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Claimed By Chaos

Page 24

by Abigail Graves

  “I need you. Please!” Giselle whimpered. She felt his hands stroke and slide before they slipped away. Alastair pressed them to the mattress and pushed until his arms were straight and he was suspended above her. Do anything you want to me. Her lungs were tight and she felt herself become warm and wet as she stared up at him.

  “Roll over.” His voice was deep and coarse. She shivered as she lifted and turned within his arms. As soon as she felt her breasts spread against the mattress and her cheek touch linen he lowered and settled over her. She gasped as his heat surrounded her.

  “You’re not going to make me breathe deep or hold still this time, are you?” Giselle muttered as his legs pushed her thighs wide. He laughed softly.

  “No, my love. I’m just going to drive into you until my cock explodes and fills you with my seed.” Alastair whispered and she felt his teeth graze her shoulder.

  “Oh.” She breathed as he slid into her. “That’s good.” A squeak escaped her throat as he thrust deep.

  “I would encourage you to breathe.” She felt the words against her back as his lips pressed between her shoulder blades. “Unless you enjoyed being unconscious. I’m going to enjoy how very tight and wet you are. And the lovely little noises you make.” As if to illustrate, he slid a hand beneath her and cupped her breast. His fingers squeezed her nipple as he ground against her. Giselle felt a sharp tingling shoot through her body and a high pitched “Oh!” rolled past her lips.

  Alastair’s rested his hands next her shoulders and she slid her hands over his as he lowered his body. She moaned in delight. He was everywhere, surrounding her and filling her. His lips bathed her neck and shoulders as he whispered about his need for her body and how much pleasure it gave him. Giselle bit her lip to keep from screaming when she felt him roll his hips and thrust hard. She felt so full, he stretched and pushed within her and when he withdrew, the tingling friction made her toes curl.

  Giselle hung on to his wrists as he started driving into her relentlessly. He was so strong and hard, his body moved so smoothly and swiftly, she felt completely possessed and at his mercy. It didn’t take long before she felt her insides coil and her nerves tighten. Everything locked and then exploded, sending cascades of sparks through her limbs. Giselle pressed her lips together to keep from calling out as she saw stars. Alastair held still as he waited for her body to stop shaking. She felt his body tense as he waited for her to relax beneath him before he started moving above her again.

  Their bodies became slick as Alastair continued to stroke deep within her. Giselle could no longer tell where she stopped and he began, she felt as if he had always been inside of her and she prayed that he would never leave. When his thrusts started to become faster, she squeezed around him, trying to hold him tight, to keep him in her. Alastair started gasping and his breaths became rapid, thundering in her ear. Giselle moaned as his body became harder, his movements stronger.

  “I will always need you. I will always need this.” Alastair groaned as his arms closed around her.

  She felt joy explode within her chest just before her body flew apart. Giselle screamed his name into the bed and she felt him thrust deep and freeze before he started shaking and convulsing. His hips slammed into her a few more times before he collapsed on top of her. She felt her lips curve as his body pressed against every inch of hers. A moment later, Alastair pushed off of the mattress and rolled off of her and on to his back. Giselle pouted.

  “Why did you go?” She whined. “I liked it!” She reached for him and he took her hand and twined their fingers together. He pressed her hand to his lips.

  “I would have crushed you.” He murmured. “I’m excessively fond of your current shape.” He shut his eyes and smiled. Giselle giggled as she rose on her elbows.

  “My shape is very fond of your shape as well.” She teased as she pressed her lips to his before she rested her head on his shoulder. Alastair slid his hand into hair and held her close. Giselle yawned and sighed. Her body felt as if it didn’t contain a single bone and her mouth insisted on smiling. She had never felt so content and safe. She carefully draped her arm across his chest and he started caressing it lazily.

  “I’ll make sure you are in your bed before the servants start moving about.” Alastair said softly. She nodded just as her eye lids fell and darkness swept her away.

  Chapter 39

  When Giselle awoke, she was in her bed and Jane was silently laying out her clothes.

  “No, my love. I’m just going to drive into you until my cock explodes and fills you with my seed.”

  Giselle’s eyes grew wide. One hand flew to her mouth to stifle the gasp and the other flew to her stomach. How could she have been so careless? Three Times. Her brain reminded her. He had spilled himself inside of her three times. They had to be more careful until she had made up her mind and they captured the last traitor. The thought of Alastair holding their baby was intoxicating and it made her heart skip and her eyes water. Giselle shook her head and quickly pushed the image away. She couldn’t let that effect her judgement.

  A small voice warned her. Don't get your hopes up. Why would you be so blessed? This won’t last. She frowned as she sat up and slid from the bed. She grimaced as she felt her muscles ache. She needed a long, hot bath.

  Giselle informed Jane and went to the window. Her eyes went to the paddock and found Alastair. She could just make him out on the back of a stallion that looked as if it wasn’t ready to accept a rider. He had no problem staying in the saddle and she watched as he wrestled for control of the large, defiant horse. She sighed and envied Alastair for being up and able to ride so soon. Giselle knew it would be a day or two before she was ready to ride a horse. She smiled as she turned and found her bath ready. A good soak would go a long way toward helping her recover for a ride of a different sort.

  When Giselle entered the dining room she found Mirabelle laying in wait. Giselle smiled brightly as she went to the sideboard and began filling her plate. For a moment, she considered filling two. Goodness, she was starving! As soon as she took her seat, Mirabelle hopped into the seat next to hers.

  “Why would you need smelling salts?” Mirabelle whispered in that very loud way that only she could. Giselle bit her lip and prayed that someone would come along and save her. Mirabelle grabbed her arm. “Did you faint?” She accused. Giselle could feel the heat rising up her neck. She’d never blushed in her life until she met Alastair! Mirabelle gasped. “You did! What did he do?”

  “There is no way I could possibly tell you.” Giselle said as she reached for her coffee. Mirabelle frowned.

  “It’s not as if I’m going to tell anyone. Except Lucien. But I would never spread gossip about you!” She promised. Giselle shook her head.

  “No, it’s not that. I’m not capable of telling you. I have no words to explain what happened.” Giselle took a sip and hoped that Mirabelle would accept her answer. She didn’t.

  “You could try. I’m not an expert by any means, but I’m certain that smelling salts aren’t usually required.” She stared expectantly as she plucked a piece of bacon off of Giselle’s plate. Giselle’s frown was quickly replaced by a relieved smile when Alastair and Lucien strode in.

  “Mirabelle, I thought we agreed we weren’t going to question them about last night.” Lucien scolded as he bent down to kiss his wife’s cheek. She returned it and looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

  “We agreed that we would not question them. We did not prohibit me from questioning them.” She seemed very proud of herself. Giselle couldn’t help but smile, she loved Mirabelle. She felt her eyes flare at the realization. Things just kept getting more complicated. Oblivious to Giselle’s inner turmoil, Mirabelle pressed on. She turned to Alastair as he sat. “First, we thought she was killing you!” She announced and Lucien groaned. Alastair looked at her blandly.

  “I am not dead.” He said flatly as he stared at Mirabelle. Her lips twisted.

  “Yet.” She said as she narrowed her
eyes. “Then, we truly thought you’d killed Giselle.” Mirabelle said as she looked back and forth between them. Alastair blinked.

  “She is not dead.” He responded. Mirabelle rolled her eyes.

  “Clearly.” She turned to Lucien. “I was telling Giselle that I’ve never heard of smelling salts being necessary in the bedroom. Have you ever required them?” Mirabelle asked nonchalantly. Lucien tried not to smile as he shook his head.

  “No, my love, I have not.” He winked at Mirabelle and she turned back to Alastair expectantly. He shrugged as he started stabbing eggs with his fork.

  “Perhaps he just isn’t trying hard enough.” Alastair said as he raised his fork to his lips. His brow rose and Mirabelle gasped. Giselle was in the middle of sipping her coffee and had to cover her mouth to keep from spitting it out. Lucien pushed away from the table and howled with laughter. Mirabelle scowled at him. When he was finished he wiped his eyes and reached for his coffee.

  “This is what you get for prying. I think I’ll have to consider that a challenge to my virility.” Lucien said as he stared at Mirabelle. She shook her head vigorously. “Yes, I think my pride demands that I prove myself.” He mused. Mirabelle stood and returned to her seat.

  “I’m certain that won’t be necessary. I’m satisfied that you are the most virile of all men.” She teased. Alastair cleared his throat.

  “Why do you insist on making all meals uncomfortable?” He asked as he glared back and forth between the two.

  He was saved by Hendrick.

  “This arrived for you, Sir Alastair.” He said as he handed him a leather bound file. Alastair nodded as he took it.

  “Thank you, Hendrick.” He opened the folder as he reached for his coffee and drained it as he began reading. He set the cup down and rose without a word to anyone and left the room. Giselle frowned at his back and then at his plate, he had barely eaten. She set her fork down and was about to follow when Lucien waved toward the door.

  “You may as well finish your breakfast. He’ll want time to look over whatever it is and won’t have any use for us until he’s done.” He started attacking his plate and Mirabelle nodded as she bit into her toast. Giselle’s stomach growled in agreement so she decided to remain and finish her plate. And then a second.

  Chapter 40

  “It’s Weering.” Alastair said as they entered the study. He was sitting on the couch and had documents spread upon the table in front of him. Lucien pulled a chair closer to the table and sat as Mirabelle and Giselle took the lounge across from Alastair. “I think you’re familiar with most of these horses.” Alastair said as he handed a list to Lucien. Lucien nodded as he looked over the names.

  “I came very close to owning a few of these.” He said as he handed the list to Giselle and Mirabelle. Mirabelle’s brows pulled together.

  “I don’t understand. What’s so significant about these horses?” Her eyes flicked between Lucien and Alastair. Alastair pointed to a stack of documents on the table.

  “There’s no financial activity that corresponds to the purchase of any of those horses. He didn't touch any of his accounts.” He said as Lucien took the list back and whistled as he looked at it again. Mirabelle shrugged.

  “Maybe he keeps a lot of money on hand. Some people do.” She offered. Lucien shook his head.

  “I don’t know of anyone that keeps that kind of money on hand. That’s a hell of a lot of blunt to have unaccounted for. It had to have come from somewhere.” Lucien said as he rubbed his chin. Alastair nodded as he handed him a copy of a deed.

  “This was purchased and furnished in his mistress’ name last year. Neither of their financial records reflect the purchase.” Alastair said as he passed him another sheet of paper. Giselle and Mirabelle looked at the deed and gasped. It was a very fashionable address. Their jaws dropped when they were handed the copy of the mistress’ accounts.

  “I was in the wrong line of work…” Giselle mumbled. Mirabelle giggled and Alastair sent her a scathing look.

  “You were not doing it for the money and I know for a fact you can afford a townhouse for every day of the month, if you wanted.” Alastair said as he plucked the sheet from her fingers. Giselle smiled.

  “It’s always good to have an alternate plan.” She teased. Alastair frowned as he looked back down at the table.

  “And there’s this.” Alastair said as he tapped a copy of a bill of sale for a ship. “There’s no accounting for the funds and he didn’t purchase it in his name.” Giselle’s heart started beating and she felt a rush of excitement. She smiled as she looked up at him. Mirabelle’s head tilted as she looked at the bill.

  “But he owns other ships and there’s no name on this.” She said as she looked at Alastair. He grinned as he handed her a list of ship names.

  “He does own other ships but this is the only one that the War Office doesn’t know about.” Alastair nodded as she gasped. He gestured toward the bill of sale. “And why would he go to the trouble of hiding the purchase of an unnamed ship?” He asked. Mirabelle looked up at him.

  “In case he needs to make a quick escape.” She said as she sat back.

  “Exactly.” Alastair said as he folded his arms. Giselle couldn’t help but be impressed by Mirabelle. She might lack the subtlety required to be a spy but she was a natural investigator. She had much of Alastair’s intelligence and his ability for analysis. Giselle looked back at Alastair.

  “Now what?” She asked as she watched him organizing the documents. He looked up at her and for a brief moment, he looked disappointed.

  “We go back. We’ll leave tomorrow.” He waited as he watched her. She couldn’t help but share in his disappointment. Returning to London would be returning to reality. She nodded and he continued. “We’ll start going about as a courting couple and find a way to get close to Weering.”

  Chapter 41

  The light was starting to fade in the library and Giselle frowned as she looked at the clock. It was almost time to dress for dinner. Just a little longer. She decided as she rested her chin on her arms. She had them crossed over the arm of the lounge as she reclined and watched Alastair. He hadn’t moved for almost two hours. He sat upright in his usual chair, his eyes were shut and his fingers were steepled in front of his lips. He reminded Giselle of a fortress. As the room darkened, the edges and planes became sharper and more severe. He became more like stone. She wanted to slip onto Alastair’s lap and press herself against him until he became warm and demanding. She wanted to see him change forms, to go from a forbidding marble god to a potent, demanding warrior. Giselle suppressed a shiver as she recalled how completely he had possessed and exhausted her body. He hadn’t left an inch unclaimed, she could still feel his lips in places she could never reach.

  His eyes snapped open and found hers.

  “What were you doing?” Giselle asked softly as she sat up. He blinked a few times.

  “Planning. Rearranging.” He said softly before his eyes flicked to the door. A moment later, Lucien strode in with Mirabelle.

  “A letter from Gilles just arrived.” He said as he sat next to Alastair. Mirabelle flopped onto the lounge next to Giselle and tucked her feet under her. Lucien flicked it open and began reading. “There’s been more traffic at Spencer Place than on Bond Street.” He said. Giselle saw Alastair frown softly as he nodded. Lucien’s eyes drifted across the page and he smiled. “Lady Gasden came to tea and the theory among the ton is that the family has been helping Lady St. Claire hide for years. She believes that Alastair hasn’t bothered looking for a bride because he and Giselle have had a secret agreement and she is finally coming to Town so that an official announcement can be made.” He paused and raised an eyebrow at Alastair. Mirabelle gasped in mock surprise.

  “How very sly of you!” She teased. Alastair shrugged and signaled for Lucien to continue. He frowned.

  “Lady Gasden has noticed Alastair’s absence and suggested that we are not adequate chaperones.” Lucien’s eyes went to Alastai
r’s and then Mirabelle’s. She cringed.

  “I’m afraid she’s right but I don’t think she’ll give us any trouble.” Mirabelle said. Lucien smiled as he continued reading.

  “Gilles says that so far, she is the only one that has noticed that Alastair has been missing and she has assured them that she will keep quiet.” He chuckled and Mirabelle was pleased.

  “I told you, she’s delightful and clever.” Mirabelle announced and Alastair rolled his eyes. Giselle looked at all three and was stunned. How could they not be upset?

  “What is wrong with those people?” She exclaimed. All three sets of eyes swung to Giselle in confusion. She threw her hands up in exasperation. “No one has noticed that Sir Alastair Spencer hasn’t been seen in public for almost two weeks?” She didn’t appreciate the way they were all looking at her as if she had switched languages. Lucien’s eyebrows nearly reached his hair, Mirabelle’s lips were puckered as if she was about to ask for further clarification and Alastair blinked at her as if he was broken. “Possibly the only interesting man in London has disappeared and no one has missed him?” Giselle waited for someone to agree. Mirabelle looked to Lucien.

  “It’s very sweet, isn’t it?” She sighed. He laughed softly as he nodded. Mirabelle patted Giselle’s hand affectionately. “I’m so glad you see him for what he truly is but I’m afraid you’ve joined a very exclusive club. It’s not unusual for most members of the ton to go weeks, maybe months without having a glimpse of Alastair. If he did go about more, I think many people would try to avoid him.” Mirabelle said a bit too honestly. Giselle frowned and was about to protest before Alastair leaned forward.

  “Why are you complaining? We want the ton to think we’re engaged, not that you’ve been compromised. Unless you’d like our first outing to be a meeting with our old Latin tutor.” Alastair looked at her expectantly. Giselle was lost, she looked at Mirabelle who was biting her lip. She smiled as she leaned close.


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