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Rogue: The Black Cobras MC #1

Page 4

by Rylan, Savannah

  Carli’s breaths came in heavy as she turned, over every word in her head, trying to make sense of my suggestion.

  “I…I…” she stuttered.

  “Never done this before?” I asked with a grin. Carli swallowed hard and nodded.

  “I don’t expect you to be an expert at payment sex,” I replied, and she let out a nervous laugh in response.

  I didn’t trust her. But I also wanted her and if I could have her, I’d do this to keep her close. And by the lustful look on her face, I could tell that she was considering it.

  “But we don’t know each other,” she said.

  I smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to be my girlfriend. I’m not interested in a relationship. I want to make it clear that this arrangement will only last four nights. I will set the dates,” I replied.

  This was fun for some reason. Watching the shock on her face, watching her look away from me shyly. She couldn’t meet my eyes any longer. All that spunk from before had disappeared. Now, all she could do was try and hide her flushed cheeks.

  “So, this is just about the sex?” she asked.

  I glanced down at her breasts again, the faint pebbling of her nipples peeking through her thin shirt. Was she turned on by this?

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “And in return you will find Hazel for me?” she clarified.

  “I will try. If the Sons of Satan are the ones responsible for it.”

  “They are. I am sure they are. They took her to sniff out your brother,” she retorted, and I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

  “If that is what happened, I will find her. If you agree to our arrangement,” I said.

  “And what happens after the four nights are up?” she asked.

  “You won’t owe me anything after that,” I said.

  “What if you don’t find Hazel? What will happen then?” There was fire in Carli’s eyes as she spoke. Her chin was up again; she had somehow managed to gather her confidence back.

  “I will find your niece if the Sons of Satan have taken her. If they haven’t, then I can’t help you,” I said.

  Carli swallowed hard and then she nodded her head.

  “Okay,” she said.

  I was just as surprised by her answer as she was, her eyes wide with shock.

  “Okay?” I asked and she nodded her head some more.

  “Four nights with you and you will find my niece,” she stated.

  I smiled widely and returned to the chair. I couldn’t keep standing so close to her with my cock raging in my pants. I could have taken her right there. Thrown her over the table and ripped her clothes off. Everything about this woman was sexy. I was like a ticking time bomb in a room alone with her.

  “Good,” I said as I watched her. She looked away from me, her cheeks coloring once again.

  “You weren’t lying when you said you would do anything for your niece,” I said. Carli looked up at me, her lips parted deliciously. She tucked some of her dark hair behind her ears and I noticed her nipples were still pebbled. I wanted them in my mouth.

  “No. There is nothing more important to me than Hazel’s safety,” she replied her voice barely above a whisper.

  “Good,” I said again. I could already imagine her on this table with her legs spread out for me, her pussy dripping wet and juicy.



  What the hell was I doing?

  Had I really just agreed to this ridiculous plan with a man I hadn’t met before? I hadn’t even had a one-night stand with a stranger before in my life. Taking on responsibilities at an early age had taught me to make logical decisions and wise life choices.

  Sleeping with a rough biker guy as a part of a formal arrangement for four nights—who also happened to be Hazel’s uncle—was not a logical or wise decision. And yet, I’d just agreed to it.

  The thing that shocked me the most was, I was excited about it.

  What other choice did I have? It was either this or going to the police. I didn’t want to do the latter. Going to the police would mean a sure-shot death sentence for Hazel. Amanda was pretty adamant about that. And with Grimm missing as well, it cemented my belief that the Son’s had taken them both.

  Agreeing to have sex with Rogue Daniels was something that was like a wild fantasy I never thought could happen in real life. It was an easy choice, actually.

  From the moment I saw him, I wanted him.

  He sat at the table again, watching me, his eyes roaming all over my body. I knew he was thinking the same thing I was—this sex was going to be explosive. There was an immediate sexual tension between us from the moment I walked up to him.

  “When do you want the first night to be?” I asked. Rogue clenched his jaw.

  “Tonight,” he said.

  My heart raced in my chest. I wasn’t prepared for this so soon, but I’d agreed to it. There was no backing out of it now if I wanted Hazel to come back safely to us.

  “Okay,” I replied.

  Rogue walked up to the bar and fished out a small notepad and a pen.

  “Write down your number. I’ll text you my address later,” he commanded, handing them over to me. I did as I was instructed and handed it back to him.

  Rogue looked me up and down once more, assessing me.

  “Go. I have shit to do,” he drawled.

  Releasing a shaky breath, I turned from him and walked out of the bar.

  Outside, the men Rogue had kicked out earlier were gathered around their parked bikes. Some of them were still drinking from their cans and smoking cigarettes. All of them watched me as I walked over to my car and got in. I glanced at them from my rear view mirror, knowing they were talking about me. From the look in their eyes and smirks on their faces, I could sense that they all wanted me. But it was only him I wanted. My mind filled with thoughts of seeing him naked. Of seeing his cock.

  I still couldn’t believe what I’d just done. It was out of character for me. But since Hazel disappeared yesterday, nothing was the same about our lives anymore.

  * * *

  Amanda was waiting for me at the door when I returned to our apartment.

  “Did you see him? What did he say?” She jumped on me before I had a chance to even walk through the door. Whatever excuse she might make up right now, I knew that she’d never stopped thinking about Grimm. He’d left a mark on her and was also the father of her child. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for my sister.

  I walked past her and headed into the apartment. I wasn’t quite ready to explain to her what happened. How the hell do you tell your sister that you agreed to fuck someone to find your niece?

  “Carli?” She followed me around the living room. I landed on the couch and she plopped down next to me. I stared off in front of me, trying to find the words to explain to her what I had gotten myself into. She reached out and touched my shoulder, forcing me to look at her.

  “No, I didn’t see Grimm,” I told her.

  “What will happen to my baby. What will we do about Hazel? I’m sick to my stomach, Carli,” Amanda wailed.

  I clenched my jaw, and bit back an angry response at her. It was pointless letting her know how angry I was with her for getting us into this situation.

  “I met his brother Rogue. Do you know him?” I asked.

  Amanda stared at me with her brows furrowed. “Grimm has a brother? I don’t even know why I’m surprised…it’s not like I knew anything about him at all,” she said, wiping her tears from her cheeks.

  “His name is Rogue. He was at the bar. I told him about Hazel and who she is,” I continued.

  Amanda was confused. “Why did you tell him? Where was Grimm? You should have spoken to him directly. What is this brother going to do for us?”

  I breathed in deeply and clutched her hands.

  “Amanda, I want you to calm down. I have something to tell you, but you need to know that we’ve made progress,” I said.

  She looked like she wasn’t breathing, like she w
as holding her breath to hear what I had to say.

  “What’s going on, Carli?”

  “Grimm is gone. They’ve taken him, too. The Black Cobra MC are looking for him,” I replied.

  She gasped, dragging her hands to her mouth. She stepped away from me.

  “They got him? Did they use Hazel to get to him?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Rogue didn’t know anything about Hazel. Nobody seems to know anything about what happened to Grimm,” I said.

  Amanda paced around the room with a wild, maddened look in her eyes. I wanted to do everything I could to make her feel better, to get Hazel back…and now, I was doing the best I could.

  “Is he going to help us? This Rogue guy?” she asked, fixing her strained eyes on me. I slowly nodded.

  “Yes, he’s agreed to help us. He’s given me his word that he will find Hazel,” I told her.

  Amanda flung herself at me again, wrapping her arms tightly around me.

  “I knew it, Carli. I knew you’d do well. I can always trust you,” she sobbed into my shoulder.

  I hugged her back and couldn’t help the worry from rising in my stomach. I hoped I was making the right decision in trusting Rouge to follow through on his promise. Deep down I had to admit to myself that I was a little excited to get to spend time with Rogue. But I had to keep my focus, and make sure that finding Hazel was my priority.



  After Carli left the bar, the others came back in again. Cash walked right up to me with a smirk on his face.

  “So, are we helping damsels in distress now?” he asked.

  “Fuck if I know,” I said with a laugh. “Hey, have you ever heard of Grimm hanging out with a girl named Amanda?”

  “Shit, Rogue,” Cash said as he sat down next to me at the bar. “You know Grimm has a revolving door on chicks that he has been with.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I said as I reached behind the bar and grabbed us two beers. I knew right away it was the shit one that Grimm liked, but at this point I’d drink anything. “But did one ever revolve around for a little while?”

  “Not that I can really remember. I know that there was one a while ago that he stuck with that we were all surprised about, but then it all ended pretty abruptly, and he never talked about it since.”

  Could Carli be right then? Could that have been Amanda?

  “Did he ever mention a kid?”

  “What?” Cash asked nearly choking on his beer.

  “You heard me. Did he ever mention having a kid?” I said through a clenched jaw.

  “No. He never did. Hell, if he did have a kid, he never acted like he knew he had one. Besides, wouldn’t you know if he had a kid? He’s your brother.”

  “Yeah you would think that would be something I would know about,” I said with a frustrated sigh. “Do me a favor?”

  “What’s up?”

  “See if you can dig up anything on Amanda Smith and her sister Carli. See if one of your contacts knows anything about either of them.”

  Cash nodded taking a long swig of his beer and grabbed the rest of the guys and headed out of the bar. While I doubtful that they would actually come up with anything, it was worth a shot. I was left alone. I needed to focus and make a plan of how to take down the Sons of Satan and find my brother. But right then, all I could think about was Carli.

  Did I believe I had a niece? That this Hazel was actually Grimm’s kid?

  No, I did not.

  I had never heard of Amanda before. Grimm never mentioned her to me. Granted he would have fucked her eight years ago, but I couldn’t recall that name. Besides, why had Amanda kept it a secret for so long? Most of the women who slept with Grimm were obsessed with him. Couldn’t get enough of him. He had regular stalkers, for fucks sake. So, if one of these women actually got pregnant with his child, there was no way that she would keep information like that secret from him. A kid would be the perfect excuse to keep Grimm in her life.

  Besides, how would Crow or the Sons of Satan find out about this kid if she was such a well-kept secret?

  No. There were too many loopholes in this story. It was too far-fetched for the Sons of Satan to use this kid as bait when Grimm didn’t even know about her. Despite that though, it was too much to be a coincidence that both Grimm would go missing and then Carli show up worried about Hazel.

  So, what was Carli doing here?

  One possibility was that since word got out about Grimm’s disappearance, Carli decided to use this opportunity to guilt-trip me into finding her niece. Maybe the Sons of Satan had some kind of feud with her or her family. Carli needed help and thought this would be the perfect chance to get help from me.

  The other possibility, and the more likely of the two, was that she was working with the Sons of Satan. That she was sent here by them to let our guard down. Crow would know that a hot piece of ass would distract any of the guys here. She was the perfect way to keep tabs on our club and steer us in the wrong direction.

  No matter why she was really here, I needed to keep my guard up. As much as I wanted Carli, I still had to be careful. The only way I could help Grimm and get him out of there alive was by staying alive myself.

  I was going to have to use these four nights—according to my arrangement with Carli—to extract more information. If she did have some plan up her sleeves, my plan was to outmaneuver her. The last thing I was going to do was let a woman take me for a ride.

  My phone suddenly rang, Martin’s name popping up on the screen. I’d ghosted him since I found out about Grimm’s disappearance. I was never gone from my business for this long.

  “Boss, where are you?” Martin said.

  “I’m at the Pit,” I told him.

  “Your brother’s bar?”

  “We have a problem. I need you and the boys to get here as fast as possible.”

  “Yes, boss,” Martin said, and the call ended.

  I knew I needed reinforcements. Just working with the guys from the MC wasn’t going to be good enough. Currently, the only thing I could do was wait for the information they gathered. I needed more manpower, and I trusted my boys from my company to be able to help. Especially Martin.

  Thoughts of Carli bounced around in my mind as I waited for Martin and the others to show up. I’d already texted her my address and the time I wanted her to arrive at my apartment.

  Spending the night with her would keep me distracted from losing my shit over Grimm. I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  The next time I’d see her, I’d be ripping off her clothes. She’d agreed to this arrangement pretty quickly, without a hint of hesitation. That made me even more suspicious of her intentions, but right now, I needed to blow my load inside her. Everything else would have to wait.

  If she did have a niece missing, and if the Sons of Satan had taken the kid—then I’d stick to my promise and find the girl for her. If Carli had some other plan up her sleeve, then I’d deal with it after I’d ravaged her in my bed.

  Either way, I was going to have her, right where I wanted her.



  I drove to the address that Rogue had texted me. He lived in the outskirts of the city, which was some relief. I wasn’t sure how soon I would be able to return to that neighborhood where I found him at The Pit. I still couldn’t believe Amanda had gotten me involved in this.

  I wasn’t sure how late I would be back at the apartment, so I told Amanda that I had office-work to take care of and not to stay up. Not that Amanda had been sleeping much since Hazel’s disappearance. Neither of us had really been sleeping.

  Rogue lived in a tall apartment building and on the twelfth floor. For someone who belonged to a motorcycle club, he seemed to live in a relatively normal neighborhood and a decent apartment.

  At eight-thirty on the dot, and I knocked on his door.

  Rogue appeared before me, still wearing the clothes he was in earlier. He loomed tall over me, casting a heavy gaze over my body.
  I’d showered and changed into a dress. It was a simple blue wrap dress and I hadn’t bothered with much makeup. This was more like a business arrangement, rather than a date. He knew I was desperate to find Hazel and was willing to help me as long as I gave him something in return. I tried not to think about the decision I’d made.

  “Come in, Carli,” he said and held the door open for me.

  I stepped into the apartment, and I felt a shiver run through my core, my body already reacting to Rogue’s close presence. The few hours that I’d spent apart from him, I’d thought of nothing other than Hazel and him. I was worried for her and excited about seeing her again. These mixed and conflicting emotions were messing with my brain and I wasn’t able to think straight.

  His apartment wasn’t anything fancy, more like a man cave. But it had functional things—a couch, a TV, some chairs and a coffee table. Rogue was clearly not a decorating kind of guy.

  “Nice place,” I commented as he closed the door behind me.

  Nerves ran rampant within me. I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t sure how this would work; was I supposed to start undressing right away?

  “We don’t have to make small talk,” he said, and I slowly turned to face him.

  “That wasn’t what I was trying to do,” I told him.

  Rogue wasn’t smiling, and neither did he seem to be in a good mood.

  Was his brother’s disappearance taking a toll on him, too? Could it be possible that he was feeling guilty about his niece’s abduction as well?

  “Rogue, I want to…” I began to say.

  “Thank me?” he asked, cocking one eyebrow on his forehead. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “I’ll thank you when you find Hazel for me,” I said.


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