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Sweet Taste of Revenge

Page 16

by Mary Ellis

  ‘Five-liter V-8 engine, 471 horsepower, ten-speed automatic transmission.’ Eric read off an impressive list of features. ‘Let’s check out the interior.’ While Kate climbed in the passenger side, he slid in behind the wheel. ‘I have fallen in love.’

  ‘You’d better be talking about the car.’ Kate leaned back in the most comfortable seat ever and closed her eyes.

  ‘Of course, I am. Glass top, heated and ventilated seats, heated leather-trimmed steering wheel. Too bad I just bought my Expedition. But maybe it’s time we traded in yours.’

  ‘Have you totally lost your mind?’ she whispered. ‘We are not a married couple, shopping for an expensive car. We’re supposed to be working. Besides, I drive a Price Investigations’ vehicle and Nate would never lease one of these. He’s seen how I parallel-park.’

  ‘Too bad, because this is one gorgeous set of wheels.’ Eric smoothed his hand across the dashboard.

  ‘Please focus on why we’re here.’ Kate elbowed him in the ribs.

  ‘Yes, ma’am, but I don’t think we’ll learn much from Rivera’s employees. Why would they discuss a media smear campaign with perspective car buyers?’ Eric adjusted the seat to accommodate his long legs.

  ‘That’s a good point. We should visit Rivera’s competition in the area. Maybe they’ll dish whatever dirt Agnes Westin put in motion.’

  Eric shook his head. ‘That won’t work either. Spreading negative press would make them liable in a slander lawsuit.’

  Kate swiveled around to face him. ‘Look at you – putting your law school background to good use. But you’re right. We need to pay Lainey’s fiancé a visit and ask him outright. Rivera’s reaction alone might tell us plenty.’

  ‘Good idea, but first let’s test-drive this beauty.’ Eric gripped the wheel with both fists. ‘We could open her up on Route 10. Zero to sixty in less than five seconds – can you imagine?’

  ‘What I imagine is a long string of speeding tickets. On so many levels, Manfredi, you’re even worse than Beth. I’ll call Michael for Rivera’s home address. That guy can find it faster than us.’ Kate climbed out of the car.

  ‘While you do that,’ said Eric, climbing out too, ‘I’ll take a quick peek under the hood.’

  Kate shook her head and pulled out her cell phone.

  Ten minutes later, when Miss Stokes approached, Eric still had his head under the hood.

  ‘From your smile, may I assume you like our luxury coupé, Mr Weller?’ asked the sales rep, making a natural assumption regarding his name.

  ‘I do indeed, but my wife reminded me that, with her delicate condition, we should probably look at sedans or SUVs.’ Eric mimicked rocking a baby in his arms.

  Luckily, Miss Stokes had already pivoted on one stiletto, so she didn’t see Kate’s murderous expression. ‘Oh, that’s wonderful news. Over there we have our LS or the LX, every bit as luxurious, but more practical for a growing family.’

  ‘Goodness.’ Kate pressed a hand to her still flat stomach. ‘I’m not feeling so well. I believe we’ll come back another day to continue our search.’ She sighed as though the troubles of womanhood were too much to bear.

  ‘Of course. Feel free to drop in any time or call first to make sure Mr Rivera is here that day.’ Miss Stokes’s smile could rival a pageant contestant’s in the final round of competition.

  ‘That’s what we’ll do.’ Eric wrapped his arm around Kate’s shoulders and walked her out of the building.

  Kate allowed this to continue until they reached his car. ‘Are they still watching us?’ she demanded.

  Eric glanced over his shoulder. ‘Mr Prentiss is. I think that man has a crush on you.’

  ‘Let me know when he turns around.’ She hissed through gritted teeth. ‘Because I fully intend to shoot you in a non-vital organ.’

  Eric threw his head back and laughed with abandon. ‘Now for sure I’ve reached Beth Kirby’s level of partnership. She told me you two wanted to wrestle in the alley most days.’

  ‘That’s the truth,’ said Kate with a chuckle. ‘But Beth always got the job done. She put the job before mealtime, leisurely pursuits, and even mud wrestling. Keep that in mind, Manfredi.’ She set the GPS for the address provided by Michael and stepped on the gas.

  While she drove, Eric checked his email and called his sister for an update on the family restaurant. From how often he told his sister, ‘We’ll discuss that some other time,’ Kate assumed everything wasn’t running smooth-as-silk back in Charleston. As Eric spent more and more time helping on the Westin case and serving as her personal bodyguard, the less and less she believed he was here to scout new restaurant locations.

  She had already convinced herself she wasn’t in love with him back in Charleston. This time it wouldn’t be so easy. Eric Manfredi was a nice guy. He was loyal, steadfast, and true. But unlike a cocker spaniel or Labrador retriever available at any pound or rescue organization, Eric was also handsome, competent, and cooked food that made a diet look like a silly notion. Plus he wanted to be near her. For the first time in Kate’s life, she was someone’s first choice. And that made falling in love with him hard to resist.

  When they arrived at Steve Rivera’s condo, they found him not only home but in sweat pants and drinking a can of ginger ale. Feeling under the weather hadn’t been a ploy.

  ‘Mr Rivera? Sorry to bother you, but could we ask you a few questions? I’m Kate Weller and this is Eric Manfredi, my business partner.’

  Rivera’s forehead furrowed with confusion. ‘Are you the Mr and Mrs Weller who were at my showroom looking at the LC? I don’t normally sell vehicles from my home.’

  For some reason, Kate hadn’t anticipated Miss Stokes or Mr Prentiss calling their boss. ‘I’m sorry. I owe you an explanation. I … we work for Lainey Westin. We’re investigating her mother’s death, not shopping for a car.’

  Rivera’s expression didn’t change. ‘Come in and have a seat. I’d wondered which pair of newlyweds would demand that I sell them one of our top-end vehicles.’

  They followed him into a tasteful living room, but nowhere near as chic as Lainey’s condo. ‘I apologize for the subterfuge, sir. I thought the least invasive place to ask a few questions would be at your place of business.’ Kate sat on an overstuffed sofa.

  ‘So when I called off sick, you made up a wild tale?’ Rivera leaned against a floor-to-ceiling bookcase.

  Eric answered before Kate had a chance. ‘I’m responsible for that. I’ve wanted to climb into an LC for a long time and today I got my chance. What an impressive machine.’

  Rivera’s eyes lit up with the praise. ‘In that case, you’re both excused. The LC is an engineering marvel. Now what can I help you with, Mrs Weller?’

  ‘Kate, please. We heard a rumor that Agnes Westin wasn’t fond of you and didn’t want you to marry her daughter. Was this true?’

  ‘Unfortunately, it was. She hated my Latin background and did everything in her power to make trouble.’ Rivera swept his hair back from his forehead. ‘Funny part was Agnes always called me “Esteban,” thinking it would annoy me. Esteban just means “Steve” in Spanish. That’s what my grandparents called me. So why would it annoy me?’

  ‘I also heard troubling gossip that I’d like you to confirm or deny. Did Agnes Westin attempt a negative publicity campaign against your Lexus dealership?’

  Rivera pushed off the wall of books and settled in a chair. ‘She did. Up until then, she’d kept her vitriol on a personal level.’

  ‘What exactly did she do?’

  ‘Agnes posted on Facebook that she’d bought a car that was a lemon. What does that even mean?’ Rivera’s dark eyes could bore a hole through concrete. ‘I don’t sell used vehicles, and the manufacturer’s warranty is one of the best in the industry. Any problem with one of our cars would have been immediately corrected to the customer’s satisfaction.’

  ‘So the post wouldn’t have had much effect,’ Eric murmured.

  ‘Correct. Few people in our tar
get market are even on Facebook. And, if they are, they’re not looking at automobile recommendations. Then Agnes filed a fictitious complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Since that organization investigates every allegation, I became aware of my future mother-in-law’s chicanery.’

  ‘You had to be hoppin’ mad,’ Kate said.

  ‘I certainly was, but before you jump to the wrong conclusion, I wasn’t angry enough to murder her.’ A muscle tightened in Rivera’s jaw.

  ‘What did you do?’

  ‘I called Lainey and told her. She’s had years of experience dealing with an irrational woman. Lainey told dear old Mom she’d better withdraw her complaint and remove those Facebook posts or she would personally start her own smear campaign. Agnes has plenty of skeletons in her own closet. She took down the posts and contacted the bureau immediately.’

  ‘Would any of those skeletons be helpful in her murder investigation?’ Kate asked.

  Rivera gazed at the ceiling before replying. ‘Agnes is gone. Nothing will bring her back. But I plan to be married to Lainey for the rest of my life. I won’t be the one divulging any family secrets.’

  Personally, Kate respected his answer. Professionally … not so much. ‘Were you aware that Agnes threatened to disinherit Lainey if she married you?’

  A vein in his neck began to throb. ‘I wasn’t aware, but I’m not surprised. Lainey told me a lot about growing up with her mother. Agnes threatened to cut Lainey out of her will many times. She wanted her daughter to be exactly like her and used any manipulation to get her way.’

  ‘You see where this puts you in the murder investigation?’ Kate tried to look sympathetic. ‘Agnes tried to ruin your business reputation, something that probably took you years to build. Plus, she threatened to disinherit your bride-to-be.’

  ‘Actually, I don’t see. My grandfather and father established the business’s reputation for integrity years ago. I come to work each day holding my head high. It would take more than one bitter woman’s lies to ruin me.’

  From the corner of her eye, Kate saw Eric smiling, but Steve Rivera was by no means done.

  ‘Regarding Agnes’s estate, which you seem to think dangled like a plum in front of Lainey’s nose?’ He laced his fingers across his chest. ‘Lainey had already inherited a fortune from her grandfather. Grandpa had established a trust when Lainey was still a child. Maybe he was aware of his daughter’s recklessness. Regardless, she and I will be fine financially. Lainey isn’t marrying a poor man. If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you my investment portfolio.’ Rivera’s words chilled the room by ten degrees.

  ‘That won’t be necessary,’ murmured Kate. ‘And I beg your pardon. Lainey hired me to find her mother’s killer, not insult her future husband.’

  ‘Apology accepted, but I must ask … isn’t finding the killer a job for the police?’

  ‘Yes, and they’re working hard on the case. But your fiancée wanted to make sure no stone went unturned.’

  Rivera released a hearty laugh. ‘That sounds like her. Her relationship with Agnes was a love–hate conundrum.’

  Kate rose to her feet. ‘We’ve taken up enough of your time, Mr Rivera, especially since you’re not feeling well. But could you think of anyone with a major grudge against Mrs Westin?’

  ‘I’d look at those who worked for her. Behind her back they called her everything from “Wicked Witch of the South” to names that even made a grown man blush.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t they find work elsewhere?’ Eric asked as they walked to the door.

  ‘According to Lainey, Agnes paid twice the going rate. It’s probably the only way she kept any help at all.’

  ‘I’ve spoken to her gardener and he said the cook got along fine with Mrs Westin. I guess that leaves the housekeeper?’ Kate held out her business card.

  ‘I don’t wish to sic the dogs on anyone.’ Rivera tucked her card in his pocket.

  ‘Understood.’ Kate pulled open the door. ‘Thank you again and best wishes on your upcoming marriage.’

  Eric extended his hand. ‘Forgive me for asking, but why did your employee think she and I were newlyweds?’ he asked while they shook.

  ‘Miss Stokes said you two were acting lovey-dovey, plus your first child was on the way. Was all that part of your subterfuge?’

  Kate answered quickly. ‘It certainly was.’

  ‘Actually, only the part about the baby,’ Eric amended as he closed the door behind them.

  The moment Kate dropped off Eric and he disappeared into the hotel, she turned her car around and drove in the opposite direction. Although she hadn’t lied to him, she also hadn’t corrected his wrong assumption. Eric thought she was planning to visit Julian Buckley, the detective in charge of the Westin homicide. Had he known she was on her way to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department, he would have insisted on coming along. And, whether or not Eric needed to work for financial reasons, she wanted to talk to the detective who’d investigated the armored-car robbery alone.

  Computer-savvy Michael Preston had sent her a file of everything he’d found on Liam’s criminal past, which wasn’t a whole lot. But at least the robbery–homicide detective who’d caught the case agreed to talk to her. The investigation had been closed shortly after Liam’s confession, so no one should be watching. Nevertheless, Kate took a roundabout way to the station in case she was being followed.

  ‘Miss Weller?’ A deep voice startled Kate from her perusal of Southern Living Magazine. ‘Hi, I’m Detective Tony Mendez.’ A pleasant smile lifted his average features into the handsome category.

  ‘Thanks for agreeing to see me on such short notice.’ Kate extended a hand in need of a manicure.

  ‘We can talk privately in here.’ Instead of leading her back to his cubicle, Mendez opened the door to a small conference room off the busy lobby. ‘Coffee, water, anything?’

  ‘No, I’m fine.’

  He took a chair at the table. ‘You said on the phone you wanted to talk about your brother, Liam Weller. I couldn’t place him, so I checked the database. Your brother is serving twenty-five to life after pleading guilty to aggravated homicide. Do I have the right Liam Weller?’

  ‘You do. But recent information has come to light that suggests Liam never shot that security guard.’

  Mendez shrugged. ‘It makes no difference which one pulled the trigger in an armed robbery. All conspirators share the same degree of culpability. So, even if a new witness stepped forward, the new evidence would have no bearing on Liam’s conviction.’

  ‘I understand. But if the parole board heard that Liam wasn’t even there when the guard died – that he had no intent to hurt anyone – they might grant parole on his first attempt.’

  ‘I made a call after talking to you. Your brother has been a model prisoner. As long as that doesn’t change, he already has a good chance at parole. So why are you really here, Miss Weller?’

  Kate wasn’t prepared for Mendez’s bluntness. She paused, then stammered, then raked a hand through her hair. ‘This is why I don’t play poker,’ she said.

  The detective smiled as he waited for her explanation.

  ‘I was ten when my brother was locked up. After that I had nothing to do with him, yet someone has been keeping tabs on me for years. They wanted to make sure I didn’t remember that night.’

  ‘You were there?’ he asked, skepticism evident in his tone.

  ‘Rumor has it.’ Kate launched into an abbreviated version of the events. ‘But I never had any desire to remember. As far as I was concerned, my brother was a loser who deserved to be in jail.’

  ‘You’ll get no argument from me. What changed your mind?’

  ‘Despite the fact I had no contact with Liam, the phone calls continued during high school and college – not often, maybe every six months or so. A man would call and say, “I haven’t forgotten you, Katie-girl” and then hang up.’

  ‘Wait a minute.’ Mendez scratched at his ear. ‘You’re saying someone has bother
ed you for years, yet you never went to the police?’

  ‘No actual threats were ever made. I thought the police would consider them prank calls from a rejected boyfriend.’

  ‘So when did things change?’ he asked, not refuting her assumption.

  Kate inhaled a deep breath. ‘I’d been working for Industrial Commission as an investigator. In other words, spying on claimants who aren’t as disabled as they profess. But I left that job and went to work for a PI firm out of Mississippi. I have since received weapons training, along with my license to carry.’

  ‘And your stalker became nervous,’ he concluded.

  ‘It would seem so, even though my career change had nothing to do with Liam.’

  ‘So what happened? I’m assuming the prank calls escalated into something else?’ Mendez pulled a tablet from his drawer.

  ‘Yes, if you agree that a blown-up car is an escalation.’

  ‘Your car?’

  ‘My boyfriend’s SUV. Someone called and warned me at the last minute, which saved Eric’s life.’

  ‘And you think this car bomb is connected to a sixteen-year-old robbery you witnessed, but don’t remember.’ Mendez pressed his fingertips to his eyelids.

  ‘I know it is.’ Kate spoke with utter assurance. ‘Now that I’ve answered your questions, I want to know why you never tracked down Liam’s accomplices. Why was he the only one prosecuted for that fatal robbery?’

  He fixed her with a glare. ‘Rest assured it wasn’t my idea to close the case. Your brother confessed to being the triggerman and the mastermind. We found zero evidence at the crime scene that identified the others involved. When Liam took the plea deal and refused to identify his co-conspirators, the DA at the time told me to shelve the case until new evidence surfaces. We never have a shortage of unsolved homicides to work. I’m not the boss so I’m forced to follow orders.’

  She nodded. ‘So you never found out who they were.’

  Mendez huffed out a breath. ‘I know exactly who they were, or at least a ninety percent hunch. It wasn’t too hard to figure out who Liam hung out with at the time. But, as I mentioned, no evidence connected them to the crime, and without evidence I can’t request an arrest warrant.’


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