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The Veiled Monarch

Page 9

by Shae Bryant

  "You're joking."

  "No I'm not, and don't roll your eyes. I want you to talk to her. I don't want you to take a leave of absence either."


  Too many new hires are gone in a month. They come into the department eager to work in a large Non Human population. It looks great on a resume. They think it's going to be some wonderful experience. It always turns out to be hell on Earth. Most of them can't handle it. Catherine can. She just needed the encouragement to keep going.

  "Because I think you're good at this job. I think you can do it. I know how hard this is. The first time I staked someone, I lost it for days. And the first bad crime scene kept me awake for weeks. I had to talk to someone about it. I think you should too."

  Catherine's arms relaxed to her sides, and she let her forehead gently thump on the desk, "Can't you give me a few days to recover?"

  "Yes, but come back. Please."

  The Therapist's business card slid into Catherine's hand and into her purse, "Alright. Thanks."

  I didn't realize how tough the next few days would be on me. I had come to enjoy working with Catherine, and I depended on her as a partner. Going on my own wasn't too bad, but I missed our conversations and lunch breaks. She kept me from being too harsh and rash. And I...? What did I do besides throw her head first into the Non Human mess of Miami? I needed to find better ways to be someone's friend.

  It was a huge relief when I walked into work and saw Catherine at her desk, "Hey! Welcome back!"

  Catherine smiled, "Thanks."

  I was very happy to see her looking like herself again. Alert, awake, makeup done well, hair brushed into a low ponytail. No more yoga pants and wrinkled shirts. This time, she had on a cute blouse and a pair of slacks. Yep. Catherine was back.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked.

  "Not too bad." Catherine shrugged, "Not too good either."

  "I heard you got your bike fixed at least."

  "How did you know that?"

  "I talked to Isaac." I grinned, "He said you came in to pick up your bike and you both went on a ride together. He started to call you 'Cat'."

  Catherine laughed, "Yeah. He said I needed a better name than 'Catherine'."

  "Don't get too close, 'Cat'. Remember what I said about Isaac. Being friends is going to be hard." I lied again. I wanted to protect her. We’re friends now. This was a start. "Well, are you ready for some good news, better news or great news?"

  "I guess the good news first?"

  "The good news is that Vince's statement keeps you out of any internal investigation."

  She smiled, "That does make me happy."

  "The better news is that Belle Patricio was our perpetrator. There's no question about it. There was more than enough evidence to clear any Werewolf."

  "So what's the great news?" She asked.

  "Both of the victims taken to the hospital are going to survive."

  Catherine broke into a big smile, "That is great news!" After a moment, Catherine's face fell. She busied herself with some papers before leaning over towards me, "Raina... I need to talk to you about something."

  I sat down on the edge of her desk, "Sure."

  "You did some things I really didn't like." She started it slow, checking my reaction. "You could have gotten us both in a lot of trouble. I don't want to just ignore something and not call it in. I don't want to pretend like I didn't see something. And I don't want to hold someone on a flimsy charge. That's not why I started doing this job."

  I pursed my lips together and drummed my fingers on the desk. I knew this was coming. I'd imagine Greenville, South Carolina had mostly Human crimes to deal with. Here? Things were different. How could I explain to her that we just don't operate the way she does?

  "Look Catherine, when you're dealing with non Humans, it isn't the same as a normal job. Every one of us has our own societies with our own rules. Vampires are the worst of them. Most of them are a lot older, and they're very exclusive. If you let groups do things their own way, things go a lot easier for everyone. Laws are great for the majority of the world -- Humans. We need to make our own, because the Non Human laws weren't made to work for us."

  "The laws are there to protect everyone." She insisted.

  I closed my eyes, trying to think of a way to make her understand. My fingers tapped on the desk for a minute. Then, I smiled and leaned over.

  "When you were on patrol and you caught someone speeding, did you always write a ticket?"

  She shook her head, ""

  "Right." I nodded, "They were breaking the law, but you still let them go."

  "Yeah? Sometimes people just didn't realize, or they were really stressed out and I could tell they didn't need a worse day."

  I leaned closer with a smile, "So you looked the other way."

  She gave me a sullen look, "I see what you're saying. You don't have to keep making the point."

  "You'll understand more soon."


  I handed her a letter that had been sent to me, but it contained two invitations. I'm not going to ask how he got my address.

  "Vincenzo Moretti has formally invited the both of us to his home for dinner. He wants to apologize for the entire situation by wooing us with a six course meal."

  Catherine read over the invitation, "Huh... I guess I should buy a new dress."

  I knew what Vince was doing with this. He didn't only want to apologize. He wanted some time to check the both of us out. I expected to hear a number of personal questions over the dinner. Catherine ended up as an open book. Me? He didn't need to know everything, but we came to an understanding very fast.

  The dinner turned out to be a lovely time. Vince showered both of us with a private Chef's version of some popular Latin-American dishes along with a delectable flan for dessert. The more we talked with him, the more I realized that Vince Moretti wasn't half bad — for a Vampire. In fact, I could see myself becoming friends with him. He was a good conversationalist, intelligent, and rather funny too.

  Once we said goodnight, Vince tugged on my shirt. He needed me to wait a moment until Catherine left. I stood in the doorway until Catherine’s car disappeared.

  "Something on your mind, Vince?"

  "What do you make of her, Raina? You work with her often enough."

  "She'll be alright." I answered him, "I think she'll be alright."

  A few days later, Isaac was preparing to close the dealership for the day. A young man came in the front door. He paused right inside the door, staring at all the bikes like a kid who had walked into a candy store. Isaac smiled to himself when the guy stopped in front of one bike and brushed his hand over the chrome. He swung a leg over one side and sat down, placing his foot on the shifter to test how things felt.

  Isaac walked over to the guy, "Hey, can I help you?"

  The young guy grinned at Isaac, "Hi. I'm looking for a bike."

  "First bike?" Isaac chuckled.

  "How did you know?"

  "Because you might be twelve."

  The guy rolled his eyes, "Oh. Thanks."

  Isaac laughed, extending his hand to the young man. "Isaac Carillo. You?"

  "Leo Moretti."

  The handshake stopped abruptly and Isaac tilted his head towards Leo. "Moretti. As in Vince Moretti?"

  "Yeah." Leo nodded. "That's my Dad."

  "No shit?" Isaac smirked, "How's it feel to be adopted by a Vampire?"

  "How's it feel to turn into a giant wild dog once a month?" Leo shot back.

  Isaac laughed at Leo, slapping his shoulder, "Pretty damn good. Come on Leo, let's find you a good one. What are you looking for?"

  "I don't know. I just finished the course and got my license. Something good for a beginner?"

  Isaac nodded, motioning to a row of bikes. "Let's look at some of these. Go ahead, swing a leg over one and see what you think!"

  Leo looked at a gorgeous model right next to him. This one was what he liked. It was small and sleek; the enti
re thing was a muted matte black, including the leather seat. He sat down on the seat, placing his hand on the throttle and giving it a gentle twist.

  "I like this one."

  Isaac nodded, "That's a good choice too, but a higher price tag."

  "That's not a problem." Leo grinned.

  Isaac approved of Leo's choice. It was a great choice for beginners and Leo was obviously in love. The way he looked at it was the same way Isaac looked at his own. It was that perfect moment where a rider connected with the bike they could call "mine".

  Just as he was about to tell Leo to try it out, the bell on the front door blared out a warning that someone had stormed in. A man Isaac recognized started to yell at Leo, "Leonardo! What is the meaning of this? I told you these are dangerous! You can't have one!"

  "Vince!?" Leo groaned, "How did you know I was here?"

  Vince showed Leo his phone, "You posted a selfie that said 'I'm going to buy my first motorcycle.' and you tagged your location at a coffee shop in Hollywood. It wasn't that difficult."

  Leo buried his face in his hands, "Ugh! I wish Sophie never taught you how to use a phone."

  Vince turned Leo around by the shoulders, aiming him at the door, "Home sir! Now!"

  "Oh come on, Vince! I'm eighteen years old!" Leo complained, throwing his hands in the air.

  "And I said these can kill you! You will not buy one!" Vince scowled at the one Leo had been fawning over.

  Isaac was standing there watching this unfold and trying very hard not to laugh. He broke up the argument by walking between the two of them and extending a hand to Vince, "Hey. Hi. Vince? Er... Mister Moretti? Isaac Carillo."

  Vince shook his hand, "I know who you are. Excuse the interruption. I'd like to take my son home now."

  "I don't want to butt in here." Isaac said, "Why don't we address some of your concerns first?"

  "Why, I've seen some of these blow up in people's faces!" Vince shouted, "They are made from mishmash parts on a bicycle frame. It isn't safe!"

  Isaac looked very confused until he realized Vince probably hasn't taken a close look at a motorcycle in a century. "In what year?"

  "Nineteen oh... I don't know." Vince waved a hand, "It was the beginning of the century."

  Isaac laughed, "Right. Let's talk about this. There's a lot to catch up on with motorcycle technology. They're actually made from their own parts now."

  Vince raised his eyebrows, "Really? How far have they come?"

  Isaac chuckled, "Indian Motorcycles? Harley-Davidson? Yamaha?"

  Vince was perplexed at the first two names, but the third was met with a nod of recognition. "Oh Yamaha! They make jet skis. Those are so much fun! Alright, I'll talk with you, but I'm not ready to say 'yes' yet! Plus, motorcycles are such a Werewolf thing. You're Human Leo."

  Leo sighed, "They're not only for Werewolves! Detective Kleyman has a bike!"

  His Dad pursed his lips, "Hrmph. I didn't expect that of her."

  Isaac had to turn away and hide his laughter, "Lets...go over to the office and talk, guys. I think we might get Leo on a bike after all."

  An hour after they walked into Isaac's office, Leo walked out with a triumphant smile on his face. He had paperwork and the keys to a brand-new bike.

  Catherine and I laughed at the text messages I got from Isaac. The entire story of how he met Vince Moretti and sold Leo a new motorcycle was a very entertaining read during our lunch break.

  Our laughing was interrupted by someone shouting, "Hey! Hey you! You!"

  "Me?" I looked up to the familiar face of a Werewolf, "Oh wait. I remember you. Nathan Sutherland."

  "Yeah." He glared at me, "I told you I didn't do anything."

  I shrugged my shoulders, "Sorry about that."

  My apology stopped him in his tracks. "What? Sorry? You're serious?"

  "Yes. I'm sorry." If Nathan were Human I wouldn't care, but he's not Human. So I cared.

  Nathan blinked, "Oh... I was going to call you all sorts of names. I don't think I will now. Uhh thanks. See you later."

  Catherine laughed when Nathan walked away, "I guess Werewolves aren't used to officers being nice to them?"

  "No they aren't." I answered, "Most officers are Human. I told you, there's a divide between Humans and non Humans."

  "I'm starting to see that." She took a sip of coffee, "I don't think I like it. At least Nathan Sutherland knows he's innocent."

  I turned to look in his direction and I groaned, "No he isn't..."

  Catherine followed my gaze, almost spitting out her drink "You have to be kidding me. He's dealing drugs right in front of us?!"

  "Idiot..." Both Catherine and I stood up and made our way towards him, "Hey! Nathan!"

  Whatever was in Nathan's hands dropped quickly when he saw us coming, "What? I didn't do anything!"


  Bike Night

  The parking lot of Desperado's Taproom filled to capacity with a horde of motorcycles. Sport bikes and luxury cruisers alike crowded together in the lot. Werewolves and Humans alike mobbed the terrace in front. A few waitresses elbowed through the sea of people, trying to take and deliver drink orders. The doors of the bar sat propped open, showing an even larger group indoors. Across the bar, orders were being shouted by patrons. Bar staff reached and tripped over each other, trying to stay organized.

  A few heads turned to watch two bikes roll past the crowd. Isaac Carillo's cruiser was quickly recognized by a number of people. The second had a young man riding it. He was too young to be Isaac's son, and none of the Werewolves recognized him.

  The two found a spot to park in the back of the lot. Isaac straddled his bike, grinning at the person next to him, "How was your first real ride, Leo?"

  Leo grasped his handlebars and bounced a little in his seat, "That was great!"

  "Nothing like some wind in your face." Isaac laid his helmet on the seat, stretching his arms over his head with a grunt.

  Isaac and Leo both walked to the front terrace. Many of the Werewolves shook hands or exchanged a hug with Isaac. He smiled at them, but his eyes were scanning the group. He finally found the person he was looking for, and beckoned her over. A young woman about Leo's age walked up to the two of them.

  Isaac made the introductions, "Hey! Chloe! Here Leo, I want you to meet someone. Chloe Neason, Leo Moretti."

  Leo's eyes bugged out of his head the moment this young woman turned around. She was so different from the girls who threw themselves at his feet. Those girls were frequent shoppers who spend hours at a salon. They always tried to look as if they jumped from the pages of a magazine, and spent hours perfecting it.

  In Leo's eyes, Chloe was flawless. Blue hair in a messy ponytail, a bright smile and no makeup other than black eyeliner around her eyes. Chloe had more than one piercing on her face. She and Leo both preferred old band shirts to something that costs two hundred dollars.

  Chloe smiled at Leo, shaking his hand, "Moretti? Serious!? Are you Vince Moretti's son?!"

  The wind immediately went out of Leo's sails, and he smiled, "Yeah."

  "That is so cool!" Her voice was loud and uninhibited. Chloe didn't care who heard her.

  Isaac laughed, "I figured you'd get along. Leo got his first bike this week. I think it's a good time to bring him around. I'll leave you two to it. I need a beer and a burger."

  Isaac disappeared into the crowd, pushing his way towards the door. Chloe turned to Leo with a grin, "I bet you have so much money. Did you pay for the bike in cash? I'll bet you drive something super nice. Is it a Ferrari?"

  "Uhh no." Leo shook his head, "It's a Ford Focus."

  "" Chloe looked at him with some doubt.

  "Yeah. It is, and I'm making payments on the bike. Vince doesn't hand me money whenever I ask for it. He says I have to do some work for him to pay for the car and the bike."

  "Ohh." Chloe said, "I see. He's doing the same thing my Dad does. I get it."

  Leo shuffled backwards a few inches when a man came u
p to he and Chloe. This man was one of the most intimidating people Leo had ever seen. He was every stereotype of an old, grizzled biker. The man grabbed Chloe by the shoulders and wrapped his leathery arms around her. His entire demeanor changed when his face broke into a broad smile.

  "Chloe!" He gave her a friendly shake after grabbing her in a bear hug.

  Chloe whirled around and returned the hug, "Cupcake! Hi!"

  "Cupcake...?" Leo was so confused.

  "Yep. That's my name. What's yours?" Cupcake thrust his hand out to Leo.

  "It's just Leo."

  "Heh. Don't worry. We'll get you a road name soon enough." Cupcake smacked Leo on the shoulder so hard that he stumbled forward.

  "His name is Leo Moretti." Chloe grinned.

  "No shit." Cupcake eyed Leo up and down, "Like the Vampire?"

  Leo sighed,"Yeah. He's my Dad."

  Cupcake burst into laughter, "I'd imagine your Dad is pissed you're here with a bunch of Werewolves. Why are you here anyway, man?"

  "Isaac invited me. I rode here with him. I just got a bike." Leo pointed towards the lot where he and Isaac had parked.

  "Ahh. Teaching you how to run with the pack. Good job Isaac." Cupcake chortled, "Hey. Good meeting you Leo. I'm gonna get another beer. You guys want anything? Beer? A shot?"

  "Beer. If my Dad says it's OK." Chloe seemed so nonchalant about asking her Dad for a drink that Leo was taken aback by the whole thing.

  Leo shook his head, "Nahh. I'll take a soda or something."

  Cupcake leaned in towards Leo with a knowing smile, "I won't tell if you won't. Get me?"

  "Oh uh...sure. I'll take one, in that case."

  "There ya go! Two beers on the way!" Cupcake slapped Leo's shoulder again, and disappeared into the crowd.

  Leo watched him walk away, shaking his head in disbelief, "Does everyone know each other here?"

  Chloe nodded, "We're a big family. Dysfunctional, but still a family."

  "Family..." Leo repeated, "So you aren't Human?"

  "Werewolf. I was born one. My Mom and Dad are here somewhere if you want to meet them." Chloe scanned the crowd for her parents.


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