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So, You Want to Live Past Next Tuesday

Page 17

by Billy Bob Richardson

  “How could I be upset? She spoke her mind about something that she was 100% correct about.”

  “Still,” started Al, but Madd cut him off.

  “What you aren’t seeing is that she did the correct thing.”

  “What do you mean, correct?”

  “How to explain. Look at it like this. Men, especially young men, can be rough and insensitive at times. Scholars of history claim that Julius Caesar, during public events, would routinely hide a man in his chariot, a slave whose sole task was to whisper incessantly in his master’s ear: ‘Remember Caesar, you’re only human’.

  “In many ways, that’s my Itsy. She is my anchor in reality, a type of moral compass.”

  “Madd, I am beginning to see that there is a depth, a complexity to the family’s relationships I am not capable of judging.”

  “If you can accept one simple idea it might bring things into better focus. What the basis for our relationships is. I play my part as Itsy expects me to play it and as I expect myself to play it. Itsy plays her part as I expect her to play it and as she expects herself to play it. It’s pretty simple. Give it time Al, one day you will understand what makes us tick.

  “Hey Al, when I get this bunch pushed through to the other pasture close that gate, will ya?”

  “Got it.”

  “You are getting the hang of moving cattle and getting them to go where you want. Good job, we will make a rancher out of you yet.”

  “Thanks, what’s next?”

  “I need to grab one of the big farm trucks and head into town. We need some bulk items and I need to speak with a family member who has a job in town. Ride along with me and let’s talk.”

  Riding in a big ol’ farm trucks turned out to be a lot like riding in military vehicles. Neither of them was made for comfort. The day was bright and the scenery beautiful, which almost made up for having his spine crushed.

  “Something specific you wanted to talk about?”

  “There is. What I need to know is if you still feel the same about Rose and making a life here with her.”

  “There are things I don’t understand, but I really love Rose, and this whole family’s way of life as far as I understand it at this point. I am determined to work things out with Rose and help you guys get ready for whatever is coming.”

  “Good deal. The cousins and I have been over the subject of finances a hundred times and we have come to a conclusion. The only way we are going to get enough money without stealing from people is by getting it from some illegal operation.”

  “Something like drug money?”

  “Our thoughts exactly, Al.”

  “An interesting idea. I’ll think about what I might know that can help.”

  The town they pulled into wasn’t exactly a thriving metropolis but did have a sort of rural charm about it.

  “The town is bigger than I remembered from when we came through going to the ranch.”

  “It’s a nice town, getting a little built up though. They started a retirement community about 12 miles south of town so now we get a lot more people coming to town. I’ll give you the 50 cent tour. Down here, that storefront there is our co-op store. Couple of blocks down, that is the feed store, where we are picking up a load. Going to pull in there and get loaded, then I have a stop to make at the hardware store.”

  Pulling around back and up to an outbuilding, Madd gave a hearty, “Yo Fred, you in there?”

  “Be right there. Howdy Madd.”

  “Morning, I need to pick up the feed order. Al, this is my cousin Fred.”

  “Howdy Al.”

  “Nice to meet you, Fred.”

  “Congratulations Madd, on becoming a council member. You have folks wagging their tongues like crazy, ya know.”

  “Isn’t that big a deal.”

  “If you say so Madd, but some of us have been waiting for change a long time.”

  “I still have to be gone for close to a year.”

  “I know, but with you and the others on the council maybe we can get some things done. The world is going to hell in a handcart and the council isn’t making many moves.

  “The price of the feed you are picking up, well, all feed for that matter has gone up. It’s four times as expensive as it was two years ago. Pretty soon regular people are going to have a hard time buying it. It won’t take much for things to get out of hand and we need to get prepared.”

  “I agree Fred, and we will be making moves in the next couple of days. We hope to make some significant ones when we all get back.

  “Not trying to hurry you but I got a lot going on today, let’s get loaded up.”

  “Of course, can’t stand here jawing at you all day.”

  Fred pushed open the doors to the storage building and got a forklift going. It made easy work of loading the pallets onto the farm truck. As he loaded Madd went over the invoice, making sure that the order was correct.

  “There you go Madd, all loaded.”

  “Thanks Fred, appreciate it.” They shook hands, then Madd and Al climbed aboard and headed down the street.

  “I thought you guys grew your feed?”

  “We do for most of the animals, like cattle, horses, goats, pigs and sheep. What we have on the truck is chicken and rabbit feed. We could produce it if we needed to but this is an example of what I was telling you. Growing everything you need for a modern ranch to be self-sufficient is a pain in the ass, and takes a lot of time. Too many of the family have to have outside jobs for cash money. There are taxes, car payments, on and on, to be paid. Until money becomes useless there are some things you just have to have money for. When we move to the new home place we will start producing about everything. Right now it is easier, and lets us have time for more important things, to just buy it.”

  “You mentioned a hardware store, is it like in the movies where they have everything from soup to nuts?” That got a smile from Madd.

  “Not sure they have any soup but it’s an old time store, that’s for sure. Lots of dark corners with all sorts of stuff. I’m not sure that the guys working there know everything that is squirreled away in some of those boxes and bins.”

  “What do we need to get from here?”

  “This isn’t a stop for the ranch, this is a personal matter. I need to speak with a family member who works here. Ordinarily I would go to his home for this but time is short and it needs to be taken care of before we have to leave.”

  “OK, I am sure there are a lot of interesting things I can poke around in while you do your business,” remarked Al.

  Pulling up and parking, they got out of the truck and headed in.

  “Al, I think you should come with me. I am here to talk to one of the family about his daughters.”

  “Sure thing, but is bringing an outsider along a good idea?”

  “It’s something I would never have considered doing before, but you need to start seeing the inner workings of the family if you are serious about Rose. Right now you are a spectator. Oftentimes the view from outside doesn’t really give you an idea of the reality of things. Seeing the process up close and personal should be educational at the least. Don’t forget, one day you will have to speak to Rose’s father.”

  Al followed Madd inside where he walked up to an older man and shook his hand.

  “This is my friend Al, and this is my cousin Jackson Hotchins.”

  After the introductions and Jackson congratulating Madd on his appointment to the council, Madd asked if they could speak in private. Jackson led them to an office and got them seated.

  “Jackson, I only have a couple more days before I have to head back overseas. I know this isn’t the way things are usually done but I hope you will take into consideration the time constraints I am working under.”

  Al couldn’t help but notice that Jackson looked worried.

  “I certainly can understand that Madd, time is something we don’t have control over. So I sure do understand.”

  By this time the man w
as sweating enough for it to be obvious.

  “Was there something you needed from me Madd, or anything I can do for you or the council?”

  “This is a personal matter, it doesn’t involve the council.”

  “Personal?” Now Jackson really looked worried.

  “Yes personal. Let me just cut to the chase.” Al thought the man might jump from the chair and run out the door; he was pretty agitated at this last statement.

  “You may have heard that I am formally forming a family group with Itsy and Annie tonight.”

  “Uh, why yes, my daughters were very excited and couldn’t talk about anything else last night,” said Jackson.

  “Good, that will save time. Are you aware that your daughters approached Itsy on numerous occasions and asked her to speak with me about beginning a relationship with them?”

  “No, ah, actually I had no idea Madd. I hope they didn’t upset anyone.”

  “Not at all. Actually Itsy is completely in favor of them joining my household.”

  “She is? My daughters?” The relief in the man’s voice and body posture was enormous.

  “Yes, she is quite fond of them. Last night she questioned them and asked if they still wished to join and they said, more than ever.”

  “They did? I see, so is there a problem I can help with?”

  “No problem Jackson. I am here to formally ask you if I have permission to approach your daughters and see how things might be arranged. I would like to start things before I leave. Itsy can get to know whichever one wishes to come into the family. I should probably wait until I get back to make a firm decision and make it formal.”

  “I have known you and your girls for years and it would be my honor to have you consider my daughters. I never dreamed you might have the slightest interest in them. You most certainly have my permission. Just let me know what I can do to help. If you like I could have them pack a few things and come over to your house so you could spend time with them, then they could possibly spend the night with Itsy at her parents’ house if that suited you both!”

  “Thank you Jackson, let me think on it and discuss it with Itsy.”

  “Of course, certainly, whatever you think best, Madd.”

  A few more pleasantries, then Madd and Al were out the door.

  Back in the truck, Al said, “What the heck just happened there?”

  “I have no idea Al. I have never heard of a negotiation going that quickly or the father shoving his daughters out the door that fast.”

  “When we walked in there Jackson was nervous, Madd. By the time we were sitting down and talking about the council he was getting frightened. When you said the matter was personal the man was about to jump out of his skin. How do you account for that? You guys have some run-ins before or something?”

  “None that I can think of, Al. I don’t really know the man. He is older and was never a military man so my contact with him has been minor.”

  “So the only thing that has changed is that you are now on the council?”

  “Yes, I suppose that might be it. It just happened last night, but I have noticed a couple of people treating me much differently than they did before I was voted onto the council. Itsy did say that the guys and myself were now a political machine and that people might treat us differently because we were about to become a powerful group in the family. That being said, I have never seen one of the council members frighten anyone. Make them mad, but that’s about it.”

  “Well whatever the reasons, Jackson was literally throwing his daughters your way.”

  By 4:30 they had the truck unloaded, the feed stored, and had reset some fence posts.

  “I think it’s time we headed up to the house. We have the social tonight starting at 7 and I know I need a shower, bet I smell like crap by now.”

  “Not only that, you look pretty dirty to me.”

  “You don’t exactly smell fresh as a daisy, guy.” On the walk back Madd pretended to hold his nose when he got close to Al.

  “When are you leaving, Al?”

  “Not more than a few more days, I have been gone too long as it is. Day after tomorrow probably, first thing in the morning if I can get a ride.”

  “We are leaving a day or so after you. I wish I could drive you but there is too much to do before I go. I’ll get one of the Riders to drive you.”

  “Thanks, Madd.”

  At the back door of Madd’s house, Al took his leave and Madd entered the house.

  In the house Madd was walking through the kitchen when he was ambushed by a blond thunderbolt. It was almost magical the way a 5’1’ girl could float through the air and wrap her arms and legs around a 6’4” man. With her head snuggled just under his chin, she was more than content.

  “Oh, I am so happy; I was afraid today would never come; you stink, ya know?”

  “Some people are never satisfied.” They shared a grin and a kiss.

  “I know hun, it’s been a long road for us.” She let go and hopped down.

  “You head for the shower and I’ll get you a drink to take with you.”

  By the time he was out of the shower and dried off Itsy and Annie were waiting for him. They sat on the couch, each took a side and threw their arms around him and sighed. Kissing first one then the other, they took their time, enjoying the moment.

  After a while Madd said. “I hate to break the mood, but we have things to discuss. Have you two decided what type of ceremony you want and who you want to perform it?”

  “You tell him, Annie.”

  “Yes ma’am. We would like Uncle Roy to officiate if he doesn’t mind. We picked the Ties that Bind ceremony if that is acceptable to you.”

  “That sounds good, I always liked the one. Now if someone wasn’t sitting so close I can’t reach my phone, I would give Uncle Roy a call.”

  Giggling and shuffling, they made enough room for him to reach his phone.

  A couple of minutes on the phone and Uncle Roy was on board. The social started at 7pm, so 8pm for the ceremony was his suggestion. That would allow the party to warm up before the ceremony.

  “He will be happy to officiate, girls, so we are on for 8pm. Itsy you going to check with the other girls and find out if all this is OK with them?”

  “We discussed it before you got back. We all had input and decided on what we wanted. The time was left open for Uncle Roy to decide.”

  The girls prepared a snack. Meals like this were usually served at the island in the kitchen. As they were putting things together, Madd was working on his laptop. Out of the corner of his eye he kept noticing them staring at him.

  “Something going on?” he asked.

  There was dead silence until Itsy finally said, “No sir, we are just looking.”

  Dad was right. Only thing harder to understand than one girl was two.

  Halfway through the snack Madd’s phone started ringing.

  “Hello. Hi, Uncle Roy. Yes, I’m home. I can come, you sound upset. I see. I will be right up. Yes, I will hurry.”

  “Itsy, that was Uncle Roy and he is pretty upset.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Uncle Roy. It’s unusual for him to be upset, any idea what’s going on? Something bad happen?” asked Itsy.

  “Apparently he thinks so. Did you speak to Susie?”

  “Yes, last night I told her and several other girls you were going to officially announce our new household. She was very excited for me and Annie. She asked if I had spoken to you about her and I said yes, but no decisions had been made.

  “Just before you got home she came by again; somehow she heard you spoke to Cousin Hotchins and she asked if it were true. I had to tell her that it was. She asked again about joining the household. I didn’t want to tell her what the problems was but she wouldn’t leave it alone. Finally I had to tell her it was out of the question because of her grandfather. She started crying and ran off.”

  “That explains some of what Uncle Roy was carrying on about. Seems Susie is up at U
ncle Roy’s. I better get up there.”

  On the way Madd called the cousins to meet him at uncle Roy’s. By the time he got there the whole council was there and Jack was furious and pissed off. Susie was at one end of the table with her head down, but standing her ground. The rest of the cousins showed up right behind him.

  “Madd, good, you made it.”

  “What’s going on, Uncle Roy?”

  Jack was shouting at Madd incoherently.

  “Jack, JACK, take it easy!” said Roy. “Let’s all act like adults. Everyone sit down. I said sit down, Jack.”

  Roy was in rare form and slightly pissed off himself.

  “That’s better. This is council business, Hey, Tink and Real, you can leave; we have this under control.”

  Since they got no confirmation from Madd, all they did was move back and lean on the wall 7’ from the council table.

  “I said you three can go.”

  Real looked him straight in the eye and said, “No disrespect sir, but don’t push it Uncle Roy; we aren’t 8 anymore.”

  The wheels were turning in Roy’s head. For the first time he actually looked at the five, saw them as they now were, not as the children they had been. They stood there, physically impressive with an air of danger surrounding them. For the first time Roy understood the sun was setting on his generation. These five were the dawn of a new era.

  Jack was looking daggers at Madd.

  Roy said, “We have a situation here. A little while ago Susie came and asked to speak with me. When I said go ahead, she informed me that she was declaring for entrance into Madd’s household.”

  Damn, that tears it. We have a problem, Houston, thought Madd.

  Jack start screaming at Madd again, and accusing him of leading Susie on; he jumped out of his chair and started around the table toward Madd.

  With one arm while still seated, Ivan reached up, grabbed his shoulder, and jerked him back to his seat.

  “Don’t do that again Jack; next time I won’t save you.”

  Even though he was pissed, that statement made it through his anger. Looking at Madd, he decided physical confrontation wouldn’t go his way.

  “Everyone just behave and stay calm,” said Roy. “As I said, she told me she was declaring. I told her that it takes more than one council member to hear a declaration. I tried to get her to rethink her statement and wait until Madd came back from Afghanistan, but she was adamant. Because of the lack of members I tried to force her to wait.


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