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The Veiled Monarch

Page 12

by Shae Bryant

  Brian sat back in his chair, "Jesus. How is the kid?"

  "He's in bad shape." Isaac stared out the window, "The news said he's still critical. I want to call and ask, but I'm sure Moretti blames me."

  "We could have Chloe call and check on him? They are friends." Erin offered.

  Brian puckered his forehead in thought. Something didn't add up. "Erin. You did the rally. Everyone was there? You're sure about that?"

  "Yes. I'm sure." Erin slapped her hands on the table, "After what we went through with Nathan, we're careful about the rally. Everyone was at the Sanctuary."

  Isaac shook his head. "The news says that the Officers shot at them. If they were lucky enough to hit, there's a wounded person running around. Let's hope they go for some help."

  "What do we do until then?" Brian asked.

  "We get ready for their wrath." Isaac said. "Moretti's going to be pissed, and he's going to come at us for it."

  "What do you suggest? Stakes?" Erin walked over to a large safe in the wall that held a number of weapons for just this purpose.

  Isaac took his gun out of his waistband, laying it on the table. He was making a point. They all needed to be armed with whatever they could find. Guns, stakes, nets, slingshots — it didn't matter. If they could use it to fight off a Vampire, then use it.

  "We need to rally everyone at the dealership after it closes tonight. Make sure everyone is prepared. No one moves alone. Period. Not even to pick up groceries or get the mail." Isaac said.

  Brian picked up his phone, "I'll cover Broward if you two cover Dade."

  Isaac did the same, "I'm calling Palm Beach too. Just in case. We'll give George a chance to come down tonight if he needs to. I close at seven. Everyone needs to be here at eight. No exceptions."

  If the Werewolves were preparing for a war, so were the Vampires. Later that night, Vince sat in his office with Anika and another prominent Vampire — Louis Yang. When he was mortal, Louis helped develop early computers. In this day and age, he was a genius when it came to technology. Having someone like him on your side was a boon.

  Louis leaned on the desk, watching Vince roam around the room while he ranted about the Werewolves, "I agree with you Vince, but can't we talk to Isaac before making a decision? It could avoid a war."

  Anika leaned back in her chair, rubbing her forehead, "We can't just hold hands and everything goes well after sappy piano music plays! This isn't some sort of show, Louis!"

  "Honestly!" Vince slammed his fist into the desk, "Do you think Werewolves are going to hand one of their own over to us? It won't happen. We need to act on this."

  "What was the motive?" Louis asked.

  "It's clear Isaac Carillo wanted Leo to be turned. He sent someone to do this. They didn't anticipate the Detectives being there." It seemed Vince had the whole thing figured out.

  Louis shook his head. He didn't think that Vince was being very logical. None of it made any sense in his head. Isaac Carillo wasn't the type to order an illegal turning. One confrontation wasn't going to cause Isaac to become that angry at someone. He had a temper, but he was reasonable. However, Vince was ready for a fight. Right now, logic wasn't going to work on him.

  Louis rubbed his temples, "How do we proceed?"

  "A meeting." Vince answered, "After that, we decide which Werewolves will pay, and we begin with Isaac Carillo."

  Anika waved her phone in the air, "I'll make some calls. I suppose we meet here?"

  Vince pressed the intercom on his desk, calling for Sophie. She peered inside the office. "Yes Vince?"

  "Sophie. I need you to begin making calls to our people. Tell them there will be an emergency meeting tonight at three AM here at the club. No thralls. No Humans. Only us."

  "Am I supposed to attend as well?"

  "Of course." Vince motioned to Anika, "Anika will come out in a moment and you will decide who calls whom."

  "I'll start now." Sophie smiled.

  Word spread fast. Both groups were preparing for a fight. I spoke to Kevin and Ronan, but both of them had been made aware of the meetings that were being called. They agreed there was little we could do to stop this. My only hope was to catch the Werewolf that Catherine and I shot. If we managed to hit them.

  Back at the department, I was going over some statements from the crime scene. So far, I had no clues as to who the lone wolf was or why they were there. I could start questioning the Werewolves again, but I doubt they would be so willing to talk to me after I arrested Nathan Sutherland.

  Darius tapped on my monitor to gain my attention, "How is Leo Moretti?"

  "Critical." Catherine replied, "He's going to pull through. Thank God he wasn't bitten."

  "If he was bitten, we'd have a war." Darius said.

  I let out a puff of air from my cheeks, "They may be planning one already. Vince is livid about this. I haven't spoken to Isaac, but I know he's seen the news. I need to talk to both of them soon."

  "What you need to do is find the suspect." Darius tapped on my screen.

  All three of us looked up when someone waltzed into the office. Something about him made me immediately dislike him. For starters, he had way too much hair gel. Secondly, he was clearly some sort of suit who was trying to look casual in plain clothes. He stopped next to Darius and smiled.

  "We do. You're correct, Sergeant."

  Darius turned around to face the man, "Excuse me? Who are you?"

  My heart sank into my stomach when he took his badge from his shirt pocket. An anvil over a fleur-de-lis. The emblem of the Iron Oath.

  "Jacob Stuart. Iron Oath Investigator. I've been sent in. My documents should be in your email."

  They had come back to South Florida. Almost fifteen years ago, they came into this area and wrecked the lives of every Non Human who lived here. I couldn't bear the thought of looking at one of them, let alone working with one. I jumped to my feet, feeling like I had to rush out of the office and warn everyone that the Iron Oath had come.

  Instead of running, I found myself saying loudly, "Oh hell no."

  Jacob turned to me with raised eyebrows, "Hi? Nice to meet you Officer...?"

  "Detective." I glared at him.

  "Do you have a name, Detective?"

  I stared at his hand, refusing to take it. "No."

  "That is not OK, Raina." Catherine gave me a look of reproach before walking up to Jacob, "I'm so sorry. Detective Catherine Kleyman. It's nice to meet you."

  "You too Detectives Kleyman and Escobar." Jacob smirked at me.

  "You son of a..." I was stopped by a sharp look from Darius. "You knew our names anyway. What was the point of all that? What are you doing here?"

  Jacob moved over to look at my screen. I quickly shut my laptop and sat on the edge of my desk in front of it. He continued to keep that smug smile when he walked over to Catherine's desk. I really wanted to punch him or throw something at him. Jacob answered me while he read over Catherine's notes.

  "The lone wolf. South Florida has had enough Non Human issues recently. The problem with Belle Patricio, multiple bodies, torture victims, a drug problem with some of your Werewolves, illegal feedings... And now a victim who is the adopted son of a prominent Vampire. We agreed it's time we came in."

  I started to walk out the door, "I'm off this case."

  "You are not!" Darius grabbed my arm.

  I wrenched my arm away from him, "Yes I am. I am not working with him!"

  Darius let me walk outside to cool off. It made me more angry that he left it at that. Because, I wasn't going to leave. Not yet, at least. That was probably the most aggravating part of it. I was stuck on this case whether I liked it or not. I couldn't let the Iron Oath take our suspect. I could still hear every word they said in the office.

  Jacob watched me storm out and shrugged, "I don't think she likes me."

  "Every non Human I've met so far isn't a fan of The Iron Oath." I wanted to shake Catherine for that answer. Of course, he knew that I was a Druid, but I didn't want h
er to tell him!

  Jacob looked at the floor, "She isn't Human? How did I miss that she has an NHR!?"

  He was lying. The way he looked at the floor and feigned innocence. The way he shuffled his feet with his hands behind his back. Well done, Jacob. You were playing the part for Catherine and Darius.

  "I'm sorry. No wonder she hates me. I've got to really work to gain her trust."

  "You'll be lucky if she calls you by a normal name." Darius said. "She didn't quit so you'll have the chance."

  He was convincing, but I had dealt with the Iron Oath before. They were zealot slime who never told the truth. None of us could understand how they had Humans deceived for so many centuries.

  The way they tell it, things start in Non Human schools. They pass them off as urban legends that we repeat to each other in the hallways and classrooms of the Iron Oath being this awful organization. As adults, we continue to believe it and listen to stories that others tell. It becomes one big game of telephone where one story becomes a horrific incident. Suddenly, Non Humans all hate the Iron Oath. Of course, they spend so much time and resources to show how much they care. None of this is true.

  It would be easier if Humans weren't so separated from the rest of us. They always have been. Our lives rarely intersect unless we're working together. Humans can be friends with Non Humans. Non Humans tend to stick with their own. Sure, you'll see a Human befriend or get into a relationship with a Non Human, but that is the exception and not the norm.

  The good news is that this was changing. Every year, Humans and Non Humans were starting to mesh together. Our lives were beginning to intersect with real relationships, friendships, business and family. More Humans were beginning to question the Iron Oath. It was my hope that they all saw through them and people like Jacob Stuart.

  His story was a load of bull shit. I knew it and so did Jacob. The Iron Oath has terrorized us and our people for ages.

  I stomped back into the office, grabbing my laptop. "Still not working on this case!"

  Darius threw daggers at me with his eyes. His mouth was opened, preparing to get into another shouting match. Something caused his mouth to remain open and his stare moved to the door. The entire office had gone silent and all eyes were on the man who had just walked in.

  Dried blood covered his shirt and his jeans. His face was smeared with dirt and scratches. He cradled his right arm in one hand, trying to keep it from moving too much. Every time the arm was jostled a little, the man winced in pain. A bullet wound on his right shoulder was the very likely source of his issues.

  "I think I need to turn myself in?" He spoke in a husky voice, sounding like he hadn't slept in days.

  All four of us surrounded him. A few others in the office picked up their phones and called for Paramedics to come and assist us. Jacob tried to stand directly in front of the man. I pushed him out of the way.

  "What happened to you?" I asked, but I already knew that the bullet lodged in his shoulder would be from my gun or Catherine's.

  "It's not me!" He protested, "It's not my blood! I'm OK! I think? I need to talk to someone! I think I might have hurt somebody!"

  He had no idea whether the blood was his or not. He was in shock and afraid. I looked at his eyes. They were full of remorse and fear. The poor man was jerking his head back and forth so fast, that I was afraid he was going to give himself whiplash. If he was guilty, this was likely some sort of accident. I needed to find out how a Werewolf went on an accidental hunt.

  I snorted, "You think?"

  "I don't know!" He winced when he adjusted his arm on the chair,"I think I blacked out or something!"

  Jacob nudged me aside, "Why don't you sit down while we wait for the ambulance and tell us what happened to you, Mister...?"

  The man trembled when Catherine and Darius helped him sit on a chair. "José. José Mendoza. I think I did something and I just... I don't remember. I saw the news after I woke up like this. I...I think I did it!"

  "Calm down, José." Catherine touched his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. "Start from the beginning."

  José took a deep breath, "It started a month ago. I met a girl at a restaurant. She said her name was Mila. We kept talking and had a few drinks. I took her home with me. At first, it was nice, but something happened and the next thing I knew I was hurting so bad. God, I screamed so loud. I don't know what happened that night. I woke up the next morning with scratches on me and blood everywhere. I was too scared to see a Doc about it."

  I looked around at everyone who was listening to his story. All of us knew what happened to him. An illegal turning. Someone lured him in and turned him mid shift. He'd spent all of this time not knowing or understanding what was going on with his mind or his body. I was disgusted to think someone left him in that state with no pack and no way to know what happened.

  "You had bite marks on you, didn't you?" I asked.

  "Yeah." He tried to loosen the tension in his shoulder, "I did."

  Jacob pulled out a notepad and pretended to write something." This was during a full moon, wasn't it?"

  José winced when his arm tried to settle on the chair, "Yeah. Werewolves kill people on full moons, right!? If she did that, she would have killed me! I couldn't have been turned by someone. I spent all month going crazy. Trying to find something that wasn't there. Everything has been turned upside down in my house, but I still didn't stop. Like, I had to find something. I don't know what."

  "I do." I spoke softly, picking up my phone to text Isaac. This guy needed some help. We had to get it for him.

  "Help me out!" José pleaded.

  "I'm texting someone who can. What happened after that, José?"

  "I wish I knew." His eyes darted back and forth, "I felt so weird last night. Something was wrong with me. I needed to get out of the house. Go for a drive. Maybe a run on the beach. I kept trying to figure it out, and nothing worked. So I went for a walk to chill out. I remember watching the moon rise and thinking how amazing it looked. Then, I don't remember anything else. I woke up this morning and saw the news. I'm so sorry! I didn't want to hurt anyone!"

  The ambulance sirens were getting closer. At least one part of José's problem was about to be fixed. Darius pointed at the wound on his arm, "Both of you fired shots last night."

  "We did." Catherine agreed, "We just weren't sure if we hit or not."

  José jerked his head between Catherine and I both. When he realized we may have shot him, he shrank back a little. I tried to give him an apologetic smile. I was truly sorry. Had I known what the Werewolf was going through, I would have used other methods to subdue him. Unfortunately, there is no way we can tell what a shifted Werewolf is feeling.

  Jacob put his notepad away and rocked back on his heels, "I think that's enough to be considered a confession."

  "It's enough to get him help. Not handcuffs." I shot back.

  Jacob gave me a condescending smile, "Now, Detective. I never said an arrest. He's in no shape to do anything but see a Doctor and then be taken to his own. Our main concern is the Werewolf who turned him. Not this man. You are right. He needs help. Not handcuffs."

  I ignored Jacob's response, focusing on José instead. "We need to take you to the hospital and make sure you're OK. After that, you're going to have to tell your story again and answer some questions. Then, someone who can help you is going to meet with us."

  I figured I'd warn Isaac about the Iron Oath later. Right now, taking care of José was more important. He needed to sit down with his own and have a long talk with them. Then, his mind would finally be at rest.

  "Thank you." José managed a weak smile, "I'm sorry. Really. Can I see the kid? I need to apologize or offer to help with his bills or something."

  Catherine shook her head, " don't want to do that. Especially not if his Dad is there."

  "I just want to make it right. I didn't mean to do this." José leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

  The ambulance finally pulle
d in to the front of the Department. As the Paramedics were coming in, Jacob moved to make room. "There's time for that later. Right now, we are taking you to the hospital. We need to get some protection around him to keep him away from Vince Moretti and his friends."

  Jacob and Catherine both followed the Paramedics out of the building. I started after them, but Darius gently grabbed me by the shirt. "Stay here for a minute, Raina. I need to talk to you."

  "What?" I snapped.

  I was angry. The fact an Iron Oath investigator was standing within a few feet of me was enough to make my own blood boil. Non Humans and the Iron Oath did not mix.

  Darius tried to look as pleasant as possible. He patted my arm to calm me down, "Don't disappoint me or the Department, Raina. Work with this man."

  "No." I jerked my arm away from him, "Do you want me to say it in Spanish too?"

  "Raina, listen to me." He sighed, "Work. With. Him. Finish this case and send him back to Orlando as fast as possible. I don't want him in South Florida either."

  He was serious. There was something else behind his eyes that I couldn't quite figure out. Darius wasn't just telling me to work with Jacob Stuart. He was pleading with me.

  "Is there something you aren't telling me, Darius?"

  "What is it you always say?" Darius gave me a knowing smirk, "Trust me."

  "You're the boss." I shrugged.

  I drove to the hospital and parked in the garage. Hopefully, I could slip past the other Officers and avoid both Catherine and Jacob Stuart. I didn't need to be there to keep an eye on José. Not yet. I only needed to be there when José was released and Isaac came to pick him up. I needed time to talk to Vince and Isaac before that happened.

  I took the elevator to another floor, walking through the hallways until I reached a room near the Nurse's Station. The blinds were shut, keeping the room rather gloomy looking under the glow of fluorescent lights. Vince sat in a chair near Leo's bed. He hadn't left the room since Leo was brought in. He stood up when I walked into the room.

  I spoke quietly, "Hey Vince. How's Leo?"

  "He's better I think." Vince took my hand, looking very confused, "What are you doing?"


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