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Caught By The Dragon_Dragonhaeme

Page 5

by Tara Gill

  But something he’d found had spooked Father and he had stopped his queries entirely. One night, we had silently left the village without telling anyone. After that we stayed in odd, shady places where no one was likely to notice us, and I had helped with Father’s ‘jobs’. When my powers of ‘borrowing’ had manifested in my early teens, it had helped rejuvenate our fortunes.

  But as Father had cautioned, I never spoke to anyone about this quirky ability. When asked why he’d refused to explain. After a while I hadn’t bothered enough to ask. I’d only begged to be allowed to contact my best friend. Kayla and I resumed speaking upon Father’s condition that my friend keep my continued existence and location a secret. Since then, Kayla and I spoke via mirrors, and continued meeting up when we could.

  “I knew that normal fire wouldn’t kill me. But I wasn’t so sure about dragon fire,” I answered Drekk. Dragon fire was supposed to melt even diamonds, so it wasn’t surprising that I hadn’t expected to survive it. “And I’m not so sure about lava either,” I added.

  “Aren’t you? Why don’t you test it now?” Drekk reached me and held out a gentlemanly elbow as if escorting me to a grand ball.

  Test myself against melted rock? I looked at Drekk suspiciously. Was he teasing me? He was waiting patiently for me to decide. In his face I only saw reassurance—he seemed to be asking me to trust him.

  Did I? My instincts urged me overwhelmingly to trust him. I frowned. In my line of work I’d always trusted my gut to guide me right and it had never failed me so far.

  I stared into his eyes searchingly. “Why not?” I said, with a soft smile, placing my hand on his elbow. The moment I touched him, the electricity tingled through me again and I grew slick between my thighs. My eyes widened. After last night I’d thought this need would be gone. Obviously, I was wrong.

  Was I to look forward to this every time we touched? I looked at Drekk only to find half-lidded eyes studying my mouth. I bit my lip.

  Drekk inhaled and ground out, “You tempt me just by breathing, little one,”

  Breathing faster, I blushed and glanced down, only to see hard nipples poking out of the front of my shift. The front of Drekk’s pants were also tented with his desire. My hands itched to stroke him. It seemed that I still responded to him like gunpowder to fire.

  “Come.” Together, we made our way to the burning floor, reaching the first vent. I could see bubbling lava drops spitting, melting and reforming into strange semi-solid shapes.

  Drekk led me across the open vents. “Follow me. Do not be afraid.”

  I placed my bare feet on the hot rock only to find it agreeably warm. A drop of lava spit on my foot. Cooling rapidly, it dried and fell off leaving a small pink mark that faded.

  I gasped as a sudden gust of flame burst up through the gaps in the stone floor and surrounded my entire body leaving no impression except of fondness. More and more flurries of flames lit up along my path, as though welcoming me.

  Soon we stopped at the mouth of the small dark cave that I had noticed before. There was a little smile playing on Drekk’s face, his eyes roaming hungrily all over my face. Registering that I was grinning in awed wonder, I gave him a sheepish smile.

  “Enjoying yourself? The fire welcomes you because it knows you are home. There is much more for you to see.” Drekk stepped into the opening and pulled me in. When he muttered a small incantation, the cave lit up. Lamps mounted along the walls burned, illuminating a massive treasure hoard, the likes of which very few on any world had seen.

  My eyes widened in wonder.

  Chapter Five

  This was a true dragons hoard.

  The cave wasn’t very large, but it was tall. It looked like the entire mountain might be hollow, I decided. Stacks of books lined with gold leaves, open sacks of glittering gems, shiny metal coins and nuggets, murals made of gold, bejewelled paintings, clothes and armor, a pair of golden boots, thrones made of ebony, wood and embellished with rare metals and mountains of jewelry—old, old jewelry—lay all around me in large piles. Some of the objects had spells on them, which I could sense.

  “This…this…this is unimaginable.” I spluttered.

  “Is it not?” Drekk sounded well-pleased. “No other dragon has such a vast hoard. Not only in variety or value but in magical items, this hoard is beyond compare. But you.” He turned to me. “You are the greatest treasure of them all. One I have sought through the ages and had lost all hope of gaining.”

  I frowned. Me. An immortal dragon with a desirable male form that would seduce the coldest woman thought I was of more value than his entire hoard—that too the largest hoard in all of the dragon kingdoms?

  My heart softened. And my ego was stroked. But I couldn’t really grasp it. “Um…it’s nice you think so. But maybe you’ve mistaken me for someone else? I’m not really anyone special. There’s loads of women wealthier or with more magical powers or even more beautiful than me,” I said reluctantly.

  Amused, he laughed out loud and scooped me up in his arms. “But... ah will they be able to do this with me?”

  His arms were below my thighs and shoulders, and I was able to see as his wings came out from behind his back. Leathery and black with clawed edges, smoky shadow engulfed them so that even so near, I couldn’t perceive many of the details.

  Drekk flew us out of the cave through an opening I had not noticed. Outside he placed me on my feet on a narrow stone shelf.

  I swayed as I gazed down, feeling dizzy. Below the shelf, hundreds of feet down an entire lake of lava was boiling away. As I peered up, a small opening showed blue sky. Daylight twinkled back at me.

  We were in a volcano, I realized with growing horror, an active volcano.

  I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning, I was in time to see Drekk shift to his massive dragon form. He swooped down and dived into the lava lake.

  Shocked, I almost fell off the edge leaning down to follow his flight into the frothing lake of fire.

  Was he crazy? How could something living survive being boiled alive—dragon or not?!

  Drekk are you alright? I queried a bit frantically. Answer me!

  With a splash the dragon burst to the surface and floated on his back with all the appearance of indolent laziness.

  Worried about me, little one? he asked lazily, spurting out a mouthful of lava in a small fountain. You shouldn’t be. Dragons are of the flame and no harm will come to us from such as this.

  “Well, I wasn’t to know that!” I yelled back, miffed at him for scaring me like that and at myself for being worried for him.

  Ah, little one, do not regret worrying about me. It is strange, but I discover it is to my liking to find you so concerned for my wellbeing.

  Do you realize we are in a mountain that may burst, spewing molten rock everywhere? Your hoard could end up buried under stone!

  Do not worry. All of this land obeys my will and no harm will come to my hoard or you. But there is a question I would like to ask you.

  I was curious. What is it?

  Would you like to join me in the pool? The dragon gently flew up. Melted rock dripped off his wings. He stopped in front of me—a giant hovering horned bird. His position made it easy for me to climb up to the convenient crook where his long, curved neck met his back.

  After a second’s hesitation, I climbed on. Swimming in a lava pool did look like fun, at least the way the dragon did it. Besides, the molten stone hadn’t harmed me earlier, it appeared I was immune to it. I wondered what else I was immune to.

  Most things including being struck by lightning.

  I could be struck by lightning and still survive? This was disconcerting enough to imagine that I turned my thoughts away. Otherwise I would be wondering what I was. Who was I that even dragon fire or the weapons of Norse gods couldn’t harm me?

  Hold on tight, he warned.

  I held on to him as if my life depended on it. Drekk made his way down slowly, but as he dived, the momentum increased and soon he was
going faster. With an enormous splash, both of us were deep inside the molten lake.

  I had barely enough time to close my eyes and take in a gasp of air when the force of the splash separated me from Drekk. Breathing became difficult and so did sight, as I was scared to open my eyes. Also, the lava seemed heavier than air or water. It pressed down on me.

  Drekk, I can’t breathe.

  You can. Open your lungs and inhale. Your body can take in what it needs to function.

  That made no sense. But I obeyed him mainly because I had no choice. My lungs burned. However, inhaling the lava was soothing and energizing. All this was so extraordinary. I felt like I was becoming something other than what I had been.

  Drekk…? I said in a questioning, wavering voice.

  I will answer your questions later, little one. Time enough for that, now is the time for having fun. His neck suddenly appeared between my legs. With unimaginable speed we broke through to the surface. I squealed when I broke through and again when I registered my nudity. In the heat of the pool, my small shift had burned away.

  I was naked and straddling Drekk’s scaly neck!

  I squealed again. Hastily I scrambled away from him and dived into the pool, preserving my modesty—not that he hadn’t seen it all yesterday. I found that I could swim in the lava pool. It was like swimming in a water body only the water was warmer and thicker. My strokes were powerful and took me far. The lava invigorated me. Lifting my hand, I observed it pouring down my palm in wonder.

  Soon I was wallowing around, wandering to the far sides and exploring the limits of the lake.

  “This is beautiful,” I muttered half to myself.

  Drekk floated quietly, eyes closed. Once in a while he changed his position. This place appeared to be some sort of sanctuary to him.

  Since he didn’t open his eyes, I grew bolder and floated on my back too, studying the top of the mountain so far away, unworried about my nudity.

  “Ow!” Hence, I was caught unawares when something ropy and whip-like caught hold of my leg and pulled me far below the surface. It wasn’t a real problem because I could breathe under but the suddenness of it was a shock. For a moment I was terrified believing it might be some strange magical creature that lurked in the underbelly of the mountain, then I remembered my dream and realized this could only be the dragon’s tail.

  Ugh, that dragon, I thought, fired up.

  When he freed me considerably deep beneath the surface of the pool, I made no noise but swam quietly to where I thought he must be, without breaking the surface. Stealthily, I popped up to the top and peeked. He was floating on his back again, hindlegs and tail facing me.

  Hoping he hadn’t noticed my presence. I made my way furtively behind his head. Then with a war cry, I rose and dived on his head, pulling on his ears with all my might. “Got you!”

  A rumbling laughter filled the cavernous area.

  Do you think I was unaware you were sneaking up on me? I know where you are every second. I was only curious to see what you’d do.

  So now you know, what are you going to do?

  I twisted harder on his leathery ears. Surprisingly they were rather smooth. I resisted the urge to stroke and explore.

  Now I think I will amuse myself with a little chase.

  He shook me off and came after me. With a squeak I raced away. He didn’t catch me. Peering back, I observed he was giving me plenty of time to get away and was swimming slowly—rolling around himself, trying to catch his own tail—while coming after me.

  The dragon was playing with me! Did I want to play back?

  Soon we were chasing each other all over the lake. Sometimes he caught me in his talons and let me go with a mock growl. Other times he let me catch him where I would catch his horns and mock wrestle with him. His slitted, glowing eyes laughed at me.

  “You will pay Dragon, for almost drowning me!” By this time, I had forgotten I was cavorting in the nude. In his animal form I did not consider he was a male capable of taking me. However, one time when we were play-wrestling where he was letting me move his head about with his horns, his tongue came up and licked up my torso.

  I almost fell over.

  His tongue flicked over my breasts, touched my thighs and curled around my waist. It was very rough and dry.

  W-What are you doing?

  Seeing your delectable body so close is arousing.

  “You can be aroused by me in this form?” I stammered and then winced. Of course, he could be. Hadn’t he proved it last night?

  His voice grew deeper. I am aroused by you in any form. Come, I am in need of you.

  A thick rope wound around my waist and maneuvered me, my back to the cliff wall. I grew flushed. The heat was back. It had been rising all morning but despite my efforts to ignore it, it was noticeable now.

  Drekk faced me in the bipedal form he had taken last night. He placed his hands under my knees and lifted until both my thighs were over my shoulders. I grabbed for balance. Both my hands clenched on his head looking for hair to grasp but found only stubble.

  As Drekk steadied me, black vines grew out of the wall and wound around my arms and waist, acting as a support. Leaning back in surprise, I looked down at Drekk. “I…whats going on?”

  In answer, he spread my thighs apart wider and nudged my nub with his nose. He inhaled and groaned, “So enticing! I can smell your need rising again.”

  Drekk could smell that? I was mortified. Dragon senses were rumored to be acute so that meant he had been smelling me all along and knew I was in need.

  A coarse tongue licked me from my entrance all the way to my apex, pulling me away from my thoughts. A shudder ran through my body. The tongue entered my opening, pushing in and out roughly. Male lips closed around my entrance and he made love to my body with his mouth.

  I was a melted puddle by now. With his tongue, he licked, sucked and probed every intimate crevice of my sex. His lips reached my nub and he sucked forcefully. I jerked with the force of his pull on such a sensitive part. “Drekk!”

  Exploring some more, he reached the sensitive mound of flesh above my nub, now free of hair. His mouth opened, and he set his teeth wide over that fleshy mound—and he bit.

  “Aaargh.” My choked scream rang out into the cave as I lost my mind. Holding me secure, he moved lower and set his teeth right around my spread sensitive woman’s flesh. His teeth were not too sharp in this form, yet when he pressed down, I braced myself.

  “You belong to me!” When he bit again, I wailed. Though I don’t think he even drew blood. Such a biting caress in a sensitive area sent pleasure-pain through my nerve endings and drove me mad. Tremors shook my body as he caressed me and brought me down. Drekk tenderly licked the areas he had bitten. Tiny fleeting licks were deposited all over my abraded nether region. They soothed the teeth marks and I relaxed with a sigh, basking in his petting.

  He sucked at my nub with much less intensity than before. Then he gently took it between his teeth and bit. I came with a much gentler orgasm, murmuring his name.

  “You taste so good,” Drekk growled, mouth buried within my entrance, drinking down my juices. “Give me more. And more.” He set out to make me come again and again—with his mouth, tongue and teeth. He bit and sucked and tongued me and drank me in till I was exhausted.

  Slumped against the vines, eyes closed, I moaned, “Enough.”

  You can take it, little one. Take it for me.

  Something felt hot on my nipples. Opening my eyes, I saw a ring of red-hot lava circling around my nipples. It didn’t hurt but it was extremely hot.

  Then I felt the same sensation much below. “No…!What…?”

  My nub heated up. In disbelief, I peered down to see melted metal encircling my bud of pleasure. I had heard that lovers of a certain nature performed wax play on each other, but this was something else. At least wax cooled down but Drekk kept the molten metal growing hotter and hotter. I sweated, struggling to handle this new sensation.

“Drekk,” I moaned. I didn’t know what to ask for, but I needed something. Need pounded on me like a drum against my heated skin. My nerve ends felt hypersensitive.

  Don’t worry, little one, I know what you need.

  The metal became so hot on my nipples and my pleasure nub that I couldn’t bear much more.

  Too hot. Drekk, I can’t take it anymore!

  You will take it for me, Lena.

  You’re so bossy!

  You like it.

  I suppose I did like it. Even when he forced my body beyond known limits, my body responded with pleasure and ever higher climaxes. The heat increased dramatically. I sobbed. Then it cooled down so quickly that I gasped again.

  Cool gusts of air blew against the heated areas of my body as if blown from invisible mouths.

  Drekk touched the stiff tip of his rough tongue to my nub and pressed hard. This was enough to take me into the most intense climax yet. For many long minutes I was very far away from the mountain and everything in this world. I shook and sobbed my loss of control into the cavernous mountain.

  As I hung there, limp and sweaty, hair a sodden mess, there was movement and then Drekk’s mouth was on mine. I could taste my intimate flavor on his mouth, but barely had the energy to return his kiss.

  He didn’t seem to mind. He kissed me again and again, his hands adjusting my legs around his hips. His hands came up to cup my face tenderly. He kissed me for a long time, changing angles as he took me deeply. Nothing existed in my world but his mouth and his delicious kisses.

  It felt like Drekk was starving for me and couldn’t have enough. Lost in passion, we kissed and kissed till I was twined around him like a vine—not a ray of light could have passed between us.

  Chapter Six

  After kissing a while, Drekk held me in his arms as I came down. As my breathing normalized, he stroked my hair, my head resting tiredly on his shoulder. “I want to show you something. Will you come with me, Lena?”

  I nuzzled against him dreamily. He smelled so good. “You’ve already showed me your treasures, this pool and passion beyond anything I’d imagined. What else is there for me to see?”


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