Blonde Bomb Tech

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Blonde Bomb Tech Page 17

by Lara Santiago

  Today was the first time he’d ever forgotten, but the funny thing was, he wasn’t sorry. Jake didn’t think Sabrina was trying to trick him into marriage, and if she was…that was fine too.

  “I brought you flowers in an effort to go slower with my courtship, not so you’d let me throw you to the ground and have my wicked way with you at the front door.” He kissed her temple.

  A trill of laughter escaped against his throat, “I appreciate the thought, Jake, but I take full responsibility for what happened. It was fabulous. Want to do it again?”

  “Is that a trick question?” When he’d thrust into her for the first time tonight, he’d had to clench himself down to his toes and hold back so as not to erupt into mindless ecstasy with the first stroke. Now he knew why. Because it felt so damn great. “Of course I want to do it again.”

  Jake was ruined. He wanted to do it again, all right… but without a condom. The next time he’d pay more attention to the sensation of the unprotected sensitive skin of his cock rubbing against the internal vise-like liquid heat of her caressing pussy.

  Her lips pressed to his neck, and his cock throbbed to life still embedded inside her warm body.

  “Want to stay right here?”

  “No. I want a soft bed this time.”


  Jake thrust his hips upwards and she made a yummy noise. “Better yet,” he whispered, “why don’t we take a shower. I’ll clean up the mess I made.”

  Jake felt her stiffen in his arms again, but ignored it. He was in love with her. He knew he was in love with her when he caught her gaze of pride for him from across the sea of chaos at the apartment building bomb site. He’d been afraid she would look at him with a fearful worried expression. Or worse, that she might give him a look of condemnation for doing his job. Like his ex-girlfriend Candy had the single time she ever saw him perform his duties.

  Danger was his job and Sabrina was proud of him anyway. He hugged her close and kissed her throat. The question of marriage rested on his lips until she spoke. Of course he would marry her.

  “Don’t worry about the mess, Jake,” she said in a resigned voice.

  “I’m not worried.” He chuckled. He was a man in love.

  “Let’s not get weird. Okay?” She sounded like she was trying to placate him. She probably didn’t want to make him feel trapped, but he wanted to be trapped. Oh, Yeah. Trap me, babe.

  “Okay, but I’m going to marry you,” Jake informed her, and instead of any inhibitions at having those words come out of his mouth, he felt elated. Until she responded.

  “There is no reason for us to get married,” she said matter-of-factly.

  What? “Sure there is. I love you and you love me, too. I feel it.”

  “Well, I don’t.”

  “You don’t…what?” he asked, panic growing inside him. She had to be lying. She had to love him. They had shared something he considered profound.

  Jake considered all the possibilities of what they’d just done. He wanted kids. He was not at all alarmed that they’d done the wild thing without protection. If Sabrina were pregnant, right now this second, that would be just fine with him. How could he convince her without scaring her? She had to love him.

  * * * *

  Sabrina loved Jake. Desire arced between them each time they were together. she just didn’t want to. There was still the matter of her infertility. She never wanted Jake to look at her like Harry had done. The look of pure disgust registering on his face right before he walked out and left her for good. She wouldn’t survive it if Jake did the same thing. She’d have to crawl off into a hole and die.

  It was better to have loved and lost…yeah, whatever. It would be better to love him and then give him up later, than to see his face if she were to confess. She would just suck up some memories to last her and tell him the truth later. Much later. She was most assuredly not ready to tell all tonight.

  “It’s too soon. I told you not to get weird,” she told him.

  “I’m not getting weird. I just want you to know…I’m serious about you, babe.”

  “We can be serious about each other and not get married.”

  “For now.”

  “Or forever.”

  Jake tightened the grip he held as if he expected her to run and was prepared to stop her with a fierce hug. She considered the best way to escape. “I’m not him,” Jake’s words were quietly laced with urgency.

  Who?” she asked. She knew he referred to Harry. He read her mind, and while her brain knew he wasn’t Harry, her heart wasn’t ready to test him.

  “The guy that hurt you. I’m not him. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”

  She managed, “You won’t mean to,” before she broke into loud sobbing tears.

  Sabrina cried into his collar, soaking it, as he caressed her back with loving gentle hands, until she almost dozed off. Okay, so she dozed off. She was very relaxed from the earlier calisthenics on the floor and from her emotional outburst.

  Sabrina woke when Jake rolled to his side and sat up. He tried to get to his knees and lift her in his arms at the same time, but she scrambled away from him, stood, and closed her gaping robe. He also stood and reached out to grab her hand, but she was too fast, dancing just out of his grasp.

  “Don’t make me chase you,” Jake said sternly, yet in a tone suggesting he would love to chase her.

  “I’m not going to make you do anything,” she countered.

  “I see.” He watched her for several seconds then reached down and fastened his jeans one button at a time slowly, never once lowering his gaze from hers.

  Sabrina broke the gaze after a moment to watch his hands work the button fly closure of his pants. She was amazed to learn how sexy she found that simple task. She wanted him again. She licked her lips and looked back up at his unwavering eyes. He had one of those sardonic smiles on his face. He’d just watched her licking her lips while staring intently at his crotch.

  “Are we having a fight?” he asked when he was done.

  “No. I just…” The explanation balanced on her lips. I can’t have children, Jake!

  She should say it right now this minute. No, she should scream it, but she looked into his eyes. Jake loved her. Sabrina wasn’t ready to give him up, because she loved him, too. He was perfect. He didn’t make her feel like damaged goods. At least not yet, and she knew she didn’t want that day to be today. What to do? Distraction, perhaps?

  Sabrina thought a moment and decided to take a different approach. She needed to lighten up the mood. Make him smile. Change the subject. She put her hands on her hips and cocked one back slightly in a casual pose. “You haven’t even gotten me to admit we’re dating yet, Jake,” she said, smiling softly. “What makes you think I’m ready to start talking about marriage?”

  “Touché.” He nodded but retained his guarded look, his expression doubtful.

  Sabrina took a deep breath and let it out. “I know you aren’t him. I just need time to adjust to us as a couple. Please understand.”

  “I’ll try.” Jake smiled after a moment, his serious face tucked away, and promptly shelved any further marriage talk.

  Sabrina crossed her arms and smiled. “You just wasted your time buttoning your pants. They’re coming off as soon as we get to my bedroom.”

  “Is that so?”

  She led him to her bedroom and unbuttoned and removed first his shirt and then his jeans slowly as he watched.

  Sliding her robe off her shoulders, she turned and entered the bathroom, motioning him to follow. He bent over to his pants and removed something from his wallet, then followed. She guessed he wasn’t going to forget protection again. He put one on before entering her shower.

  “I’ve been dreaming about this for three days,” he murmured and pulled the shower curtain closed.

  Once in the steamy spray of water, Jake spooned up behind her and caressed her body. As warm water rained on her chest, Jake’s fingers squeezed her nipples, send
ing a pulse of desire straight to her clit. She covered his hands as he massaged and cupped her breasts. His cock throbbed against her lower back. Fastening his mouth on the back of her neck, he trailed fingertips past her stomach, plunging them into the curls shielding her clit to stroke her.

  Reaching behind her she circled his shaft and squeezed his cock. She shifted forward and bent at the waist, placing a hand on the tile beneath the shower knob. She directed the head of his cock to slide between her legs.

  A groan erupted from him as he thrust his hips forward. His cock slid along her sensitive pussy lips wet from their earlier encounter and the desire pumping through her now. He fingered her as his cock slid back and forth across her lower lips, teasing the opening, but not entering.

  “This is what I’ve been dreaming about for three days.” Sabrina shifted her legs wider so his cock slid inside her opening an inch. Jake hissed in a breath and thrust forward, giving her several more inches of embedded pleasure. She placed her hand over his, pushing his fingers aside to stroke herself. She heard him suck in another breath as he pushed his cock all the way inside.

  Sabrina stroked herself with his hand trapped in place beneath hers. He pinched her nipple and nibbled at her shoulder. She saw the top of his head out of the corner of her eye. He was watching.

  “Can you see me?” she asked in a whisper. “Can you feel me stroking myself?”

  “Yes,” he growled. “Can you feel me?” He powered another deep thrust of his cock inside, sending a shard of pleasure through her body.

  “Oh, God…yes,” she moaned. Sabrina rubbed faster as her climax built.

  Jake powered in and out of her body slowly, his mouth fastened to the cord along her shoulder, taking a little soft bite for every thrust.

  “Harder, Jake…please…harder,” she whimpered. His next deep thrust was the deepest. He plucked at her nipple, sending a pulse to her clit as she stroked herself. The combined sensations sent her over the edge of pleasure. Orgasm rushed across her body, beginning at her core, pulsing and clenching in release.

  Jake growled and pushed his cock deeper and deeper as her climax seized tightened muscles. He thrust one last time and roared. The hand on her breast slid down to grab around her waist. His legs stiffened. Several seconds later, he trembled against her.

  “Unbelievable,” he gasped in her ear. His legs dipped and he squeezed her tight.

  “I need to sit down.” Sabrina knelt, forcing Jake down with her.

  “I’ll never get enough of you,” he whispered as he curled his arms around her. Warm water splashed over them as they recovered.

  Distraction, she decided, was a handy tool in more ways than one.

  Jake didn’t broach the subject of their unprotected experience that night or the next morning, which was fine with her. She had a sense he hadn’t forgotten or changed his mind about it, but was perhaps waiting for a better time to discuss it. Choosing his battles as it were. The longer the better, Sabrina decided.

  She didn’t remember to tell him about Suzanne until the next morning over breakfast at a local eatery.

  “It went well with Suzanne yesterday, I think,” she said munching a donut.

  “Good. Now we have something else in common.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We both have younger sisters.” He smiled and she returned it.

  “So what are we going to do today?” she asked him, wanting to change the subject away from family, and unprotected nirvana-inducing sexual encounters which weren’t going to produce any further family.

  “How about a movie?” he suggested.

  “Okay, but I’ll require the extra large bucket of popcorn with yellow grease, a fifty-five gallon drum sized drink, and Twizzlers.”

  “Okay, but you have to neck with me once the lights go out.”


  * * * *

  The mad bomber was supremely angry. Furious. Livid. He watched Sabrina’s house as the turmoil from his failure of the last bombing roiled within him. The bomber noted Sabrina and her fireman boyfriend left early from her house today. He was going to teach the little bitch a lesson.

  She deserved to die right now for ruining his surprise at the apartment bombing. He’d been so looking forward to the firefighters sifting thought the wreckage to find the bodies of the two brats he’d left in the apartment. He’d wanted Sabrina Morgan, girl bomb tech, grilled in the open media for her failure at stopping the death of two innocent children.

  It would have sealed her fate.

  It had been the perfect set up and execution until the idiot apartment dweller had come home early and ruined his brilliant plan. For a time the bomber had watched with glee. They’d all waited feverishly until the detonation was minutes away. Then, damn them, they’d gotten a call from the bitch bomb tech about a curious noise in the apartment above them.

  The mad bomber screamed with fury to no avail, realizing they’d found and ruined the surprise. Now the bitch bomb tech would pay in a different way. The bomber picked up the butcher knife. He used it to force open the back door to the kitchen of Sabrina’s house.

  Wouldn’t she be surprised when she came home? The mad bomber laughed maniacally and entered Sabrina’s house.

  * * * *

  After the movie, Sabrina and Jake strolled out hand-in-hand down the sidewalk towards his car. Along the way, they passed an ice cream store and Jake insisted they stop.

  “How can you be hungry after what we ate at the movie?” she asked, laughing.

  “I didn’t get hardly any, you hogged it all.”

  “Not true.”

  “Well, I see my brother Joe and his wife Kathleen in there and they just saw me, so it isn’t really about the ice cream any more. That’s just a bonus.” Jake smiled and waved through the glass, presumably at his brother. Sabrina looked inside and saw yet another look-alike Donovan smiling and waving them inside.

  “Hey, little brother. What brings you out and about today? And who have you kidnapped to come with you?” the Donovan look alike said once they’d stepped up to his table.

  “Joe, this is Sabrina Morgan. I’m sure Kathleen told you all about her from family dinner night, which you escaped from or you’d know first-hand.”

  “Good to meet you, Joe,” Sabrina said and added, “Hi, Kathleen.”

  “Hi Sabrina. Great to see you. Sit down with us a minute. We just got here.” Kathleen smiled at Sabrina. “Joe, you know what I want and get Kyle a little cup of vanilla.”

  As if he knew he was getting ice cream, six-month-old Kyle Donovan yelled his approval in a babbling sweet baby boy voice. Sabrina hadn’t seen him in the baby highchair until his little fingers reached out and grabbed a hold of her sleeve. She jumped at first but recovered quickly and leaned down to say hi.

  Jake squatted down next to Sabrina at Kyle’s level. “Hey little man, this is my girl, so don’t be stealing her from me.” Kyle squealed his delight.

  “What would you like?” Jake asked Sabrina, who was watching Kyle as if entranced. She almost said she wanted a baby just like Kyle when it dawned on her he meant ice cream.

  “Surprise me.” She sat down next to the baby who hadn’t released her sleeve.

  Jake and Joe went to the counter get ice cream while Sabrina found herself in another of those awkward social situations she hated. Kathleen fussed with the baby, making Sabrina experience a longing so poignant she couldn’t catch her breath. Luckily, Kathleen didn’t seem to notice.

  Sabrina was reminded of the other unpleasant dreams she suffered through when bombs weren’t exploding around her. The baby dreams she had were yet another ring of hell for her to endure.

  In her baby dream scenario, she would be reaching for a baby. Always reaching. Always just out of her touch. She could hear the baby laughing a sweet baby laugh, but she could never grasp the child.

  “So how are you and Jake getting along?” Kathleen asked, shaking Sabrina out of her depressing reverie.

t,” Sabrina responded. What was she supposed to say? It will be wonderful until he leaves me when he finds out I’m not able to produce a sweet baby like Kyle. God, that hurt so much. It hurt to even think the words.

  “Everyone in the family is glad Jake has finally found someone nice. You know he’s never brought a girl to the family dinner until you.”

  “Yeah? Everyone seemed pretty surprised to see me.” She laughed and hoped it sounded sincere. She was back to looking at Kyle. No need to hide her sad eyes in front of him.

  “It’s about time Jake settled down and had some kids of his own. He loves his nieces and nephews, but it’s not the same as having your own, you know. At least that’s what Joe said when Kyle was born.”

  Sabrina’s heart froze along with the smile pasted on her face. She felt sick. Yeah, she knew about wanting your own children. She focused her stare at Kyle, who gave her another heart-melting smile. Her eyes were getting moist as he babbled at her some more and then reached out for her again.

  “Do you want to hold him? He seems to be taken with you,” Kathleen asked as she pulled Kyle out of the chair and handed him to a surprised Sabrina.

  Kyle promptly grabbed a handful of her hair and tried to insert it in his mouth. She pulled it gently out of his tiny little fingers and smiled in return at his goofy little two-toothed slobbery grin. Her heart was about to burst in her chest from yearning.

  Jake arrived right then with a banana split and two spoons and told Kyle to quit trying to steal his girl’s heart with wet sloppy baby smiles. Kyle refused to be put back in his seat and instead clung to Sabrina, threatening to wail if he didn’t get his way.

  Choosing the path of least resistance, Jake fed her bites of banana split as she and Kyle bonded a little. Jake was watching her intently as she interacted with the baby.

  Bad idea. She should relinquish Kyle, but not quite yet.

  Kathleen fed Kyle little bites of vanilla ice cream and eventually lured him out of Sabrina’s arms.

  Sabrina wondered if she could get him back if she threatened to cry like a baby, but decided she’d tortured herself enough for one day. Maybe she should take advantage of whatever time she could spend with babies.


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