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Claimed By Chaos

Page 22

by Abigail Graves

  Alastair was finally able to push up on his arms as he felt the last few tremors of his release ripple through him. He felt solid again, his skin prickled as every pore came awake.

  A soft knocking on the door startled him and Giselle tensed.

  “Alastair? Is everything alright?” Lucien asked cautiously.

  “For the love of God, go away!” Alastair yelled as he tried to catch his breath. Before Giselle could reach for him, he jerked back and away from her. He crawled backward from the bed and stumbled until he felt the wall at his back and let himself slide until he felt the floor beneath him. She sat up and started to follow but he raised his hand. “Just give me a moment.” He whispered hoarsely before he covered his face with his hands.

  “What happened? Are you alright?” Giselle’s voice shook with concern. Alastair felt laughter bubble within him.

  “I don’t know what that was!” He laughed as he shook his head. “I don’t know if I’m alright but I feel incredible. I’m rather lightheaded.” He admitted. Giselle looked relieved as she rested on her heels.

  “Oh, well…” She bit her lip as she looked at him expectantly. “Do you think it will always be like that?” Alastair felt his eyes grow round.

  “No! At least I hope not. I’ll have to find some way to control that or else it will kill me.” He chuckled but he wasn’t entirely certain he was exaggerating. She didn’t look totally convinced either.

  “What do we do? How are you going to control it?” Giselle asked softly. Alastair felt a grin tilt his lips as his eyes swept over her.

  “I’ll do what I’ve always done. I’ll practice, over and over until I’ve mastered it.” He felt his body tighten as he saw her eyes flare and she moistened her lips. He stood up slowly and pushed from the wall. Alastair prowled toward the bed but stopped when he saw the red and pink slick that coated the inside of her thigh. He stepped back as a wave of nausea rolled over him. Giselle’s eyes followed his and she gasped. Her eyes flicked back to his face and he felt guilt twisting his gut. “I’m so sorry!” He whispered. His eyes searched the coverlet and he became lightheaded when he saw red smudges where she had laid. “How could I have let myself lose control like that?” His voice was hoarse as he shut his eyes and turned from her.

  “No!” Giselle argued. He heard her moving on the bed. “Alastair, come here now.” She demanded. When he looked at her the coverlet was gone and her thigh was clean. He moved forward and she rose on her knees and scooted closer to meet him. “I promise you, I’m fine!” Her hands brushed gently against his chest and slid over his shoulders as she pulled him to her. “The best part was when you lost control.” Giselle whispered as her lips brushed his chin. Alastair frowned.

  “Knowing that I hurt you, seeing your blood makes me feel ill.” He mumbled as he ran his hands up her back. She laughed softly.

  “That’s silly. I’ve suffered far worse and I know that you’re used to seeing blood.” She ran her tongue along his jaw and he waited for his body to overreact. It remained quiet and he tried to relax.

  “It’s different with you. I feel irrational at the idea of you being hurt and that I could cause it…” He stretched his neck from side to side as the muscles of his shoulders pinched.

  “You didn’t hurt me.” Giselle brushed her lips against his and Alastair felt desire stirring, his body started to harden and he pulled her closer.

  “You’re going to be sore later.” He murmured against her lips and he felt them curve.

  “Probably, I won’t mind.” She traced his lower lip with her tongue and his cock felt heavy. “It was worth it and I don’t think it will make too much of a difference whether we do it once or twice.” Her voice was low and thick with desire. Alastair smiled as he let his hands drift lower and stroke her bottom. Giselle moaned softly and slid her tongue between his lips to tease his.

  He started to contemplate how to take her. Removing his clothes and offering himself to Giselle symbolically had been necessary but being completely naked their first time hadn’t been ideal for him. It would have been easier if he had been clothed. Not that he regretted it. Despite it being overwhelming and painful at times, the pleasure had been staggering. Alastair just wasn’t ready to feel anything that extreme again so soon. He needed to find a position that would be less stimulating for him that still allowed him to satisfy Giselle.

  Alastair realized that practicing, repeated exposure to the violent climax he’d experienced wasn’t the answer. He needed to rely on the years of practice he had already had. If he kept his focus on Giselle’s body and her pleasure and minimized his own stimulation, his body should adjust with time. It was most likely the anticipation and his fixation with her that had caused it to be so severe. He predicted that after a few weeks of intimacy, his climax would be more manageable.

  Alastair started to guide Giselle to the middle of the bed as he followed on his knees.

  “Turn around.” He commanded as his hands closed around her waist and turned her. She looked over her shoulder expectantly. He let his hands span her lower back. His thumbs caressed the narrow hollow between the muscles and then he let his fingers glide over the curves of her bottom. It was so round and firm, it made him hard every time he thought about it. He traced the underside and she gasped and shivered.

  “That tickles!” She whispered. If I use my lips? He wondered. Later.

  “I see this in my sleep.” He admitted as his hands closed about the smooth globes.

  “But you barely sleep.” Giselle pointed out. Alastair chuckled as he pulled her against his chest.

  “True. But I’m much happier when I do now.” He swept her hair to one side and pressed his lips to her shoulder and she sighed as he started laving the corner of her neck. She was slightly salty from perspiration. Alastair decided it was the second most delicious thing he had ever tasted as he grazed her with his teeth. He pressed his hands to her stomach and let them slide slowly upward and around her breasts. He set his fingertips to her throat and felt her pulse before he let them slowly drift down her chest. Keeping his strokes light, he delicately traced the upper swells of her breasts and counted the pace of their rise and fall. He let it accelerate in anticipation before he set his palms to her soft flesh but barely grazed her. She whimpered when he lightly brushed her nipples and tried to arch into his hands. Alastair set his hands away from her and settled them on her stomach again as he pressed her back against him.

  Giselle moaned in frustration. Alastair pressed his lips to her ear and made a shushing sound and she shivered. He clenched his jaw as her bottom wiggled against his erection.

  “There’s no need to rush this time. We have hours.” He whispered.

  “Hours?” Giselle’s voice was weak and breathless. He smiled as he started tracing her breasts again. He kept his touch light, teasing her as he watched her breathing become erratic and her temperature rose. When he finally rolled her nipples between his fingertips she sobbed in relief and her head fell back against his shoulder. Her hips twitched and she tried to pull his hand from her breast. “Please, touch me!” She begged.

  Alastair let his knuckles trace her ribs as his hand slowly made its way to her thigh. He wrapped his hand around it and let it slide toward her center. Giselle moaned and let her knees slide apart. He reversed and his hand drifted behind her, caressing her bottom as he gripped his cock. He rubbed it against the cleft and then pressed into the hollow of her thighs. Alastair thrust forward, rubbing against her womanhood until he protruded from between her legs. He withdrew and repeated the motion. Giselle gasped and he felt wet heat coat his length. He shut his eyes and swallowed a groan as he set a slow pace, stroking her tender flesh with his erection as his hand returned to her breast.

  He reminded himself that as sweet as the torture was as he rubbed against her, being inside of her would be far more stimulating and he needed time. Alastair checked her breathing and estimated her temperature by how much warmer she felt against his skin. Giselle’s hands gri
pped his wrists and spasmed as her head moved restlessly against his shoulder. He looked down and could see his cock glistened with her juices. He knew she was approaching a climax and he increased the pace of his thrusts until her panting became frantic and he felt her body start to tighten.

  Alastair stopped moving and took his hands from her breasts. He bit her earlobe and raised her hand to his lips. He nipped her fingertips and bit the palm, shocking her.

  “Deep breaths, my love.” He whispered. “We’re going slowly, this time.” He reminded her. He raised her arms above her head, over his shoulders and ran his hands up them briskly, making her more alert. He lowered her arms and slid his hand around her throat and found her pulse was where he wanted it. Alastair started stroking the flesh of her stomach lightly with his fingertips. He slowly drifted toward her breasts as his tongue explored the curve of her neck. He watched her chest rise and fall and waited until she was breathing quickly and her body was hot against him before he started moving between her thighs, teasing her slick flesh with the length of his erection. When his fingers finally closed around her nipples he used just enough pressure to stimulate her. Giselle sobbed in frustration.

  “Please! I need more!” She begged. Alastair smiled wickedly against her neck. He bit down as he pinched and she shrieked as she tensed against him. He released and continued with gentle strokes. She arched against him frantically as her breasts rose and fell as she breathed raggedly. He felt wet heat bathe his aching cock as it slid back and forth between her thighs. Alastair flicked his thumbs over her nipples and she started to gasp for air and he felt her become tense. He thrust faster until he she held her breath and he stopped.

  He swiftly raised her hand and bit the delicate skin on top and then turned it and nipped her fingertips three times. Giselle whimpered and tried to pull his hands back to her breasts.

  “Patience.” Alastair said softly before taking her earlobe between his teeth. He bit down hard enough to make her yelp. “Deep breaths, darling.” He commanded as he raised her arms again.

  Once she was alert and her breathing slowed, he let her arms fall and started caressing her shoulders as his lips brushed against the hollow beneath her ear. He let his fingers brush the undersides of Giselle’s breasts delicately causing her to shiver which he paid for as her bottom twitched against his groin again. Alastair traced the outer edges of her nipples and slowly circled inward to the peaks. Her hips writhed against him urgently, willing him to rub against her. This time, he slid back and changed the angle of his thrust when he felt the head of his cock rub against her entrance and slid into her slowly.

  “Yessss!” Giselle gasped as her head fell back against his chest.

  Once his groin was pressed against her bottom, Alastair stopped and held himself there. His fingers continued circling her nipples and his tongue slid down her neck. He felt her muscles squeeze around him and she started to rock her hips. He released her breast and pressed against her stomach.

  “No. Do you want to start over?” He asked sternly. Giselle shook her head wildly. “Good girl.” Alastair returned his hand to her breast and his fingers went back to edge of her nipples and began tracing lightly again. He went slowly until he reached the pebbled peaks. He rubbed the pads of his fingers over them and he felt her core become slick with molten heat. He had to swallow a growl as she tightened reflexively around him. Giselle started to pant and her breaths became shallow. Alastair pulled his hips back and started stroking within her. He kept the rhythm excruciatingly slow, fighting against his body’s demands to move faster and press deeper. He released one of her breasts and his hand spread flat against her stomach and started to glide down. He noted how hot and damp her flesh was with perspiration as he reached for her soft curls. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly and she nodded jerkily as his fingers parted the delicate folds.

  Alastair increased the pace of his thrusts as his fingers found the tender bud and began massaging it. Giselle moaned in delight and her hands locked around his wrist, trying to hold him to her as her body started to tighten. He pressed his mouth against her neck and sucked as his tongue lapped at her. He pinched her nipple and a high pitched squeak escaped her throat and she gulped for air as her body froze. Alastair pulled his hand from between her thighs and withdrew his cock as he swiftly bit down on her palm.

  “Nooo!” Giselle screamed as he nipped the pads of her fingers. He raised her arms again and ran his fingertips up them causing goosebumps to wash over her.

  “Deep breaths.” He said as she swayed against him drunkenly. Her body trembled and she whimpered as she leaned against him. Alastair caressed her throat and found her pulse. He waited for it to slow before he lowered her arms. He held her against him and kissed her shoulder as he waited until his own pulse was calm. His balls throbbed angrily and his cock was painfully rigid.

  Once he was sure they were both back to stasis he set his hands to her stomach and let them slide upward. This time, his fingertips pressed firmly against her glistening skin as they traveled toward her breasts. They closed around her soft flesh, kneading as his lips dragged along her cheek until he found her mouth. She gasped as his tongue surged in. He kissed her hungrily as his fingers closed around her nipples and pinched. Giselle sobbed into his mouth as Alastair pressed his erection into her and began to thrust slowly. He could feel her heart pounding through her breast and heat poured from her in waves. She wasn’t going to last much longer. He wouldn’t either. He released her lips and she let her head fall to the side as she moaned incoherently.

  Alastair placed one hand against her stomach and the other against her back and guided her to bend forward until her hands rested against the bed. The sight of her bottom pressed against his groin was nearly enough. He shut his eyes and focused on breathing in and out until he felt her pushing back against him, urging him to take her deeper and faster. Alastair gritted his teeth as he pulled her harder against him. Giselle’s head rose and she sobbed as she bucked against him.

  He slipped an arm around her waist and lifted her as he ground his pelvis against her bottom and pulled her high up against him. Alastair angled his thrusts so that he was rubbing against the spot inside of her that would cause her climax to be strongest. His hand reached around and found the tight knot of flesh inside her delicate skin and set his fingers to it as he drove deep within her.

  Giselle fisted her hands in the sheets and threw her head back as she yelled. Alastair felt his balls start to tighten, he filled his lungs and waited, pressing hard and deep within her. Her body became stiff and she gasped for air. She started to convulse and her muscles squeezed his cock and he let her pull him into her release, groaning as he felt his seed explode from him and flood her with scorching heat. Giselle pulled in a deep breath before a scream ripped from her throat. Alastair threw his head back and shut his eyes as his ears rang.

  When he opened his eyes Giselle was limp and still. He released her and he hissed as she slid off of his still pulsing cock and collapsed onto the mattress. He fell forward onto his hands then rolled her onto her back. She was unconscious. Alastair checked her pulse, it was strong and her breathing was rapid but even. He patted her cheek gently. His head snapped up just before he heard a soft, rapid knock on the door.

  “Alastair?” Mirabelle called from the other side. He didn't know if his voice would work yet.

  “What do you want?” He rasped.

  “Giselle?” She called carefully. Alastair looked down at her and she was still out. He patted her face again and started to shake her gently.

  “Giselle!” He whispered. She still didn't respond. He looked back at the door. “You wouldn’t happen to have any smelling salts, would you?”

  “What?” Mirabelle asked as she tested the handle. Alastair’s eyes flicked to the key above the door and he exhaled in relief. He lifted Giselle, pulled her to him and set his lips to hers. He found her tongue and caressed it with his as he massaged the muscles of her back. She tensed in his arms and her hands g
ripped his shoulders. He felt himself sag in relief. “Giselle? Are you alright?” Mirabelle was starting to sound frantic.

  Alastair looked down at her and her lashes fluttered and she took a deep breath.

  “Yes.” Giselle’s voice was weak. She cleared her throat. “I think so.” She said and Mirabelle humphed.

  “Then I suggest the two of you try being quieter or else Hendrick will be the next person that knocks. And if that happens we’ll have the vicar on our doorstep.” She scolded softly.

  “Back to bed.” Lucien grumbled from the other side. Giselle’s eyes were wide when Alastair looked down at her. They remained still and silent for several moments. Finally, he rolled onto the bed and pulled her against him.

  “Are you alright?” He asked gently as he wrapped his arms around her. She nodded against his chest.

  “But I think that we shouldn’t do that every time.” Giselle whispered. Alastair nodded thoughtfully.

  “Probably not.” He agreed. She was still for several moments before she started to shake. He frowned as he shifted to look at her and found that she was laughing. He smiled as his hand stroked her back soothingly. Alastair felt a yawn rising in his throat. His body started to feel heavy.


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