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The Veiled Monarch

Page 24

by Shae Bryant

  "Yes, I'm aware. All of that power. And it's gone forever." Faulkner's answer was dripping with sarcasm.

  He was bored with the conversation. Bored with hearing over and over again how they got so close. Every time Jacob takes someone, he claims that they almost had it. They were almost able to see a Werewolf shift without a full moon. It was always just a step away from being able to find out what caused the shift in the first place.

  This was the same for many of the Iron Oath's beliefs. They felt the legends of Non Human origins were true. The legends of how we came about are shrouded in mysticism and the mysteries of a young world. Where Humans and Non Humans alike knew little about life outside of their small villages.

  Another legend claims the Iron Oath was formed with the help of an elder Vampire and his Werewolf wife. The Iron Oath managed to tap into their abilities and used the ancient arts of alchemy and strange medicine to create different devices. One such device supposedly keeps a Vampire from every truly dying. Another such device caused a Werewolf to shift at will.

  Those are all stories that have been told for centuries. Most of them were created to scare young Non Humans in the schoolyard.

  The world itself? Things are still shrouded in mystery. There are a great many things we don't understand about Humans and Non Humans alike. We all must discover it together. Not force it out into the open. The Iron Oath? They will force it. Every chance they get.

  When Faulkner brought up his skepticism of these stories, it made Jacob even more angry. He threw a stake towards Faulkner, bouncing it off of his arm. "I said I am not in the mood!"

  "They'll slip up, Jacob. Everyone does." Faulkner shook the stake off of his arm with a weary sigh.

  "No. No..." Jacob shook his head, sitting down at his desk, "They are getting too close to us. I knew this was a bad idea. We should have chosen somewhere other than South Florida. Too many of them dealt with us before. And with Vince Moretti in the picture, it made things much more of a risk. I think we stop waiting and act."

  Faulkner raised his eyebrows, "Act? What do you suggest? Another pile of bodies? I'm getting bored with this method."

  "It's time to play a game of cat and mouse."

  "How do you propose that? Pick off the leaders one by one?"

  Jacob steepled his fingers in front of him, "No. We draw them out. A long and slow game of your life or your community. We played it before and we won. We'll rid them of the ones who know too much and the rest go on knowing nothing. Because they're too scared to find out."

  "There's one problem with that." Faulkner smirked, "Vincenzo Moretti."

  Jacob groaned, "Don't remind me."

  But Faulkner did remind him. He reminded Jacob of the story most people didn't know about. The one that caused Vince Moretti to almost wipe the Iron Oath out in a young United States. Before the territories in the West were settled, when New England was still colonies - Vince lived there with a Human widow and her infant son. They married and he took the child as his own.

  But, the Iron Oath had plans in the Virginia Colony. There were so many Non Humans settling in this "New World" that they had their pick of who they could take and make disappear. Vince took note of the Iron Oath and their actions. He thwarted some of their plans with the help of other Non Humans. The Iron Oath decided to send him a message. His beloved wife and son were killed while he watched, and their home was burned with the bodies inside.

  They thought this would send Vince Moretti back to Europe, but it had the opposite effect. His anger raged against the Iron Oath. He rallied Non Humans around the colonies and they fought back. Many members of the Iron Oath died at their hands. When they cried for help from their European counterparts, it came too late. Most of the Iron Oath in the colonies had already died at the hands of the Non Humans. They were forced to go dormant for a time, until they could recuperate and reform.

  Jacob thought about all of this while he stared at the plaque above his desk. He narrowed his eyes, "Mister Moretti needs to be reminded about his late wife and son. Then, he needs to be reminded he currently has a son who is Human. Make sure he gets the memo."

  Faulkner shook his head, "He'll kill all of you."

  "No he won't." Jacob waved a hand at Faulkner, "You can go for now. I'll call you when we have more information."

  "As you wish." Faulkner turned on his heels to leave the room.



  "Someone tipped off the Police in Georgia to our new little company. That's how all of this happened. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

  Faulkner looked over his shoulder, "Not a clue. I believe you have a mole, Jacob."

  He stared over his folded hands at Faulkner, "Hm. So we do. Goodnight."

  Life continued in South Florida. Catherine adjusted remarkably well and struck up a great friendship with Louis. Anika left for Europe to "decompress" after the incident in Georgia. Leo and Chloe continued to have a blossoming romance, and Isaac was on his fifteenth attempt to get back together with his ex-wife. I spent much of my time with Kevin and Ronan, trying to absorb myself into my work. There had been no sign of Faulkner or Jacob Stuart for a few weeks.

  My requests to take the night shift were denied more than once. That was disappointing. We did manage to hang out together a few nights, but I missed having her as a partner.

  I took a call from the department one evening. It was another Detective asking me if I'd take a crime scene in South Beach. I frowned when I put in the address. It was The Veiled Monarch. What happened there?

  I pulled into the parking lot across the street. Officers and Paramedics were already on scene with tape across the front of the club. When I entered, things looked fairly normal. The doors to the back offices were still secure and the club was empty. All except for a sheet covering a body in the middle of the deserted dance floor.

  The markers were already set up and blood splatter was being analyzed. Judging from the blood on the floor and the sheets, I imagined the victim had his throat slit. One of the other Detectives uncovered part of the body for a moment and I froze.

  I recognized the tattoo on the victim's leg. A bouquet tied around an arrow. Only two people had that tattoo, and they were both close to me. My palms started to sweat and I shook when I went over to the body, requesting the officer show me the victim's face.

  She pulled down the sheet. My entire body went numb. My knees buckled underneath me. Then, the tears started to flow when my mind allowed me to admit I was looking at Kevin's lifeless body.

  The reaction caused the other Detective to offer me a seat. She went into the same mode I've used a hundred times. Calming, soothing and apologizing for what had happened. This was my friend! My close friend! How could this happen? Who had done it? And why in God's name did someone hand me this case when the body was already identified!? My NHR should have made it very clear I have close ties with Kevin Anderson. Yet, I was facing his dead body knowing that in a few moments, I had to face his husband.

  "We have witnesses." An Officer told the Detective, "Those two over there say they saw Vince Moretti enter the club with the victim. The victim was drunk and Vince Moretti left alone. Something didn't seem right, so they came in to check."

  "How'd they get in?" The Detective asked.

  The Officer shrugged, "They said the door was unlocked. Hey...should Detective Escobar hear this?"

  "Yes she should hear this!" I cried, "This is insane. Vince never leaves doors unlocked and Kevin doesn't drink!"

  The Detective raised an eyebrow at me, "Raina... I don't want to ask you questions but Vince Moretti's key code was used to unlock the doors about two hours ago. No one has used a key code here since then. Are you sure he might not have forgotten?"

  "Vince wouldn't murder Kevin." I sniffed.

  Louis pushed through the Officers with Vince in tow. The blood on the floor, the body covered in a sheet, and me crying in a chair stopped both of them in their tracks. Neither of
them understood what was going on. They were just as shocked as I was.

  "Let me talk to him." I stood up, and wiped my eyes.

  "We need to take you off of the case now." The Detective told me.

  I glared at him, "Not yet you aren't."

  Vince had his hand over his mouth, looking from the sheet to me, "Raina, what has happened?"

  Before I could answer him, Ronan ran underneath the crime scene tape. He was making a beeline for the rest of us. I put my arms out, ran over to him and tried to hold him back.

  "Ronan! No! Please! Don't go over there!"

  "Kevin!" He sobbed, doubling over in my arms, "Oh God! Oh God! Kevin! Why?"

  I blinked back the tears stinging my eyes, "Ronan. Come on. You can't be in here right now. Please. You have to go."

  "Raina!" He screamed, "How did this happen!?"

  "I... I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out. Please! The Detective here can talk to you."

  My colleague took Ronan away from the crime scene to speak with him. I knew the drill. First, he'd comfort Ronan, and then he would ask him some questions about Kevin's evening before the murder. Where did he go? What did he do? Did he have plans? With whom? Poor Ronan would have to answer all of it before he could begin making arrangements.

  I looked outside towards the crime scene tape. A number of people in my own community were standing there. Some of them had tears streaming down their cheeks. Others were holding on to each other for comfort. They needed answers, and I didn't have them.

  Vince took a small step backwards, "I don't understand."

  "Neither do I." Louis said, "I had locked up earlier when I left."

  "You locked up? Did you see anyone else come in?" I started to ask a number of questions that were running through my head. The statements of the witnesses made zero sense to me for a number of reasons. I believe the Detective knew that their stories were flimsy, but this was the only lead we had.

  "No." Louis shook his head, "Am I in trouble?"

  I sighed, "No. Vince... I have to ask you some questions."

  "Me?" He blinked.

  "Yes. We...when the vict...when Kevin was found, the witness said you left the nightclub alone."

  Vince looked shocked, "Witness? You have a witness?"

  "Yes. Two of them. They said you went in here with Kevin when he was drunk and you left alone. They found him." I was trying hard to keep my emotions in check. Every time I said Kevin's name, I wanted to cry again.

  Louis shook his head, "I locked the doors, but I..."

  "Vince's key code was used." I interrupted, "Where have you been tonight, Vince?"

  "Sitting by my pool."

  "All evening?"

  "Yes. You know I like to spend some nights alone. I..." Vince leaned forward, "Raina, am I a suspect?"

  I glanced at the other Detective and the Officers. Their faces already gave me my answer. We had no leads but two witnesses and both of their statements made Vince a suspect. Until we could look at the security footage, this was all we had to go on.

  "Yes..." I shook my head slowly, "Don't leave the County until you're cleared."

  He tried to speak, but nothing came out. Finally, he sputtered " this a joke!?"

  "I'm sorry Vince. I know you didn't do it."

  Louis was already holding his phone, "I'm calling a Lawyer."

  "Good idea." I nodded, "And Vince...?"


  "They're going to want your statement. Be nice."

  He looked indignant, "Hrmph. I am always nice."

  I was immediately removed from the case with a number of apologies from the department for the mix up. Truly? I didn't care. Something inside of me wanted to be on the case. I needed to know what happened.

  Catherine rushed to my house that night, and the both of us had a cry together. Isaac, Brian and Erin joined us soon after. Everything was a blur for the next two days. Ronan was busy making funeral arrangements and the rest of us were helping him keep his chin up.

  During that time, I got some much needed good news. Catherine had been assigned part of Kevin's murder case. I couldn't work it, but I could certainly get all the information I needed on it.

  After Kevin's funeral, I took a trip to the department during the night shift. Catherine was preparing to look at the security footage from The Veiled Monarch. I was invited to come and watch it with her. Darius may have known what she was doing, but he didn't seem to care.

  "Hey..." I leaned against the office door, looking at the empty desk across from her. During the day, I'd sit there. I wondered if anyone ever sat and talked with Catherine at night. I hoped so.

  She smiled, "Hey."

  "So. How's night shift?"

  "I miss working with you."

  I smiled back at her, "Me too."

  Catherine motioned to my desk chair, "I was just getting ready to look at the footage."

  "Hey? You want to hear something weird?" I rolled my chair over to her desk, "Leo Moretti's bike was stolen the same night that...all this happened."

  Catherine raised her eyebrows, "Why is that weird?"

  "I don't know. It just seemed weird. They found his bike totaled by Kendall. It's odd. This happened. Some strange witnesses named Vince with the same stories, and then Leo's bike is stolen."

  "It could be unrelated." She said, "Bikes get stolen."

  I nodded, "Yeah. It could be. It just all sounds odd to happen on the same night."

  Both of us stayed quiet. The empty club was showing on Catherine's screen. I knew what I might see on this footage and I wasn't sure I wanted to see it. I just had to. I needed to know. Ronan deserved to know. If I was going to be the one to tell him what really happened to Kevin, then so be it.

  Catherine gave me a quick nod and started the video. At first, there was nothing. Shadows of cars moving past the club, and a few people milling around. The light from the street streamed in, and Kevin was shoved into the frame. He was afraid, putting his hands up and trying to defend himself from someone.

  Another person walked into the frame, but it was not Vince Moretti. It was a man I had never seen before. He wore a suit, and a badge of some sort was hooked onto his belt. When the street lights reflected off of the badge, Catherine paused the video.

  "Are we being screwed with!?" She shouted, "That's an Iron Oath officer!"

  I couldn't speak. I pressed play. The Iron Oath officer pulled a sharp knife out of a holster on his left side. He pushed Kevin onto the dance floor while Kevin tried to struggle. He was on his knees crying.

  "Oh God... Kevin." A sob choked in my throat.

  Catherine tried to put her hands over the screen, "No! Raina don't watch this!"

  The knife flashed through Catherine's fingers. Kevin's body fell to the ground. When it was over, I pushed Catherine's hands away. I needed to see this man, because I was going to kill him myself. He looked up at the camera as if he were looking right at me, and gave it a quick salute before jolting out of the club.

  Catherine and I were both silent for a few minutes. She broke the quiet by shutting her laptop, "We can't release this yet."

  "No." I shook my head, "Not yet."

  "Not until we talk to Vince." She answered me, already standing up.


  She and I went to Vince's home together. All of this had to be connected. Jacob Stuart coming to South Florida, Erin missing, Faulkner showing up, Georgia and now Kevin's murder. Something was going on, and we didn't know what it was. Vince might have a clue.

  After sharing the footage with him, Vince paced his living room. He walked back and forth, his boots clicking on the floor while he stroked his chin in thought. Vince was angry and curious. I was worried that this made no sense to him either.

  He plopped down on the couch, "The Iron Oath has nothing to gain from this! In fact, they normally cover up crimes like this. They would relish being able to frame me for a murder. This was their chance!"

  "That footage is plain as day
. You're cleared of all suspicion." I tapped Catherine's laptop.

  Vince shook his head, "Someone is playing both sides of this chess board."


  "I would bet on it." Vince nodded, "But, I must ask why."

  Catherine thought about it for a minute, "Does Faulkner have something to gain from this?"

  "No." He shook his head, "Faulkner isn't usually the one to do this sort of thing. They have people as talented as Louis to cover things up. Faulkner is capable of planning this, but not carrying it out. He would have been happy to frame me too. I have a feeling he wanted this to happen."

  "Why?" I asked.

  Vince shrugged his shoulders.

  Catherine leaned over, "Vince? Do we release this footage?"

  "Yes. We have nothing to lose from doing it and the Iron Oath has nothing to gain. Release it. I need to speak to Isaac and Ronan."

  I closed my eyes, "Ronan stepped down. With Kevin gone he's...well, he's not good. He needs some time."

  "Of course he does." Vince agreed, "Who is in his place?"

  I waved my fingers at him, "Hi."

  Both Vince and Catherine stared at me. I can't say that I liked the idea either. I was no leader. Especially not of a Non Human community. But, we had to make a quick decision and there was no time for an election. Ronan was planning to leave South Florida behind. Someone had to take his place. That someone was me.

  Vince tried not to laugh, "That certainly makes it easier. How does tomorrow night work for you?"

  "Fine with me."

  "I'll call you with the time."

  North of us, Isaac was working in his office after hours. Normally, he left the back door unlocked so friends could come to visit. The front door should have been locked, but the bell announced a new customer.

  "We're closed!" He yelled to the front.

  Someone appeared behind him, "I know."

  Isaac grabbed his gun from the table, jumping to his feet. He aimed it at Faulkner, "You! What the hell are you doing here!?"

  "I have a request Isaac." He touched the gun with his fingertips, lowering it away from his face, "I want to meet with you and the Druids. No one else."


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