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Claimed By Chaos

Page 15

by Abigail Graves

  “Are you alright?” He asked softly as they approached the stables. “You haven’t said anything for some time.” Giselle smiled brightly despite feeling more unsteady than when she departed the stables.

  “Of course. The ride was… more exhilarating than I had expected. I think I might go up to my room and rest.” She allowed Alastair to help her from the saddle and she pressed herself against him when the horse shielded them from the yard. He was still hard and his body was tense. “Would you like to join me?” Giselle whispered. The muscles in his jaw flickered and he shook his head.

  “I wish I could.” He gripped her waist for a moment and then stepped back as Lucifer was led away. He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Tonight.” He promised before he placed her hand on his sleeve and led her toward the house.

  Chapter 27

  Despite feeling restless and concerned, Giselle remained in her room until lunch. She tried to lay down but only fidgeted and flopped back and forth. Then, she tried reading but her fingers kept drumming against the page and her foot wouldn’t stop tapping. Eventually, she gave up and paced.

  It was Alastair’s words that had her stirred up. She knew he was attracted to her but what he described seemed much stronger than what she had experienced from other men. It was very much like what she felt for him. Is this normal? She wondered. No. This wasn’t like the selfish, clumsy pawing she’d encountered in darkened hallways or the crude rubbing and grinding of drunken dance partners and lecherous officers.

  When Alastair touched her, there was reverence and raw hunger. He was precise and enthralling, he knew what her mind needed as well as her body in order to become aroused and to find release. She felt like an instrument in his hands. Giselle shivered. Is this getting out of hand?

  She shook her head and pushed the thought away. It was most likely anticipation. They shared a very extreme, mutual attraction that would most likely lead to a very satisfying affair. Once they had actually had sex a few times, their preoccupation (obsession) with each other would wane to something more comfortable and manageable. Giselle waited for her mind to accept that assessment but a doubt tickled. She shook her head, sending it away. An echo of her turbulent thoughts the evening prior reached her and she frowned. She needed to do a better job at keeping her emotions separate from her desires.

  It was perfectly safe to allow herself to be friends with Alastair when they weren’t in the bedroom. They were going to be together a lot as they searched for the last traitor. Enjoying his company and trusting him would make it easier for them to work together. Giselle just had to make sure her feelings didn't go beyond that or else it would get complicated.

  When they were in his bed, she would have to make sure she focused on their bodies and the pleasure they shared. No more games and sharing secrets. She would keep her feelings out of the way. Giselle knew that what she could experience with Alastair was unique and that she would never have an opportunity to find pleasure like that with another man. She decided not to examine why it was so unique and what that would mean once it was over as she left her room and went down to lunch.

  Chapter 28

  His sight had begun to blur, he’d stared at the wax seal for so long. Alastair blinked several times and squeezed his eyes shut until the letter faded from his vision. When he opened them and looked at it again, there was the same flash of memory and then it was gone. Nothing else appeared that helped him place the strange seal with either of their two suspects.

  His finger traced the burgundy wax circle. A lion twisted with a goat and a snake. A chimera. Alastair saw it as a taunt. The owner was flaunting his duplicity and power. As he had eluded him for so long, he couldn’t deny that his adversary had been worthy of the mythical symbol.

  The last traitor had been unknowingly aided by Giselle’s disappearance and Gille’s decision to keep her identity from him. The sudden absence of Le Fantôme Noir in the field had made him suspicious and he had assumed that the agent had been one of those responsible for the loss of operatives, the last traitor’s accomplice. Alastair had spent months scouring reports and letters looking for any trace of the ghost to explain his fate or for clues of his identity. Alastair frowned. He’d been a fool to assume that Le Fantôme Noir was a man. In hindsight, a woman made much more sense. Giselle had been correct in that men were always more susceptible to women. Especially if they were beautiful.

  Would he have been able to piece together her identity if he had known of Aldous’ history and that his daughter had been missing from society? It was likely. He’d known that Gilles had been with him in France. Though he found it hard to imagine Aldous letting his daughter risk her life, let alone her reputation so carelessly. Alastair had admired Aldous greatly but he found himself disappointed. He didn't have a daughter, but if he had, he would not have made such mistakes. While Alastair found Giselle to be endlessly fascinating and to his mind, perfect, he regretted that she did not experience the safe, nurturing childhood he and his siblings had. He certainly would not have chosen to indulge her desire to learn skills like acrobatics and knife throwing. Aldous had unknowingly groomed her to be what she had become. He hoped it had been unintentional. He never should have let her follow him and Gilles to France. Alastair found that unforgivable. Of course, Gilles would most likely have been killed if Giselle hadn’t been there. He sighed as he set the letter down and pressed his fingers to his temples.

  Once he had been able to remove Le Fantôme Noir from the board, the field became much clearer. The information Giselle had given him was invaluable. Alastair was almost relieved at the notion of finally being able to track down the final traitor. It was early to assume victory but he was extremely confident.

  It was his lack of victory in a far more personal matter that gave him pause. He and Giselle had been at Winthorpe for nine days and while he had enjoyed learning a great deal about her, his feelings and his sexual frustration were beginning to overwhelm him. Meanwhile, she continued to resist her feelings for him. Alastair had sensed the emotional barrier she put up between them. During the day, when she felt safe, she laughed and teased as the bonds of their friendship strengthened. When they met to discuss developments in their hunt for the last traitor, Giselle viewed him as an ally and respected his assessments and decisions. It was when they were alone at night, in his bed that she was most guarded and evasive. She was generous with her body and enthralled with what he was able to share of his but as soon as Alastair tried to engage her emotionally she shut him out.

  He knew she was defending herself, and him, as Gilles had predicted. What Gilles hadn’t foreseen was that her objection to marriage wasn’t purely a result of her distaste for the ton and the expectation that she would only be desired for her rank and power. Giselle thought herself well beyond the pale and no longer an acceptable candidate for marriage. Alastair suspected that that had been by design. He didn’t think he was flattering himself to suspect that in regard to him, she was beginning to regret that aspect of her past.

  He wasn’t at all troubled by the possibility of her activities in France becoming known. He was certain he could erase all traces of her within The War Office and as far as he could see, the only people that knew of her identity were within the family. There was a small chance that Giselle could cross paths with someone that could recognize her from France. But unless she had aspirations to maintain herself as a popular figure within the ton and demand a position within court, it was extremely unlikely. Alastair was confident she could live safely and quietly without risk of being exposed. Even if she were, he wouldn't care. He would gladly live in exile with her for the rest of his life. If it weren't for the children he wanted with her, he wouldn’t give any thought to her past.

  Alastair knew he had to proceed carefully. If he pushed Giselle, she would only dig in her heels and resist him more. He had to keep looking for cracks in her walls and find a way to make her trust him. Gilles’ advice rang in his ears. He needed to let her kno
w him. He felt his body tighten and his pulse quickened nervously. Alastair knew what she wanted to know about him and he accepted that it was inevitable, but it still made him anxious and he felt vulnerable. He told himself that it was all worth it as he rose and went to his room to dress for dinner.

  Chapter 29

  “You never take your clothes off!” Giselle pouted as she stretched across the bed on her stomach. “And I’m always naked.” Alastair let his head fall to the side as he appreciated her nakedness. He sat on the bed next to her and leaned down to remove his shoes and stockings. After, he rested on his elbow and ran his hand down her back from her shoulders to her derrière.

  “Yes. But you enjoy being naked. I do not.” He twisted so that he was over her and pressed his lips to the small of her back. It was warm and smooth and his mouth glided, unbidden toward her bottom. Giselle moaned softly and Alastair felt his erection throb. He reached the cleft and let his tongue trace between the firm globes until his hair tickled the backs of her thighs and she giggled. He smiled as he made a mental note to remember how sensitive she was there. Alastair sat up and collected his shoes and stockings before he rose from the bed. He placed them by the chair and unbuttoned his coat and slipped it off. He hung it on the chair and then removed his waistcoat and cravat.

  Giselle rolled onto her back and stretched her arms above her head and draped them over the pillows. For a moment, Alastair forgot to breath.

  “You are indescribably beautiful.” He whispered as he approached the bed. Giselle licked her lips as her eyes drifted over him. Alastair felt his body tighten as he put his knee on the bed.

  “You’re beautiful without your clothes too.” She purred as she extended her foot and pressed it against his stomach. She gracefully slid it up to his chest. Alastair watched as it started to slowly slide down his body. “Every time you take your shirt off, I feel hotter, wetter.” She whispered as her foot stopped, just before it reached his cock and then slid back up his stomach. His gaze fell to the part of her anatomy that he knew was already very hot and very wet. It was glistening, beckoning his hands and mouth. For a moment he was tempted to remove his shirt so that he could watch to see if her juices would drip from her tender flesh. He felt her foot start to slide downward again and he looked up to see her smiling knowingly. “I think that the rest of you might not be as impressive as the parts I have already seen.” She taunted. Alastair shook his head and grinned as he set his fingers to the top of her foot and let them slide down the length of her leg.

  “No. I believe I’m equally as impressive, if not more so when I am fully undressed.” His hand stopped at the middle of her thigh and then swept around to the underside and slowly caressed. She giggled and swatted at his hand until he reached the back of her knee. He tried to raise his brows arrogantly but her foot brushed down the length of his cock and it became painful. He groaned as she slowly slid her foot up and down, stroking him through his trousers.

  “Take it out.” Giselle’s voice was soft but demanding. Alastair swallowed and tried to find his voice.

  “I’d like to pleasure you first.” He prayed that would buy him some time. He didn't think his control would last if his cock was out while he was buried between her thighs. It would be too tempting to replace his fingers or tongue with his throbbing erection.

  “I want you to teach me how to pleasure you with my mouth.” Giselle’s eyes held his as her foot continued to torture him. Alastair grabbed her foot and placed it on his stomach before he embarrassed himself.

  “Not tonight. I’m already too aroused. I think I could spill myself without you touching me.” He admitted. His balls had ached all afternoon, they had gone for another ride. Giselle’s eyes widened and became darker and Alastair was afraid he’d only made matters worse. She smiled wickedly.

  “I think that sounds like a challenge.” She purred and Alastair felt it in his groin. “Take it out and let’s see if you can find your release without me touching you.” He started to shake his head. Whatever she had in mind would only push him closer to losing control and taking her. He needed a little more time, she wasn’t ready yet. Giselle’s eyes narrowed and she sucked her teeth. “That’s not fair, Alastair. You do all sorts of wicked things without touching me.” Her foot started to slide down again. “It’s so hard.” She groaned as her foot curved around his length and caressed him. He held her foot to him and shut his eyes as he felt himself giving in. “Imagine how good it will feel when you let go. I promise, I won’t let you take me tonight.” She whispered.

  Before Alastair could second guess himself, his hands attacked the falls of his trousers and he sighed in relief when his cock sprang free. Giselle’s eyes widened in appreciation and she licked her lips. She raised her arms in invitation and he crawled on the bed until he was over her and his forehead rested against hers. She tilted her head back until her lips found his. She opened for him as he sunk into her mouth and his tongue danced against hers. Alastair groaned as Giselle’s leg slid up and wrapped around his waist, pulling him down until he rested between her thighs. She moaned in delight as his cock pressed against the apex of her thighs, cradling him in damp heat.

  His thighs started moving on their own, rocking back and forth causing the length of his cock to slide against her hot, wet flesh. He clenched his jaw and hissed as pleasure and bright light flashed painfully within him. His ears rang and his skin burned but his body kept moving, bathing his erection in Giselle’s liquid heat. Alastair felt her hands cradle his face as she whispered his name.

  “Breathe.” He felt her words against his lips and he opened his eyes as he filled his lungs. It was like falling into cool water, everything stilled and only pleasure remained. Alastair felt her body beneath him, supple and hot, arching and undulating. His mouth claimed hers as his tongue traced her lips and tangled with hers. He let his hands slide down her body until he found her hips. He held her immobile as he slowed his thrusts, savoring the feeling of her slick skin as it caressed his cock as he let it glide from the head, all the way down the shaft to the base. “Oh, God.” Giselle whispered shakily.

  Alastair nodded weakly as he reversed. He teased the tender knot of flesh with the head and she whimpered. He let it slide lower until he pressed against her molten core. He groaned as her juices scalded the tip. For some reason, he tortured himself by pushing forward, a hair at a time until just the head was bathed in her glorious tightness.

  “God damn it.” Alastair’s voice was hoarse and his body started to shake as he fought off the urge to seat himself fully within her. Giselle held her breath until he started pulling out slowly, trying to remain within her, even if it was just that small piece of himself, for as long as he could. Once he was out, he breathed deeply and clenched his jaw. Every particle of his body screamed to slide back in and keep going until his body couldn't move any more.

  “Why aren’t we doing this?” Giselle asked breathlessly. Alastair searched her eyes and frowned.

  “It’s not time yet.” How he managed that without moving his lips, he didn’t know but his cock was making his whole body hurt. “And you promised we wouldn’t.”

  “Oh.” She sighed. Her disappointment almost snapped his reins. He shook his head as he fisted his hand in her hair and took her lips. Alastair had to start moving, he had to finish this before his body started acting on its own. He let his erection slide against her until the head brushed against soft curls before he reversed. His other hand gripped her bottom and tilted her so that she could cradle his thrusts better, tighter as he rocked back and forth against her, parting her damp folds with his shaft. Giselle’s kiss became urgent and her fists tugged at his shirt, trying to pull him closer.

  Alastair pulled from her lips and both hands gripped her tightly as he started thrusting harder and faster against Giselle. She was so hot and wet and soft against his pulsing, rigid length, he knew he was almost there. Her moans were becoming louder and higher and her body bucked wildly against his. He l
ifted his head and saw that her eyes were glazed and heavy, her lips swollen and open as she panted. Giselle’s chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried to catch her breath and he could see her pulse beating erratically against her neck. Her legs and arms clutched at him desperately. She was almost ready to climax. Alastair smiled grimly, he was ready for her to as well.

  He lowered his head and his lips wrapped around one of her nipples. Giselle sobbed as he began to suckle. He felt her body tense as she gasped his name. He increased the pressure of his lips as the tip of his tongue flicked her nipple and he pressed harder against her womanhood. Giselle stopped breathing as her body froze for a heartbeat before she shrieked and started convulsing beneath him. Alastair felt a rush of liquid heat bathe his cock and his balls tightened just before he felt his seed erupt from him. He arched his back and swallowed a yell as his nerves exploded and he saw stars. He continued to rock against her as stream after stream poured from him until he was empty and his arms started to shake. Giselle was boneless and insensate beneath him when he collapsed face down, next to her. Alastair buried his face in her hair and groaned.

  “I might die.” He mumbled and she laughed weakly. “If I survive long enough to actually make love to you, it might literally kill me, Giselle.” She snorted as she raised herself onto her elbows. Alastair lifted his head and saw her examining the mess he’d made. She bit her lip as she looked at him. He sighed as he pushed himself up and rolled from the bed.

  “You might die? I still don't see how you’re going to fit and the longer we wait, the more nervous I get.” Giselle grumbled as Alastair returned to the bed with a towel. He sat next to her and began cleaning her stomach. He felt his brows pull together as he spread his hand against the soft curve of her lower belly. She was only a little wider than his hand. He felt his gut clench and twist at the thought of how much pain he could cause her if he didn't take her carefully.


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