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The Veiled Monarch

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by Shae Bryant



  CHAPTER ONE Welcome to Miami

  CHAPTER TWO A Proper Whodunnit

  CHAPTER THREE Another Body

  CHAPTER FOUR Talk to the Cat

  CHAPTER FIVE Case 1. Closed.

  CHAPTER SIX Bike Night


  CHAPTER EIGHT Manipulation

  CHAPTER NINE Case 2. Closed.







  CHAPTER SIXTEEN Vengeance Is Mine



  CHAPTER NINETEEN Unfinished Business



  Copyright ©2020 Shae Bryant

  All rights reserved.


  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, on or by an electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. Except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  This book is dedicated to the talent, creativity and commitment of the following people: Paul Cotton, Persephone Rose, Angelique Lazarus, Aurore Gautheur, Taylor Fehr, John Eddy Jr. , Benj Pake, Katie Otten, Eric Umstott, Shannon C., Tyler R. Lee, Blythe Renay, Connor Miranda, Karl Hynes, Dan Gold, Dustin Sanborn, Brandon Jenkins, Salina Lazarus, Basil, Harry Bishpo, Abby Rose, David Garcia and all of the others who have made The Veiled Monarch and The Veiled West possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  A special thank you to Naxin, Tristan, Edgar Lonzano and Christopher Z.

  To Dumptruck, thank you for allowing me to be as crazy as possible and run with my ideas. Thank you for encouraging wind therapy when the brain is too muddled to think. Thank you for being my love and best friend. Always your ol’ lady.

  To Paul Cotton and Karl Hynes, thank you both for spending late nights spitting ideas and helping me through blocks. Thank you for your senses of humor and talent.

  To Angelique Lazarus, thank you for being a great example of a woman who can kick ass. Thank you for believing in me and giving advice when I needed it. You are meant to be a woman who is admired for her intelligence and leadership. One of these days, coffee is on me!


  Welcome to Miami

  Humans always tell me they think it's easier to be Non Human. They don't know what it's like to be one of us. How difficult it is to keep your head above water. We always faced ridicule, dealt with laws that kept us regulated, and the Iron Oath had once been a huge thorn in our side. That all came crumbling down the day I met two people who would change everything.

  This is the account of how we did it. All of us. Together.

  It started like any other day would start. I walked into the department half asleep, somehow managing to put my jacket on the right way. While I pawed around for the coffee pot, Sergeant Darius Peck walked into our offices.

  "Morning Darius." I yawned.

  "Raina I..." Darius tilted his head towards me, ready to say something important.

  I shook my head, "Nope. Not until I have coffee. It's six thirty. I won't talk until I have coffee."

  A cheerful voice piped up behind me, "I just made some!"

  A pretty young blonde handed me a clean mug. She wore plain clothes, but a badge hung from her belt. I have no idea how this woman is wide awake at six thirty in the morning and managed to clean the coffee mugs. Everything about her screamed 'new hire.'

  After the first sip, I could halfway function. "Bless you, dear woman."

  Darius chuckled, "I'm glad you like her."

  I didn't care if I liked her or not. Keep making coffee and I'm happy. "Hm? Why?"

  "This is Catherine Kleyman." Darius waved to the young woman, "Detective Kleyman? The new Detective we hired. The one I tried to tell you about last week. Twice."

  Did I ignore Darius again? I did. If we were in a meeting, I must have been too busy looking at my phone to care what he said. Or what the Department heads had said. I missed the memo that we hired someone new.

  "Oh! Hey, great to meet you." I shifted my coffee cup, "Raina Escobar. Are we working together?"

  Darius rolled his eyes at me, "Yes, you're working together. It's Detective Kleyman's first day, we'll make it boring."

  "Boring?" I pointed towards the door with a grin, "Last night had to be fairly active. Three Werewolves in cuffs at intake. What happened this time?"

  I recognized two of the guys at intake. One of them ran around the biker bars and the other had been to enough gatherings for me to know his face. The third I didn't recognize, but I knew him. All Werewolves had the same smell. The scent was like the raw earth after a rain and a cool, crisp night. Every Non Human could detect it. Werewolves? They always knew their own.

  Darius glanced towards the men at intake, "Same thing as usual. They did donuts in a parking lot, and they tried to outrun the squad cars."

  Catherine snickered, "Wait! I saw three Harleys being towed. Please don't tell me they're on Harleys? They can't outrun a squad car like that!"

  Darius and I both exchanged a glance. Only one type of person rode a motorcycle. And the Miami-Dade PD hasn't hired a Non Human since me.

  "You like bikes, Catherine?" I asked.

  She gave me a sheepish smile, "I...own one, yeah."

  "I thought you are Human?" At least Darius said it first. Normally, I am the one with the big mouth.

  "I am." Catherine gave us both an entertained smile, "When did Humans stop riding motorcycles? Werewolves aren't the only people who ride."

  "Most of the time you see a Werewolf on a bike. Anyway, here's your morning visit. A routine initial check." Darius tapped on his laptop, indicating the paperwork is in our email.

  "Darius, why are we doing this?" I inquired, "Send in an Officer."

  "He's an older Vampire. He gets a bit more special treatment due to that. Just take a peek at the form." Darius disappeared behind his monitor, pretending to work.

  Catherine and I both opened our laptops to check the forms. Standard checks were one of the most annoying Non Human regulations I had to deal with. If a Non Human moves in or out of a place, the local Police department pays them a visit. This ensures their NHR information is accurate and in order. Every time I saw this form; it made me angry.

  I'd seen these forms more than once. It was easy for me to skin over them and find the important information. This time, I didn't get past the name at the top — Vincenzo "Vince" Moretti. A lot of people know that name. Human and Non Human alike.

  "Vincenzo Moretti?!" Catherine jumped out of her chair, "He was a real estate mogul in Virginia for a century! Why did he move to Miami?"

  "Ask him when you meet him." Darius peered over his monitor with a bored expression. He didn't care what this guy is doing in Miami. He cared that we left his office, so he could work.

  Catherine knew the name Moretti due to his very lucrative business ventures. I knew the name for a number of reasons. Vincenzo Moretti was the Vampire who ran the Iron Oath out of Virginia in the late 18th century. The catastrophe of their defeat caused them to stay away from the United States until the early 20th century. Since then, no one in the Iron Oath has gone near him.

  It made me wonder if we needed to visit with Vince for another reason, "Is he in danger?"

  Darius shook his head, "Not that we know of. He's got a clean record. The only thing I know is that he's eccentric."

  "Because he's over four centuries old."
I grumbled. After a warning glare from Darius, I grabbed my keys, “Alright. We're going. See you later."

  Catherine and I both got in my car and drove towards Miami Beach. For the first few minutes, we both stared at the highway. She shifted towards her window, watching the cars pass by. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, keeping time with a rhythm I made up in my head. Every so often, we'd glance at each other and force an awkward smile.

  I hated having a new partner. There had to be a connection on some level in order for you to get the job done well. If Catherine and I didn't connect, our jobs would suffer. Plus, breaking the ice is always a pain.

  "So...Catherine. Where are you from?" It was a start.

  "South Carolina." She said, "A little town called Gifford. Just about three hundred people and all of them Human."

  Oof. It was a start, but a rough one. She came from a tiny town with no Non Humans? She must not know about me yet. How was she going to handle this? This was a Non Human mecca! According to the NHR, South Florida has the highest ratio of Humans to Non Humans.

  I cleared my throat, "How do you like Miami? Probably a huge culture shock compared to an all-Human town."

  Catherine laughed, "I went to college away from Gifford. I worked in the Department in Greenville, South Carolina for awhile. I'm not completely new. Miami does have a lot more Non Humans, though. It's taking some getting used to."

  "That's good..." There was another long pause where we both stared out the window again. Catherine absently scratched her neck while I turned on some low music. If I didn't say something, the conversation would be lost. "So...uhh...what made you want to be a Detective?"

  "I had a close friend who was murdered." Her voice dropped and she lowered her eyes.

  "Sorry to hear that." I reminded myself to put on the sympathetic Detective voice.

  Catherine sniffed, "His murder was solved very fast. A Vampire was arrested for the murder. I visited her in prison before she was staked, and I don't believe she did it! I truly think the wrong person was convicted. I wanted to make sure that never happened again."

  This was not the story I expected to hear from someone like Catherine. On the outside, she looked so...perfect! Like the kind of girl in High School everyone wished they could be. Nothing about her had the appearance of a cop or a Detective. At first glance, you would think she had never experienced a day of trauma in her life.

  Yet here she was, sharing with me one of the most traumatic events she had ever experienced. I actually sympathized with the woman. In more ways than one. Not to mention she wanted to help Humans and Non Humans alike. That was a commendable goal to have. You surprised me, Catherine.

  "That's a sad story. I'm sorry. I can't say my reasons are near as noble." I scooted around a little in my seat, trying to think of how to lighten the mood.

  "What were yours?"

  "Ahh you know how it goes. My Dad was a Cop. My Mom was too. I followed in their footsteps."

  "Oh that's sweet!" Catherine turned towards me and smiled. "I'll bet they're happy about it!"

  "Yeah. They're proud." That was all I said about that.

  Catherine's smile faded, "My parents wanted me to stay home. When I told them I was leaving for college, they said I shouldn't come back. We've talked since, but I haven't seen them."

  I gave her a genuine sympathetic smile. Catherine and I suddenly had a kinship. There was more to her than met the eyes. She and I had quite a bit in common, it seemed.

  "If you don't mind me prying, why did they say that to you?"

  She leaned her head against the window with a soft huff, "They were born and raised in the same tiny town I'm from. People are afraid of Non Humans there. They wanted me to stay home and not be 'exposed' to the Non Humans. They even ran a Druid out of town."

  That part of her story caused me to bristle a little, "Druids are born that way. What happens when a child is discovered to be a Druid?"

  "They send them away." Catherine tapped her fingers on the door.

  "That's sick." I shook my head in disgust.

  "I think so too. Some places are just like that. They want everything to remain Human." Catherine paused, shifting uncomfortably, "Uhh...Darius told me you're a Druid. Does this bother you?"

  At least Darius saved me from having to explain it. It was sweet of her to care enough about my feelings, but there was much worse out there. "No. It doesn't. Don't worry about it." I turned on our exit and checked the GPS. Two minutes away. "Change of subject. Ever met an old Vampire?"

  She shook her head, "I can count the Vampires I met on one hand."

  "We're about to meet one." I grinned at her, turning the car towards a large circular driveway.

  We parked the car in front of a perfect picture of a Miami mansion. A well manicured flower bed with lazy fan palms greeted guests. The path to the house was lined with small hibiscus nestled in between palm trees. I placed my finger on the doorbell and listened to it chime through the house. The gigantic red stained front door gave the house an air of mystery. Frosted glass windows allowed you to try to peek inside, but no one could quite make out what was going on behind the door.

  It was still early enough in the morning for Vampires to be awake. They were indoors by now, but most of them didn't sleep until nine or ten o'clock. I hoped our seven thirty visit would see Vincenzo Moretti awake.

  When a shadow appeared behind the frosted glass, I thought I would be meeting someone who looked like an old Vampire. Instead, a young man answered the door. This was Vince Moretti? It couldn't be. The kid had to be about eighteen years old with a mop of black hair and an old band t-shirt thrown over a pair of jeans.

  "Hello?" He sounded like he was sixteen.

  I held out my badge and offered a smile, "Are you Vincenzo Moretti?"

  He shook his head, “No, I'm Leo."

  "Thrall?" I asked.

  The kid rolled his eyes at me, "Rude much? No. Human. Adopted."

  Catherine's eyes widened, "He adopted you?"

  Leo rolled his entire head at Catherine's question. "How did you become a Cop? Yes. He adopted me. They can do that, you know."

  "Oh." Catherine looked at me for some sort of help. I knew Non Humans could adopt children. Didn't she?

  I tried to hide my laughter, "Can we come in? Is he here?"

  "Yes and yes." Leo opened the door for us, "Come on in. Excuse the boxes. We're still settling in. Clear off a seat and sit down. I'll get Vince."

  The inside of the mansion reminded me of a place on TV that you can't afford, but you love to see, regardless. A grand entryway displayed the huge open plan of the first floor. Coffee was brewing in the gourmet kitchen that lined the back wall. Various boxes and furniture sat strewn about the rooms, making it seem a little cold and uninviting. The kitchen stopped at a wall of glass doors that proudly showed off the backyard that included a pool with two different hot tubs.

  Catherine appeared to share my thoughts about the amount of money someone would spend on a place like this. The both of us exchanged a look of raised eyebrows, then we turned our heads towards a pair of heavy footsteps that echoed down the stairs.

  A resonating voice called out, "No need Leonardo. I know they are here."

  I watched him walk down the stairs. This was the old Vampire I expected to see. A handsome man with dark features and unsettling black eyes with a flawless olive complexion. The complexion was likely due to his lack of...mortality. Vampires always had such great skin. I was a little jealous, to be honest.

  Catherine broke the silence by squeaking out, "...Leonardo?"

  I started to laugh, "You're named after a turtle?"

  Vincenzo sighed, "A famous artist, Officer! The turtle show came long,long after!"

  Leo tapped his foot, "Vince, this is Officers uhh..."

  "Detectives Raina Escobar and Catherine Kleyman." I stepped forward and showed him my badge.

  Vincenzo waved the badge away, taking my hand instead, "Nice to meet you. Why are Detectives here?
Why isn't an Officer doing the initial check?"

  "We're slow today." Catherine replied.

  "Mhmm. I don't believe you." Vince angled himself towards Catherine, causing her to lean back a bit.

  She rubbed the back of her neck, "I'm brand new. My first day. This is to help me get my feet wet."

  Vince smiled, "Now that, I can believe." He motioned to a few sofas that hadn't quite been arranged yet, "Detectives, let me make this very easy on you. I was born in Italy. I lived in England for some time and enjoyed the Renaissance there. After my jaunt through Europe, I came to America. I remained in Virginia for most of it — except for a short stay in the Arizona territory. As you know, I created quite the real-estate business. I sold it all and moved to warmer climates."

  Vince must have been used to things by now. Most Non Humans are familiar with initial checks. Anyone who has moved to a new place has had to sit through one. NHR information is compared with the answers they give law enforcement. If everything matches up, they are wished a pleasant day and the officers are on their way.

  Catherine looked towards the windows, "There's a lot of sunshine here in Florida. These windows won't keep the shade for long."

  "I know." Vince smiled, "That's why I moved here."

  "But you'll burn up!"

  Vince laughed at Catherine, "What? No! That's an old legend. The sun does not burn us up. We're just slightly allergic to it. It makes us sick."

  "How sick?" She asked.

  "Very sick."

  How did Catherine not understand sun sickness? Were there no Vampires in South Carolina? What was the Non Human population there? Vampires can easily go out in the sun for an hour or two. After that, they begin to feel ill and tired. The sun sickness hits them very soon if they don't take cover. By three hours, they're in need of some help from a donor. Four hours and they're practically gone. Five hours is game over. That's when the sun sickness takes them, body and mind. Nothing is left of the Vampire but a babbling, brainless husk. You have nothing left to do but stake them.

  Catherine paused to think about this, "Huh..."

  Vince inclined his head towards us, "To answer the next question, yes I will be doing business here in Miami. I've purchased a nightclub."


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