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A Woman's Worth 3

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by Jahquel J.

  When we first got together, she told me she would never change. She would always remain the same Mezzie I fell in love with. She was nothing like the old Mezzie, she was changing and it was for the worst. When her ass suggested going back to school, I almost slapped her across the table. What the fuck she wanted to go to school for? She had everything she could possibly need. She was slowly changing from Mezzie to Miranda, which is why I called her that more often.

  I walked down to lobby where Moses and Nard was waiting. We planned to go down to the pool and smoke some weed and sip cognac. I planned to use my time away from Mezzie to talk to my new boo without interruptions. Moses looked at my face and could tell I just had an argument. We settled by the pool.

  “What’s up, Rah?” he asked.

  I took a pull from the blunt and looked out at the skyline. “I got another bitch I’m feeling,” I revealed.

  “Another bitch?” Nard choked on his drink.

  “Yeah. Some little honey I met a few months back. I took her number down and never called her. I ran into her a couple weeks ago and we’ve been kicking it hard.”

  “Why the fuck are you so messy? You got a good women who’s a good mother to your kids and gets along with your baby mama, considering the situation. Why do you want to add more drama for yourself?” Moses questioned.

  “She always getting on my fucking nerves. We always arguing and after that Tone shit I don’t know if I can trust her ass,” I uttered while sipping my drink.

  “I understand the Tone situation. I was fucked up over that too, but she couldn’t move on until he was dead. Nobody was hurt and now Tone and Victor can rot in hell together. You need to make it right with her and stop fucking other bitches.” He warned.

  “Oh, I ain’t fuck her, yet.” I looked down at my phone, little mama was calling.

  I stepped away from them, went, and sat by the poolside bar. I had just hung up with her when I was upstairs. I answered the phone and heard the music blaring through the phone.

  “Yo,” I answered.

  “Hey baby, I decided to go out with the girls instead of staying home?” she yelled over the music.

  “Cool. Don’t make me fuck you up. Keep my goodies only for me… you hear?”

  “I hear you, Babe. I just wish you would come home already, I miss you already.” She confessed.

  I wiped my face with my towel. I was sweating bullets out here. “I’ll be home in two days… You got spread?”

  “Baby I still got the money you left me before you left,” she confirmed.

  “Alight, I’ll call you later to make sure you got home good.” I ended the call and walked back over to Moses and them.

  Moses was looking at me with judging ass eyes. I knew he had a lot to say, but he wouldn’t get involved. Nard was trying to keep occupied with his cellphone to avoid speaking his peace.

  “Nobody ain’t got shit to say?”

  “Nah, I got enough problems with my girl. If this is what you doing, do you,” Nard spoke up.

  “You already know how I feel. You bringing more drama for yourself. That’s the life you choosing. Don’t let that shit interfere with my money. You know pops went out on a limb for me,” Moses warned.

  “I got you. I’m about to go get some pussy, it was cool getting with you cats.” I got up. I was high as hell and a little tipsy.

  “We’ll talk business tomorrow,” Moses said to my back. I gave his ass the deuces and continued back upstairs.

  I prayed Mezzie’s ass had calmed down and was ready to fuck. I didn’t want to discuss anything, but her legs spread open and her mouth closed. She was lying on her back with her face covered with a pillow. I unbuckled my pants and let them fall to my sneakers. I took my dick out and stroked it while watching her body. Her body was stacked and I wanted to hit it something serious. I pulled her leggings down and she moaned while getting more comfortable in the bed. I slipped out my kicks and mounted her ass. I was just about to slip my dick in her when I felt her high karate kicked my ass in the stomach. I raised my hand to slap her ass but stopped myself.

  “Ouch, what the fuck you do that for?” I yelled holding my midsection.

  “You must have been smoking some good shit to come in here trying to fuck, after disrespecting my son like that. Reshawn, you got me fucked up nigga!” she screamed while pulling her leggings up.

  “Bitch, you always tripping off shit that don’t need a reaction. I was fucking kidding, you know AJ is my little homie,” I tried to convince her.

  “Oh, I’m a bitch now, huh? You know what Reshawn, fuck you. I’m so sick of this arguing and faking like we’re so happy. You only want to be bothered when it’s time to fuck, but anything else, you never have so much of a word to say to me.” She stomped out the room still fixing her leggings.

  I chuckled and lay back on the bed with my cellphone. My dick was still hard as hell and I needed to relieve it. I took a picture and sent it to lil’ Mama. I knew her ass would be rushing out the club to go home and naughty skype with me. I got up and locked the door so I wouldn’t be disrupted from getting my rocks off.

  Chapter Twelve


  Everyone had been back from Trinidad for a week. I couldn’t wait until Mezzie came over to my house to let me know how it was. I had spoken to her briefly and she sounded a little down. She will be coming over in a little while to talk. She told me she had some things she needed to get off her chest. Things with me and Marquise had been a little tense lately. What relationship didn’t have off times? Right? I knew one thing for sure, I wasn’t going to abandon him and run away. I will face our problems head on.

  Marquise walked out the door and I was left alone to prepare for Mezzie’s arrival. I knew she would lay something thick on me, so I got us out some ice cream and cake. I mean it did always make you feel better, right? Just as I finished the cake, Mezzie came stalking into the house with a somber look on her face. Her little munchkins greeted me and then ran off to find Madison. Although, she took a nap, she would be happy with them waking her up. Mezzie sat her diaper bag down on the couch and plopped down. Her hair was all over her head and she had not one stitch of makeup on her face. It wasn’t that she needed it. I was used to seeing her with some kind of make up on her face. Her nose was red and she looked to be tired.

  “You look like shit,” I said and handed her a bowl of ice cream.

  She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “You don’t want to know the half. Ray had a fever and I was up all night with him. By time I closed my eyes, AJ was up and tearing up the house.”

  “Why wasn’t Reshawn helping? He ain’t new to the crying baby and fevers, his ass use to help with Madison when he wasn’t running the streets.”

  “Gurl, when you find him tell him that. He hasn’t been home for a couple days and I honestly I don’t care.”

  I could tell even though she was saying one thing, her body was saying another. She really cared for Reshawn and at first, it bothered me. However, now I was in a good place and I could care less for his ass. What I didn’t appreciate was the road he took her down. It was all too familiar for me. I remember sitting up when Madison was colic and Reshawn always being gone. When he did return, he didn’t offer not one excuse and expected for the house to be together. Boy, I didn’t miss those days.

  “Do you think he’s cheating?” I probed.

  I knew he was, I just wasn’t about to tell her that. Whenever Reshawn strayed from the house, he usually had a reason. That reason usually was a pair of slender thighs, big ass and pair of perky breast. Reshawn was a creature of habit, yeah he changed, but he would always go back to the same Reshawn. It was only a matter of time. I tried to warn her ass and she didn’t want to listen, nobody wanted to listen.

  “I think he is. He stays out late, doesn’t come home and his cellphone is always glued to his hand,” she sighed.

  “Have you confronted him?” I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my bowl.

  “Yeah. Same denying ass
story about him getting money. I’m done thinking about it. I’ve been busy worrying about other things.” She sat the bowl on the table.

  The ice cream had melted and she barely touched the lemon cake I prepared. I was a little annoyed, but I knew she was going through something.

  “Other things?” I questioned.

  “I’m in the process of opening a dance studio. It would be good for me. I need an outlet besides the kids. AJ is in daycare and Ray soon will be starting. I need a break once in a while.”

  “Like a naughty girl stripper class?” I would definitely be interested. I liked to keep things with Marquise new and exciting. I refused to let his ass stray away from me.

  “Yep. I would also be giving other classes, but I think that would awesome.” She got up and took her sweater off.

  “I think that’s cool. If you need any help with decorating, contact me. I’ll be willing to help,” I offered and she smiled devilishly.

  “Sure thing. Now, about you and Tyrisha, you just going to keep ignoring her like she still dead?” She had the nerve to ask.

  I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. I didn’t want to keep bringing her ass up. I didn’t think nor speak about her and I wanted to keep it that way. How did everyone want me to act? They wanted me to welcome her with open arms when her ass was supposed to be six feet in the ground. I didn’t want to confuse my damn child. She thought her auntie was with God and now she walked around like nothing happened. That bitch had another thing coming, I wouldn’t even use my last breath to whisper hello to her trifling ass.

  Mezzie was in her phone smiling and laughing and I wondered why. She was just damn near tears and now that she pulled her phone out she was all smiles and giggling. I sat on the couch, watched her peck away at the phone, and occasionally smile. When she realized I was watching her, she put her phone away.

  “I’m going to act like I didn’t see you smiling and texting, you stepping out too?” I smacked my lips and side eyed her.

  “Hell no, I don’t need that drama. We’re just friends that’s all.”

  “If you say so,” I said and waved her off.

  She stayed at my house for a couple hours. I fed the children lunch and dinner and they played around for a little while. When it was time to go, Mezzie made me promise not to mention anything to Marquise. She knew I talked to him during pillow talk. She also knew the men got together from time to time and liked to discuss us. I promised her and she went on her way. After I had got Madison down for bed, I went to freshen up for my man. He would be coming home and I wanted to relieve the stress he had been dealing with.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I put my phone down and finished eating my breakfast. My physical therapist came in under an hour and I wanted to be prepared. Dalia’s ass was missing in action again and our son was with his nanny, again. We had been like two people passing in the night lately. When I left out, she came in, and vice versa. I didn’t suspect her of cheating or no crazy shit like that. Dalia was a good girl so I never questioned her. She walked into the house dressed in her workout gear and grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge. She kissed me on the cheek and sat down across from me.

  “Good morning, Babe,” she cheerfully greeted me.

  “Wassup. Where you been?” I questioned and ate a piece of bacon.

  “Working out with my new trainer. We did a run around the block and worked out at the gym,” she revealed.

  I stopped eating and looked at her. Her hair was all placed neatly around her head. She had a little bit of glitter shit on her lips and she was smiling while recounting their session.


  “Yeah. I can’t seem to lose these six pounds. I’m at a standstill with it. He’s going to help me with it and so far, it’s working. I already lost a pound and we started last night.”

  “What the fuck you mean last night?” I got really mad. I pushed my plate away and looked at her.

  “Yes at night. After I put the baby to sleep, I called him over to come work me out. I was bored and you know I like to work it when I’m bored.” She flexed sexily and smiled like this shit was a joke.

  “Dalia, you know I have no problem knocking your head off, right?” I got up and walked around the round table. I lifted her chin up and looked down at her. She smirked and licked my lips.

  “Nardy, I have eyes for only you. Relax and finish eating. Your therapist should be here any second.” She kissed me and pranced out the kitchen.

  Back in the day when we were dating and I was running the streets, I cheated on her. I am known for having all kind of bitches in and out of my crib. She caught me with a few too. She would stop talking to me for a couple days and ignore my calls. Soon as I pulled on her block with a new whip, shoes, and clothes, she was back in my corner. Dalia was materialistic, so whoever could support her habit was good in her book. After shit went south and I was shot, she stayed down with a nigga. That surprised the hell out of me.

  After the shit that went down with my cousin, I wanted nothing more than to return to New York. He was now running my spot and had all my ‘loyal’ people under his call. I had something for his ass. I was back on top, again. I was running shit in Miami and he had no clue. He probably thought we were still in that one bedroom apartment. He had another thing coming. I had plans on going back to New York and catching Malik’s ass by surprise.


  I rubbed my aching thigh as I sat in a meeting with Reshawn and Moses. Therapy was a killer and little mama who worked me out was no joke. She had a celebrity clientele and here working with a hustler. She was cute little Spanish chick. Occasionally she would be laughing and flirting with me when Dalia wasn’t around. If I wasn’t into being a faithful man, her ass would be getting fucked on the kitchen table. Reshawn was on the phone arguing with who I assumed was Mezzie and Moses started the meeting.

  “Nigga hang up the phone,” Moses joked and Reshawn hung up the phone in mid-sentence.

  “Her ass is the reason I stay the fuck away. She always nagging about something.” He poured himself something to drink.

  I just looked at this nigga and shook my head. Reshawn had one of the baddest bitches and couldn’t figure out how to be happy. Don’t get me wrong, Mezzie was a wild card back in the day. She sucked a nigga’s dick a few times and I busted up in that a couple times. But now she was a changed woman, or at least trying to change. This nigga would rather deal with side bitch drama rather than be a family.

  “Aight, now let’s get down to business. Nard, you said you wanted to head back to New York, right?” Moses looked down at his notepad.

  “Yeah. Miami ain’t my scene.”

  “Nigga, you got a problem with Miami?” Reshawn laughed while passing me a blunt.

  I waved it off and he passed it to Moses. I gave up smoking after we got back from Trinidad. I needed to be on my game and prepared.

  “Cool, cool. I already got people up there. My sister Epiphany and her man is up there,” he informed me and I nodded.

  “I got this.”

  For the next hour, we sat and drank talking about plans to take over some parts in Miami. Moses’s father was responsible for having the drugs transported into the port of Miami. He would have someone drive it up to me. The only thing about leaving Victor’s product alone was doing everything our self. We had to put in extra work, but that was cool with me. I started out as corner nigga. I gave them dap and headed back out to head home. Dalia would be cooking and I couldn’t wait to let her know our next move.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “I don’t know, Nard. I feel like I am losing him,” I said, on the phone with Nardarian. He had become a person who I confided in a lot. He didn’t judge and he kept it straight with me.

  “You’re an incredible woman and if he can’t see that, he needs to bounce. Don’t let him get to you, Mez. Look, I’m about to head in the crib, come have lunch with me tomorrow,” He offered.

  “Okay, cool. Oh, thanks, Nard.”

  “No thanks needed. See you tomorrow.”

  Here I sat another night, while Reshawn ran the streets. I couldn’t blame anyone but myself because Tiffany had warned me. I wanted to be so smitten in love with him that I didn’t think of his past. I thought I would be the women who could change him into a family man. I can’t lie, at one point he really was changed. I couldn’t be so sure now because he was constantly out and hardly home. Whenever he did drag himself in the house, he went straight to sleep and didn’t wake up to the next night. I was tired of sitting here and playing the fool while he messed around.

  I heard the front door chime, which meant he came into the house. I rolled my eyes and got ready to have a huge argument. I wasn’t going to turn over and act like I was sleep. His ass would hear the roar of me. I felt a little nervous, since the last time my daughter was stomped out of me when I started an argument. The door to our master bedroom opened and he swaggered inside. I could smell his cologne, weed, and liquor on him and he hadn’t even entered the room fully. He nodded his head at me like I was his homeboy and went straight to the bathroom. It wasn’t too long after I heard the shower running.

  I couldn’t take living like this anymore. We were fine a couple weeks ago and now he treated me like scum. We hadn’t had sex in a little while and to be honest, I was horny as fuck. He came back in the room in his towel and lay in the bed next to me. He had his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. I took this as my opportunity to slip right in. I straddled him and his eyes popped right open. I tried to slip his dick inside my gushy wetness, but he was soft as a baby’s ass.


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