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Blonde Bomb Tech

Page 10

by Lara Santiago

  “God, you’re soft,” he broke the silence to say. She only moaned in response.

  Kissing her deeply, he popped the front closure of her bra and was rewarded with a handful of soft Sabrina. He lightly pinched one pebbled nipple, to her vocal delight, and broke from the kiss to get a mouth full of the smooth soft skin he stroked.

  Shifting to uncover the flesh he sought to suckle, Jake slid an arm around the middle of her back as she straddled his lap. He pushed up her shirt to expose her breast, planting his mouth on the center. Greedily sucking half her breast into his mouth, she hissed out a sexy breath as his tongue swirled around the distended tip.

  Her hips gyrated, rubbing her hot pussy against his cock, which pulsed with delight. Her delectable perfume swirled around his head, combining with the scent of her arousal. He kissed a path up her body to her mouth, thrusting his tongue between her lips. Her hands slid to his hair and pulled him closer.

  “That’s good…feels…so good,” she murmured and pressed his face into her breast. He nibbled on her teasing the tip with is teeth.

  He came to his senses long enough to remember his ultimate goal was the bathroom. He had a big oval tub in which to partake of the shower sex she’d wanted this morning. He planned to take more than twenty minutes this time.

  Shaking off his lust momentarily, he lifted her up in his arms to carry her to his bath. Never releasing her lips, he pressed her body to his for the short journey. His hands gripped her luscious ass.

  Sabrina clung to him, returning the ardent kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck until she apparently noticed his king-sized bed. She loosened her grip, wriggled out of his arms, making sure to tease him by brushing her hips against his pelvis. She promptly pushed him down on the end of the bed.

  He watched with surprise as she pulled her shirt off, loosened bra and all, before she helped him do the same. In the next second, the rest of their clothes went flying in a blur of animalistic motion.

  Once his boxers hit the floor, she flew on top of him, pushing him onto his back. His cock throbbed once, wanting nothing more than to burrow into her repeatedly. Sabrina seemed to be reading his mind as she straddled him, and he felt the heat and wetness of her pussy slit slide across his cock. Her hot creamy juice coated him instantly as he tried valiantly not to simply fuck her blindly until he was satisfied. The intoxicating scent of Sabrina’s arousal made him absolutely lose his mind.

  Time for protection…now, Jake thought as he slid backwards across the bed. She laughed as she chased him. He reached for a condom in the nightstand, tearing it open with his teeth quickly because she didn’t seem to want a slow seduction. The shower sex was about to be postponed. Not a problem. He could adapt.

  Once he’d secured the protection, Sabrina brushed his hands away as if impatient and soon pressed them over his head. She straddled him, her pussy now lined up with his rampant and impatient cock. She gave him a wickedly lustful grin before she impaled herself on his cock in one smooth stroke. He bucked up once in primal ecstasy, trying not to lose it like a randy teenager with his first girl. He groaned incoherently at the utterly exquisite sensation of her slick tight pussy wrapped around him.

  She was so damn snug inside, he couldn’t believe she didn’t hurt when they connected. She lifted and slammed down on him again, moaning like she was very happy, not in pain. Another satisfied moan tore unexpectedly from his lips as he did his best to focus on not letting loose. He took a deep breath and watched Sabrina sink down on his cock again.

  Jake shook off her hands from holding his wrists and grabbed her hips as she continued to move on him. Up and down, slowly, but with decided thrust. She liked it hard, and he found that with her, he did, too.

  She grabbed his shoulders, digging her fingernails in as she slowed and moved on him seductively. Her eyes were closed, her face expressively blissful. He ran his hands up her body to her breasts and cupped them. She was very soft and inherently strokeable, even though the exterior wall she’d built up around herself to deflect men was completely unyielding. He was grateful to be the man she let inside her life. He already knew he wanted her for more than just a sex slave. He thought about how he had treated her thus far in this relationship, though, much like a sex slave. If the food hadn’t showed up, he would have taken her against the wall in his entryway. How romantic of him.

  Jake thumbed her nipples, and she moaned again deeply as she rode him faster. She was ferocious. At this rate, he wasn’t going to last very long, and he was damned if he was going alone. He ran a hand down her sweat slicked body to the hot spot between her legs and stroked her clit as she rocked on him. She sucked in a sharp breath and promptly moaned her appreciation as her teeth tugged on her lower lip. Moments later, he felt her climax hit. The rhythmic pulsing of her orgasm clamping on his cock made his eyes almost roll back in his head with pleasure.

  The most powerful orgasm Jake had ever experienced in his memory had been with Sabrina this morning, at least until tonight. Jake glanced at her soft satisfied face and growled low in his throat as his release speared through his over-stimulated body. He grabbed Sabrina to him in a half embrace, sitting up part-way as he streamed his release into her. She moaned again shifting closer as strands of her hair caressed his face. His body shook as he felt her slump forward onto him, her pussy muscles flexed tightly around him as if to wring out every bit of pleasure available.

  He relaxed, completely spent, and collapsed back on his pillow. Sabrina followed him down to the bed in a satiated puddle of satisfaction, her face pressed to his collarbone, breathing hard. His arms tightened around her limp frame. He kissed her face, but she didn’t move.

  “Good God Almighty, woman,” he said when he could speak. “Are you ever going to let me try out a slow seduction on you?”

  “Not likely. Your fast seduction feels too good.”

  Jake kissed her forehead again and reluctantly separated from Sabrina minutes later to dispose of the condom and to get a bubble bath ready for them. His legs trembled as he stood next to the bed. He leaned on the edge and kissed her several times before leaving for the bathroom so he wouldn’t fall on his ass the minute he took a step. He ran the water in his oval tub and added the only bubble bath product he owned. The scent of it filled the steamy air, competing with the pungent scent of sex drifting in from the bedroom as she followed him shortly thereafter.

  “Interesting flavor of bubble bath you got there, Jake. Suddenly I’m craving a grape soda.”

  He laughed. “Well, the only kind I had was left over from when my nephews spent the night here a couple of months ago. They just won’t bathe without it, so everyone in the family has a bottle ready on stand-by.”

  “Do you baby-sit them often?”

  “Heck, no. My brother and sister-in-law desperately needed a night away from the little rowdies, and no one else was available. I was absolutely their last resort.”

  After the tub was filled with steamy, bubbly, grape-scented water, they slumped down at opposite ends of the big oval tub to chat. The discussion led quickly to their goals and dreams.

  “Did you always want to be a fireman?”

  “Yes, although I did spend six years in the army before making my final decision.”

  “Really? What did you do?”

  “Special Forces.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “And that means?”

  “If anyone ever finds out what I did, I’ve failed, and I have to kill them.”

  “Oh, the old if-I-tell-you-I-have-to-kill-you gig. I understand. You don’t have to kill me.” She smiled and winked at him once.

  “Deep down, I knew the army wasn’t going to be a permanent career. That job is not conducive to the kind of life I wanted. Besides, I always wanted to be a fireman.” Jake put a hand on her knee, stroking her soft skin. “Since I was a kid, my whole life was watching my dad and uncles go out dressed in fire gear. I think it’s in my blood, with so many relatives involved. So, did you always want to be a bomb tech

  “No.” She didn’t say anything else. She seemed to be watching the ripples in the bath water for a second or two before looking up at him. They stared at each other for a count of five.

  “That it, just no? Come on, open up, share a little with me. You know I won’t tell.”

  Sabrina heaved a big sigh, contemplating her response very carefully. “You saw how I reacted when the bomb exploded.” He nodded. “You are the only one earth who knows I’m terrified of them. I always have been. It doesn’t exactly inspire trust in co-workers when the bomb tech is scared shitless. So, I’ve kept it close, understandably. Murphy doesn’t even know.”

  “Is being a bomb technician some part of a twelve-step program you’ve inflicted on yourself for daring to be afraid of something?”

  “Sort of,” she sighed again, and looked up at the ceiling instead of into his steady gaze. “I’ve had night terrors my whole life. Same recurring dream always seems to creep up whenever things get stressful. My parents were killed in a bomb explosion when I was almost three. I was told they saved me. I remember some of it because of the nightmares.” She paused and tilted her head further back, her eyes closed slowly as if in contemplation.

  “I’m sorry,” Jake murmured. He waited patiently for her to continue.

  “I thought if I learned about how to defuse bombs, I wouldn’t dream about explosions or my parents…anymore. Didn’t work, but it turned out I was good at bomb defusing. Go figure. Probably my fear makes me good. I got recommended for the job I have now. I guess I never could quite form the words ‘I quit’ in the last five years. After a while, I took pride in my ability. So, here I am.” She opened her eyes halfway, her head tilted to the side. She watched as if to see what he might say.

  He made sure his face reflected a look like he was proud of her before telling her, “I say good for you for not quitting. Maybe some day you’ll find something you like better than being a bomb tech.”

  She laughed. “Well, I like being with you just slightly more than defusing bombs.”

  He splashed her with grape-scented water.

  She wiped the water off her cheek, grinning.

  “Just slightly. Better re-think that remark, babe, my ego is at stake.”

  “Okay, a lot more.” She returned the splash, which covered his chest in a warm, sudsy spray.

  “So, how do you feel about a long-term affair with a fireman?”

  “I feel pretty good about it.”

  “If we were to get more serious, would you be upset if I never wanted to quit being a fireman?”

  “More serious? Hmm. No. I understand not wanting to quit something. You probably aren’t even terrified of it, are you?”

  “Nope. I love the rush. I love saving people. I love the whole life.” Jake smiled in recollection.

  “I say good for you, too.” Sabrina rested her head against the tiled wall again.

  “Will you go to dinner with me and meet the family tomorrow night?”

  “I guess so. You aren’t going to desert me, are you?”

  “I’ll stick to you like glue.”

  “Okay, I guess I’ll go.” She sighed as if resigned to her fate. Jake couldn’t wait to take her to meet his family. “What else do you have planned for us tonight?”

  “Wicked, wicked things, which take longer than twenty minutes to accomplish correctly.”

  A buzz sounded and both looked over at their pagers on the sink counter next to the tub. Sabrina had brought them in as he readied the bath. One was vibrating and sounded its obnoxious buzzing sound again. “Yours or mine?” she asked, looking dejected.

  “Yours.” Jake reached halfway out of the water, flashing her as he grabbed it off the sink. “Here. Is it your partner?”

  She glanced at the read-out on the device. “No, damn it. Murphy…I would probably ignore. Sorry, it’s my boss. Him, I need to call.” She stood up quickly, rivulets of water and suds sliding down her body.

  “Damn, you’re like a water goddess.” He planted a kiss on her thigh before she exited the tub in a rush of grape-flavored water and gave him luscious view of her perfect ass as she retreated into his bedroom.

  “Hold that thought.”

  “Phone’s by the bed. At least his timing is getting better.” Jake leaned his head back against the tiles and waited for her to finish her call before he put the rest of his plan for their evening into action.

  * * * *

  Sabrina smiled as she grabbed a towel and gave herself a quick dry off.

  “Hey, it’s Sabrina. What’s up?” she asked when Hennessey answered.

  “Her name is Suzanne Forrester.”


  “The woman you had the media tech searching every database in the country to find.”

  “Who is she?” Sabrina asked, a thrill running down her.

  “You ready for this? She’s a kindergarten teacher from two counties over. Her fingerprints are registered with the state because she works with children.”

  “How did they find her with fingerprints? We only had her face.”

  “She’s married to the brother of a cop down at the thirty-sixth precinct. You got lucky sending it around to police stations. Good thinking on your part, by the way. We’re bringing her in. How soon can you get here?”

  “You’re bringing her in right now?” Sabrina glanced at Jake’s bedside clock radio and realized it wasn’t as late as she thought. She could see Jake’s head resting on the edge of the tub through the bathroom door. He was waiting patiently, but she was going to have to leave him there.

  “Yes, right now. That is how the investigation part of the job works. We don’t have the nine-to-five schedule in place at this time. You do remember the big open hole in the former city hall building and the rubble that once was a hotel, right? So come and join us, won’t you?”

  “All right…um…I’ll be there in thirty minutes or so.”

  “Why so long? You’re fifteen minutes away.”

  “For pity’s sake, I’m not at home, okay?”

  “But you’re always at home.”

  Sabrina heaved a big sigh and hung up the phone without responding. She suddenly realized that if Jake hadn’t been in her life right now, she’d already be in her car on her way to work, pushing the speed limit to make her regular fifteen-minute journey a ten-minute trip. For the first time in years, her priorities were split. Lust would do that to a person, she guessed. A year without physical contact of another human, she decided quickly, was too long.

  Sabrina quickly crossed back into the bathroom and planted a long wet kiss on Jake’s lips. “I gotta go. Thanks for dinner and…you know… everything.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “I wish, believe me.” She stood and hustled back into his bedroom, trying to locate all her clothing from where they’d strewn it about before attacking each other on the bed. Sabrina heard Jake slosh out of the tub, and a rush of humid, grape-scented air sailed out of the bathroom behind him as he entered the bedroom. She crawled around on the soft, rug-covered floor trying to locate her bra. There it is! She pulled it off the corner of the comforter.

  “Will you come back tonight?” Jake wrapped a towel around his narrow hips, displaying his washboard abs to perfection. She noted a spot of suds on his chest and paused, wanting to wipe it away as she melted into his body. Her gaze caught his. She paused as her mouth watered. If she licked him, he would probably taste grape-flavored. Sabrina shook off the wicked, errant thought because it only slowed her down. She needed to get going.

  “I don’t know how long this is going to take.” She tried to tear her gaze away from the attractive package he presented.

  “I’ll wait up. When you get back, we can eat popcorn and fall asleep on the sofa watching bad late-night movies.”

  Sabrina was in unfamiliar waters. She never had to consider anyone else when she got called at all hours of the day and night. Everyone in the department had someone waiting for them and conseq
uently extra phone calls to make when jobs ran late. This was the first time someone cared where she was. “Let me call you later on. If it isn’t too late, I’ll come back to tuck you in.”

  * * * *

  “What is that smell?” Murphy sniffed deeply and repeatedly as Sabrina walked past him in the watch area of the interrogation room. Sabrina gave him a sharp look. Brian Donovan was already in the room. He nodded once and smiled at her as she stepped between the two of them, facing a glass window centered in the wall.

  Sabrina smiled at Brian and, of course, started thinking about Jake. Jake had been wearing that low-slung towel until she’d backed out of his apartment stealing wet, sloppy, grape-scented kisses from him. She finally shoved him back inside his apartment when the towel he wore started to tent in the front. She’d stroked him once or twice, unable to help herself, until he growled and tried to drag her back into his apartment. She pulled the door shut on his lusty gaze and rampant erection. She ended up racing through the city with a goofy smile on her face, trying to make it to work as quickly as possible. Giving herself a mental shake, she told herself now was not the time to go, but she was definitely heading back to his apartment tonight.

  Sabrina, Murphy, and Brian looked through the glass of the two way mirror at two men and a woman seated at the table.

  “Smells like grape bubble gum,” Murphy said, ignoring her pointed stare while watching her with a question in his eyes.

  Sabrina glared at him and gave him her best shut-up-or-I-will-kill-you-later stare.

  “Yeah,” Brian said absently, joining the conversation. “It sort of smells like the bubble bath my kids use.”

  Sabrina closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm down and think of an appropriate excuse as to why she was covered in kid’s grape bubble bath fragrance.


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