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Twelve Tiny Truths

Page 8

by M Dauphin

  "Popcorn?" he whispers and I hear the tub shake in front of me.

  "Thanks," I whisper back, reaching over and taking a hand full.

  We fall into the rhythm of sitting quietly in our seats and eating our snacks. Every now and then one of us shifts a bit but I have no clue what's happening in the movie right now. And I'm starting to wonder if he does because his fingers have been rubbing a soothing massage into my thigh, though never moving higher.

  After taking a sip of my pop, I set my cup down in its spot and reach over for the popcorn, but I'm met with a hand full of Travis instead. I know I should pull my hand away from his leg, but I don't. He lets out a heavy but quiet exhale and his hand rests on top of mine, pushing mine down a little harder and I realize what I've been resting on when it starts to swell in my palm.

  That isn't his thigh.

  I let out a gasp and when I start to pull away his grip holds tight and something in me switches when I feel him hardening. I grin and squeeze my thighs together, trying to push away the urge to screw him right here in public. It's the sound of his quickening breath that makes me start to slowly move my hand, rubbing against him. The fabric of his shorts tighten under my palm until I can very clearly feel the outline of his hard length. I keep rubbing him, each small grunt and sigh that comes out of him turns me on and encourages me to keep going. Granted, my hearing is better than most, but I pray no one else in this theatre can hear him like I can. Not that it'd make me stop.

  I keep rubbing, tracing the outline of his dick through his shorts, wanting nothing more than to feel him without the layers. When he slips his hand between my thighs and two fingers press against my clit, I inhale a gasping breath. His other hand stops my rubbing of his dick and I almost beg him to let me keep going, but then I hear his zipper. It's only a second before he moves my hand to the warm flesh of his unsheathed cock.

  "You're so sexy," he breathes in my ear when my wrist starts pumping again. "Fuck," he whispers with a low grunt before his fingers slide around the fabric of my shorts, but he doesn't make it past my thong. I'm so wet though, it's probably already saturated through my shorts. "Don't stop, Charlie," he whispers, softly biting my earlobe, rubbing my clit faster and applying more pressure.

  I try to hold back any and all noise that could get us caught, but he knows exactly where, which way, and how hard to rub my clit. I focus on stroking his length, taking in every ridge of him as my hand slides up and down. He starts to harden even more and I know he's getting close the way his breathing has changed. Though I don't want him to stop touching me, I need to do this. I push his hand away from me and drop to the floor quietly before taking him in my mouth, earning a low growl as his hand comes to rest on my head, swiping my hair to the side. I bob up and down, using my hand for the length I can't fit in my mouth. It's only a minute or two before I feel him swell even more and his thumb swipes across my jaw to my lips probably as a warning, but I don't stop sucking. His fingers grip a handful of my hair and his hips jerk slightly as he cums in my mouth. The taste is surprisingly sweet and I don't hesitate to swallow. Everything about him is sweet. His fucking smell, taste, touch.

  He doesn't let me play any longer and he hooks his hand under my arm, pulling me back up to my seat as he quietly pants and whispers, "Shit."

  In a quick shift, his hand moves even quicker to get between my thighs and around my shorts and thong this time, sliding directly inside of me with ease from how wet I am. I gasp but his mouth crashes to mine as his finger pumps fast enough I can hear the sounds from my wetness, but I don't stop him. His mouth tastes like Pepsi but that scent is still all cherry.

  The angle his hand is in is hitting spots I've never been able to hit with any toy before. Then his palm pushes against my clit and it doesn't take long before I feel the telltale tingle of my orgasm rapidly approaching. I shift in my seat and thrust into his hand hard enough to send me spiraling towards release. Travis must be able to feel it and as soon as I start to tighten around him his lips crash to mine to mute the cry of relief I want to release loudly in this quiet theater. When the pulsing inside me stops, he softly kisses me and slowly removes his finger from inside me.

  Grinning like I'm mad, I sit here, listening to him try to quietly zip up his pants. I've never done something like that before! I'm out of breath and completely turned into a pile of mush in this chair. God, if he can do that to me in a movie theatre I can't wait to see what he can do to me in a bed.

  The movie ends almost as climatically as I did, or at least the gasps of the other people tell me it did. We make our way out of the theatre, hand in hand, and for one of the few times in the last couple years, I'm glad I can't see the people around me. Someone had to have heard us.

  The second my ass hits the seat in his car, I'm suddenly feeling shy. Embarrassed. Who does that on a first date?

  "Is it hot in here?" I manage, pulling off my sweater and feeling like I could have a panic attack any minute.

  "Kinda." He clears his throat and starts the car before taking my hand and kissing it. "Are you hungry?" he asks, sounding almost as embarrassed as I feel.

  "No. I ate a lot at the theatre." I know the words coming out of my mouth are the wrong thing to say, but they're out and soon he's laughing his ass off and I can't help but follow. "God, I'm sorry," I mumble. "That's…that's not me…I don't think."

  "Well, Chuck. It was you. I know no one else's hot little mouth did that to me." Taking my chin, he turns my head and softly kisses me before abruptly pulling away. "But I know what you mean. I'm not sure we should have done that on a first actual date." He chuckles nervously before clearing his throat. "You want to…go for a walk or something?"

  "Um…" I do, but I shouldn't. "I should probably just head home. I bet Gus needs to go out by now."

  "That's cool. So, I'm just gonna drop you then?" I know he's fishing to come over, and as amazing as that would be, I can't. I barely know the guy and we just screwed around in the movie theatre like a bunch of horny teenagers. If I let him in my apartment there's no stopping us until all layers are off. And there are some layers I'm not ready to show him yet.

  "Yeah, that's good. Thank you." I lay my head back and close my eyes. Maybe if he thinks I'm exhausted, he'll drop it.

  "Cool," he mumbles and we fall silent until the car stops. "Can I take you out again? Soon?"

  "I'd like that." I smile. "I had a good time tonight, Travis. The best I've had in a long time." I grab my purse and sigh. "Thank you."

  He's out of the car and I wait a minute, not sure what he's doing, but he opens the door for me again. When I get out, he lightly kisses my lips.

  "Let me walk you in," he says close to my mouth like there are so many more motives to that request.

  "You don't need to do that. I'm right here, easy peasy."

  "Come on." He grabs my hand but I pull away. If he's anywhere near my apartment when I go in for the night, we're both going in and not coming out till morning. Not on the first date.

  Although it's not like I have many first date morals, but I know Frankie will barge through that door a minute after I walk through it and that's drama I don't need tonight.

  "I'm fine. Thank you, Travis, but I'm really perfectly fine. Really."

  "I had a great night. I couldn't tell you anything about that movie. I guess we went with your first choice, huh?"


  "My dick," he says, his voice circling back around the car.

  I chuckle. "Ha, funny. Goodnight, Travis."

  "Night, Chuck. Get inside." The car door closes a second later, but he doesn't drive away.

  Shit. Oh noooo, shit, shit, shit. This isn't Frankie's parking spot. I know the walk exactly from Frankie's parking spot. I don't know where we are and Gus isn't here to help! Shit!

  I hear his window roll down before he calls out, "Inside, Charlie."

  I smile to hide the worry on my face. "Kay, night!" I wave in the direction his voice came then start walking toward what I think is
the building. Grabbing my phone from my purse, I call Frankie as soon as Travis's tires pull away.

  "Where are you?" she immediately blurts.

  "Um…out front maybe? Maybe the parking lot?" I say, unsure if I'm embarrassed by not knowing where to go or giddy over what I did tonight.

  "Fuck, Charlie!" She ends the call and I wait for her.

  The night is chilly now that the sun's gone down and I realize I forgot my sweater in Travis's car. I'll need to remind him tomorrow to bring it with him on our next date.

  The apartment door clanks as she barrels through it. "This is exactly the shit I was talking about. That fuck-wit just drove away without getting you safely inside!" Her hand grabs my arm and I smile stupidly.

  "He saw me walking towards the building. He thought I was safe! Don't start this now, Frankie. I had a great night, I don't need you shitting on it with negativity." I roll my eyes at her.

  "That's not a gentleman, Charlie! He should have walked you inside!"

  "He tried. I told him not to," I mumble.

  "Charlie!" Travis's voice comes from the street and I hear the sound of his engine.


  "Frankie, go in. Please," I whisper, knowing this isn't going to end well.

  "No fucking way, Charlie," she growls from right next to me.

  The car comes to a stop near us and I hear his door open at the same time I feel Frankie leave my side.

  "What the fuck are you doing leaving her out in a dark parking lot all alone?" she shrieks.

  "Whoa, fuck!" Travis grunts after what sounds like Frankie plows into him. "She didn't want me to walk her in! She was headed for the door!"

  "So funny! Leaving a fucking blind girl in a parking lot and driving away as she fumbles to find her way home. Real fucking classy, ya fucking twat!"

  My heart sinks when the words leave her mouth and the silence in the air says it all. I close my eyes and take a breath, wishing to be anywhere but here right now.

  "Charlie?" Travis's voice is quiet but projects so I can hear him. "You forgot your jacket." He sounds confused, probably unsure if what Frankie just said is a metaphor for something, or the truth.

  "Give it to me!" Frankie snaps and I can hear the shuffle.

  "No," Travis barks. "Charlie, come get your jacket," he demands, and I can hear that waver in his tone like he's unsure what to think about what Frankie said.

  The knot in my throat comes roaring back and I don't move. I can't. My world is full of following sounds and right now there are none. It's like they both stopped moving and are just waiting for me to fail.

  "You didn't fucking tell him," Frankie quietly scoffs like she's disgusted with me.

  I let the tears slip since there's no use holding them back anymore. "I can't," I finally manage to whisper. "I'm sorry, Travis, but I can't."

  "Are you… You're fucking blind?" he asks like he's getting pissed. I guess he has full right to be.

  "Come on, Charlie. Let's get inside and away from this fuck-head." Frankie's boots crunch in the gravel and when she reaches me she takes my hand and we start walking inside. I'm on auto-pilot, walking away from the one person that made me feel like I was more than my handicap.

  "Charlie," Travis's demanding voice makes me stop. "You let me cum in your mouth and you're fucking blind?"

  I gasp at his stupid concern then lose it. "Blind people can't give head, Travis? Does that freak you out? Because it didn't fucking seem to bother you at the theatre!"

  "What the fuck, you two?" Frankie screams in disbelief. "You sucked his dick! Charlie! And you, you fucking asshole!" Her voice is rushing away from me and I reach out, trying to grab her but she's long gone and I hear the crack of flesh on flesh.

  "Frankie!" I gasp.

  "How the fuck didn't you realize she's fucking blind?" she screams.

  She fucking jawed me. Clutching my face, I'm not sure if I'm more shocked she can hit that hard, or that the girl I fingered in a movie theater, the girl I really fucking like, is blind and I had no idea. Putting it all in perspective now, there were signs. But nothing I could have picked up on having no fucking idea!

  "Travis?" Charlie calls out for me, walking toward us with her hands out.

  "Fuck, man," I huff and push around Frankie to get to Charlie before she hurts herself. "Chuck, why didn't you tell me?"

  "Can we please take this inside? Please?"

  "Yes, please. Let's take this shit show inside," Frankie scoffs from behind me.

  "Just us, Frankie. Go back to your place. I think you've done enough damage tonight." By the tone in Charlie's voice, she's not messing around

  "Christ," I grumble, putting my arm around Charlie's back then grab my jaw with my other hand and glare at Frankie who's not backing down either.

  "I'm not leaving you with this fucking perv that doesn't even fucking know you!"

  "Frankie, please," Charlie huffs.

  "I'm not a fucking perv," I snicker. "Look, we're dating, okay? I'm not going to fucking hurt her. And now that I know… I know what I know. Listen, I'm not gonna let anything happen to her," I assure the mega bitch. She glares at me but I stand my ground.

  "I'll call you in the morning, Frankie. Promise. Just please, let's go inside."

  "I'm sleeping by my front door tonight, Trevor. One wrong sound and I'm coming in, guns loaded," she growls at me and I don't doubt she'd shoot first and ask questions later.

  "It's Travis," I grumble as I walk Charlie inside the building.

  I hold her hand and she leads the way up the stairs, counting every step we take. I can't believe she's fucking blind. She doesn't fucking look blind! God, I don't even know what blind looks like. I guess I just assume she'd need some sort of assistance with getting around. Assistance like Gus. Or her bitch friend who’s constantly up her ass. I roll my eyes at my stupidity.

  "Chuck," I huff when she closes her apartment door. "I didn't mean that how you took it in the parking lot, about what we did in the theater. I just mean… Fuck, man," I groan and watch as she walks over to a light switch with ease. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

  Gus runs into the room and sits right at Charlie's feet, barking once at her like he's telling her he's there. She reaches down and pats his head before taking a few steps behind her and her hand lands on the table before she sits down.

  "Sit," she whispers, nodding at the table.

  "I don't really want to sit right now, Charlie. How the fuck did you hide this from me?" I feel like such a stupid ass for not picking up on the signs. Like in the movie theater when she just stood there before I took her hand. Fuck me! I took her to a fucking movie! "Why? Why would you even do that?"

  "I didn't intentionallydo it! Not at first, at least. It's part of me, Travis. I don't walk up to people and say, 'Hi, I'm Charlie and I'm blind'! Just like you don't walk up to people and say, 'I'm Travis and I have an outie belly button'!" She furrows her brows and her hands twist together.

  "I don't have an outie," I scoff and she rolls her eyes. She rolls her fucking eyes! "Okay, I understand that!" The chair scrapes across the floor when I yank to sit and Charlie winces. "Sorry," I mutter then stare into her face as her eyes look anywhere but me, just like the time at the bistro. "But for your fucking safety, you should really tell people that! You could have been hurt or something today! In the theater. Fuuuck." I groan and drop my head. "You let me take you to a movie," I mumble pathetically.

  "I had a nice time." She's talking quietly, calmly and that makes me believe her, but what if what happened never did…and we actually sat there and watched the fucking movie!

  "You gave me head." I rub my hair in frustration. "I wouldn't have let you do that if I would have known."

  "What?" she shrieks as if that was an insult. "What the fuck does me being blind have to do with that, Travis? See, this is why I hate dating. Because guys…people in general, think I'm broken because I can't see. They think I can't do shit like they can! I'm not stupid. I'm not broken. I'm blind! Don't fucking
treat me like I can't do stuff. Obviously I can get along just fine if your dumb ass didn't even realize I can't see what the hell I'm doing."

  Now I feel like a dick and I can see how it was taken as an insult.

  "I didn't mean that." I stand when she stands then follow her to the sink as she turns on the water. As she opens the cupboard, I reach for a glass. "Here."

  "Stop!" She shoves me back. "Stop right now or get the hell out. I can fucking do it myself!" She doesn't grab a glass, she grabs a bowl and I watch wide-eyed, not sure if she's going to drink from it. When she fills it with water then walks across the small kitchen and sets it next to a bowl of dog food, I feel like such a tool. "If you haven't noticed, I live alone and nothing here is in shambles. I'm not incapable of getting my dog water, Travis. Oh and, I know I'm an idiot and all, but I don't leave water out for him all day so he doesn't pee around the house. I was smart enough to figure that out."

  "Fuck! I'm sorry, okay!" I shout as she belittles me. "I didn't say or even mean you were stupid! I just don't know what to do right now!" My nerves are fucking shot and I want to get out of here. Not because she's blind, but because I don't know what to do! How is this supposed to work? How am I supposed to date a blind girl and try not to help her with everything she does?

  Her head drops and she looks like she's either fighting tears or considering pummeling me to the floor.

  "Hey." I carefully slide my hands around her hips making her go tense. "I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do right now. You should have told me this shit."

  She sighs and relaxes in my hold. "I know. And I'm sorry, but for the first time in a long time I was enjoying being treated normal and not with kid gloves." Spinning in my arms, her hands land on my biceps. At least she's not pulling away. "I knew the minute I told you, you'd start treating me differently." Her eyebrow cocks and a small, reprimanding grin turns her lips. "And look what happened." A sigh releases and she pulls away with a shake of her head while I stare at the counter trying to shake the shock of this. "I just wanted normal. It felt nice. I was going to tell you tonight… I guess I chickened out."


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