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The Veiled Monarch

Page 4

by Shae Bryant

  "Are you sure we can trust a dog?"

  I chuckled at her question, "Do you realize how many cases I have closed thanks to an animal helping me? If these dogs told me that, they had a reason to volunteer the information. He was on his street after dark. Look, I get it. You're all Human and you think talking to animals is a little weird, but I'm a Druid and I talk to them all the time. Sometimes, I like them better than people."

  "Well I like my dog more than people most days..." That was Catherine's peace offering. She wasn't going to argue about this anymore. She believed me.

  "They hear that a lot."

  "OK fine." Catherine wheeled herself to her desk, "I have no clue how we'll get a search warrant after this."

  "We don't. Yet. Thank you, Darius!" I called out towards his desk outside. All I got in response was a nasty look and his middle finger. "We need to make some visits and calls to the Werewolves on registry and find out who knew for a fact he was at the Sanctuary last night. And when."

  Catherine nodded, "I'll look up some registries."

  The Non Human Registry was something implemented in the 1940s that spread across every civilized country in the world. Every Non Human was in the database. Your name, where you lived, when you were born and every piece your personal information was on the registry. It included what type of Non Human you were, anywhere you've ever worked, lived and what groups you're associated with.

  "I always thought it was odd that every non Human is on a registry like this. These things are a little..." Catherine trailed off, giving me an apologetic look.

  I pulled up a chair next to her, "Gross? Stupid? Scary? Yeah. All the above."

  She winced, "You have a NHR. I'm sorry. I didn't think about it until I opened my mouth."

  "I do. I've had one since I was five years old."

  Catherine put in her request and waited for it to process. "How did you know?"

  "That I had a NHR or that I was a Druid?"

  "A Druid."

  Everyone asked me this question at one point. Druids discover who they are in various ways. Usually when they start to talk. Unlike Vampires and Werewolves, a Druid isn't turned. They're born. There have been studies performed for the last 50 years to find out what causes it. For a while, the running theory was either a genetic marker or inheriting it from a parent.

  The only thing the studies concluded was that a child born to two Druids has a higher chance of being one. Unlike a Werewolf, there is no guarantee. If a child is born to two Werewolf parents, the child is always a Werewolf. Two Druid parents still have a chance of a child who is Human. After all the studies done on countless Druids, there was only one conclusion. It happens. You are born a Druid. There is nothing more to it.

  I explained my own story to Catherine. "I started talking to the dogs in the neighborhood when I learned how to talk. My parents passed it off as imaginary friends when I told them stories my new friends told me. When I was almost four, my Mom had a house plant that wouldn't grow. Mom was always a litle sad whenever she watered the plant or gave it fertilizer, and it didn't grow. So I made the flower grow right in front of their eyes. Once that happened, Pop sat me down and explained to me what was going on and what a NHR was."

  Druids don't only talk to animals. They also have an affinity for nature itself. Each one of us is able to work with one part of nature. Whether it's the earth, the air, fire or water. Most of us work with earth or air. The ones who work with fire or water are pretty rare. We don't bother to ask each other what our affinity is, because it doesn't matter to us.

  The only people who care are the Humans. They gave us nicknames to keep track of things. Those of us who work with the earth are called Earthquakes. I always thought that was silly since I could never cause an earthquake. The best I can do is make plants grow and maybe dig a hole. Whirlwinds can't cause tornadoes. Waterspouts can't create tidal waves and Firestarters? They can be scary. They're the only ones who can actually create a raging inferno from one tiny flame.

  We've existed for a long time. The Celts had a high population of Druids among them. Back then, we didn't blend in so well. Druids embraced what they could do and reveled in it, creating Druid exclusive communities that lasted through the Dark Ages. These days, we blend in much easier. We're probably the most Human of Non Humans.

  Catherine interrupted my thoughts by leaning forward, "What happened at school?"

  "You know how most classes have plants and maybe a small pet?" I waited for her to nod before I continued, "We had a little hamster in class named Bark. Don't ask me why. We were all five years old. Anyway, I bonded with him and kept talking to him during class time. It was 'disruptive'. The teacher called my parents in for a conference, and I was taken out of normal public school."

  "Were you home-schooled after that?" Catherine asked.

  I shook my head, "No. I was sent to the Fallon M. Thatcher Private School in Hollywood. It's a school for Non Human children."

  "That's good, though. Right?" Catherine gave me an encouraging smile, "Kids that could understand you."

  I nodded, "It was. It was really nice to have people around me who got it. Teachers didn't mind that I bonded with the bearded dragon in class and didn't mind when five of us laughed at his jokes in the middle of a lecture."

  The truth was that private schools for Non Human children were one of the best things to happen to us. That school was the safety net for my young life. Every person surrounding me was a fellow Non Human. No one looked at me strange, no one cared what I could and could not do. Even the few Non Human teachers accepted every one of us just as we were.

  Those schools are also helpful for our communities. As we grow up, we stick to our own communities. Druids go with Druids, Vampires with Vampires and Werewolves always run in their packs. Those of us who attended school together would be able to find each other. Non Human schools even have a bulletin board for Non Humans who are new to the area.

  Catherine waited a minute, looking like she had something to say. She shifted in her chair a bit before finally asking, "Were there any Vampire children there? I heard that it still happens."

  Everything went quiet. I hated that question. The few sad memories from my school-days came flooding back. "One. Yeah. There was one. She was my friend too."

  "Oh God..." Catherine's face fell when I answered. I don't think she expected that to be true.

  "Her name was Amber." I paused for a minute, remembering my friend who stayed nine years old forever. I didn't tell this story very often. Mostly because Amber's name had been on the news more than once in South Florida. Anyone who had lived here in the last twenty-five years knew who she was.

  The illegal turning of a child was all over the local and National news. Someone had turned a nine-year-old girl in Broward County. They left her alone in terror and shock. The Vampire community of South Florida rallied around the girl and her parents, helping the girl become acquainted with her life and giving her access to the best Child Psychologists and Counselors in the Country.

  The Non Human schools did have specific procedures for Vampire children. It was a rarity to use the procedures, but they existed. Amber was able to go to school at night, with a teacher employed just for her. A letter was sent home to our parents that explained the situation. Anyone willing could send us to a class or two in the evening, giving us part of our day off. My parents didn't care if I went or not. So, I took the bus to school for two hours every night.

  Initially, Amber was timid, quiet and nervous. An adult Vampire chaperoned her during the school night. Anika Hines was her name. She was an eccentric woman with a love for high fashion. Despite all that, Anika had a very approachable look and a disarming smile. Sometimes, she'd sit down and play with us, hoping Amber's need to play with other children would take over.

  After watching us for a while, Amber crept up to Anika and started to play along with us. Fortunately, for us, kids are still kids. Human or not. We didn't care what Amber was. We just wanted to play. After
a few good interactions, Anika backed away to let Amber spend time with kids her own age.

  Once Amber transitioned into her new life, she was allowed to see us outside of school. Some of us scheduled parties at night, so she could come. When puberty began to hit, we all tried to stay friends. But Amber started to pull away from us. We were growing up, and she would never do that.

  When Amber's eighteenth birthday came, I stayed awake until midnight to call her and wish her a Happy Birthday. She never answered the phone. The following morning, we were gathered in the cafeteria and told the news before we watched it on TV. Amber had gone to the beach and waited for the sun to rise. The sun sickness had taken her before anyone could find her. She just couldn't handle being in the body of a child any longer.

  I finished my story and cleared my throat. The memory still hurts. Catherine's eyes were red and tears threatened to spill over. Finally, she spoke in a sympathetic tone, "I'm so sorry, Raina. I don't know where to go from here. I thought this would be something nice to talk about."

  I forced a smile, trying to make this end on a happy note. "Overall, the school was nice. It was good for me and everyone else there. Amber was just the one sad part of it. But there's a lot of nice memories too." I glanced at Catherine's screen, thankful that her request came through. We didn't have to talk about this anymore. "Did you get those registries?"

  She looked at her screen and grinned, "Yep!"

  Catherine printed out the registry information for the Werewolves in South Florida. I knew most of these people. She didn't. I decided to start with Isaac and have him send a warning down the line to everyone. That way, no one would give Catherine a hard time asking questions.

  My little flying friend in Miami Beach had become very happy with our arrangement. He kept a closer eye on Vince and Leo Moretti. That night, our favorite reporter was once again standing in front of The Veiled Monarch. Leo and Vince were watching it on TV.

  "Janelle, Police are still investigating the murder here in Miami Beach that has been ruled an illegal hunt. We have received word that a possible suspect is in custody but no official charges have been pressed yet. A spokesperson for the Werewolf community here in Miami-Dade County said they are confident that the Police will apprehend the criminal. They'll do everything to cooperate. I'm Carlos de la Rosa with channel seven news, Miami."

  Vince threw his glass at the TV, "Turn it off, Leonardo! If they don't find someone soon the club won't recover!"

  Leo rolled his eyes, walking to a closet to get a broom. Vince was so dramatic sometimes. "That's a bad thing?"

  "Yes!" Vince shouted,"I put millions into that club!"

  "Why a nightclub?" Leo started to sweep up the glass, "Why not something totally out of the ordinary? Like a bakery or a retail store! A clothing line! Maybe sportswear."

  "Sportswear? And a bakery...? Honestly, Leonardo." Vince shook his head at Leo.

  Leo shrugged, "A bakery would be cool. You could have a nice coffee shop too. Maybe an open mic night. Some books hanging around. Ooo! A free library."

  "A free library, coffee shop and bakery with an open mic night...?" Vince was doubtful.

  "That would be epic."

  Vince chuckled, "How about this? Finish your degree and I'll give you the capital to start your free library coffee shop bakery and open mic night."




  Vince pointed at Leo, "Finish your degree first, sir!"

  "I will. I will." Leo propped himself against the counter and glanced at the muted TV, "Hey, I have a question. Do you think a Werewolf did that? I mean, you were right by the body,right?"

  "I did. It looked like a Werewolf to me."

  "There's a chick in one of my classes who is a Werewolf. People were asking her about it. She said that she didn't think it was one of them."

  Vince scoffed, "I think she's wrong. Werewolves are fiercely loyal to each other, Leonardo. When one of them is accused of anything, the entire pack circles around them in defense. They have always done this sort of thing."


  "I ought to call Detective Escobar. If I can just reassure my patrons before the next full moon... I'd be able to bring in more business."

  "I hate to say it, but a feeding lounge might do it."

  Vince was about to completely dismiss the idea. Feeding lounges were riddled with red tape and under heavy scrutiny. Anyone who opened a feeding lounge had to go through multiple background checks, inspections and sterilization checklists. An armed guard who had a stake gun, silver bullets and normal bullets had to be posted at the entrance. On top of that, before a lounge could open, they had to meet one hundred sterilization checks nightly.

  Feeding lounges weren't terrible. They were always comfortable. Always cozy. Any Vampire can walk in, find a willing donor and feed without abandon. Feeding lounges also avoid legal issues for Vampires. They can't feed on a donor without consent. If a Vampire feeds in private, no one knows what happened. Then again, most people would never say a Vampire illegally fed on them for fear of the Vampire's retribution. If there was any Non Human group who could stay above the law, it was the Vampires.

  They were also big-money makers. Vampires and donors alike paid a cover charge to enter. Then, they paid for drinks and snacks while they were there. Donors always ended up with a free drink or food after feeding. But, Vampires pay a higher cover charge to take care of that cost. They may be a pain to maintain, but they were a very lucrative business model.

  The idea of his swanky nightclub opening a feeding lounge was making dollar signs appear in front of Vince's eyes, "Hm..." He rubbed his chin,"They can be so messy. I'd have to follow all the sterilization laws and go through so much of the red tape to open one. Still, you may be right. They do bring in paying customers. We'll see." Vince watched Leo walk towards the door, "Where are you going?"

  Leo jingled his car keys,"Out?"

  Vince looked at the clock, "It's seven PM"


  "Isn't it a school night?" He motioned to the calendar he had hung up in the kitchen, marking out Leo's class days.

  Leo rolled his eyes, "I'm in college, Vince! My first class is tomorrow at ten AM."

  "Oh. Have fun then. Be careful. And no more speeding tickets!"

  "See you later tonight." Leo gave a lazy wave to Vince on his way out.

  Once Leo left, Vince shook his head with a sigh, "He's going to be gone until sunrise."

  That same night, Catherine and I canvassed one of the Werewolf neighborhoods in Miami Lakes. Over half of the stops listed on our info happened to be in this same two block radius. She had just left one of the houses when I walked over to meet her.

  "Those two were really nice." She smiled, "They gave me coffee and talked my ear off. They also didn't see Nathan the other night."

  I was grateful Isaac went to bat for Catherine. Werewolves are wary of outsiders. None of them would speak to her if it wasn't for Isaac. I imagined he told everyone she was good people.

  As happy as I was to hear about people being kind to her, I deflated when she said no one noticed Nathan at the Sanctuary. "Neither did their neighbors."

  Catherine glanced around the neighborhood, quietly counting how many homes we had been to, "Is there a Werewolf on every house on this block?"

  "Yeah. It’s that whole pack thing they do." I started to walk towards the car, waving for her to follow. "No Werewolf in South Florida saw Nathan at the Hunting Sanctuary."

  Once we got in the car, she pulled out her phone, "That's enough to hold him as a suspect. Don't you think we should talk to Isaac again?"

  "Do you want to question Isaac or look at his bikes? Maybe you want to look at Isaac. He's got a certain something, doesn't he?" I teased.

  "I'm interested in his bikes." She laughed.

  "We don't need to talk to him. But, there is no reason why we can’t grab dinner by the dealership. May as well since we're headed to Broward anyway." I knew how to g
et to Isaac’s dealership without the help of a GPS. I had been there and to his house enough times over the years.

  We drove in silence for a few minutes. I paid attention to the road and Catherine her phone. Finally, she spoke,"You and Isaac are friends, right?"

  I shrugged, "Yeah. We've got a solid arrangement going. Isaac and I knew each other in school. Once I became a cop, we couldn't be as close anymore."

  "Why not?"

  Because I'm lying to you to keep you from being involved in the mess that Non Humans get involved in. Of course, my actual answer was different, "Isaac is the leader of the Werewolf community here. You know what they do sometimes. And you know that they won't ever give up one of their own. If Isaac and I stayed close, there would be a lot of things to look into. I don't want to do that to him."


  I grinned at her, "I think you do want to see Isaac."

  "Stop it!" Catherine snickered, turning back to her phone.

  We walked in the front door of the dealership this time. Everyone knew that the Police are there investigating a Werewolf. No need for discretion. Fortunately for us, Isaac was at the front desk. He rolled his eyes when he saw us.

  "Hey Detectives. What can I do for you?"

  Catherine smiled, "Dinner."

  "Great." Isaac winked at her, "You're buying. Any luck on the investigation?"

  I nodded, "Yeah. Your friend Nathan is a suspect. No one saw him at the Sanctuary."

  "Ahh. Sorry to burst your bubble, Raina. That's not true." Isaac was trying very hard not to give me a triumphant smile.

  "We questioned everyone." Catherine said.

  "Not everyone." Isaac swiped through his phone, until he found the post he was looking for. "There are three Werewolves recently turned. They don't have a NHR yet. All three of them saw Nathan and hunted with him. One of them posted a selfie early the next morning at the Sanctuary. Nathan was in it. They hunted with him the night before."

  I felt a weight drop in the pit of my stomach, "You're joking..."

  Isaac grinned at me again, "I'm not. They said they'll talk to you and I can give you their information."


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