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Immortal Love

Page 26

by Victoria Craven

  Eleanor’s heart pounded like a drum. Once again she was in McPhearson’s clutches, but this time there was no fear, only all-consuming rage. His body bent low over hers to avoid low-hanging branches. This afforded her the opportunity to grab the dagger she’d hidden in her boot.

  They galloped headlong toward the north. The pounding of hooves behind them told Eleanor Dominick was close. She had to slow McPhearson down. With a downward thrust she stabbed the dagger into his thigh.

  “Ahh, you whore!” Loosening his grip and slowing the horse down, Eleanore saw her opportunity and leapt from the horse.

  Her knee hit a rock sending shooting pain up her thigh. The pain stunned her for a moment. She heard a horse ride in behind them, but she couldn’t move. Suddenly, she was yanked up by her hair. She ground her teeth and tried to fight McPhearson but the grip was too tight. Her leg screamed in protest.

  Once she was off the ground, McPhearson’s hand circled her waist, squeezing the breath out of her. The dagger in his thigh was now held against her throat. The prick of the knife kept her perfectly still. She saw Dominick rein in Aries not twenty paces away.

  “Stay back or I shall slit her throat right in front of you.”

  Dominick’s eyes bore into hers. For the span of a heartbeat she saw fear in his eyes. She nodded, letting him know that she was sound, avoiding the tip of the dagger.

  “Harm her, McPhearson, and you will die in the next moment,” Dominick’s voice was deadly.

  Dismounting with sword in hand, he moved forward. McPhearson backed up with Eleanor in tow.

  “I said stay back!” The dagger pricked her skin, releasing a small trickle of blood. Dominick froze in his tracks. I suggest you let me mount my horse and head back to my castle.” He limped back a step.

  Bounding from the trees, two of McPhearson's soldiers rode at Dominick from opposite directions. He managed to ward off one blow, but the other caught him in the back of the head. Eleanor watched in horror as he hit the ground. Her scream sent the birds to flight. McPhearson drew back farther. She struggled frantically to help her husband, but McPhearson’s vice-like grip kept her at his side.

  Dominick quickly got up. The soldier that struck him made another pass. With an upward thrust of his sword, Dominick penetrated the man’s armor, gutting him as he fell off his horse.

  “Dominick!” Eleanor screamed as another rider charged at him.

  Staggering, Dominick lifted his sword to avoid another blow. He pulled the soldier off his horse by his chainmail and the two of them collapsed to the ground. Dominick plowed his mighty fist into the man’s head, knocking him out.

  Dominick’s head bled profusely, running down his face. She saw his eyes glaze over.

  Breathing heavily, like a great ox, Dominick turned to them. The sight of him made her heart pound loudly in her ears.

  “No!” she shouted, as he fell face down into the ground, like a great oak tree.

  Stomping hard on McPhearson’s instep, Eleanor freed herself from his grasp and ran to Dominick’s side. His breathing was deep, but she couldn’t wake him from unconsciousness.

  McPhearson laughed, a laugh so wicked it seeped into her bones. Hatred welled up inside her. “You bastard,” she ground through her teeth, as she stood.

  Smugly, McPhearson shoved her aside, drawing his sword. He kicked Dominick’s unconscious body. Like a mad woman, Eleanor attacked him. Easily, he shoved her to the ground, pointing his sword to her throat.

  “Stay put, bitch, or you will draw your last breath this moment.” He turned back toward Dominick. “Immortal, indeed,” he sneered. “You’re no more than the King’s dog, barking at his feet.”

  He kicked Dominick again. “You have lost,” McPhearson snared. Now I will be the one with the privilege of killing you.” Eleanor felt the blow as if he had kicked her as well. Aries stepped closer, a crossbow swinging from his saddle. She looked back at McPhearson. He was shouting at Dominick like a madman. Eleanor stood slowly so as not to attract his attention. Engrossed in taunting Dominick’s unresponsive body, he didn’t see her move. She unhooked the bow.

  “The all-mighty knight has failed,” Robert shouted down at Dominick. “I will take all that belongs to you. Godwin will be mine, and so will its lady.” He raised his sword over his head. “You will know this every time you look up from hell and see me ride your wife, night after night.”

  Cold resolve settled in her heart when she leveled the crossbow. There was no hate, no sorrow, only the knowledge that this man could no longer be allowed to live. As McPhearson raised his sword, she pulled the trigger, sending a deadly bolt through the devil’s heart.

  The force threw him forward and he landed on a fallen log. Eleanor didn’t move. She felt hollow, and her mind raced with disbelief. She forced herself to breathe, one deep breath in, then another out.

  In the distance she heard the snapping of wood as riders charged forward, but she couldn’t move, her eyes fixed on McPhearson’s prone body. It wasn’t until the crossbow was taken out of her hands by Randolf that she turned away. “I—I killed him,” she heard herself saying.

  “I know, sweetheart,” he said as though addressing a child.

  “He-he was going to kill Dominick.”

  Randolf led her to a nearby log. “Maybe you should sit down.”

  Her mind couldn’t grasp what she’d done. Her limbs felt heavy and slow. The nightmare was over, but she couldn’t surface to reality.

  A low groan caught her attention.

  Dominick! She pulled from Randolf’s arms and staggered to her husband’s side. Erik knelt and helped him as he struggled to sit up. Using the hem of her skirt, she wiped away the blood from his face. As she looked into his eyes, a belated surge of emotion washed over her.

  Dominick’s large hands brushed her hair from her face. “Are you all right, my love?”

  His penetrating gaze pierced the thin wall that held back her emotions. A well of tears burst forward. She wrung out the sobs from her heart while Dominick held her tightly.

  A flurry of words burst out of her mouth. “Dominick, I’m so sorry for what I said. I had no right. You have done nothing to warrant such an attack. I didn’t understand, then my mother showed me the truth.”

  “You saw your mother?”

  “And she showed me that you were in trouble.”

  “You put yourself at great risk coming to save me.”

  She wiped the blood away from his eyes, and threw her arms around him again. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “I could do nothing else.”

  Randolf touched his shoulder. “She saved your life,” he said nodding to where McPhearson’s body lay.

  Dominick stared at it for some time, then turned back toward his wife. “She has saved my life in more ways than one.”

  She could feel what was unspoken between them.

  Liam rushed through the forest. Randolf and Erik helped Dominick to his feet. Liam dismounted next to Robert’s body.

  Dominick moved toward him. “I’m sorry, Liam.”

  Liam stared down at his brother, saying nothing at first. Eleanor sensed regret. “I’m not surprised that this has happened,” Liam said. “I saw him ride into the meadow after Eleanor. His obsession with her was his undoing. May he rest in peace.”

  Dominick stepped back as Liam drew his sword. Randolf and Erik quickly withdrew theirs.

  The ringing of metal set Eleanor’s teeth on edge. Her heart couldn’t endure another battle.

  Turning the point to the ground Liam held it low on the hilt holding it out to Dominick.

  “Swear on this sword that there will be no more fighting between Aurora and Godwin. That you will not try to extend Godwin’s borders by taking McPhearson land, and that there will be peace between us until we are both dead.”

  With both hands Dominick circled Liam’s sword around the hilt. “I promise to take no land belonging to you and to uphold peace as long as I live. But you must also uphold your pled
ge that you will not raid Godwin land.”

  “This shall be done.”

  Dominick handed back the sword. Four men carried Robert’s body to his horse. Liam mounted. Looking down at Eleanor he said, “Farewell, my lady. Your beauty is only matched by your stout heart. I wish you both well.” Then he and his men left the forest. Dominick held out his arms and Eleanor ran into them. The two watched the procession leave. “Last night I thought I had lost your heart.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Dominick, my heart will always belong to you, and no matter where you are it will always call you home.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Months later, Eleanor looked beautiful as she sat before the fire, brushing her long, silky hair. Dominick could look at her forever. She expelled a deep sigh as she rubbed her swollen stomach.

  “What is on your mind, sweet wife?”

  “For the first time in many years Godwin is at peace.” Her fingers worked out the tangles in her hair. “Treaties were signed and prosperity for both Godwin and Aurora has begun. “Liam is a good leader. His people will do well under his care.” He sat beside her, also relieved that the two land owners had become strong allies. “How is Martha doing?”

  “We can’t keep her down. Zenon has given up in frustration.” She gave her hair a few more strokes. “I saw Ruth today. She and her baby girl are thriving. I’m so glad Ralph got the girl he wanted. I only wish he were here to see her.” Her eyes filled with sadness.

  Dominick reached out to hold her hand. “I’m sure he knows.”

  Her face brightened. “Have you seen him?”

  “No, I believe he has moved on to a better place.” Since opening his mind to Isolde, souls had reached out to him for help. Some he could aid, but most he couldn’t. He was cautious about closing them out for fear Isolde might not be able to reach him in a time of need. Her spirit was not as strong as it once had been, probably due to McPhearson’s death and the safety of her daughter.

  “Then I’m happy for him. How are Ethan and Matthew doing?” she asked.

  “They’re doing fine. Ethan has a bit of a rebellious streak, but hopefully as he grows older he will understand the reason for his tasks.” Dominick filled with pride as he looked at Eleanor’s stomach. He kneeled in front of her and pressed his head to her belly. “You are my precious child, and your father loves you very much.” Their babe moved gently under his chin.

  Eleanor removed her jewelry and placed it in a box before getting ready for bed. “God’s teeth!”

  Eleanor turned at her husband. “What’s the matter?”

  “Your mother has been showing me this box for over a week now. She has been scaring me to death. Every time I saw her I thought you were in some kind of trouble.”

  “It’s just a simple jewelry box. It’s the only thing given to me after her death. The jewels were already gone. No doubt my fa—mother’s husband sold all her jewels to keep up his drinking and gambling.”

  “There is something about it that’s important to her.”

  “I can’t imagine why.”

  He looked more closely at the intricately carved wooden box. It was like the visions Isolde had shown him. “There must be more to it.” He rubbed his hands along the top and sides and bottom.

  “It sounds hollow.” When he ran his hands along the inside again, he felt a small latch and pressed it.

  A small drawer sprung out of the bottom. Inside was a folded piece of parchment and a gold medallion with an emerald jewel in its center. On the back of the medallion was her name.

  Eleanor looked confused when she saw her name on the outside of the parchment.

  “Dominick? Look, it has my name on it.”

  “Well, open it and read it.”

  With shaking hands she broke the seal and opened the letter. She read it out loud to Dominick.

  My Dearest Daughter,

  How do I begin to tell you how much I love you? My soul swells with it. Your mother and I were very much in love, and it still blooms today. Please know that you were conceived in love, a love so deep there are no words to describe it. But I was not allowed to follow my heart.

  My sweet Eleanor, I want to shout it over the rooftops that I have a daughter. Yet it is with a heavy heart that I admit I cannot claim you as my own. There would be a scandal and I do not wish for your mother to endure humiliation from members of this small-minded court. But in my heart you are my own. I grieve the loss of you.

  I have obligations to our country that required me to wed another. It is a political alliance. It’s an alliance with no warmth. How I miss your mother’s smile. The memory of it warms my heart on cold nights.

  The Queen Mother arranged for your mother to marry the man you now call your father. He is a man who will keep this secret for a great deal of money. Your mother has no choice but to marry him for your sake.

  Along with this letter I send you the medallion. Please wear it always as a reminder of my love for you.

  Take care, my darling, for I hope to meet you one day.

  Your loving father,

  King William

  The parchment fell to the floor. Her eyes filled with tears. Dominick picked up the letter and read it again.

  He saw the King’s motive clearly. By the decree of his marriage The King was protecting his daughter in the only way he could. Dominick took the medallion and placed it around her neck. He kissed her gently, then with a happy smile he leapt into action. His veins pumped with energy. He began throwing her things in a trunk.

  “Dominick, what are you doing?” she asked. “I’m taking you to see your father.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Eleanor could barely breathe as she waited inside the King’s private chamber. Dominick held her shaking hand. Her legs felt weak.

  Then the King entered. She nearly swooned the moment she looked into her father’s eyes. King William's eyes welled with tears.

  William touched the medallion she wore. “You look so much like your mother. I still miss her so much.” Without any warning the man gave her a great hug. “Oh, my darling, you have no idea how I have prayed for this day.”

  Eleanor couldn’t hold back the tears. This was her father, not the evil man she had grown up with, but her real father. When he took her in his arms, she felt the bond between them.

  Finally, he stepped away and held her hands.

  “Look at you, my darling daughter, all grown up and having a child of her own.” He turned to Dominick. “Thank you, Thank you for keeping my daughter safe.

  “I hope now you see why I decreed that the two of you had to marry. It was to protect you, Eleanor. I tried to do that all your life. I sent my best soldier, Zenon. He and his wife were to watch over you. I knew the man your mother had been forced to marry was the most despicable sort. I just wish she would have come to me before she—”

  It was time for her to tell him the truth about her mother’s death. “There is something you should know. My mother didn’t kill herself, she was murdered by her husband.”

  William pulled away. “How do you know this?”

  “Isolde showed me,” Dominick said.

  William looked as though he was choking. “So my true love was murdered,” he croaked.

  “Yes sire, I’m afraid so.”

  Dominick led him to the closest chair and gave him some wine.

  The King took a deep gulp. “I thought you couldn’t see the dead any more.”

  “Her spirit is very strong. The love for her daughter tore through my barrier. She warned me whenever Eleanor was in trouble.”

  “I believed your mother had been too distraught by our separation. That the man she married was horrible beyond words, but I could never understand how she could have left you behind. Now I know the truth. May her soul rest in peace.”

  The wound of her loss opened again, and Eleanor could barely speak. “We are hoping some day she will.”

  The King beckoned for her to sit beside him. “There is something
I want you to know.” He took her hand in his. “My darling, I hope you understand that I cannot claim you as my own, for if I did you would be thought of as my bastard child, and I can’t have that. It would put you in danger from grasping would-be heirs whose greed makes them stupid and thus dangerous. Know that in my heart you are my daughter.”

  His words filled her heart with joy. She squeezed his hand tightly. “I understand and I am content.”

  “I’m glad you are.” He looked down at her belly. “When your child is born send me word and I will come to see my daughter and grandchild. I can barely believe the word I’m saying. I’m going to be a grandfather.” His face sobered, and he turned toward Dominick. “I pray your love for her is deep and true.”

  Dominick stood straight and tall. “There is none truer.”

  “Good, then honor her always, for she is the beloved daughter of a king.”


  Eleanor and Dominick stood near the cliffs of Godwin as she tossed a bouquet of fall flowers tied with pink ribbon into the sea.

  “Thank you, Mother, “she whispered.

  Dominick held her tightly and the two of them watched the waves take the bouquet out into the ocean.

  A cool breeze swirled around them and out of it, Isolde’s spirit walked toward them. Her beautiful face held a smile.


  My precious child, so long I have waited for you to see me, but your heart would not allow it. The only way to reach you was through Dominick. His love opened your heart to me. I prayed that some day you would find happiness. Dominick has been the answer to those prayers.

  I could not believe my good fortune that he could see and hear me, even if it were only for a moment. She turned to Dominick. Dominick, the door I have opened in your mind will close when I leave. You will never be haunted again by the souls who have not found the light.

  “Leave? Mother you can’t leave!” Eleanor protested.

  Dominick held her tight.

  It’s my time, dear heart. The two of you have found the love that binds you together. Through your love for each other I have found my peace, and I go to it happily.


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