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Bloody Union

Page 17

by Brooke Summers

  Her words hit me just as she intended them to.

  “I see you’re finally fucking thinking. Dante, the next time you keep something from me, I’ll cut your balls off and feed them to you,” she warns me then turns her attention back to Romero. “What did Holly say?”

  He grins and it seems like my brother is a little lighter about the whole situation. “She’s got a fucking temper.”

  Makenna rolls her eyes. “She’s a redhead and she’s fucking Irish. What did you expect?”

  His grin grows wider, “She would prefer to live with you for a while. Just until she gets to know me.”

  Makenna nods, “What she means is that if you hurt her in any way, I’ll be close by to kill you.” She types away on her laptop, “I’ve put a bid in on a house. I’m hoping it’ll be ready by the time you and Holly are married.”

  “Already?” I question, wondering how the hell she manages to do so much in less than a day.

  She blinks, “Yes, already. I hate fucking sitting around twiddling my thumbs. So while you were off killing the arsehole that called me a whore, I was looking for a home for us. Now do you have any other questions?”

  “Yeah,” I say and she raises an eyebrow. God, she’s so fucking hot when she’s pissed. “Did you get the Potassium?”

  She puts her laptop onto the table in front of her and I watch as she takes a couple of breaths. “Of course.” She sounds insulted that I’d even ask her that. “Everything is set in motion, Dante, all you have to do is inject the bastard.”

  I walk over to her and lift her off the sofa and into my arms. She holds onto my shoulders to steady herself. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” I whisper as I walk us out of the sitting room and the fight leaves her body. “I’m going to fuck up, my instincts tell me to protect you at all costs and sometimes I’m going to act before I can think.”

  “Do it again, Dante, and I’ll kill you in your sleep.”

  I grin as I enter our room. “I’ll try not to.”

  She narrows her eyes at me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  I grin, “Oh, baby, makeup sex with you is going to be fucking hot.”

  She huffs, “Of course it is.”

  I throw her onto the bed and she giggles. “Let’s see just how hot.”

  Her eyes fill with lust as she watches me strip out of my pants. “Oh, Dante, we should have fucked while we were arguing. I’d say that would be off the charts.”

  I fucking love this woman.

  “Next time, baby,” I promise her and I’m rewarded by her soft smile.

  God, what did I do in a past life to deserve her?



  We’re having a breakfast meeting with Seamus; he wanted to talk to Makenna and I and see what plans we had. At first Makenna was sceptical, but he wants them to work closely together seeing as they both only want what’s best for the Clann. She agrees with him and so do I. As much as her father would like to think that she’d go to him with any problems or ideas that we have, he’s not the one she’s gonna go to. She told me that she never did before and she won’t now. It’s what I’m here for, we’re a team and we work everything out together.

  So far everything he’s said has made sense, and I can tell that Makenna is very impressed. He has deals in the works to open new businesses, plus the deals with the Triad on weapons. From what I’ve gathered the Gallagher’s and the Triad go way back, their relationships have been kept quiet and it serves them both well. But when push comes to shove, I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them and neither does Makenna or her father.

  “The shipment will be in on Monday,” he tells us and I know that he’s talking about the drugs. Last week, Makenna told him her concerns about the drugs going missing and we’ve set up a fucking sting to see if it’ll go missing again.

  She nods and my jaw tightens, the thought of there being traitors among the men pisses me off. “Good, I want to make sure that the Underbosses know when and where.”

  Seamus grins, “They will. Don’t worry, everything is in place.”

  “Boss…” Finn says quietly, pulling our attention away from Seamus. I turn to Finn and see his stony expression. He’s got a good poker face, that’s for sure but when he glances at Romero I realize that they’re both pissed off.

  “I’ll call you later, Da,” Makenna mutters as she slides out of the booth; I’m right behind her, throwing money down onto the table. I catch Seamus’ smirk before I follow Makenna. I reach her as she gets to the door.

  Things between us have been better, especially when I realized that keeping her in the dark wasn’t the right thing to do. I was fucking right about make up sex, it was hotter than anything we’d ever done before. So much so that I’m seriously thinking about starting an argument just to see how amazing the sex would be.

  “You okay?” she asks, tonight is the night that we go to dinner with my father. That motherfucker is finally going to meet his maker.

  “Yeah,” I sigh. She’s asked me five times already today and it’s not even lunch time. “I’ve got this baby,” I tell her quietly glancing around to make sure that no-one can overhear our conversation.

  “I know you do. I have complete faith in you, but that’s not what I meant.” She’s worried about how it’ll affect me, she thinks I’m going to go crazy after killing my father.

  Her hand clasps mine and I give her a reassuring squeeze. “I’m going to be fine, it’s not going to faze me. That asshole has caused you enough pain to last a fucking lifetime,” I say as we exit the restaurant. I pull her into my body and hold her close. I love having her body against mine. “I love you, Makenna, and I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure you’re safe. This has been a long time coming for that asshole and I’m fucking glad that I’m the one that gets to end him,” I whisper in her ear so that no one can overhear us. She wraps her arms around me and holds on tight. “It’s all going to be okay. We’re going to have everything we’ve worked for.”

  She nods, knowing that I’m right. Even though I have had this dread in the pit of my stomach all day.

  “Let’s go see what our brothers have found. They look homicidal,” I comment and she smiles. It’s a fucking relief to see both of them getting along. I thought for sure they’d kill each other by now.

  I lead her over to Finn’s parked car and wait until she slides into the back seat, I’m right behind her. “Talk to us,” I demand when Finn pulls into the New York traffic.

  “We managed to trace the drugs,” Romero says and he has our complete attention. “Michael was right. He sent out fourteen shipments, in fourteen different trucks.”

  He pulls out a tablet and brings up a video, he passes the tablet back to Makenna and I.

  “Okay, so tell me what am I looking at?” she asks not starting the video yet. She wants to know what she’s dealing with.

  “Did you know that all those trucks have trackers on them?” Finn asks and Makenna smirks. “Of course you did. Hence why you asked us to look into it. You don’t want anyone else knowing.”

  Makenna raises her brow and I bite back my laughter, as Finn clenches his jaw. “Christ, I forgot how annoying you are,” he grumbles but there’s no heat in his words at all. Of all her brothers, Finn loves her the most. He’s protective of her and I can see how much he admires her.

  “Finn…” she warns.

  He sighs, “Right, so we were able to track the vehicles and none made any stops they weren’t scheduled for, when they did stop we were able to find security footage either in the gas station they stopped in, or from across the street.”

  Makenna glances at me and I can see that she’s losing her patience, she wants to know what the hell they’ve found.

  “How about we cut to the chase?” I tell them and they nod.

  “Lawrence is an ass and he received the drugs. The fucker unloaded the shipment in broad daylight. We have him read handed; video proof.”

nna hits play and we watch as the old fucker orders his men around as they unload the truck.

  “We have another shipment next week. I want this shit dealt with before that,” she says through clenched teeth. “I have to call Granda.” She shakes her head. “Fuck. Just what we need right now.”

  She passes me the tablet and pulls out her cell, she’s right, we don’t need this right now. We’re in the midst of getting ready to take over the Famiglia as well as joining the Clann and Famiglia together. Having a thieving traitor among us isn’t great for business. Lawrence will need to be taken care of and soon.

  The conversation she has with her grandfather is brief, I guess there’s not much you can say. She ends the call. “There’s a meeting called for tomorrow morning. Everyone is to be in attendance.”

  I lean my head back against the chair. These next two days are going to be fucking exhausting. Tomorrow we’ll deal with the traitors; we’re coming into a new era and it’s time to make changes.

  “The sooner this week is over and done with the better,” Makenna grouses from beside me; she’s pissed as hell. “Finn, Granda says next week you’ll be taking over Philly. He wants to know if he should put you in contact with a realtor?”

  It’s less than a two hour commute, so if Finn does move there at least Kenna can see him without having to drive all day or fucking fly halfway across the world to see them. He’s silent and I’m surprised, he’s usually got something to say.

  “Finn, move to Philly. It’s not like we’re not going to see each other. As much as it pains you, you work for me and that means we’ll be in constant contact. If you go to Philly, you’ll be able to grow.”

  Fucking hell. When she cares about someone she really wants the best for them.

  “Staying with Da isn’t the answer, Finn. As much as he won’t mean to, he’ll try and dictate what you should do. An Underboss rules. I am your Boss but also your confidante. As is Dante. We want our business, our family to thrive and it’s why we want both you and Romero to lead. You both need to step up and show the world that you are both more than just the sons of the Bosses. You need to show them why we gave you the job. Because you’re both fucking badasses and you’re both more than capable of running the families. But you won’t, not unless we die.”

  “I don’t want your job, Kenna. I didn’t think I’d be Underboss. But you’ve given it to me and I’m not going to let you down,” Finn says, his voice gruff with emotion. “You and Dante will always have my loyalty and it’s not just because you’re my sister, though that’s a big part of it. I fucking admire you, Kenna, you’ve been through a lot and come back stronger. You have my loyalty because you give a shit.”

  Romero nods in agreement. “It’s why you have everyone’s loyalty. You’re not like the others. You show your men that they can count on you which in turn means that you can count on them. Loyalty is earned not given freely and, Kenna, you’ve earned yours more than anyone.”

  “Appreciate it,” she murmurs and I smirk, she’s getting emotional. It’s something I didn’t think she had in her until the other day when we were in the shower when I saw the fear and love in her eyes. I knew then just how special she was.

  She closes her eyes and I know that she’s done talking. Tomorrow we’ll deal with the traitors. Tonight, we’ll deal with the asshole.

  I’m pissed. Beyond fucking pissed. My father decided that our ‘family dinner’ should include his fucking consigliere Pauly. The entire night the two bastards have been making comments about Makenna, I’m barely holding onto my temper. I’ve been able to restrain from slamming my father’s head down onto the table.

  Dad’s at the top of the table, Pauly to his right and I’m to his left. The way it always is. Kenna’s sitting beside me, Romero is seated beside Pauly and Alessio is at the bottom of the table. We’re getting more than a few looks, it’s not every day that the head of the Italian mafia shows up at the restaurant with his family.

  “So, Makenna…” my father begins and I watch as my wife smiles sweetly at him. “How are you liking being married to my son?”

  Makenna glances at me and smiles. “I love it. Your son is the best man I have ever known. I’m a lucky woman.” She means the words she says. She really does think she’s the lucky one in this marriage but she’s wrong. I am. I found my soulmate when I wasn’t even looking.

  Pauly grins widely as he gives Makenna an appreciative glance and I want to knock that look off his fucking face.

  The server brings out Makenna’s dessert. I had to stifle my laughter at that. My father hates desserts but Makenna insisted on having one and I wasn’t going to tell her no, especially when it was an added bonus of pissing my father off.

  She wraps her lips around the spoon as she eats her chocolate cake. I’ve come to learn that you don’t ever come between Makenna and chocolate; she’d gut you where you stand if she found you in her stash. She lets out a moan and her eyes roll back as she eats.

  I glare at Pauly who adjusts his pants under the table. Bastard. Makenna gently touches my arm, that’s my cue. “You should try some, it’s amazing.”

  I smile as I reach into my pocket, my fingers clasp the syringe. I uncap it just as Makenna feeds me a spoon of chocolate cake, to anyone in the restaurant we’re a loving couple, but in fact it is an act. I lift the syringe and shove it into my father’s thigh quickly injecting him with the Potassium. His sharp intake of breath is all that I hear as I quickly pocket the syringe again.

  “Mm, delicious, babe,” I murmur and nip at her lip. Her eyes flare with lust.

  She grins at me and turns to face Pauly, “I bet you have a lot of stories you can tell me about my husband.”

  Pauly throws his head back and laughs, I take this moment to look at my father. His face is pale, he’s clutching his left side as though he’s in pain and the motherfucker is glaring at Kenna like he wants to kill her. He’s unable to say anything as he’s struggling to breathe. The potassium is working perfectly.

  “So?” Makenna prompts and Pauly laughs harder. “I need you to dish the dirt. I’m guessing he was one of those kids that ran around naked all the time.”

  Romero and Alessio chuckle at her words, I throw my arm around the back of her chair and my fingers massage her nape. Pauly’s looking at us with envy.

  “Dante was a very composed child,” he begins, throwing a grin in my direction. “He was always sombre except when he was around knives. I knew from the time he was two that he would be a fucking expert at carving people.”

  Just as a docile wife would, Makenna blanches at his words.

  “Pauly,” I growl in warning.

  Neither Makenna or I give a shit about anything Pauly is saying, we’re keeping him occupied enough that he won’t glance in my father’s direction. Right now, he’s sweating and trying to breathe. I’ve never seen my father look as weak as he does right now.

  “It’s okay, Dante.” Makenna responds to my reprimand of Pauly. “It’s your way of life.” She frowns. “Oh, Mr Bianchi, are you okay?” The worry in her voice makes me want to chuckle. Instead, I get to my feet, Romero and Alessio right behind me.

  “Father?” I question and the asshole helps us by trying to get to his feet and collapsing onto the floor.

  “Oh my God. Help us. Please, someone help us,” Makenna cries and fuck me, she’s putting on a good performance; I’m pretty sure she’s got tears in her eyes.

  Pauly and I crouch down to my father and Pauly takes my father’s pulse. His face pales as he glances up at me and gives me one sharp shake of his head. My father’s gone. Makenna’s plan worked.

  Someone tells us that they’ve called the EMT’s and they’re on route. Makenna burrows into my body when I stand up and I pull her into my arms. She’s playing her part perfectly. Romero and Alessio are standing on watching, both of their faces etched with worry. Anyone looking on would think that we’re a loving family who are worried about their father.

  “Dante…” Pauly says, his
voice tight. “We can’t have them take him to the emergency room. If they get word that he’s dead, it could start a fucking war.”

  “What do you expect me to do?”

  He sighs, “We call our doctor, and have both him and the EMT’s confirm his death and then we lay him to rest. You’re in charge now, Dante. You have to lead.”

  “Call the doctor,” I demand as I push Makenna into Romero and watch as both of them bristle. She’s okay being in my arms but not Romero’s. I’m not sure why that makes me happy but it fucking does.

  The manager moves over to me. “Sir, the EMT’s are here,” he says quietly.

  “Clear the restaurant and let them in,” I tell him. He knows us, knows who we are.

  “Right away, sir.”

  Three hours later, we’re walking into our home, each one of us sombre as we reflect on the past couple of hours. The EMT’s arrived and Pauly informed them of what was happening and they told him it looked like my father had suffered a heart attack. The doctor arrived shortly after and took over, pronouncing him dead and agreeing with the paramedics that it was a heart attack that took him.

  Pauly and I had contacted the funeral home and we had his body moved there. His funeral will be in a few days. We’ve also spread the word of my father’s death and that I’ll be the one taking his place. The Capo dei Capi has agreed after Pauly spoke to him. My grandfather hated my father and is probably as happy that the bastard’s gone as we are.

  “It worked,” Alessio says as soon as we enter the kitchen.

  Makenna nods, “For now, there’s still a few days before we can bury him. Until then, we keep vigilant and make sure no one has any reason to doubt that the arsehole had a heart attack.”

  “We get it, no celebrating until he’s six feet under,” Romero says, but he’s grinning from ear to ear. “I just want to say, Boss. That was a fucking good plan. Not only that, you actually fucking shed a tear. I was impressed.”


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