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Dark Divide: The Vampire Prophecy Book 2

Page 18

by G. K. DeRosa

His lips hardened into a thin line. “I didn’t. Not until recently. Then it all made sense about your mom—” He stopped, his expression darkening.

  “What about mom?”

  He ran a trembling hand over his now bald head. “Nothing.”

  “Dad, tell me. If you know something about mom’s death, you have to tell me the truth.”

  “Turstan,” he stuttered and took a step back.

  “He had mom killed, didn’t he?” Red-hot fury bubbled in my veins, threatening to set my skin ablaze.

  “He’s been watching as they question me, letting bits of information fall here and there. It’s almost part of the torture.” He paused and took a breath. “The things he said… he made it seem… that your mother—” He cut himself off and clapped his hand over his mouth. His shoulders heaved as a guttural sob wracked his body.

  It suddenly all came together. Without my father saying another word, I knew what happened to my mom. She worked as a medic on the AirComm base; that was how she and my father had met.

  “She confronted Turstan when she found out,” he whispered, his voice a ghost of its normal self.

  “And he had her killed,” I finished, my mouth dry. My head spun, and my legs began to quiver. I clutched onto the iron rods to keep from collapsing.

  My father’s head squeezed through the bars, his eyes pleading. “I swear to you, Solaris, I didn’t know.” He reached out for me, but I staggered back.

  “How could you work for a man like that for your entire life and not know what he was capable of?” I shouted as the initial shock morphed into anger.

  The shrill beeps from my watch tore me away from the heated moment. Crap. Time was up.

  “I have to go.” I spun away from the man I sometimes hated as much as I loved. At the last moment, I turned back. His eyes, a mirror of my own, shined in the dim lighting. “I’m coming back for you. Don’t die before then.”

  “I love you, Solaris.”

  His words carried down the hallway as I darted toward the elevator. I curled my fingers into tight fists to keep from turning back. How could I just leave him there? Could I really blame him? His only sin was his complete blindness to Turstan’s depraved activities.

  I turned the corner, and Gavin jabbed his finger at the elevator call button. “You’re cutting it close, Solaris.”

  “I’m sorry.” I swiped under my eyes, sure my cheeks were red and splotchy.

  The elevator doors opened, and we darted inside. I could feel Gavin’s gaze boring into me, but I refused to look up. I wasn’t ready to talk yet. Not until we were out of this godforsaken building.

  I sat on the floor of the shed, in the dark, my legs curled up underneath me. A part of me wished I’d never stolen that jet. I would’ve never known any of the terrible secrets I’d learned, and I’d be living in blissful ignorance.

  But I also would never have met Kaige.

  A swell of emotions rushed the bond as I thought about my prince of darkness. Or was it king? Had the coronation gone as planned?

  Unease settled in my chest. If it didn’t, we were all screwed. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Kaige, the only reason I was still holding on right now.

  My stomach roiled, and I clutched my belly, a sharp pain cutting through my gut. What the hell? Nausea clawed up my throat. I clapped my hand over my mouth and jumped up to race out of the shed. I keeled over, bracing my hands on my knees as vomit spewed out of my mouth.

  Geez. Was it something I ate?

  I straightened, hoping it was over and limped back inside. A queasy sensation still rolled around in my tummy. Reaching for the pack the queen had given me, I pulled out a bottle of water. The three remaining vials of cloaking potion clinked together.

  A chill slithered up my spine as a terrible feeling unfurled in my chest. I clicked my flashlight on and shone the light on the small tubes. Dark brown liquid. I yanked the half-consumed vial out of my pocket and held it up against the light. This liquid was almost black.


  I gagged and raced out the door again, barely making it outside before throwing up once more. As my chest heaved and everything I’d eaten in days came spewing out, my mind flashed back to Draconis.

  Panic bubbled in my chest as ice spread across my veins.

  Chapter 33


  The roar of the crowd pounded against my skull, rattling my bones. Walking out on this stage in the arena was the last thing I wanted to do and the only thing that could help me stop the horrors in Imera.

  And the only thing that would stop the guilt raging inside my little human.

  Solaris. It had been days since I’d seen her. Agony tore open my chest when I thought of what could be happening to her.

  She was fine, or at least that was what I kept telling myself. If something were wrong, I’d know. The bond was still going strong, her emotions trickling through me. Unlike the last time we were separated, I felt her presence more acutely. Maybe that was why I hadn’t had any visions.

  My father stepped in front of me, his stone-carved face blocking the crowd of raucous nocturnes. “Do you understand what you’re doing?” he asked, his jaw flexing. The moon glinted on his navy eyes as a hint of silver pooled in them. “You’re about to become the ruler of an entire kingdom.”

  “I know.” Even at the eleventh hour, he was still trying to convince me to wait.

  I couldn’t. There was no postponing this.

  The coronation was underway as planned. All I had to do was accept the crown, marking me the new king of Draconis. Did I deserve it? Probably not. Did I want it? Not in the least. Was it necessary? A thousand times yes.

  “You’ll have an entire nation of people to worry about instead of one little human.” The king’s lips curled in disdain.

  All my life I’d scrambled for his approval, killed myself to impress him. I’d given up my childhood to become everything he wanted. I’d succeeded in winning the throne just as he hoped, and here, on the cusp of my kingship, he could barely stand me. In fact, he could hardly look at me.

  Too bad his praise wasn’t my number one priority anymore.

  “There’s nothing you can say to stop me from taking the crown.” I squared my shoulders and lifted my head, my resolve strengthening. “I’ll do what’s right.”

  “That’s the part that scares me,” he mumbled and stepped aside, allowing my mother to congratulate me.

  Her hands rested gently on my cheeks. “You’ll make a wonderful king, Kaige.”

  I swallowed hard, wishing I believed her. What if I damaged both Imera and Draconis by trying to rectify this wrong? Would I set off a catalyst of destruction in both worlds?

  As if she could see the doubt shadowing my features, she stepped closer and hugged me. “I know you’ll do what’s right. You’ll find a way to make all of New Isos better.”

  My pulse spiked. Only the alchemists, the king, and I knew the truth behind the synth formula. Then again, my mother had burst through my father’s study before he and Xander could chain Solaris up and drag her to the dungeons. Maybe she knew more than she was letting on.

  She pulled back, her emerald eyes fastened to mine. “Be strong. When obstacles get in your way, break through them.”

  Queen Dacia definitely knew more than she pretended.

  A little figure scurried up, nearly tripping on her long silver dress. I had to hold in a chuckle as Zabrina grimaced at the long flowing material.

  “Great job, Kaige!” She gave me a thumbs up. “Let’s get this show on the road though. I’d like to get out of this ridiculous thing.”

  My mother sighed. “It’s a dress, darling. Try to get used to it.”

  Zabrina grinned at me. “Never happening.”

  I patted the top of her head. “Thanks.”

  She took my mother’s hand and followed her toward the high, winged-back chairs set up for the royal family on the stage.

  A prickling sensation rolled down my spine. I spun around as Xander slowly c
limbed the steps, his expression a hard, unreadable mask. My brow arched. I’d have thought his anger would be too overwhelming, too toxic to hide. Maybe he was taking a page from my book.

  “Brother.” He reached his hand out for me to shake.

  I hesitantly took it, wondering if his palm held a deadly poison. “You know this was always how it would end, Solaris or not.”

  The tendons in his jaw flexed at the mention of my human, but that was the only sign of his temper. “The better brother did win.” He yanked my arm, pulling me close to whisper in my ear. “Keep a tight grip on the crown. You never know who might come along and steal it.”

  The fist of dread knotting in my chest only worsened when he shot me an arrogant smirk. His steps were light as he sauntered toward the chair next to Zabrina. Xander was handling this loss incredibly well. Too well.

  My gaze settled on him, a sense of urgency racing through my veins. This coronation needed to be complete. The sooner it was over, the sooner I could contact Solaris and alleviate this terrible feeling in my gut.

  I turned back to the crowd, and my father stepped forward, the crown in his hand. The stands filled with commotion again, both taranoi and nobles chanting my name.

  Nausea suddenly rolled through my stomach, churning my insides. It wasn’t my own. The sickening sensations twisted through the bond. Something was wrong with Solaris.

  The arena spun, and my vision spotted black.

  Oh no. Not now.

  My father and the cheering nocturnes disappeared. I blinked, finding myself inside of a small, unfamiliar cabin. A flash of blonde hair swept my shoulder.

  I was with Solaris again. Weakness rippled through her body, and her limbs shook. A sour, acidic taste coated her mouth.

  My chest ached. Had she gotten sick?

  Her flashlight shined on the deep amber liquid of three full vials of Garridan’s cloaking potion. A cold sheen of sweat covered her unusually sallow skin. The shirt she wore stuck to her body.

  Icy trepidation froze the blood in my veins. I swallowed hard as she withdrew the fourth vial from her pocket. The light bounced around from the tremors in her hands, finally landing on the small glass container.

  Terror slammed into my gut, and I would have crashed to my knees if I’d been in my own body. The half-empty vial wasn’t full of the same brown liquid. Instead, a rancid, muddy black mixture swirled inside the bottle. A familiar, fetid scent flooded my nostrils.

  Pain shot through her stomach, and she hunched over.

  My vision distorted again.

  No! Solaris!

  “I announce you the new king of Draconis.” The circlet of metal my father placed on my head burned my cold, clammy skin. “King Kaige Stramonox.”

  The sounds of the cheering crowd were drowned out by the panic ripping apart my insides, shredding my very soul.

  Xander hadn’t heeded my warning. He disobeyed our father’s orders and mine. He hurt my human again. Only one word came to mind—Mortiphen.

  He’d poisoned Solaris.

  Keep reading for a sneak peek at Dark Oblivion, releasing in June 2018.

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  If you enjoyed Dark Divide, we would be ever so thankful if you left a review. We love getting feedback from our readers! Thanks for being a fan, and we hope you had as much fun reading the book as we did writing it.

  ~ G.K. & J.N.

  Dark Oblivion Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1


  I glanced up at the shimmering golden crown nestled among dark waves of unruly hair, and a smile split my lips. Kaige looked damned good as a king. Warm fingers wrapped around mine, cocooning me from the wild chants of the crowd. Thousands of nobles and taranoi gathered in the arena, eager to get their first look at their new king, but for me it was only the two of us in our own private bubble.

  The blood bond pulsed, hot and fiery, our emotions tangled in an intricate dance. My thundering heart drowned out the roar of the audience, their faces blurring in the periphery. Heat ignited in my core as Kaige’s thumb rubbed circles across my sensitive palm. I wanted it to be just the two of us. I needed more than just his fingers wrapped around me. Now.

  I tilted my head up to face him, licking my lip, and smoky navy eyes pierced mine as a smirk curled his sexy lips. A low growl reverberated in his throat, and I knew he wanted the same.

  An angry shout tore through the arena jerking my attention from Kaige to the pack of taranoi stalking toward the stage. I’d been so preoccupied with my handsome king, I’d completely missed the uproar breaking out in the crowd. A mob of dirty, irate peasants barreled through the line of royal guards as more screams rang out.

  A guard appeared on either side of Kaige, shoving me out of the way. I tripped over the long layers of my full skirt, and his fingers slipped out of my grasp as I staggered forward.

  “Solaris!” Kaige shouted for me, but more soldiers encircled him, dragging him off the stage. His head bobbed up and down and disappeared in a sea of black-uniformed broad shoulders.


  The rest of the royal family headed in the same direction, a wall of royal guards surrounding them. Zabrina spun around, her bright eyes flicking toward me as she clasped her arms around a huge guard’s neck. “Solaris, this way!” she cried, waving me forward. I picked up the train of my unwieldy gown and hurried after them, pushing my way through the cluster of soldiers who fought off taranoi. A few of them had already made it onto the stage wielding clubs and axes.

  I raced to the far end of the platform, but my high-heels and cumbersome dress dragged me down. My heart plummeted as the last soldier escorting the royal family heaved a thick door closed behind him.

  “No!” I leapt forward, my heel catching the lace of my dress and tumbled to the floor. I hit the wooden platform with a smack, all the air forced out of my lungs. I sucked in a breath and pushed myself up to my hands and knees as more taranoi swarmed the stage.

  I lifted my head up, and the crack of splintering wood carried across the stage. Kaige burst through the doorway the royal guards had just disappeared through, his eyes a swirling silver blaze. “Solaris.”

  He darted toward me, the golden crown tipping forward, resting just above his furrowed brow. He yanked me into his arms and squeezed. “Are you all right? I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m fine. Let’s just get out of here.”

  He pulled me into his side, shielding me from the advancing taranoi.

  We took a step, and a flash of silver whizzed by my periphery. Kaige halted, his body lurching backward. I spun to him, and my heart stopped.

  The shiny hilt of a sword protruded from the center of his chest, blood soaking his fine white shirt. I gasped as Kaige crumpled to the ground.

  “No!” I screamed, sliding to the floor next to him. “Guards! Someone help the king!” I cried out in vain as hordes of taranoi blanketed the stage outnumbering the remaining guards.

  Swords clanged, metal against metal, shouts erupted and chaos ensued all around me.

  “Kaige, please no.” I cupped his cheek as droplets of blood dribbled from his mouth.

  “Solaris…” he murmured, his breath ragged.

  Tears flooded my vision as a thick lump lodged in my throat. “Don’t you dare leave me, Kaige.”

  “I-I’m sorry—”

  “No!” I jolted awake, a scream exploding from my lips. My heart jackhammered against my ribs, my cheeks wet with tears. “Kaige?” I sat up and rubbed my eyes as darkness surrounded me.

  Oh my God. I sucked in a breath as the walls of Gavin’s grandpa’s shed slowly took shape. It was just a dream. A horrible nightmare.

  A sour acidic taste coated my tongue.
My stomach roiled, and I clapped a hand over my mouth, jumping to my feet. I raced out the door and lurched forward as bile spewed out of my mouth.

  I braced my hands on my knees as my stomach heaved, my shirt stuck to my body from the cold sweat lining my skin. It was the fifth time I’d puked tonight. I spat into the grass and straightened, my head spinning. Holding onto the outer wall of the shed, I crept back inside.

  I slouched down on the floor, wrapping a blanket around myself as flashes of the nightmare pummeled my vision. Kaige dying. I pressed my lips together and shook my head. It was just a dream. Kaige was fine. I’d know it if something had happened to him.

  I rubbed my chest, fear swirling through the bond. He was there; I could feel him as clearly as I could feel this scratchy blanket against my skin. I raked my hands over my face, pushing my moist hair back. The stench of puke was still in my nose, setting off another wave of nausea.

  Beads of sweat lined my forehead, but a chill raced up my spine. Kaige might be all right, but I was far from it. I flicked on the flashlight and shined the light on the half-empty vial on the floor. Dark muddy brown liquid.

  It was poison.

  There was no doubt in my mind. Xander had won; he’d snuck the Mortiphen in my bag without anyone noticing, and now I was going to die.

  My throat tightened. I’d never see Kaige again.

  I couldn’t save my dad. He’d die in one of those disgusting cells, his blood sucked dry.

  I wouldn’t get the chance to tell Isla her sister was still alive.

  No. I clenched my fists, ignoring the bout of queasiness. I couldn’t let Xander win.

  If only I could figure out how to contact Kaige—at least I’d get to say my goodbyes and make him promise to save my dad and the others.

  Maybe there was a way. I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on Kaige, his warm navy eyes, the feel of his silky hair through my fingers, the sound of his deep voice when he whispered in my ear. I slowed my breathing and opened my mind, filling it with thoughts of Kaige. The bond thrummed, matching the rhythm of my heart.


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