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Bad Influence

Page 17

by K.A. Mitchell

  Climbing back on the bed, he dragged Zeb under him. “Okay. But we’re not fucking until I think you’re ready.”


  Silver nodded. “Payback’s a bitch, huh?”

  “I was an asshole.”

  It was still a shock to hear Zeb say anything like that, more the language than admitting his fault, though it did sound more sincere than his usual martyrdom.

  “I wouldn’t go that far. A moron, maybe.”

  “I remember it didn’t slow us down much.” Zeb’s hands stroked down Silver’s back, gliding over his ass, fingers grazing the crease.

  “No,” Silver agreed as Zeb’s grip lifted him forward so their dicks dragged against each other. Slow rhythm, heat growing, skin tightening, cocks swelling harder, hotter. Silky friction tingling from his slit to his balls. Silver arched, pumped his hips, eyes closed, concentrating on the reawakened sensations chasing around inside. The dizzying flash along his cock, the solid build of excitement sparking his balls. And when he opened his eyes, it was Zeb there with him, straining up into another kiss.

  Silver welcomed Zeb’s tongue back inside, slipping his own deep, and somehow even after three years that taste was familiar. Satisfaction and renewed craving tangled up in their bodies and mouths as they moved together.

  They were both panting when they broke for breath. Zeb’s hand stroked through Silver’s hair, eyes fixed on his face. “It’s you. Really you.”

  He knew what Zeb meant. Dreams had taken Silver back to this more than once. Left him bitter, aching, and absolutely empty when he woke. “Yeah.”

  Zeb’s fingers sifted through Silver’s hair again. “I missed you.”

  Silver had had this. Pleasure and hunger, for fun as much as necessity. Most of the time it had felt the same, but the difference happened when it was over. Right now there was a huge difference.

  “Me too.”

  And that had been long enough without kissing him, without the tingling stroke of tongues and the hard friction between them.

  It wasn’t all perfect, rough with only a little precome to ease the scrape, but the idea of stopping—of separating—was way worse. He resented the need to catch his breath, that he couldn’t just drink it out of Zeb’s lungs. Nothing would be enough; not even Silver’s cock inside Zeb could be enough when what he wanted was to melt into him, taste him, breathe him, cover him with sweat and come. Fuse completely at the bone.

  Except when they did have to gasp and drag in fresh air, Silver got to watch Zeb. Watch pleasure shape his eyes and mouth, color his cheeks and throat. See the reflected hunger that sent them back into another kiss.

  Zeb arched up harder, harsh gasps breaking from his throat. Tension slammed into Silver’s balls, coiling at the base of his spine. Warning and promise. He’d been locked in a chastity cage for years, and no way could he hold back anymore. A question screamed in the back of his brain. Was this safe? What was the risk in his come on the head of Zeb’s dick? The flood drowned out everything but an ability to gasp a warning.

  “Shit. I’m gonna—”

  Zeb shifted them so as Silver’s muscles locked into those beautiful spasms, his cock pumped onto Zeb’s stomach and chest. Zeb nipped at Silver’s jaw, his lips, making that sensation roll on until he collapsed, dropping his forehead onto Zeb’s.

  An easy motion tipped them onto their sides and let Silver slide a hand between them to get a good grip on Zeb’s dick. The familiar groan against Silver’s shoulder reminded him he knew exactly what Zeb wanted. Tight, a hard tight strip on the shaft. Silver knew what Zeb liked whispered in his ear too.

  “Come for me.” Silver took Zeb’s earlobe between his teeth.

  The sound would have been at home on a barrel-chested bear, deep and rough, vibrating from Zeb’s slim chest. Zeb’s hips jerked, the first shot landing on Silver’s shoulder, the rest mixing with the jizz already sticking them together.

  After a long, shuddering breath, Zeb pulled Silver closer. This was what he had missed. Welded together, sticky, sweaty, and smelling like sex. Bodies still shaking, hearts slowing.

  But instead of being able to relax into it, Silver found himself wondering if this was okay. If Zeb wanted Silver’s unsafe spunk drying on him. If the hugging after was only Zeb’s determination to prove that things hadn’t changed.

  If Silver could turn off his damned brain, it would be nice to drift to sleep like this. His phone alarm would beep when he had to leave for work. Except it was way the fuck over in his pants.

  Zeb kissed his forehead. “What time do you have to be at work?”

  “We’ve got time.” Silver didn’t want to let go, so he wiped the hair from his face using Zeb’s shoulder.

  “Not enough. Not for everything I want to do with you.”

  Silver’s stomach made a painful flip, half fear, half longing. It couldn’t be real. Not lying here plastered with come and not Zeb saying stuff Silver wouldn’t even have come up with in a dream.

  “I could pick you up tonight. You could stay with me.”

  That was something Silver had dreamed. More than once. But he hadn’t imagined Zeb would sound so desperate for a yes.

  “I could, but I have to go back in the morning to get my pill.” And if that wasn’t mood killer enough, he knew Marco would be early. “And then I have plans before work tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” Zeb didn’t release him, but his embrace grew slack. “So.”

  That was a weird shift in tone. Silver leaned back enough to prop his head up on a cocked elbow. “What?”

  Zeb swallowed, throat bobbing in a way that made Silver’s tongue want to go along for the ride. “Who was that guy?”

  “What guy?”

  “The one last night at the gallery. In the nice suit. The one who gave you champagne.”

  Well, Jamie had handed it to him, and he hadn’t been wearing a nice suit. And Zeb had met Jamie, whose red hair and asshole attitude tended to leave an impression. Not Jamie.

  “Beach? He’s Gavin’s friend. That’s about all I know about him.” Silver felt his lip start to curl and sucked it in to hide the smile, which hurt. “And the plans tomorrow, that’s a friend thing too, not a date.”


  Silver couldn’t help the smile this time. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had bothered to care. It probably would have been Zeb, back then, but Silver had been too caught up in having a boyfriend to even think about cheating on him.

  “You think you should have something to say about that?” He peered down, enjoying Zeb’s attempt at hiding how much he did want a say in it.

  “I understand if you don’t think it’s my business.”

  “I didn’t say it wasn’t.” Silver stroked his free hand down Zeb’s chest. Slender, yeah, but hard. Definition in his pecs and abs. Not pumped for bulk like a gym rat, but like someone who put the muscles to use. Teaching didn’t need heavy lifting. Did Zeb like sports? There was so much Silver didn’t know about him. They’d been busy learning other things about each other then.

  “Maybe we should take it slow.” Zeb’s breath hitched.

  That wasn’t the answer Silver wanted to hear. “How slow?”

  He licked a line down Zeb’s breastbone, tasted sweaty skin and their come mixed together. Moving to a nipple, Silver tongued it, then teased it with his teeth. Zeb’s hand fell heavy on Silver’s head, then petted, sifting through his hair, as the heartbeat under Silver’s mouth pounded faster.

  He glanced up at Zeb’s flushed face, watched his tongue poke out and smooth his parted lips. “Well?”

  “It’s hard to think when you’re doing that.”

  Silver rolled on his back. “Okay. Didn’t think the question required that many brain cells to answer.”

  He should have kept going, taken the soft cock into his mouth and let it lengthen and stiffen until he couldn’t hold it just in his mouth, had to open his throat to fit it all inside where it was wet and warm. He had plenty of practice with
older guys who needed serious work to get off. Pushing Zeb to the limit of his recovery time wouldn’t be hard at all. Then he wouldn’t be lying here with that hollow feeling, wondering what Zeb wanted. When a guy’s cock was in your mouth, you always knew what he wanted.

  Zeb rolled onto Silver. “I’m not sure you asked the right question.”

  “I don’t feel like playing some teacher game.”

  “I’m not playing any kind of game.”

  Silver didn’t want to meet Zeb’s gaze. Because if he was hiding what was really going on, Silver didn’t want to know. “Just tell me what the fuck you want from me.”

  “Whatever you want to give me.”

  That was completely unhelpful. And all their rolling around had put Silver right at the edge of the bed. There was no place left to go except the floor. Why couldn’t this be easier? Suck or fuck, come, and then holding each other was nice. Right now, the list of guys Silver was looking to do that with was one name long: Zebadiah Harris.

  “Yeah, right, you’re not playing a game. Then stop with the riddles, or is there some lesson from Proverbs you’re trying to get to?”

  “Silver, what’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Nothing. It’s fine. I got off, you got off.”

  Zeb put his hand on Silver’s jaw and turned him so they were face-to-face. “And that’s all it was?”

  Closing his eyes would be pathetic and childish, but Silver was still tempted. He tried to make his face blank. “That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

  “It was more than sex to me.” Zeb’s mouth curled up at the corner. “Not that the sex wasn’t absolutely amazing.”

  Silver shrugged. “I’m a professional.”

  Zeb’s fingers tightened on Silver’s jaw, though they steered clear of the bruise. “Was that all it was for you?”

  “No.” And the hoarseness in Silver’s voice, the way he sounded close to tears, was humiliating, but he didn’t struggle to get free.

  “Can I see you again?”

  “I only work until two on Sunday. Fuck. I forgot.” It had sounded like an awesome plan when he’d been invited. Gavin taking them out on his yacht. Silver, on an actual fucking yacht.

  “Another not-a-date?”

  “It’s a group thing.” Silver remembered the invitation. In celebration of your success, Eli. You’re also welcome, Silver. As is a friend, if you’d like to bring one.

  At the time Silver had been glad Gavin at least knew how much it sucked to be a third/fifth/seventh wheel, but Silver hadn’t been sure about things with Zeb, so there hadn’t been any additions to the guest list. But since Gavin had offered, it would be fine if Zeb wanted to come. Assuming that was the kind of “see you again” thing he had in mind.

  “You could come too,” Silver said.

  “I wouldn’t want to make people uncomfortable.”

  “It’s just my friends.” Sounded weird to say my friends and know they were. Good friends who’d be there for him. Even weirder to know his friends included Gavin Montgomery. And grudgingly, Jamie Donnigan. “Quinn likes you. And Eli—I edited the past pretty heavily when I explained how things went.”

  “As much as I’m glad my testicles will be spared his wrath, I don’t want you to lie to your friend.”

  “I didn’t lie.”

  Was it always going to hurt? The way Zeb looked at him when he said lie?

  “I left a lot of stuff out,” Silver said. “But if you don’t want to go, that’s fine. We could get together after. Just us.” He cupped Zeb’s junk to be sure that part of the invitation was clear.

  “Could we do both?”

  “I guess.”

  “So it’s a date.” Zeb gave him the self-mocking half smile. Like he knew how weird the word was.

  It might have been hard to make that word fit with the way Silver knew his life was, but Zeb’s real smile could trick anyone into thinking it was exactly right.

  Chapter Sixteen

  THE SIGHT of the red Pontiac had Silver sighing in relief when he finally made it out the back door at With Relish at one thirty Saturday morning. When a big table had come in fifteen minutes before closing, he’d shot Zeb a text telling him not to bother picking him up because he didn’t know how late he’d be. No matter how many laser stares of doom Silver sent their way, that table was determined to eat every last particle of food on their plates and tell every last story five times. Only the kitchen closing and the restaurant’s inability to sell alcohol after one had finally sent them looking for some other place to get drunk. At least they’d left a decent tip.

  But as Silver approached the car, he found himself hesitating before opening the passenger door. Things had been fine when Zeb waved goodbye ten hours ago. But that was ten hours for Zeb to think about what having sex with a positive Silver meant. Ten hours to regret the whole thing.

  Of course he’d still pick Silver up. Zeb’s sense of responsibility wouldn’t let him go back on a promise. But Silver didn’t want to be a responsibility. And he sure didn’t want that to be why they were having sex.

  “Hey.” He slid in, dragging the seat belt over immediately and starting an apology and an explanation of his endless last-minute table.

  “I didn’t mind. I was reading.” Zeb jerked his thumb at the back seat, where a small tablet reader rested in its case.

  “For fun or work?”

  “A little of both.” Zeb’s quick glance at Silver’s face made him wonder if any of the reading had been about HIV. Silver could tell Zeb where to get all the best pamphlets.

  The monotonous voice of the GPS guided them toward the interstate. Silver heard something about North Charles Street and then the car wasn’t moving and Zeb was stroking his hair.

  “Uh. Sorry.” Silver peeled his head off the window, blinked, and checked his mouth for drool. He shook his head and glanced out the window to see Eli and Quinn’s house. Something cold squirmed in his stomach. “Thought I was spending the night with you.”

  “You’re exhausted. You need sleep.”

  Silver had caught a look at himself at around eleven. His eyes were a little sunken and bleary-looking. He hadn’t slept much the night before. There’d been the waking up to jerk off and then trying to imagine what was going to happen when they got to Zeb’s apartment.

  “Could sleep at your place. Just sleep, I mean.”

  “No. We couldn’t.” Zeb’s voice wasn’t sex rough or seductive, completely matter-of-fact, but his words were a sharp, sweet shot of excitement to Silver’s dick. He had to stop himself from shivering.

  And then he looked over, looked closely at Zeb for the first time since getting in the car, and the hunger there had Silver lunging across the seat to kiss him. Zeb met him halfway, their lips pushing together hard over teeth, the slick rub of Zeb’s tongue sending another jolt to Silver’s cock.

  As Zeb’s hand moved up Silver’s thigh, he let out a gasp, and then a groan of desperation when Zeb only unlatched Silver’s seat belt.

  Pulling away, Zeb whispered, “Get some sleep. I’ll see you Sunday.”

  MARCO SHOWED up at eleven thirty the next morning, driving a car that Silver was surprised didn’t have ten cops trailing behind it as it ventured into very suburban Mount Washington. A Firebird rode on fat tires with toxic-green custom rims, black frame two inches from the pavement.

  Yeah, it cut into time Silver would rather spend reintroducing his happy parts to Zeb’s happy parts, but Silver was glad to see Marco. A couple hours of Marco’s combination of cannot-be-real innocence and ability to skewer some dickhead with one ingenuous comment was something Silver found himself looking forward to as Marco pulled the car to the curb in front of Quinn’s house.

  “Nice ride,” Silver managed with a straight face.

  Instead of the kind of comment he’d usually get, about how the colors matched the inside of his Tía Raquel’s oven, Marco frowned, glanced over his shoulder at the car, then shrugged. “Got me up here.”

do you want to go?” Silver asked.

  Marco shrugged again. “Can we hang out here? Do your friends mind?”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “What happened to your face?” Marco sounded horrified. And a little nervous.

  According to the mirror, it looked a hell of a lot better today, but there was still a three-knuckle bruise above the right corner of Silver’s lip. He didn’t feel like getting into it all again. And Marco had enough of his own disapproval shit going on with his brother.

  “Accident. At work.”

  Quinn was in the dining room, dealing with a gigantic pile of papers he had to grade, and Eli was tearing through his closet, trying to find something yacht-worthy for tomorrow. Even if they did mind, Silver didn’t think either of them would notice Marco.

  In the hall Marco asked, “You can have all-night guests?” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  Quinn stood in the dining room archway. “Uh, Silver, how old is he?”

  “Nineteen, papi.” How Marco managed to make that sound like a purr without any r’s in the word Silver had no idea.

  “He’ll be nineteen in three months,” Silver corrected. “He goes to Baltimore City Community College.”

  “Does he have real ID to prove he’s eighteen?” Quinn asked.

  “Sí, papi.”

  Eli appeared on the stairs. “Enough with the papi-ing. His name is Quinn.”

  Marco turned to Eli. “Your novio is very hot.”

  “Thank you.” Eli crossed the hall in front of Marco to stand next to Quinn.

  Quinn put his arms around Eli and gave him a long, wet kiss, but that probably only made Marco more interested. “Don’t worry. I took French and Greek.” Quinn laughed. “Lucky for you.” He gave Eli another quick kiss.

  “You said the Greek alphabet backward when we met.” Eli sounded like he was trying to figure Quinn out.

  All Silver knew about language stuff was he was glad there wasn’t a foreign language part to the GED.

  “Do they teach you nothing of our culture and history before they turn you loose on the queer world?” Quinn glared at each of them. “Google it.” He went back into the dining room muttering about the death of gay history.


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