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Page 7

by Duncan, Megan

  “What was that all about?” I asked.

  “He and Ana are fighting. He wanted to get away from her for a bit. I tried to tell him it wouldn’t do any good. She doesn’t calm down over time; she is still going to be just as pissed at him when he gets back.” Dmitry shrugged and headed back toward the entrance into the palace.

  “Wait!” I called out to him. “This wasn’t because of me was it?”

  Dmitry glanced over to Robin and with a heavy sigh walked back to me. As much as it was apparent that he didn’t want to tell me, I needed to know what was going on and if there was anything I could do to fix it. I didn’t want Luka and Ana to be fighting over me, even if I didn’t like them.

  “Ana came to see Luka late last night. She was already pretty worked up about something to begin with. When she heard us talking about you, she got really pissed and they got in a screaming match about it. Don’t worry about it though. If not you, they would just be fighting about something else.”

  “Well, what were you saying about me?” After asking it I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to know the answer but it was too late.

  Dmitry’s expression softened a bit. “Don’t worry; we weren’t saying anything bad about you. You’re new here, it kind of comes with the territory. Besides it was more me who was doing the talking than Luka.”

  I raised my eyebrows at his comment and wondered what he could possibly have to say about me. I hadn’t been at the palace for very long and it seemed I had already caused a lover’s spat.

  “Humans just fascinate me,” Dmitry admitted. “Other than the servants we don’t have much direct contact with humans, so whenever I meet one I think it is very exciting.”

  Robin giggled out loud before slapping a hand over her mouth. “You’re like his hobby!” Laughter escaped her again before she quickly retreated back into the palace with Dmitry and me following after her.

  “I wouldn’t put it in such crude terms, but yes. Humans look at the world in such a different way than vampires do. Every moment to them is so precious.”

  Dmitry opened a door for me as we followed Robin into a large room that appeared to be some sort of lounge or recreational room. Two large leather sofas were overflowing with plush pillows and beautiful throw blankets. A large flat screen television was tuned to the local news, reporting about more protests at blood banks throughout the region. I worried for a moment about my mom, but remembered that protests only excited her more. It meant more people for her to reach out to, more people for her to help find their way and guide them in the direction of supporting the vampires.

  “You, for instance,” Dmitry said as he plopped down on the sofa and smiled at me. His fangs gleamed at me from within a row of pristinely white teeth. I looked at them just long enough to determine that he was much older than Robin. “The way you look at the palace. It is apparent how completely in awe of it all you are. I noticed it the moment you walked into the room to meet us all. It’s refreshing, really. I for one am going to be quite sad once you’re turned. Things are just so much more interesting with a human around.” Although Dmitry was making me feel slightly like a lab rat, his expression was friendly.

  “She’s really funny, Dmitry. Did I tell you she thought we didn’t have reflections?” Robin rolled with laughter again and Dmitry joined her.

  I tried to fight my irritation, but having two vampires laughing at me didn’t make it very easy. I knew my face was turning red so I tried to ignore them and turned my attention toward the television by grabbing the remote and turning up the volume.

  Robin sighed aloud and moved to sit beside me. “Claire, we aren’t laughing at you. You just don’t realize how exciting it is to have someone new in the palace. We are very happy you are here and I hope that you don’t ever lose your hilarious human qualities. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

  Dmitry nodded in agreement as Robin spoke and I could feel my frustration quickly disappearing. “Okay, I’ll forgive you just this once,” I said as I smiled back at Robin. The tension quickly dissipated as our attention drew to news being reported on the television.

  “That, however, does get very old. After everything Nicolae has done for this region and they still find reason to protest,” Dmitry said sharply as a low growl erupted from him. “The occurrences of protests are becoming more frequent. The news thinks it’s helping by reporting the acts, but I think it’s just making it worse. Ignorant hatred such as this,” he pointed to the television and look at me with a severe look, “spreads like a disease.”

  “You just said you thought humans were fascinating.” I said trying to change the subject and lighten the intensity that began to build in the room. He wasn’t the first I had heard to say that. My mom… my human mom was growing concerned about the same thing and had doubled her efforts in the recent months to spread positivity toward vampires.

  “Not all of them, obviously. They are being completely irrational. I can’t think of a single reason they should have to be unhappy.” His temper was starting to rise, so I quickly changed the channel.

  I was just starting to feel like I was getting along with Dmitry and I didn’t want anything to change that and I especially didn’t want to be around another pissed off vampire. Even it if wasn’t directed toward me.

  “Let’s go check out the gardens,” I suggested.

  “Oh, Claire, you’ll love them. They were designed to be especially beautiful at night,” Robin exclaimed with excitement as she rose to exit the room.

  I looked to Dmitry to see if he would be joining us. “I believe I will pass, although I would very much enjoy seeing how you behold them in all their glory for the first time. I have much to do in preparation for the upcoming events.”

  In one fluid motion he stood before me, offering his hand. The strength in his presence made my skin shiver and I again felt the tingle of power that emanated from vampires.

  “It was lovely to speak with you. I am eager to spend more time with you in the future.”

  With that, Dmitry exited, leaving me flustered and blushing on the couch, my mouth hanging ajar. I had to admit to myself that Dmitry was breathtakingly handsome, yet before this moment it had not impacted me with such intensity.

  “What was that?” I whispered to myself.

  “Really? I am starting to wonder if you’ve been hiding under a rock all this time.” Robin sounded half exasperated and half amused. “I wish he wouldn’t have done that, it always leaves humans feeling…”

  Robin paused trying to find the correct word, so I finished it for her. “Intoxicated?”

  “Yes, I suppose you could describe it that way. It was a long time ago when I was charmed by a vampire. I’m sure Dmitry just wanted to see your reaction for his own amusement. I swear, he was some sort of mad scientist in a past life. Let’s get going, moving around should help if I remember correctly.”

  I allowed Robin to help me up and we made our way out of the room. “It’s like being drunk… except with sensations and emotions all over your body.”

  Robin giggled at me as I slowly regained my composure. Even though I knew there was no way I could have prevented it from happening, the more the effects wore off the more I started to feel embarrassed.

  “Trust me, it’s no big deal. Humans have no defense against it. I’m fairly certain we’ve all gone through the same thing. At least you got charmed by someone you know. When it happened to me, it was some snobby vampire boy who was visiting from the southern part of the region. He would do it to me all the time just to harass me,” Robin said with irritation dripping from her voice. Seeing her angry, and the way it distorted her features into something unrecognizable was frightening. When she saw the way I was looking at her, she stopped dead in her tracks.

  “I’m sorry.” Robin turned away her angry expression turning to shame.

  “It’s okay. Everyone has had to deal with a bully at least once in their lives, I know I have. Yours just happened to be an annoying teenage vampire boy
. You know what they say about guys that pick on girls?”

  “No, what?”

  “Oh my, the all-knowing Robin doesn’t know the answer?” I harassed her playfully. “Guys who tease girls do it because they like the girl.”

  Robin’s body began to wriggle and she started giggling until tears nearly fell from her eyes. “Ew! He was so not even cute, Claire!”

  I joined in her laughter as we made our way through more lavish hallways, passing maids, butlers and other vampires whom I hadn’t met yet.

  “You know what you need?”


  “Come with me,” Robin said as she took off running down a narrow hallway. Trying to keep up with a vampire who, although was running slow by vampire standards, was quite difficult. Luckily, our destination wasn’t very far away and I smelled it before we had even made it. My mouth started watering before the door to the kitchen was opened.

  “I remembered they were making spaghetti tonight, and that was one of my favorite meals when I was human. I’ve been a vampire for years now, but I’ll never forget it. Besides, you’ll wake up every vampire in the region with the sounds that stomach of yours has been making,” Robin poked me in the stomach and we headed into the kitchen.

  Had I not been as starving as Robin so blatantly pointed out, I might have entered the kitchen with my usual awe, but all my focus was on the delicious and savory smells that were floating through the air like scrumptious fragrant delicacies.

  “This is Bruno!” Robin said as she bounced around a very robust looking Italian man. His forearms were rippling and well-defined, and I joked to myself that cooking and mixing must provide quite an adequate workout. “Bruno, this is Claire. He makes the most delicious foods you’ll ever eat.”

  “Oh, ze Princess Claire, what an honor it iz for you to be in my kitchen. Please sit and I will serve you. I promise zis will be the best meal you have ever eaten or my name iz not Bruno Alfonso Mario Lazzarro!” he proclaimed in a thick Italian accent.

  Robin and I slid onto seats in the small dinning nook while we watched Bruno bark orders in Italian at the sous chefs. It was almost hysterical at first to watch them scatter about like bees whose nest had just been disturbed, especially when Robin was trying her best at her Bruno impression. Our laughter subsided when Bruno placed a mountainous plate of pasta in front of me and topped it off with freshly grated parmigiano reggiano, which I learned soon enough how to say correctly and discovered it was more delicious than I could have ever imagined. I never realized how much I could like cheese until this meal.

  Robin entertained herself by making doe eyes at one of the younger Italian sous chefs, while I busily stuffed my face with Bruno’s pasta perfection. I had to stop myself on more than one occasion, from offering some to Robin. However, that didn’t stop me from wondering about her “diet” which would soon be mine.

  “Robin…” I said her name almost as a question as I twirled the last bit of pasta around on my fork.

  “Mhm,” she mumbled as her attention was still locked on the dark haired Italian who was very much enjoying the attention. He was slicing various meats and placing them on a large silver platter.

  “When do you… uh eat? Or drink?” I fumbled with the words not knowing what exactly to call it.

  “I’ll show you later, let’s just enjoy the night. Besides, all your questions will be answered later, you get a crash course tonight,” Robin smiled wickedly at me and dashed out of the kitchen with a giggle faster than I could even react.

  I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of a crash course on being a vampire, but I figured I didn’t really have a choice. One way or another, I needed to know what to expect.

  I could feel myself starting to worry if I could handle everything that would be happening to me. I’m not even certain if it had even truly hit me yet, but I couldn’t let the cloud of doubt consume me.

  Feeling like I was being watched, I quickly made my retreat out of the kitchen in search of Robin. Although I enjoyed her company it was nice to have a moment to myself. I didn’t feel like I had the opportunity to have many of them lately.

  I made my way through the hallways, going in no particular direction whatsoever, completely consumed with my thoughts. I wondered how Liz was and what she was up to. I even thought about ways I could sneak out to visit her, as that was a promise I intended to keep.

  A cool breeze poured over my skin and I realized that I had somehow managed to find the entrance to the gardens all on my own. The immediate sense of calm that enveloped me at the sight of the gardens made all the worries that were muddled in my head wash away.

  I wasn’t sure exactly what I was expecting, but what lay before me certainly wasn’t it. A garden that is designed specifically for night time is unlike anything I thought possible.

  Stepping out onto the large stone balcony, I felt as though I was descending into an ocean of twinkling lights. Trees were wrapped in tiny glowing bulbs. Large arch-ways hugged walkways as their fragrant foliage hung down in delicate curves.

  Flower petals covered the pathway and I felt almost sad that I had to walk on them, but there was nowhere else to step. I followed that path, letting the delicate scents of roses and lavender guide me until I reached a great willow tree that draped longingly over a large pond.

  An ornately carved wooden bench sat amongst the roots of the willow, along the bank of a pond. It looked as though it might have been carved from the very roots of that tall and ancient tree.

  I took a seat and looked out beyond the swaying branches of the willow to the servants on the opposite edge of the water. The two women were talking softly to each other, each lighting small candles and setting them adrift in the large pond.

  I watched them with quiet fascination until they finished their task. They walked joyfully along another path back toward the palace and lit tall light posts along the way. Their orange glow cast scattered shadows amongst the plants.

  I couldn’t help but think how beautifully romantic this garden was. I was happy to be in a place that was so lovely, but sometimes the nicer something was the more lonesome it would make me. The glow from all the candlelight’s danced across the landscape and for a moment, my skin prickled. I had the sensation that someone was watching me. Despite all the people in the palace constantly casting their eyes in my direction, I felt as though someone had been staring at me for some time. I looked out into the darkness, opening my eyes wider, as if it would really improve my sight in any way.

  “Don’t be such a baby,” I whispered to myself. I wasn’t actually scared of the dark, but for some reason I was always a little bit on edge at night. Like I’d had some terrible experience during the night, but for the life of me, I could never recall what it was.

  “There you are,” Robin proclaimed so loudly it seemed to rattle the branches of the willow tree.

  Robin scared the hell out of me and I sucked in a breath. “Geez, Robin! You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.” I felt my heart settle back into its proper place as we sat there in silence watching the candles ride the tiny ripples in the water, but when the sound of a bullfrog’s croaking tore through the night we couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it? Sorry I scared you. It’s harder to find people in the gardens. The flowers kind of mask your scent,” Robin offered a polite smile.

  “Is that how vampires track people?”

  “Use to be, as well as other ways, but we don’t really need to do that anymore though.”

  I simply nodded my head as more questions rattled through my mind. “So, vampires have all these abilities, but they are all pretty much useless now that Nicolae has created this treaty?”

  “Some vampires think of it that way. They say we are wasting our purpose. That we have grown weak, but I don’t think so. Is wanting peace really a bad thing?” Robin asked the question, but I didn’t think it was directed toward me, so I didn’t answer.

  “That’s why he wants me to be turned so
quickly, isn’t it? Because he is hoping that I can help remind these other vampires that you still honor the old ways?” It was all starting to make more sense. It sounded as if our region were on the verge of an uprising and I was a piece of Nicolae’s puzzle that was designed to help avoid it.

  “I can’t answer that, Claire. Only the King knows his decisions, but it would be an honor to be offered an opportunity to help him maintain our peace. A peace that has lasted decades and saved thousands of lives,” Robin said as her tone slowly rose.

  “I’m not saying I am not glad that I am doing this. I’m just trying to understand everything.” I smiled at her and she returned it. “Seems like things have been getting pretty stressful?”

  “The protests have been getting more frequent and violent, not to mention the pressures from the other vampires in our region. There’s even talk about the other regions…”

  “Princess Claire, I have been looking for you,” Fox interrupted as he cut Robin off mid-sentence. “Your King has asked me to make sure you are prepared for tomorrow. If you’d come with me, please?”

  “Tomorrow?” My stomach suddenly felt like it had been filled with lead. I knew what his answer would be, but I wasn’t ready to admit it to myself.

  “Your transformation.” Fox’s tone and expression gave me the feeling that he thought I was an idiot, but he was too proper to express it outwardly.

  I didn’t bother hiding my sigh as I got up to follow Fox back toward the palace. I was starting to think that I might even like Ana or Luka more than I liked Fox. Then I realized what I just thought and accused myself of being thoroughly crazy. There was just something about him that made my skin crawl. It could very well be the fact that he had already verbally chastised me once and I didn’t particularly like being told what to do, an attitude I acquired from Liz long ago.

  “I need only Princess Claire. Robin, you may go about your evening,” Fox stated mechanically as Robin rose to follow us. She nodded and smiled to me slightly as I followed Fox back to the palace. Just as we reached the edge of the gardens I got the sensation again that someone was watching me. Turning to the left I saw the figure of a man standing in the distance and then as soon as I could blink, he was gone. It happened so quickly I wasn’t positive that I had seen anything at all, but my gut told me otherwise.


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