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Claimed By Chaos

Page 32

by Abigail Graves

  “Son of a bitch!” Alastair swore. Giselle jumped and sat up.

  “What?” She asked as she turned to him. Her eyes were alert and expectant.

  “I know who I saw with Weering’s seal.” Alastair said as he sat up and slid from the bed. He fixed his trousers as he crossed the room. He sat and started pulling on his stockings.

  “Who is it? Where are you going?” Giselle was excited as she crawled across the bed. He frowned as he looked at her.

  “Eric Yardley, Lord Gasden.” His voice was low. Giselle gasped.

  “Do you think he could be involved?” Concern filled her eyes and Alastair shook his head. He didn’t like the idea of Eric being involved with Weering and he was praying there was a good explanation.

  “I hope not. He’s one of the last people I would suspect of treason.” He stood up and buttoned his shirt. Giselle crossed the room and reached for her chemise.

  “You’re going to see him now? At this hour?” She asked as she pulled it over her head. Alastair nodded as he passed her shirt and reached for his cravat.

  “He’ll be up. I need to see him now. We’re running out of time and I won’t be able to rest until I know what his role is in this.” He quickly tied the cravat and then pulled on his waistcoat. Giselle was hopping into her breeches and she froze.

  “You know where he’ll be at this hour? From what Mirabelle has said, he’s a bit of a mystery.” Her brows rose when Alastair laughed.

  “Just because Mirabelle does not know everything there is to know about something, does not make it a mystery. Eric is at home.” He pulled his coat on and reached for Giselle. He gathered her face in his hands and lowered his lips. She pulled away and frowned up at him.

  “How can you be sure he’s at home, that he’s awake and that he’ll see you at this hour?” She asked. Alastair smiled as he led her to the window and pointed across the street.

  “He’s in his study.” He nearly laughed when her jaw dropped. As they watched, a figure passed by the window. Giselle turned to him and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “He’s been there this whole time and no one has told Lady Gasden? Someone should talk to him!” She insisted. Alastair felt his brows pull together.

  “I often do. Some nights, if I find myself struggling with a mathematics problem, I’ll go across the street. Sometimes, he comes over when he needs my opinion on a political issue.” He explained. Her eyes became wide. He held up a hand. “I’m certain his mother knows where he lives. They are estranged but they are both aware of the other’s welfare.” He turned and reached for her coat. “I’m not getting involved. I’m sure he has good cause for not wanting to deal with his mother.” Alastair stated. Giselle’s mouth twisted stubbornly.

  “Can I go with you?” She frowned when he shook his head. “I’m curious to meet him! What is he like?” She asked as she sat to pull on her boots. He shrugged as he leaned against the bed post and waited.

  “Eric is a good man, rather uptight and conservative but highly intelligent.” Alastair offered. He was again worried that he could be linked to Weering. Eric was one of the rare individuals outside of the family that he could tolerate. Because of Lady Gasden’s connection with the family, Eric, Alastair, Gilles, Lucien and Mirabelle had been thrown together on many occasions. Eric had always been reserved and preferred to be left out of their adventures. He would often insist on remaining in the library when they tried to include them. Alastair had always felt grateful that despite having the same tendencies as Eric, his siblings and Lucien had never allowed him to remain behind. Giselle was blinking up at Alastair, one boot on and the other held in front of her. “What?” He asked as he gestured for her to hurry.

  “You think he’s uptight and conservative?” She asked incredulously. He shrugged.

  “Yes. Why is this difficult to believe?” He asked. Giselle shook her head and pulled on her other boot. She stood and went to Alastair.

  “This is a bit like throwing a stone in a glass house, isn’t it?” She pulled on his lapels until he bent down and pressed his lips to hers. He frowned.

  “You think I’m uptight and conservative?” He asked. She giggled as she traced his lips with her tongue.

  “No. But I see a very different Alastair than most people do.” Giselle felt him relax slightly as he opened and let his tongue brush hers gently. A moment later his head snapped up.

  “What if there’s a different Eric that we aren’t familiar with? What if he has been working with Weering?” He asked. Giselle’s head tilted and she smoothed the front of his coat.

  “You’ll have to go and talk to him. We’ll decide what to do after.” She said softly. Alastair nodded as he raised her hand to his lips.

  “I’m sorry to have to leave. I’ll see you at breakfast.” His voice became weary. He dreaded what he’d learn and he wished they were still in bed. Giselle smiled as she pulled his hand to her lips. She kissed his knuckles gently and Alastair felt his body become warm.

  “I think that everything will be alright with Eric. I’ll see you later.” With that she left. Alastair turned to the window and looked across the street. He waited until he saw the figure pass in front of the window again before he strode from the room.

  Chapter 58

  “Good evening, Sir Alastair.” Woodley held the door open and let him pass through. “His lordship is in his study.” Alastair nodded to Eric’s butler as he crossed the hall. He knocked on the door and waited until he was bid to enter.

  Eric looked up as Alastair took the seat in front of his desk. His eyes went back to the book in his hands for a moment before he shut it and leaned forward.

  “What’s on your mind tonight?” Eric’s gaze held Alastair’s.

  “This.” Alastair reached into his coat and withdrew the fragment of an envelope he'd carried around for weeks. It was a piece of a letter to LeVan, the chimera seal. He slid it across the desk. Eric’s eyes flicked to the seal and he became alert. He reached for it and examined it. His eyes went to Alastair’s.

  “I’ve seen this before.” Eric said. Alastair nodded.

  “I know. I saw you with it at the War Office.” He offered nothing else and waited. Eric frowned as he passed it back.

  “One of Weering’s many assistants, you know how he’s always replacing them… Anyway, he left a stack of Weering’s papers in my office. He’d been in to have me sign something and left a mess in his wake.” His gaze narrowed and fell upon Alastair. “Weering had been furious when I delivered them. He seemed especially upset about the item with that seal.” He said softly. Alastair felt the tension ease from his shoulders. He could detect nothing but recognition and curiosity in Eric. He didn't sense any defensiveness or deception. Alastair leaned back and pointed at the seal.

  “That seal is one piece of proof that we have against Weering in regard to treason.” He watched Eric carefully. He blinked a few times and nodded.

  “I don’t find that hard to believe. I’ve never trusted him.” Eric rubbed his chin. “What can I do to help?” He asked. Alastair shook his head.

  “Unless you still have the document, nothing as far as I know.” Alastair looked at Eric hopefully.

  “Sorry. I gave it back.” Eric held his hands up in apology. Alastair waved it off.

  “It would have made my life a lot easier if I knew what it was. I’m starting to worry that Weering will escape.” Alastair admitted. Eric smiled broadly.

  “Oh, I know what the document was. I examined it thoroughly before I returned it.” His grin was mischievous. Alastair leaned forward.

  “What was it?” He held his breath. Somehow, Alastair knew everything was about to change and the investigation was taking a turn. Eric pointed to the seal.

  “It was a letter to the captain of one of his ships. He had just purchased the ship and was very specific about the crew he wanted.” He looked at Alastair and his grin became very wide. “The ship was called The Chimera.” Eric pushed the seal back toward Alastair.
/>   Alastair shut his eyes and swore violently. He let his head fall into his hands. All this time! All this time, and all he needed to do was search the docks. If he had spent a few days checking which ships were in port, he would have had it. He looked up at Eric and sighed.

  “A word of caution: if you value your intellect, avoid falling in love. Apparently the brain and the heart do not work simultaneously.” Alastair warned. Eric’s eyes grew wide and he was still for several moments. Then, he snorted defiantly.

  “I can assure you, I am at no risk. I’m already married and there is little chance that I’ll ever fall in love with my wife.” Eric declared. Alastair was taken aback. How did he not know that Eric was married? Eric laughed heartily. “You didn’t know? Terrible disaster. I’ll have to tell you about it sometime.” Alastair recoiled. He was sure he didn’t want to know.

  “Perhaps.” He got up to leave. Eric rose and followed him. He stopped Alastair at the study door.

  “Tell me, do you still have trouble with the dreams?” He asked softly. Alastair studied his eyes. One of the few times he and Eric confided in each other they discovered that both suffered from nightmares as children. Is this why he stays up? Alastair wondered. He shook his head.

  “No. As I became older I realized that my father’s heart had given out and there was no way I could have saved him. Once I made peace with that, the dreams stopped.” Alastair said softly. He saw pain flash across Eric’s eyes. He gripped his arm. “I would hope that you don't still suffer from dreams about your father.” Eric’s face hardened and he shook his head. “Goodnight, Eric. Thank you.” With that, Alastair left. He had much to set in motion, he just hoped it wasn’t too late.

  Chapter 59

  Merde. Giselle thought the word for probably the hundredth time in a week. It had always been her favorite word but it had become a mantra. She discreetly swished tea in her mouth to get rid of the taste and smell of the bitter acid she cast up in the potted palm in Lady Gasden’s hallway. Her stomach clenched angrily as she swallowed it. Giselle centered her focus on breathing steadily in and out of her nose until it was time for them to depart. Once they did, she clenched her jaws as Mirabelle chatted away in the carriage until they reached Spencer Place.

  “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll go lay down for a bit. My head feels like it’s going to split open.” Giselle lied as they entered the hall.

  Finally alone and in her room, Giselle quickly stripped down to her chemise and crawled into bed. She could no longer ignore what her body was telling her. She’d been either nauseas, exhausted, famished or in urgent need of a chamber pot for the last two weeks and her courses were more than a month late.

  Giselle pulled a pillow over her face and screamed. When that was done, she considered trying to smother herself. You let this happen, you stupid girl. She cursed as she pressed her hands to her stomach. Why did she let this happen? Because you’re weak and selfish. She reminded herself. It had been impossible for her to resist Alastair. Her body needed his as much as food and air. She wanted all of him. Giselle loved the taste of his saliva, the feel of his sweat on her skin and the explosion of heat inside of her when he filled her with his seed. Despite her fears, she had offered herself to Alastair every chance she could and greedily wrapped herself around him when he spilled himself in her.

  What was she going to do? As soon as he knew he would demand that she marry him. Giselle wasn’t as afraid of the idea as she used to be but she still needed more time. She wanted to make the decision for the right reasons, not because she’d forced herself into a corner.

  She couldn’t do anything before Weering was dealt with. If Alastair knew that she was carrying his baby, he’d refuse to let her continue. Giselle felt her eyes grow wide when she realized that she didn’t want to be actively involved with the investigation anymore. Could she stay behind and let Alastair, Gilles and Lucien handle Weering without her? Giselle frowned. They were all capable but what if something happened to any of them? What if her not being there made the difference? She shook her head. She brought this into their lives, it was her responsibility to see it to the end, no matter what it cost her personally. She wouldn’t fail Elise, Mirabelle or The Mothers. She would do all she could to protect their men.

  Giselle stared at the ceiling and cursed herself for falling in love with Alastair. Then, she cursed herself for falling in love with his entire family. Then, she fell asleep.

  Chapter 60

  “It looks like we got here just in time.” Alastair said as his eyes scanned The Chimera and its crew. “They’re just about ready to depart.” The last of the cargo was being loaded onto the brigantine and secured.

  “There’s Weering.” Gilles whispered as he nodded toward the dock at the bottom of the gangplank. Alastair nodded as he looked over the ship again.

  “It’s light and built for speed. I’d wager he keeps all of his documents on board. I think he runs everything from there and is always ready to slip away at a moment’s notice.” Alastair saw Lucien checking his pistols, preparing to move as soon as they received the signal that Digby had arrived and had his men in place. Gilles handed Giselle two pistols. She tucked them into the waist of her breeches and started twisting her hair into a tight bun. Alastair felt his gut clench and fought the urge to tell her to stay behind. As if she read his mind, she leaned in close, resting her hand on his shoulder as she stared at the ship.

  “I think we should move now. If he boards and they pull that gangplank, we’ll have to wait for a ship to board. We risk losing him if he makes it to open sea.” Giselle’s eyes remained fixed ahead, watching the crew. Alastair shook his head and his lips pulled tight.

  “We should wait for Digby, they have us outnumbered. I count twelve, including Weering. They’ll cut us down as we try to cross the gangplank.” He tried to sound as firm as he could while whispering. Suddenly her eyes flicked to the dock and she cursed. Weering was moving up the gangplank. “Where the hell is Digby?” Alastair swore as he scanned the docks behind him.

  “Let’s try to take the ship while it’s docked. I’d like to avoid jumping onto a ship while being fired at. I’ve never enjoyed fighting at sea.” Gilles mumbled. Lucien chuckled as he crouched down.

  “This will be my first time taking a ship. All of my fights have been on land.” Lucien said as he tossed his coat over a crate. Alastair nodded as he started to unbutton his own.

  “God damn it!” Gilles hissed as he started looking around. It only took Alastair a second to realize what had his brother cursing. Giselle was gone. Every muscle in his body tensed and his heart started pounding as he searched for her. He was scanning the piles of ropes and crates along the dock when Lucien groaned. Alastair looked up to see him pointing at The Chimera. Giselle was crouched against the side of the ship, on a ledge over the captain’s cabin. She waited until a sailor passed before she grabbed the bulwark above her and leapt over it. She pressed herself against the ship as another walked by. Alastair held his breath. The man was huge, at least two heads taller and built like a bear. As soon as he had his back to her, she jumped on him. Her legs locked around his arms and she wrapped herself around his head and turned her body, twisting his neck. The man fell and she sat on her bottom and used both of her feet to push him against the side of the ship.

  “The two of you have no control over her whatsoever!” Lucien hissed in frustration.

  “You have met her, Lucien.” Gilles replied. “And it's not as if you’re good at controlling women.” He argued. Alastair felt his temper stir.

  “This is not the time or the place, you two!” Alastair stayed crouched as he tried to move closer to The Chimera while watching for Giselle. He couldn’t see her but a sailor fell silently over the bulwark, into the water.

  “If we give her enough time, the ship will be empty when we board.” Lucien whispered. “That’s ten now, the odds are getting better. If we can get on that ship, it should be easy.” Lucien stopped as Gilles gestured for them to lean i
n close.

  “We can’t let that ship leave with her on it. She’ll set it on fire or sink it if it clears the Thames.” Gilles’ eyes held Alastair’s and he was worried. Alastair cursed as another body fell overboard. They were running out of time, The Chimera was about to set sail and the crew was going to notice they were losing people or Giselle would be discovered. He prayed that she would create a distraction so they could get on board. Once they were as close to the gangplank as they could manage without being exposed, Alastair searched the deck for Giselle. He didn’t see her but he found Weering talking to the captain. The captain nodded and started yelling orders.

  There was a large snap and a mast fell as the boom swung. The crew started yelling and running. Everyone froze when a body was propelled from the poop deck. The man was on fire and screaming, bodies scattered and dove as he landed on the deck.

  “Jesus Christ!” Lucien gasped. Alastair grabbed him as he ran toward the gangplank. Gilles was sprinting ahead of them and was already halfway across. With the commotion on board they were able to gain the deck before Weering turned and yelled.

  “Stop them!” He pointed as he ran toward Gilles. He pulled a pistol but froze when he recognized him. “You?” He started to back away when he spotted Alastair and Lucien. All three men had their pistols drawn and were closing ranks as the crew started to surround them. Alastair counted eight men. If Giselle could draw their focus again, they stood a chance. Unless they could talk their way out of it and convince Weering to surrender. Alastair didn’t think it likely. He considered shooting Weering first but he knew it would result in the crew firing and the likelihood of he, Gilles and Lucien being shot was very high.

  “We know what you did, Weering. We’ve been investigating you and the War Office is prepared to bring charges.” Alastair announced. He saw Giselle drop onto the deck. She kept her back against the ship as she moved behind the crew. Weering sneered as he stepped closer.


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