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Claimed By Chaos

Page 30

by Abigail Graves

  Giselle and Mirabelle continued to make their way around the room, stopping occasionally to join small groups or take refreshments until Weering bowed before them.

  “Lady St. Claire, I was hoping you would do me the honor.” He smiled suavely as the strains of a waltz played. Giselle smiled brightly as she reached for his arm.

  “You do me the honor, my lord!” She returned as he led her to the floor. She waited until he was guiding her around the room before she smiled softly up at him. “You have a lovely home.” She watched as he lowered his eyes to hers and appeared to become sad.

  “Thank you, my lady. But I’m afraid it’s nothing more than a cold, empty prison for me. A man doesn’t have a home if he doesn’t have a wife and a family.” Weering’s eyes became large and soulful as they searched hers. Giselle returned his emotional gaze.

  “I did hear about your loss, I’m so sorry!” She let him pull her closer. He remained quiet for a few minutes, as if he was trying to control his emotions before he nodded weakly and sighed.

  “As my heart’s greatest desire is to have a family, a wife to cherish and children to spoil, I have decided to push through my grief and search for love again.” Weering managed a shy smile before he looked away. Giselle had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. He was laying it on thick. Though she couldn't deny that if she were a typical young lady, his bait would be irresistible. He was the picture of a perfect, middle aged bachelor. He was handsome and knew how to use his status as a widow to great advantage. Giselle waited until his gaze returned to her to sigh dramatically, causing her breasts to swell in her bodice as she leaned a little closer. She saw his eyes widen before they flicked to her face. She blinked innocently as she bit her lip.

  “You poor man!” Giselle whispered shakily as the waltz drew to a close. He bowed over her hand and she pretended to be conflicted about returning to Mirabelle. He raised her hand to his lips as he stepped close.

  “God, you're lovely!” He gasped. She managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes as he smacked himself in the forehead. “I can’t believe I said that out loud! Forgive me, my lady.” His eyes pleaded and Giselle inclined her head.

  “There’s nothing to forgive.” She said sweetly a she pretended to hesitate toward Mirabelle.

  “I hope that you will allow me another dance.” Weering said as he stepped back.

  “I’d like that.” Giselle nodded as she backed away. Mirabelle rushed forward and took Giselle’s arm.

  “Come along. You’re going to get trampled!” She scolded as she turned Giselle. “Well?” Mirabelle hissed as she pulled her toward the retiring room.

  “He’s good. Very good.” Giselle said under her breath. “He has to be stopped before another young lady falls into his trap.”

  Giselle rose on her tiptoes as she scanned the ballroom. Where is Alastair? And why do I have to be this short? She wondered. She gasped as a hand slid around her waist and a body pressed behind her. She looked over her shoulder and familiar silver eyes claimed hers.

  “Who are you looking for?” His voice was low and made goosebumps spill down her arms. She licked her lips and had to stop herself from closing the distance to his.

  “You.” Giselle admitted. He smiled wolfishly.

  “Good.” He raised her hand to his lips and caressed her knuckles.

  He looked around and waited for a moment before he pulled her back through the door, out of the ballroom. He swung her around as he checked the hallway and placed her hand on his sleeve. There were only a few people milling around and they didn’t notice as he swiftly guided her into another hallway. It was unlit and unoccupied. Alastair grabbed Giselle’s hand as he hurried toward the end. He looked over his shoulder before he pushed a door open and pulled her in after him.

  Giselle blinked as her eyes scanned the room. It was Weering’s study. Alastair left the door cracked as he nodded toward the desk. She crossed the room quickly and went around it. She started pulling drawers open silently as he started testing books and tapping the walls. Giselle picked up a ledger and flipped through it and frowned when she saw that it was empty. Her head tilted when she looked at the inkwell on the desktop. It was full. She opened another drawer and reached for the stationary and held it up. It was new. Her face swung to Alastair’s and she shook her head.

  “This isn't right.” She whispered. He nodded as he pressed on the seat of the desk chair and swore under his breath. It was stiff.

  “He doesn't use this room. We won’t find anything here.” Alastair took her hand and led her back to the door quickly. He carefully pulled it open and peeked out. He grabbed her elbow and guided her through and shut it silently. He was setting her hand on his sleeve when his head snapped up. Alastair grabbed her waist and swiftly pushed her against the wall, deeper into the shadows. His hand slid around her neck and his lips crashed upon hers. Giselle moaned softly and pushed her hand into his hair just before she heard footsteps.

  Alastair raised his head and she strained to see who was approaching them. She felt Alastair tense as Weering drew close. Giselle pretended to hide her face as Alastair stepped back.

  “Weering.” His voice was flat. Weering’s eyes narrowed as they met his and then swung to Giselle. He frowned as he looked at her.

  “I was hoping I would find you but it seems I’m too late. Such a shame.” He let his eyes drift down her body slowly. “A shame, indeed.” He ignored Alastair’s snarl and the tensing of his body. Weering shook his head softly and turned on his heel. “Back to the hunt.” He said as he waved jauntily.

  Giselle scowled at his back as she stepped close to Alastair.

  “We’re going to kill him, right?” She whispered as she looked up at him. He nodded stiffly.

  “Right.” He took her arm and led her back to the ballroom. “After we come back and search the rest of this house.” He said under his breath as they stepped back into the ballroom. Giselle smiled in anticipation.

  “When would you like to do that?” She asked as they spotted Mirabelle and Lucien.

  “Tomorrow night, after he leaves to visit his mistress.” Alastair’s voice was low as he steered her through the crowd. “I’ve had enough of this place for tonight.” She nodded in agreement as they reached Mirabelle and Lucien.

  Chapter 53

  “Come. Let’s go for a ride.” Alastair said a he rose. He offered Giselle his hand and she made a disgruntled sigh as she stood.

  Gilles felt his lips curve as he watched them depart. He settled onto the lounge next to Elise and his head fell to the side as he noticed her frown.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked softly. Elise’s head tilted as she listened. She was tense and still. Finally, her attention focused on Gilles.

  “It’s Alastair and Giselle.” She said softly as she pressed her hands to his chest and leaned close.

  “What?” He whispered as he looked out the window and watched Alastair lift Giselle to the seat of the phaeton.

  “The change in Alastair is remarkable. He used to be reserved and restrained. Now, he’s so open and vulnerable. It’s like he reaches for her and he’s warm and vibrates when he’s close to her. He loves her so much, Gilles. But sometimes, he’s afraid.” Elise’s expression became unsure and she bit her lip, as if she had something she didn’t want to say. Gilles raised his hand and tucked a curl behind Elise’s ear.

  “And Giselle?” He felt himself become tense. Elise took a steadying breath.

  “She’s so happy when he enters the room. She becomes warm and soft. I feel her love for him and she… craves him. It’s so strong and focused.” Her voice died away. Gilles raised her face and looked down at her. Her eyes watered and her lip trembled.

  “This all sounds very good.” He said cautiously. Elise nodded.

  “It is but then she… extinguishes it. One minute, she’s warm like a candle and then it’s as if someone blew it out. She becomes harder and… closed. I can’t feel anything. She feels like a wall and she wi
thdraws from him.” She rested her head on his chest and he ran his fingers through her hair absently as he worried.

  “I don’t know what to do. He’s so determined and it’s obvious that things have gone too far for either of them to turn back. I was worried about him before I learned about this… affliction of his.” Gilles felt a pain in his chest as regret bloomed within him. “Why didn’t I see it?” He asked softly as he rested his cheek on Elise’s head.

  “He didn’t want us to and he was very good at hiding it. I couldn’t feel it before. It just felt like he was guarded and distant.” She laughed but it was almost sad. “I feel it now. Whatever it was that he used to shield it is gone. He’s lost it since he found her.”

  “I don’t think there’s a lot we can do now. I’ll talk to her later and make sure she understands that this isn’t just some dalliance for him.” Gilles hoped that would be enough. Elise leaned and her head tilted back.

  “Don’t misunderstand, I love Giselle! She’s wonderful and I sincerely hope that she’ll be my sister. I’m just so worried for Alastair.” She insisted. He nodded as he lowered his lips to hers.

  “Me too, my love.” He whispered against her mouth. Then, he set all thoughts about his brother and Giselle aside.

  Gilles shut the study door and went to the sideboard. He poured two brandies and turned. He handed one to Giselle as she watched him sit and pull his chair close.

  “How are you enjoying your time here at Spencer Place and in London?” He asked casually. Giselle’s eyes narrowed.

  “I love Spencer Place and the family. They are all more wonderful than I imagined. London is exactly as I imagined.” She said as she set her drink on the table. “What is it you want to talk about? You wouldn’t have asked me in here if you wanted my opinions as a tourist.” Giselle’s eyes searched his face as she waited. Gilles took a large gulp of his brandy before he set it down. He didn’t like the defiance he sensed in her.

  “I have concerns about you and Alastair.” He said carefully. Her head tilted and she sat back.

  “That’s rather personal.” She crossed her arms and legs. Gilles nodded as his eyes held hers.

  “It absolutely is. He’s my brother and my closest friend.” He silently invited her to argue. She snorted and shook her head.

  “You’re so close but you’ve been blind to some very important things about him.” Giselle accused as she stood and started pacing. Gille felt her words like a blow, he sat back and rubbed his hand across his mouth.

  “Not because I didn’t care or wasn’t there for him. And that doesn’t mean that I have no right to protect him now.” His voice was hard and she flinched.

  “You all underestimate him, constantly. And I would hurt myself before I hurt him.” She swore. Gilles sighed as he reached for his drink.

  “Giselle, I think there are things you don’t know or understand about him as well.” He said softly. Her head snapped toward him and she froze. He gestured for her to sit. She hesitated before she returned and sunk to the seat. He leaned forward. “Alastair has never been in love before. We’ve never seen him connect with anyone outside of the family. He’s never tried.” Gilles saw that she was effected. Her eyes flared and her lip trembled. He nodded. “He isn’t capable of doing anything by half and he puts everything ahead of himself. Especially those he loves.” He waited while she absorbed his words. She frowned.

  “That’s not unusual. Most people are willing to sacrifice themselves for those they love.” Giselle’s voice was soft and Gilles knew that she was making him a promise. He felt somewhat relieved. When her eyes met his again he continued.

  “Alastair’s definition of sacrifice may be different from most people’s. And he has a tendency to be very destructive with himself.” He paused when her face clouded with worry.

  “What do you mean?” She whispered.

  “He’s never been afraid of injuring himself, in any way. I think he’s risked his body, his mind and his life in… appalling ways that we’ll never know about. The only thing that’s stopped him at times has been his love for us. I don’t know what he’ll do if things end badly between you two.” Gilles saw the impact of his words. Giselle’s eyes started to water and she looked away.

  “What if I have to hurt him to protect him?” Her voice wavered and Gilles reached for her hand. She let him take it and looked at him. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect him.” Her gaze was fierce. He sighed as he cupped her cheek.

  “Just make sure you don’t underestimate him and that you’re protecting him from something real.” Gilles saw that she wanted to ask him a question but she nodded and reached for her brandy. He decided not to push her. He hoped he wouldn’t regret the decision.

  Chapter 54

  If he had been thinking clearly, Alastair would have foreseen that having Giselle running ahead of him in her “work clothes” was a terrible idea. Unfortunately, he rarely thought clearly when she was involved. It took a herculean amount of effort to keep his focus on their surroundings as they dashed through the shadows and made their way to Weering’s home. At that hour, the mansions of Mayfair were quiet but caution was still necessary. Staring at Giselle’s thighs and bottom in clinging black breeches was not going to help them break into Weering’s home. After two weeks of watching the house, it was apparent that in addition to being staffed with an intimidating staff of thugs and former soldiers, it was unusually fortified. The only home Alastair could compare it to was Fortress Spencer.

  They snuck through the mews and slipped between Weering’s and his neighbor’s homes. Giselle was looking up and bouncing on her toes. Alastair watched her with great curiosity and anxiety. She pulled the gun from behind her back and handed it to him before she swung her head down and pressed her hands to the ground between her feet. His eyes locked on her derrière and he bit back a groan. What the hell was wrong with him? He shook his head as she stood and turned to him.

  “Can you get over this wall and meet me at that door?” Giselle whispered as she pointed at a pair of French doors. He nodded.

  The French doors that opened on the garden were the only point of entry other than the main entrance and the kitchen that wasn’t covered with bars. Unfortunately, the only way to open those doors from the outside was to break the glass. Alastair looked up along the facade of the house. He didn’t see how Giselle was going to get in. The second floor windows were covered with bars and the few balconies on the third floor looked unreachable. There were no joints between the stones or ledges for her to take advantage of. The facade was almost completely smooth. Alastair pulled her close.

  “Can you climb that?” He whispered. Giselle smiled and shook her head.

  “No. But I can climb that.” She turned and pointed to the house behind them. He looked up and stared at the roofs over their heads and started shaking his head.

  “Are you insane?” He hissed as he grabbed her arm. She laughed softly.

  “Definitely.” She kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry, this will be fun! Just meet me at that door.” Giselle tugged her arm free and Alastair felt a cold sweat burst from his skin. He had to grind his teeth to keep from ordering her to come back.

  It only took her a minute to scurry up the side of the wall. Alastair held his breath the entire time and had a moment of relief before she disappeared. He jogged back a few steps, trying to see where she went when she jumped from the roof, across the gap above his head. He was certain his heart stopped when she turned herself in the air and pulled her knees to her chest when she cleared Weering’s roof. He heard a soft thud as she landed. Alastair bent over and rested his hands on his knees as he waited for his heart to start again. He swore silently but violently. He was going to strangle Gilles the next time he saw him. He watched her do that for six years? They’re both out of their minds! He decided as he looked up. Giselle was standing on the edge of the roof, directly over a balcony with her back facing him. He wanted to call out and warn her. The balcony was too far down,
she’d break her legs if she tried to land on it.

  She tilted her head from side to side a few times and shook her shoulders before she jumped back and away from the building and plummeted towards the ground. Alastair felt a scream clog his throat when her feet missed the balcony. He saw her hands splay and grab the railing and he clutched at his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. What the hell was I thinking? This will kill me before it’s over. If not, I’m going to kill her. He swore. When he opened his eyes she was pulling herself over the rail. Once she was on her feet, it took her seconds to open the door and slip inside.

  Alastair looked at the garden wall. He grinned sarcastically as he skipped backwards. He’d punch himself repeatedly in the face if he couldn't manage a wall after watching Giselle defy the laws of physics. He ran at the wall jumped and stretched. His fingers just scraped the top ledge. He clenched his jaw as he adjusted his grip and pulled himself up. He shook his head and laughed silently. He’d barely made it. If it had been half an inch taller, he would have had to give up any claim to manhood. Alastair swung his leg over and dropped to the ground on the other side. He leaned against the wall as he waited for Giselle to unlock the door.

  He heard a soft click and he ran through the small garden. The door opened and he slipped inside. She shut the door behind him silently and pressed her hand to his lips. He felt her lips touch his ear.


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