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Coming Home

Page 2

by Emrys Apollo


  Roy stands up when he sees him, gets up to pull out his chair. “You're uncomfortable in that, aren't you?”

  Lucas sits down, loosens his tie a bit. “Just different, is all.” He clears his throat, meets his eyes across the table. “Does this turn you on? Dressing me up like this?”

  “You turn me on,” Roy says, staring at him. “But I don't want you uncomfortable - “

  “I’m not,” Lucas says, quick. “It's nice,” he says, and looks away.

  Roy orders wine for the table, makes sure the waiter keeps Lucas’ glass full. “So what'd you do today?” Roy asks, biting into a piece of bruschetta.

  “Got lost. Got kicked out of a car dealership.”

  Roy's face falls. “Are you kidding me?”

  Lucas shrugs, a few crumbs tumbling out of his mouth and into his lap. “Not really surprised.”

  “Which one was it?” Roy says. Lucas looks up at him and smiles a bit, enjoys the serious tone he's taking. Roy seems to be a jovial sort of guy, easy going, but the offense he takes at someone mistreating Lucas sends a chill through his body.

  “What're you going to do? Go defend my honor?”

  Their food arrives, but Roy doesn't even look away, eyes still boring into Lucas’. “I just might.”

  “Doesn't matter, Roy,” Lucas says, unwrapping his silverware, mouth already watering at his plate of spaghetti, piled high. “I’m used to it.”

  “Well you shouldn't be,” Roy says, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

  “Why are you bothering with me, huh?” Lucas says, slicing a meatball in half and popping it into his mouth. “Handsome guy like you. You could find someone without having to pay for it.”

  “You think I'm handsome?” Roy says, easing up again and leaning back in his chair. “Bet you say that to all the guys.”

  “You'd be surprised,” Lucas says. “You’re not with that woman? Tania?”

  Roy laughs outright, shaking his head. “Once, a long time ago. Then I hired her. We work better on a professional level.”

  “She's interesting,” Lucas says. He watches Roy chuckle and take a sip of his soup, and he works his foot out of his shoe. He reaches out and finds Roy's crotch, nudging there.

  Roy groans, closing his eyes, his spoon clambering back into the bowl. His eyes cut up to Lucas and he runs his tongue over his lower lip.

  “I like your hotel,” Lucas says, the table pressing into his chest as he still leans forward. “Like the big bathroom, big shower. Thought about you while I was there earlier, touched myself and pretended it was you.”

  Roy reaches down and catches Lucas’ foot in his hand. “You’re still playing me right now?”

  “I'm doing whatever you want me to do, Roy.”

  Roy drops his foot down and Lucas retracts it, slipping it back into his shoe. “Tell me about yourself,” Roy says.

  “What do you want to know?” Lucas asks, picking up a piece of spaghetti with his fingers and letting it spiral into his mouth.

  “Anything,” Roy says, motioning at him with his chin.

  “I'm twenty four. Born in March. From Texas.” He cracks his jaw from side to side and looks down at the table. I lost everything. People use me for sex. And I think I like you. He clears his throat. “I like cherry coke. I don't like to wear underwear.”

  Roy grins, and rests his elbow on his table, his chin in his hand. “What's your real name?”

  “Trick,” Lucas says, fast and sharp, grinning right back.

  “Come on,” Roy says, soft.

  “We might get around to it,” Lucas says, taking a sip of wine. “We're going to see.”


  Roy tastes like a summer day. Like fresh air and the world tints amber when he touches him, places a hand on his elbow to lead him into the elevator in the hotel. He's a little tipsy, they both are, and he bites his lip looking at the other man, hasn't felt like this on the job since he started, since ever.

  They're silent, both smiling slightly, and when they're about six floors up Roy starts forward, pulls the emergency stop button. The elevator shudders and halts.

  “What're you - “ Lucas starts, and the words die in his throat as Roy crowds him up against the back wall. He presses him there, pinning his wrists up on either side, and claims Lucas’ mouth with his own.

  Lucas’ eyes flutter closed and he makes this sound, this little whimper he's never heard himself make before. His head is swimming and his body melts into Roy's, his jaw opening wider as Roy's tongue slides against his. Their fingers thread together against the wall and hold fast; Roy's other hand slides down Lucas’ arm and down his side, comes to rest just inside his jacket against his ribcage.

  “I’ve been waiting to kiss you,” Roy whispers, and does it again and again. Lucas clutches at him with his free hand, his fingers fisting in Roy's shirt.

  Roy's lips trail down Lucas’ throat and he mouths against his chest, teeth tugging at the buttons. He falls down to his knees and starts working at Lucas’ zipper, yanking it down.

  Lucas’ eyes widen and he looks down, trying to pull him back up again. “Fuck, Roy, you don't, you don't have to - “

  Roy untucks Lucas’ shirt as he gets his pants open, and leans in to suck at the soft skin there. Lucas hisses and throws his head back.

  “I want to,” Roy whispers, and pushes Lucas’ pants down to his knees. Lucas is hard already and Roy gets his mouth around his cock, starts sucking.

  Lucas’ chest is heaving and his breath is coming fast, feeling the way Roy's tongue drags along the underside of his dick. He drops his hand, trembling, with deliberate gentleness into Roy's hair, carding his fingers through it. He sees stars, gasps when he feels Roy's teeth graze him.

  “Mmm,” Roy hums, slipping his hand inside his own pants to take himself in hand.

  Lucas looks up, has the presence of mind to open his eyes for a moment. There's a mirror on the ceiling and he can see everything, see Roy's head bobbing and his hand jerking fast, see how his own hand is clutching at the railing behind him. He closes his eyes and moans, presses forward ever so slightly into Roy's mouth, and the vibration of Roy's groan sends goosebumps up Lucas’ body.

  Roy's mouth opens wider as he takes him deeper, sliding his lips along Lucas’ length. The heat builds so high that Lucas can hardly take it, feels Roy coming before him, shaking and bracing himself on Lucas’ hip with one hand as he tries to finish him off. He sucks a bit at the tip and Lucas is gone, coming into his mouth even though he doesn't want to, doesn't want him to think he has to swallow it. But Roy does, sliding off and licking his lips. He chuckles, breathing hard.

  “Roy, I - “ Lucas is dizzy and trying to grasp at him.

  Roy struggles to his feet and then they're face to face again. Roy kisses him, long and deep, and Lucas can taste himself on the other man's tongue. “I had something planned,” Roy whispers, his voice wavering, “back in the room, but I think we're going to need a shower first.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Lucas breathes, and kisses him again.


  They're both wet and half naked from the shower when the room service tray comes in. It's filled to the brim with desserts - pineapple upside down cake, key lime pie, vanilla crepes, a hot fudge sundae, freshly made chocolate cookies and plates and plates and plates, soft and bright and presented like something off the food network.

  “I wanted to show off my fantastic selection of room service items,” Roy says, grinning and tipping the bellhop.


  “Let me try that one next,” Lucas says, motioning towards the key lime pie.

  Roy pushes it his way, taking a sliver off with his fork before holding it out for him to taste, one hand cupped for any wayward crumbs. They fall anyway, into the sheets, but Roy doesn't notice as Lucas takes the fork into his mouth, licking the pie off of it.

  “Mmm,” Lucas hums, nodding his head. “You take a bite of that.”

  Roy does and closes his eyes, tasting
the tangy softness and the whipped cream. He reaches across to grab the plate. “Salted caramel cake,” he says, starting to wedge off a bite with the fork. Instead, Lucas takes Roy's hand in his own and extends his finger, dips it just so into the cake so he's got a dollop hanging off the edge. Lucas takes it into his mouth, sucking and licking, maintaining eye contact with Roy the whole time. He sucks his finger clean and pulls it out of his mouth, and when Roy realizes Lucas has let go of his wrist, he also realizes his mouth is hanging open and his eyes have glazed over.

  “That's good,” Lucas says, licking his lips.

  Roy leans in and tastes the salty sweetness on his lips. “Hey,” Roy says, his eyes closed as they sway close together. “How about more than just tomorrow night, huh? How about a week, total? How does that sound?”

  Lucas hasn't been with any one client longer than three days straight, but he feels warmth settle in his chest, a feeling of ease and a strange sort of excitement. “Whatever you want, Roy,” Lucas says, trying to keep his voice steady.

  “Like it when you say my name - “ Roy whispers, his mouth traveling over Lucas’ neck.

  Lucas closes his eyes and finds himself leaning into him. A week of peace, of warm hands and Roy's easy smile. Too good to be true. “Lucas,” he says, quiet.

  “Who’s that?” Roy breathes, hand ghosting up to press against Lucas’ cheek.

  “Lucas Wendell,” Lucas says, swallowing. “My name.”

  Roy pulls back, a grin settling on his lips. “Lucas,” he says, with a sort of reverence. “I like that.”


  They stow their remainders in the fridge, and afterwards, after Roy moans so loud into Lucas’ mouth that they're afraid they've woken up the whole hotel, Roy calls to make the arrangements for Lucas’ longer stay. Lucas is asleep when he does it, and Roy touches his hair, runs his fingers through it.

  “Lucas,” he whispers, smiling.


  Lucas walks down the road with a little more confidence this time, wearing his suit and tie. Tania offered to come, offered to take him in the car, but Lucas felt the need to go alone.

  The same salesman is there when he goes inside, and he approaches Lucas with a smile.

  “Hello, sir. Is there anything in particular you're looking for today?”

  Lucas raises his eyebrows. He can't look that different - maybe he's wearing a suit, maybe his hair is a little cleaner and a recent shower's scrubbed off some of the grime, but he still has the same face. He can't help it and blurts out “you don't recognize me?”

  The salesman looks confused for a minute and shakes his head. “I'm sorry?”

  “I was here yesterday,” Lucas says, clearing his throat. “I was the one you kicked to the curb for being unable to pay. Well, I'm heading down to your little competitor across the street and I'm planning to buy up half their lot.” He grins, bracing his hands on his hips. “If I were you, I wouldn't try to stay at that big hotel in the middle of town. The owner isn’t exactly keen on you,” he peers down at his name tag, flicking it with his fingers, “Kevin. So thanks a lot, I really appreciate your help.” He nods, and heads back out the door.

  He lets out a breath and smiles to himself as he walks back the way he came.


  Lucas tips back one of the higher-priced beers from the drugstore and thinks about Roy. He hasn't had anyone touch him so tender in going on two years, hasn't said his real name out loud going on five. He can't pick the Trick character back up if he tried, has shown Roy his smile too many times without thinking. But he stokes up something deep in Lucas - helps him remember that he has his own wants, his own needs. It worries him a little, how much this man that's paying for his time and his body is becoming a little bit of both.


  “Where’s Lucas?” Roy asks, trying to peer over his shoulder at Tania as she urges him down the hallway.

  “In the bedroom waiting for you,” she says , shaking her head.

  “Tania,” he says, still walking but shaking his head. “I think I might be falling for -“

  She scoffs, making him turn a corner. “Give it a couple more days and then tell me again if you still feel the same way, alright?”

  “Fine,” Roy says. They come to a halt in front of a pair of double doors, and Tania pats him on the shoulders.

  “Have fun,” she calls out.


  “How'd your meeting go?” Lucas asks, washing the soap off Roy's chest and handing over the bar. The water is warm and welcoming, steam fogging up the shower doors.

  “Not bad.” Roy grins, running the soap up Lucas’ arms. “I’m not sure how much they respect me. Not sure I give a damn.”

  “I’m sure they're just jealous,” Lucas says, raising his eyebrows.

  Roy snorts, urging him to turn around. He gets a good glimpse of the bruises on Lucas’ hips, fading but still dark. He narrows his eyes, soaping up Lucas’ back absentmindedly. “I don't like this,” Roy mutters, tracing his fingers over them.

  “Don't like it much, either,” Lucas admits. Roy sits the soap on the ledge and uses his hands, bringing up suds on Lucas’ lower back. He gently moves his hand lower and washes there too; Lucas’ breath hitches and he reaches up, resting his hand against the wall.

  “I wouldn't ever - “ Roy shakes his head as his hand moves, and he steps closer, pressing his lips to Lucas’ shoulders, to the top knob of his spine.

  “I know you wouldn't,” Lucas breathes, leaning back into him.


  Lucas wakes up in a tight embrace, a strip of sunshine settling across his eyes. He stretches a bit but doesn't move away, and Roy groans, nuzzling his face into Lucas’ back.

  Lucas closes his eyes. Roy's arm is warm around his hip, the other propped underneath his head.

  Roy had stood apart from day one, and Lucas worried in quiet moments like this one that this whole thing had been a ruse. To get him comfortable, get him to let his guard down, and then mess him up beyond all recognition. It seemed like something Callister might do, the sadistic ass, and Lucas can almost feel him coming into the room laughing, hauling him out of bed and onto the ground while Roy laughs too.

  But no one comes and Roy stirs, pressing a kiss between Lucas’ shoulder blades. “You awake?” he whispers.

  “Mmm, just,” Lucas says. He can't help it, and leans back into him. “What's your schedule like today?”

  “Four hour long presentation.” Roy groans, casting his hand across Lucas’ stomach. “You know what? Fuck it.”

  Lucas turns onto his back and looks up at him, raising his eyebrows. “Fuck it?”

  “Fuck it,” Roy repeats, setting his jaw and nodding his head. He slides down onto his side, propping his head up with his elbow as he rubs a bit of warmth into the hollow of Lucas’ chest. “Got my convertible. Know how to parallel park.”

  “Good skill to have,” Lucas says, smiling slightly.

  Roy grins back, leaning in to rest his chin on Lucas’ shoulder. “How does the beach sound?”


  Roy's parallel parking job is sub-par, but Lucas doesn't comment on it. It's busy, people in bathing suits rushing up and down the sidewalks along the beach, a short line of those waiting to get onto the pier. Lucas gets out of the car and shuts the door, glancing around.

  There's all this open space, the ocean a couple strides away but he feels boxed in, his breath caught in his throat.

  Roy sees the look on his face and walks over to his side of the car. “Come on,” he says, running his hand down Lucas’ arm. “I know a nice spot.”


  Lucas smoothes his hand over the damp surface of the rock, gravel and crater shading them from the sun. The beach is nearly full but the nearest voice is quiet like a whisper, and their feet sink into the wet sand.

  “I'm alright, Roy,” Lucas whispers, turning around and resting his back against the rock.

  “I wanted to show this to you, anyhow,” Roy says. The little alcove come
s to a point a few steps away, and Roy digs his big toe into the sand there before turning back to Lucas again. “You don't like being around lots of people, huh?”

  Lucas tilts his head to the side. “Not my favorite thing,” he says.

  Roy nods his head, stepping forward until their hips press together. “How's this?” he asks, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.

  “Mmm,” Lucas hums, closing his eyes. “But we should do what you want to do, Roy.”

  “I want to be with you,” Roy whispers, kissing down his neck. “So if you want to stay here all day, that's what we'll do. If you want to fuck in the bathroom just around the corner, then that's what we'll do.” Lucas chuckles, resting his hands on Roy's waist as he continues. “If you want to stuff your face with churros all day and chuck rocks into the water, then that's what we'll do.”

  “Think I want to go to the pier,” Lucas says, his nerves settled and calm.

  “You sure?” Roy asks, pulling back to look him in the eye.

  “I want to see you get one of those caricature portraits done,” Lucas takes, taking his hand and leading him out.

  Roy snorts. “It will be just like looking in a mirror.”


  Roy has been taking men out in public for years now, is well accustomed to the looks of disapproval from those who don't know him and the sideways glances from those who do. But he likes Lucas so much that the looks seem to weigh a little heavier on the pier, while they're walking through the crowd, and he wants to knock their heads together so they have something more interesting to look at.


  They stand and watch the ocean for a little while, whipping up waves in its deep blue, little kids running from them as they come. They can see ships far out on the horizon, and they continue off until all the squinting in the world can't bring them back again. Lucas stares out like he's searching for something, like he can see something that Roy can't. Roy watches the seagulls scoop fish into their mouths, watches the fishermen at the far end of the pier shake their heads as they cast another line. The sun beats hot in their eyes, and as they start walking the pier again Roy takes a pair of sunglasses and places them on Lucas’ head.


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