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Twelve Tiny Truths

Page 10

by M Dauphin

  When I move to lie next to her, I don't give her an option, I pull her against me but she was already on her way to drape across me. I kiss her closed eyes and she hums, settling in my arms.

  My cell phone beeps with a text and I blink my eyes open, carefully pushing Charlie's hair off my face. It's like a tornado hit us in our sleep! She's draped over me, I'm wrapped around her, her hair's everywhere, and my dick is pointing to her ceiling light right now. I'm really glad she won't be able to see that.

  It's only a second until she starts to stir and I reach over the bedside for my shorts to get my phone.

  Bev: How was the date?

  I smirk and turn my head to see Charlie rubbing her eyes and I roll, wrapping my arm around her to nuzzle below her ear. "Good morning, sexy."

  "This mess can't be sexy in the morning," she grumbles. "Morning breath, probably insane hair…" She pauses and sighs, tucking closer to me. "Just close your eyes. You can't see my hot mess, I can't see your probably perfect morning bed head. It's only fair."

  "I'm no Adonis in the morning." I chuckle against her neck. "I think I have eye crusts. And then every morning there's this," I move my hips to press my morning wood into her side and she giggles. "You're not a hot mess." I start unburying her face from her hair. "And I'm not sorry for my morning breath." I kiss her before getting up and pulling on my shorts, needing to piss. Before opening the door, I tell her, "I'm going to the bathroom." Gus is sitting there and I grin, patting his head.

  "I'm taking Gus outside," she yells through the bathroom door and for a moment I want to tell her I'll do it, but then I remember Gus is her aid. She doesn't need help with him.

  A moment later I hear the front door close and it's just me inside this apartment. Wanting to know what her life's like, I start exploring. I shouldn't. This is her private shit, like…this Aqua Rabbit. I smirk at her vibrator and keep looking around. In the hallway there's a light that's hanging out of the wall by a few wires and they're slowly coming undone. I stare at the hazard a minute, wondering why she hasn't told her landlord. She's gotta know. I can't imagine Frankie didn't tell her. I open the closet to continue my exploration and see a floral pattern toolkit. My eyes dart back to the light and I quickly open it. It'll only take me five minutes. I move quickly so she doesn't know. She'd probably try and tell me she was going to fix it herself. By the time I make it to the living room, I hear her in the kitchen and I pause, quietly watching her across the island. She's making coffee but when she goes to empty the carafe of old coffee into the sink she misses by a few inches and it spills down the front of the counter, coffee splattering everywhere.

  "Fuck," she hisses, jumping back. Gus yips from next to her and she lets out a laugh. "Damn sink moved on me, Gus."

  As much as I want to move in and help, I don't. She starts bitching at the mess and pauses, sighing.

  "Gus. Towel." The dog walks over to a basket on the shelf in the kitchen and grabs a towel before dropping it at her feet. "Good boy." He's rewarded with a behind the ear scratch as she smiles down at him before cleaning up her mess.

  Well fuck. I wasn't expecting that at all. And that's because I'm an asshole. This fucking girl's been taking care of herself since this happened to her and I stupidly think she's been waiting the past ten years for me to step in and be her knight. As I head for the kitchen, she smiles in my direction, finishing prepping the coffee.

  "I hope you like it black. I don't have any creamer here." She holds out an empty mug and grins. "You can pour yourself a cup. I've spilled enough coffee already today."

  "You did?" I smirk and lean in to kiss her. "I don't want to, but can I take this to-go? I don't work Sundays, but it's busy season."

  Her face scrunches into some cute contortion and she shrugs. "I get it. Yeah, grab a to-go mug from the cabinet. I'm sure I may see you again." She smirks.

  "You can never be sure. But I'll mail the mug back. No worries." I fill my cup and smirk reading it. "Is this a joke?"

  "Is what a joke?" Her arms fold under her tits distracting me from answering until she makes a huffing noise, starting to get defensive for no reason.

  I read her the mug, "I popped my cherry at Bingham Farms."

  She chuckles. "I mean… I thought it was a dog mug. I never claimed to know what shit here looks like, Travis! I just really like dogs. Hate cherries. Why would I have a cherry mug?" her laughter picks up.

  "You're hurting my feelings, Blue." I pin her to the cupboard and press my thigh between her legs. "You're not getting your mug back either. Hey, so, you gonna remember what I look like when I leave?" I smirk across her lips.

  "Funny, ya jerk. I couldn't forget the beer gut or grease scruff if I tried." Her arm wraps up and around my neck and she pushes her lips harder against mine.

  "I ate half your tube of toothpaste by the way." I whisper into her mouth until she laughs. "Can I call you later? I want you to come to the orchard, but I have to warn Bev you're kind of hideous before I spring it on her."

  "I hate cherries, though," she whispers, grinning widely. I dig my fingers into her side and she belts out a laugh trying to get away but I have her pinned. "Sorry! I'm sorry! Fuck, stop!" The relentless squirming doesn't make me stop because I don't want her laughter to stop. "God, I fucking love cherries, okay?"

  I stop the torture and grab her face, looking into her eyes that won't stay focused in one spot then I kiss her, softly, gradually turning it into a kiss I don't want to walk away from. If I didn't get the response I did from Bev when I replied to her text, I'd be here all day. But Violet's already at the house and I still don't trust that kid.

  "So a date tonight, okay?" I say, walking away from her after grabbing the coffee cup.

  "I'm washing my hair tonight," she yells after me.

  "Just shave it!" Opening the door, I step foot into the hall and call back, "You'd still be the sexiest hater I've seen." The door across the short hallway yanks open and Frankie's glare of hatred is the ugliest face I've ever seen on a pretty girl.

  "Perv," she mutters, not moving from her open door.

  "No hockey stick this morning, Frank?" I head for the stairs not waiting around for the nut-job's reaction. I gotta get to Bev's before Violet cases the joint or something.

  "I can't believe you're missing family dinner for that perv," Frankie grumbles from inside my closet.

  "Just pick something out already," I whine my retort, sick of her hatred for Travis. "I need you to get over hating him for no reason, okay? Can you do that for me?"

  "No," she clips, tossing something on the bed. "Try that on. It's a dress."

  I sigh and pick it up, shedding my layers before throwing it over my head. Fingers start tugging and adjusting, but I'm grateful until she huffs.

  "I hate that you look this cute in this. That dude doesn't deserve a girl as hot as you, Charlie. Maybe you should take it off," she blurts and grabs at the hem.

  "What? No! Stop, if it's cute it stays!" I swat her hands away and take a step back.

  "He doesn't deserve it," she bitches, walking away.

  "But I do, Frankie," I remind her. "Stop being a bitch. He hasn't done anything wrong."

  She mimics me from the closet and I roll my eyes, throwing my hair up into a bun on the top of my head.

  "He looks like he shouldn't be trusted and you can't see that, Charlie. I moved here because you needed me. Now please let me help you," she mumbles.

  "You moved here out of guilt and you know it. I love and appreciate you and everything you gave up for me, though I didn't ask you to, but Travis is good for me. I know it. I know by the way he makes me feel inside. Butterflies and a pounding heart." I grin, knowing she's grimacing. "Please stop being so jealous." A pillow hits my chest as she pretends to gag. "Anyway, this dress is comfy so it stays. Thank you. Now get out. He'll be here soon!" I walk into the kitchen and grab my purse as she begrudgingly leaves. A cup of tea will hopefully calm my nerves.

  Meeting his family this early is huge. Hell, yester
day was date one and now I'm meeting family? It may seem fast to some, but it feels right to me. Sure I'm nervous, but mostly because new places always freak me out a little. The unknown is scary when you can't see anything, but I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

  His knock at the door comes just as my five-minute warning phone alarm goes off and I can't help but smile. Gus barks at the door until I quiet him down and he sits at my feet as I open it for Travis.

  "Hey," I say, praying the outfit Frankie helped me pick out for tonight isn't something hideous.

  He doesn't say anything, but suddenly his hand is at the back of my head and his lips are on mine as he hums his greeting. When he pulls away he says, "I don't know if you were looking at me or not, you probably smile like that all the time." He grabs me and kisses me again before asking, "You like that song?"

  A grin fills my face at the fact he can make me swoon using another man's words. "I'm gonna marry Sam Hunt one day. I don't know what he looks like, but I'm going to marry him."

  "Fat and old." Travis chuckles.

  "I'd settle for that voice." I shrug.

  "I bet he doesn't smell like cherries." His steps are headed toward the kitchen making me wonder what he's doing.

  "At least he wouldn't force me to love my least favorite fruit," I quip from the doorway.

  "We all know you're just stubborn, and you love cherries. Do you have a vase?"

  "Why? Did you bring me a bundle of cherries to try to trick me into loving them more?"

  He laughs and the cupboard squeaks as he opens it. "Who bought these dishes? You'd think a blind chick lived here."

  "Are there dinosaurs on them? Please tell me there are dinosaurs on them." I grin, knowing fully well what they look like because I bought them before…well before.

  "Ah-ha!" he boasts in victory before the water turns on. "And no." There's a thunk from setting something down and a minute later he's taking my hand, pulling me into the kitchen. "It's a skunkweed bouquet," he says guiding my head toward the sweet smelling flowers.

  "They're Forget me Not's." I grin until I can feel he's getting closer to my face.

  "They remind me of your eyes. Light blue on the inside that darken to deep blue." He kisses my cheek then abruptly pulls away. "Get your shit, let's go."

  "Can Gus come? I think he'd love it out there."

  "Deal, but Gus has the day off, cool? He's just there for the fun. If you need something, I'm here to help."

  "Service dogs don't take days off, Travis." I roll my eyes, walking to the door and taking Gus's leash off the hook. At the sound of it, Gus comes running into the foyer and yips when he's ready for his collar. "But I can absolutely bother you with everything I need if that's what you insist."

  "Yeah." He chuckles and I can practically hear him rolling his eyes. "Something tells me you don't ask for much assistance with anything." His hand's on my back and as we exit, he threatens, "Gus buddy, I got this shit tonight, cool?" When Gus yips, Travis says, "We cool? You understand you're off duty? Stand down, boy."

  "He only listens to commands from me. I paid a pretty penny for it, too." I laugh. "Don't worry, Travis. You won't lose your pride to a dog tonight. Promise."

  "I almost did last night. A few inches lower and he woulda been licking my balls."

  I can't help but bark out a laugh at the memory of last night. "I bet you liked it," I say when he gets into the car after helping Gus and I in.

  "I'm not saying I didn't. I was able to get it back up again, wasn't I? Your mom should be thanking you, buddy," he baby talks Gus before starting the car.

  "Gross!" I giggle. "Next time I'll leave the two of you to have some alone time." I grin, petting Gus.

  "Hey, so Bev's making cherry stew with a side of cherry soup. You cool with that?" He sounds so hopeful but my stomach twists from the thought of it.

  "Yeaaah…so cool with it." I turn my face so he can't see my reaction.

  Does the woman not have any other food to cook with?

  He starts to laugh. "She's gonna love you. And she's making lasagna. I hope you like pasta."

  "Mmm, I fucking love pasta," I moan, enjoying the sound of a home cooked meal. I had to cancel with my parents today for the first time in years. Sunday's are the only day I get real home cooked goodness, so I'm happy I traded one off for the other.

  "What else do you love?" His hand takes mine.

  "Chocolate milk," I answer, grinning. I know that's not what he's searching for but I really do like chocolate milk.

  "You don't look like a chocolate milk girl. You look more like the type to drink that sparkling water shit."

  "You're really bad at judging people by looks, aren't ya?" I laugh. "Most people do it without even knowing what they're doing. Hell, I used to do it all the time. Having to live without sight has been a blessing in that sense. I’m forced to get to know someone without any judgment of what they look like. Anyway, I actually hate sparkling water. It upsets my stomach."

  "Thank God I'm not trying to run a dating business. I'd fail at it. How's that going by the way? That whole dating to get dates thing?" There sounds to be a tinge of jealousy in his voice and I roll my eyes with a shake of my head.

  "Yeah, I mean it's…not… I guess after that whole debacle I realized it may not be the smartest of ways to get trusting clients. I have been meeting them in person to learn about them, but it's all set up like a business meeting and they know why they're there. No more leading people on. Girl Scout's honor." I smile, rubbing Gus's ear.

  "That's good, ‘cause uh…I don't think we're seeing other people. So that woulda just made things awkward."

  "Oh we're a 'we' now?" I smile over at him, for some reason feeling very nervous about tonight. I'm not against being a 'we'. Hell I'm actually relieved to hear him say it, but now I feel all kinds of pressure with meeting his family.

  "I'm pretty sure before I gave you the D last night, that was my stipulation. I know in the throes of passion, women will say anything, but it was kind of a vagina/pecker contract being signed of sorts. So yeah, we're 'we'. Tralie…or Chavis, if you will."

  I laugh so hard a snort escapes and Gus gets excited and starts jumping up to my face, licking it as I try to control my laughter.

  "A vagina/pecker contract?" I wail. "I'm sorry, I can't. What the fuck does that mean? My vagina signed a contract last night?"

  "Yeah, it means, my cock, your vag, best friends. They actually have no other friends. I mean with the exception of mine or your own hand. That part when you started screaming was when you signed on the dotted line."

  "I mean, it was a pretty fantastic orgasm." I sigh, clenching my thighs together at the memory. "So what about the rest of us? All sexy parts aside. You're cool with being with me?" I can't shake the feeling he's going to get tired of being with someone that every now and then may need assistance on mundane, daily tasks.

  "I pretty much like all of you. I do have one favorite part of you though."

  "I said aside from sex organs." I roll my eyes.

  "Wait…so anal is in the cards?" he asks eagerly and I laugh, slapping his arm. "Your eyes." He kisses my hand. His lips on my skin do things to me that I'd rather not feel right before a dinner with his family.

  "Know what my favorite part about you is?" I grin, clutching his hand firmer.

  "I mean, it's obvious. You loved it before our first date." He pulls my hand to his lap and moves his hips a little, brushing my hand against his hardening dick.

  I laugh and pull away. As much as I'd love to stop the car and enjoy him again, there's no way having Gus in the car while doing that would work out.

  "Other than that," I scoff, reaching my hand out and resting it on his face. "This," I whisper, tracing his strong jawline. "I love this."

  "A day's worth of stubble and all?" I feel his jaw shift as he smiles. "I might just stop shaving."

  "I've never felt a beard between my legs." I giggle. "I don't know how much I'd like kissing a beard though. I like
you smooth. I like being able to feel you."

  "This face is too handsome to hide with hair. No worries there. But I'll wear a beard wig and go down on you if you want?"

  "That's just weird!" I laugh. "I'm down for toys, but let's not bring in fake hair. 'Kay?"

  "I'll wait till you're begging for it." He kisses my hand with his lips turned upwards. God, I wish I could see his smile. "Hey, so." He clears his throat and lets my hands go and I hear him grip the steering wheel. "So on the farm, Bev sometimes gets help from high school kids. The other day these two girls came to help out. Well one has like troubles at home. I don't know all the details, but she's just a little girl. Her brother's rough with her or something. Anyway, she's going to be at Bev's for dinner. I just wanted to tell you so you're not blind-sided—" He abruptly stops then blurts, "Surprised."

  I chuckle before mumbling, "There's those kid gloves again. It's an expression, Travis. Anyway, what's the girl's name?"


  "What's she look like?" It may seem like a strange question, but I like to be able to picture people.

  "A kid," he says impassively and I sigh.

  "You told me to tell you when I need help. I hate asking for it, and I rarely will, but when I ask you what something looks like it's because it makes me feel just the same as everyone else. Not knowing what things around me look like is a disadvantage, Travis. One I hate feeling, so when I ask what things look like, it's not to make small talk. It's to feel like I'm seeing it."

  He takes a minute before saying, "Uh, she has that blonde and brown hair. Like bad roots, ya know?" He pauses and I nod. "She's seventeen but tries to look older. I think all girls do this when they're young. She looks like she needs some better parenting." He huffs. "And today she's got a fading black eye. Shit." He sighs, immediately telling me there's something about this girl. "She's just a little kid, Chuck, and I can already picture her future. It's sad. She needs fucking help."

  "It sounds like she's got a good enough relationship with you and Bev, though. Maybe you guys are what she needs. Safety. Stability." I couldn't imagine living in a house like one he's describing.


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