attention on Bones. “What?” I asked a second time.

  His hand tightened on mine. “Your uncle is very sick, Kitten.”

  Something cold slid up my spine. I glanced at Tate. From the grim set of his shoulders, Bones was right.

  “Where is he? And why wasn’t I called?”

  Tate’s mouth twisted. “Don’s here, in Medical, and you weren’t called because he didn’t want you to know.”

  Tate didn’t sound like he approved of that decision, but anger flared in me.

  “So the plan was not to tell me unless there was a funeral to attend? Nice, Tate!”

  I shoved by him, pulling my hand out of Bones’s grip to dash into the building. Medical was on the second sub-level, one floor above the training facility and two floors above where we used to house captive vampires. I stabbed at the down button on the elevator, tapping my foot in impatience. A few startled looks were thrown my way from the guards, but I didn’t care that my eyes were glowing or that fangs pressed against my lips. If those guards didn’t know about vampires before, Tate could deal with altering their memories so they wouldn’t remember later.

  “How the hell’d you know about Don?” I heard Tate demand of Bones.

  “From the scurry of activity going on to make him presentable for her” was Bones’s short reply. “Mind reading, remember?”

  The elevator doors opened and I went inside, not caring to listen to anything else. Normally I’d be worried about leaving B
ones alone with Tate since the two of them mixed like oil and water. But now, all my thoughts were on my uncle. What was wrong with him? And why would he forbid anyone to tell me about it?

  I almost ran out of the elevator when it opened on the second floor, dashing down the hallway and through the doors marked MEDICAL. I ignored the staff I passed along the way, not needing them to tell me where my uncle was. Don’s coughing and muttering to someone in the last room on the right told me that.

  I slowed when I reached the door, not wanting to burst in if my normally debonair uncle wasn’t dressed.

  “Don?” I called out, feeling hesitant now that only a few feet separated us.

  “Give me a moment, Cat” was his response, sounding hoarse but not like he was in imminent danger of dying. Relief swept through me. Maybe Don had caught swine flu or something equally nasty, but now he was recovering.

  A nurse I didn’t recognize came out of his room, giving me a look that required no mind-reading skills to interpret.

  “He’s getting dressed,” she said in a crisp tone while the ammonialike scent of annoyance drifted from her.

  “I take it he’s not supposed to be up doing that?” I asked her.

  “No, but that’s not stopping him,” she replied bluntly.

  “I can hear you, Anne,” my uncle snapped.

  She gave me another pointed look before lowering her voice to a whisper. “Don’t let him overexert himself.”

  A round of coughing prefaced my uncle muttering, “I can still hear you.” My brows rose. Whatever was wrong with Don’s health, his ears were sharp as ever.

  After another series of fumbling sounds, my uncle opened the door. He had on a slightly wrinkled pullover shirt paired with gray pants that matched the color of his eyes. For a second, I just blinked, realizing this was the first time I’d seen Don with his hair mussed and wearing something other than a suit and tie.

  “Cat. I’m afraid you’ve caught me a bit by surprise.”


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