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Rogue: The Black Cobras MC #1

Page 15

by Rylan, Savannah

His men put up a fight, but we were better armed and this time—way more in number. Everyone here was only on one mission—to get Hazel out.

  When we arrived at the warehouse, I didn’t waste any time. I gave the order and we attacked, pouring into the warehouse and shooting open all the locks and doors that were in our way. This had to be the location where they were hiding her because it was most heavily guarded.

  Eight Sons of Satan to our dozen.

  The warehouse was full of narrow corridors and rooms dumped with gear. There were no lights in this place, none of us knowing where we were going. This was the only advantage the Sons of Satan had over us.

  We shot in the dark and they shot back at us. I ran forward, looking in every room and every dark corner for a sign of Hazel. The men on the other side didn’t stop shooting and I was aware that we were quickly going to start losing ammunition.

  But none of my men were ready to give up. We were shot, I had a wound on my thigh and was limping, but I kept going. I fired in every direction in the dark, until finally, I heard the muffled cry of a girl’s voice.

  “Hazel! Where are you sweetheart?” I shouted over the sound of the raging bullets. She tried to scream louder, and just like I’d found Grimm, I tried to follow the voice of the muffled cry.

  “She’s here! She’s here somewhere. Keep going!” I shouted to the others.

  I found Hazel in a heap on the floor of a dank room.

  “Hey, hey! I got you, sweetheart. You’re safe now.”

  I had her in my arms and I tugged at the rag that was tied around her mouth. She started crying as soon as the gag was off her, her hands tied together with a rope. I got a pen knife out of my pocket, cutting through the rope as Hazel continued to cry.

  “I want my mommy! I want my aunty!” she screamed, and I pulled her into my arms again. Even in the darkness of the room, I could see the similarity between her and Grimm.

  I checked her face and limbs for bruises and cuts. Other than a few scratches and the burn marks on her wrists from the rope, she seemed to be fine.

  “I’m going to take you to your mommy and aunt, now. Okay?” I said and she threw her arms around my neck.

  “I want my mom and my aunt. Please,” she sobbed as I lifted her up.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to you now, sweetheart. I have you,” I said, more to myself than to her.

  All I could hear was white noise as I stepped out of the room. Hazel clung to me and I had an arm around her with the other firmly on my gun.

  “Cover! I got her!” I shouted and some of my men guarded my way and shot back at the Sons of Satan as I ran. Hazel continued to shriek as some bullets whizzed past us.

  The pain in my thigh shot up my spine. I shouldn’t have been running, but I had no choice. I kept repeating the same words to her.

  “I got you. I got you.”

  Outside, there was one of our men waiting guard and he ran with me to the car to help Hazel in.

  She shuddered and shook, crying buckets. I laid her down on the back seat of the car and got in the front.

  “Finish it off here. Make sure you burn the warehouse and all the stash when you’re done,” I growled to the man and took off.

  “Where are we going?” Hazel cried from the backseat.

  I didn’t blame her for not trusting me. She had been through too much in the past few days.

  “I’m taking you home, sweetheart,” I said, trying to calm my voice. I needed to stay calm so that Hazel could be calm too.

  I gazed at her in the rearview mirror. She was sitting up now. Her hair was matted to her face, her green eyes glittered with tears. How could they do this to her? My knuckles turned white as I gripped the steering wheel.

  “Are you taking me to my mommy and aunt?” she asked. I tried to smile at her in the mirror. “Who are you?”

  I rubbed a hand over my face. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I knew Grimm and Amanda needed to be the ones that did that.

  “Nobody. I just came to rescue you,” I told her. “I’m going to make a quick call ok?”

  She nodded and pulled her knees up to her chest. I hated seeing her so scared like this. But at least now she was safe. I quickly picked up my cell and called Grimm.

  “Get her?” he asked quickly. He sounded like he was slightly out of breath.

  “I got her,” I said with a sigh.

  “Thank fucking god,” he said.

  “Did you find Crow?” I asked. “You alright? You sound like you just ran a marathon.”

  “I did find him,” Grimm said with a laugh. “We caught him off guard at his house. When our location turned up empty I decided to head to his place and see if he was home. Luckily the fucker was there by himself, without any back up. Before you called, I was beating the hell out of him trying to get him to tell me where Hazel was. But now that you found her it seems like I can just go ahead and kill him.”

  “Put one in his head for me,” I said as my eyes shot to Hazel in the rearview mirror. She had her eyes closed and was fast asleep.

  “Oh, I plan on putting more than one bullet in him,” Grimm said.

  “Good,” I said. “I’m taking Hazel to Carli and Amanda’s.”

  “I will meet you there once I am finished here,” Grimm said and hung up the phone.



  I told Amanda everything that happened that day, including what Rogue had said to me—that he was going to bring Hazel to us that night.

  “How could you trust that man? You nearly got Rogue killed!” Amanda screamed at me.

  I remained sitting on the couch patiently, listening to all that she had to say.

  “You’ve never trusted anyone, Carli. Not me, not anyone. What makes you think you’re so trustworthy?” she cried. She fluctuated between being mad at me and then apologizing profusely for what she said.

  “I’m sorry honey. I know nobody will ever look after Hazel the way you do. You saved Rogue’s life in the end. That’s what matters.”

  I tried to not pay attention to anything that she said. I knew she was emotional and scared for what was going to happen to Hazel. We knew that time was running out. Eventually, Crow was going to lose his patience with Hazel and who knew what he was actually capable of.

  Amanda and I remained stuck in the apartment, waiting to hear anything.

  It was past midnight when both heard the rumbling sounds of motorcycles outside. Amanda jumped up and looked out the window, as Grimm parked his bike outside the building.

  “Grimm! He’s here!” she shrieked.

  “Is Hazel with him? Rogue?” I asked, jumping off the couch. Amanda’s face was deathly pale. She shook her head.

  Grimm appeared at our door a minute later, bleeding again. His shirt looked as though it was soaked in blood. Amanda threw herself on him.

  “Are you ok? What happened?”

  “I’m fine,” he said as he stroked her hair and looked up at me.

  “Rogue has her. He’s bringing her here now.”

  Amanda and I screamed with joy. She broke away from Grimm and ran to me and we hugged each other tightly.

  I pushed the hair out of my sister’s face and stared at her with relief.

  “Is Hazel alright?” I asked.

  “She’s fine,” Grimm said.

  “What did you do to Crow?” Amanda asked, turning to look at Grimm again. That was when I noticed the gun in the holster on his jeans and the crazed look in his eyes.

  “I killed him. He’s dead. He’s never going to lay a hand on our daughter again,” Grimm stated in a deep growl.

  Amanda and I were silent for a few moments and then she walked to him. She took his hand into hers and squeezed them.

  “Thank you,” she murmured and kissed him.

  I let out a long sigh of relief. I felt no remorse for Crow’s death. After the hell he had put Hazel through he didn’t deserve to live. I was glad that Grimm handled it.

  As the minutes ticked by, I started to beco
me impatient. I couldn’t stand still. I couldn’t wait to see Hazel and Rogue. I ran to the window and kept a lookout for them, counting every minute that passed. I knew he would bring her back. I knew he would be the one to find her.

  A few minutes later I saw Rogue’s car pull into our parking lot. I watched as Rogue got out of the car, and with a heavy beating heart and my hand on my mouth, I saw him lift Hazel out of the car. My cry of relief alerted Amanda and she came to the window, too, hugging me again.

  Grimm ran out to help Rogue with Hazel up the stairs, and I finally saw them at the door.

  He released Hazel and we ran to her. Amanda and I couldn’t get enough of hugging and kissing her, refusing to let her go. Grimm and Rogue stood by with smiles on their faces while we celebrated.

  Hazel jumped into my arms and I cried as I spun her around.

  “Are you hurt, honey? Are you sick? Tell me, baby,” I said through my tears. She shook her head, the brave girl that she was.

  “Are you hungry, baby? Do you want a grilled cheese? Some water?” Amanda asked, stroking her daughter’s hair. Hazel smiled and Amanda ran to the kitchen.

  I put Hazel down on the couch and took off her socks and shoes. She didn’t look hurt, she just looked like she was in major need of a bath.

  “You must be very tired, honey. We’re going to give you a quick bath and then you can sleep. Is that okay?” I said and kissed her cheeks.

  “I’m not sleepy. I’ve been sleeping a lot,” she replied. I smiled.

  “Whatever you want to do, honey. We can watch a movie if you want, or I’ll read to you,” I suggested. Hazel nodded in excitement. For a kid who had been through something so traumatic, she seemed to be taking it very well.

  I sat with Hazel, talking to her about unimportant things. I’d forgotten all about Rogue and Grimm, and they stayed in the room watching us. Amanda emerged from the kitchen a while later with grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone and glasses of water.

  “You got anything stronger?” Grimm asked her and she rolled her eyes.

  “No drinking in this house,” Amanda scolded him, and he took the water from her.

  “Who are they?” Hazel asked, pointing to the men as she started eating her sandwich.

  “Honey, you know Grimm, don’t you?” I asked and she nodded.

  “Yes, he was in the room with me. We played lots of games,” Hazel said, smiling at him.

  “You won all of them. Smart girl,” Grimm said. Amanda looked at both their faces proudly.

  “But why are they here?” Hazel asked.

  “Because they’re our friends, honey,” Amanda spoke up and I stared at her with hope. It was time to reveal the secret.

  “We should tell her, Amanda. Don’t you think it’s time she knew? Hazel is so brave, isn’t she?” I said and hugged her again.

  “Tell me what?” she asked, looking from her mother’s face to mine.

  Amanda breathed in deeply and looked at Grimm first before she approached Hazel on the couch.

  “Honey, there is something important we have to tell you,” she began. Hazel put her sandwich down.

  “Is it about why I was taken away?” she asked, pouting her lips. Amanda shook her head, little tears escaping her eyes again. She patted Hazel’s hands and smiled weakly at her.

  “It’s a part of it. Honey… Grimm…he’s your daddy,” Amanda revealed.

  Hazel looked confused for a few moments and then she looked at Grimm. I was relieved to see that a smile began to spread on her face.

  “Really?” she squealed. Amanda laughed as we watched Hazel run to him. She threw her arms around his legs and Grimm lifted her up in his arms.

  “Hey, you,” he whispered to her as they hugged each other tightly.

  “You’re my daddy?” she asked, and Grimm nodded. “Does this mean we can be a family now?”

  Amanda walked toward them, beaming with pride and happiness. I was happy for them too. This was what Hazel deserved—a set of parents who loved her and who would look after her. As much as I tried, I couldn’t have given that to her.

  “We can talk about it,” Amanda said. Hazel squealed with joy and clapped her hands.

  “And he. Who is he?” she asked excitedly and Grimm let her go. She walked over to Rogue, staring up at him with a smile.

  “I’m your uncle, Hazel. Your daddy’s brother,” Rogue said. She reached for his hand and my heart nearly burst as I watched them together. Hazel was already in love with Rogue. He was the one who had rescued her. She was never going to forget that.

  “I have an uncle and a daddy now,” she exclaimed with joy. Amanda and I laughed, and she ran into my arms again.

  “I’ve missed you, Aunt Carli,” she said.

  I kissed her forehead. “I’ve missed you too, honey. We’re very sorry that we couldn’t get to you sooner. We were all trying very hard. It was your uncle Rogue and your daddy who helped the most,” I told her.

  Hazel nodded and then laid her head on my shoulder like she always did.

  “It’s okay. It wasn’t so bad. I just missed you guys,” she said. It amazed me that a child her age was being so brave and trying to make us feel as little guilt as possible. More tears poured down my cheeks, but I knew I needed to be brave for Hazel’s sake now.

  “Do you want to take a bath? Shall we read our books?” I suggested and she nodded.

  Hazel hugged everyone in the room and especially her daddy even more tightly before she held my hand and we went into her room. I cherished every moment I spent with her now because I knew what it felt like to lose her.

  There was no rush. I would stay up all night if I had to in order to make her feel safe again.

  * * *

  After Hazel had finally fallen asleep, Amanda and I returned to the living room to find Rogue and Grimm talking.

  “Looks like we have more wounds to look after,” Amanda said with a sigh, to which Rogue and Grimm smiled.

  Now that Hazel was safely tucked into bed and I didn’t have to worry my head over her, I finally turned my attention to Rogue.

  I walked up to him and he followed my every move with those stormy green eyes of his. Despite being fully clothed and in the presence of other people, it was like he was undressing me. He was imagining me naked, picturing what he was going to do to me when we were alone together.

  I stood over him, chewing my lip with embarrassment and he reached for my hand. He pulled me down to his lap.

  “Fuck!” he growled with pain. I jumped off his lap again and looked down and noticed the dark red stain on his jeans.

  “We need to take you to a doctor, Rogue. This is going to get worse,” I said, staring with horror at the wound in his leg. At least the bleeding seemed to have stopped.

  “Yeah, we’ll see the guy who stitches us up at the Black Cobras usually. We can’t go to a hospital tonight, not after everything that’s happened,” Grimm said.

  “It’s fine. I don’t even feel it anymore,” Rogue told me. I rolled my eyes.

  “Can I at least bandage it?”

  He nodded, then stood up in pain and followed me to my room. I paused in the bathroom and tried to grab our first aid kit, but Rogue pulled me into my bedroom. Behind closed doors, Rogue was quick to pull me to himself and kiss me.

  His hands went down my back till he cupped my ass tightly. I swayed in his arms, sinking into his body while he kissed me. With his tongue, he tasted my chin and then left a blazing wet trail down my neck. My body was on fire again.

  “Rogue, we shouldn’t, not till you’ve had that leg looked at!” I scolded him and gently pushed him away from me. He grunted and ran a hand through his thick hair. I watched him walk over to my bed and lie down.

  It melted my heart to see him so comfortable in my room. I still couldn’t actually begin the conversation, feeling as if I’d end up making a fool of myself.

  “Do you want to keep standing there the whole night or are you going to come closer to me?” Rogue asked. I flushed to
a deep red and walked over to the edge of the bed. He took my hand again and brought it to his lips.

  Fatigue settled onto his handsome features, like he had been in a war. —though he had been in a sort of war.

  “What happened back there?” I asked, feeling anxious again.

  “Shh…we don’t need to talk about it right now. All you need to worry about is Hazel and making sure she’s okay. Do you think she’s going to be okay?” he asked.

  I shrugged and smiled weakly at him.

  “She seems okay right now, but that could be because she’s in shock. I don’t know, I’m not an expert. In the morning I’m going to talk to Amanda about getting her to see a therapist. I want to make sure that this doesn’t affect her future. We’ll do everything we can,” I told him.

  “Whatever she needs, I’m going to pay for it,” he said, and I opened my mouth to protest. “I’m not taking no for an answer. Grimm and I haven’t contributed to Hazel’s life for the first eight years. It’s about time that we chipped in.”

  I nodded.

  “And now that we’re here to help, I want you to think about what you really want to do, Carli. I can tell you want to do things. You’ve given up a lot for Hazel and there’s still time to make up for it,” Rogue continued.

  I gulped, in shock that he had actually figured that out about me.

  “I guess I hadn’t given it much thought because I didn’t expect our situation to change,” I replied. Rogue took my hand to his lips and kissed my fingers again.

  “Well, your situation has changed, and I want you to think about it. You should get the chance you lost out on,” he added.

  I laid myself down beside him on the bed and wrapped an arm over his torso.

  “Rogue…I wasn’t joking. I meant it when I said I love you,” I whispered, too afraid to meet his eyes.

  “I love you too, Carli,” he said. I looked up at him and kissed him.

  “And that thing you said about how you don’t deserve me…that isn’t true. You’re a good man. You are a strong, intelligent, and brave man, and I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else,” I continued.


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