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Married to the Alien Admiral: Renascence Alliance Series Book 1

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by Alma Nilsson

  Tir put his hands on her shoulders and whispered in her ear, “You can’t leave this room. You’re still my prisoner until you prove yourself loyal to the Empire and me.”

  His breath on her ear sent shivers through her body. It took her some seconds to compose herself.

  Before she could say anything, he guided her back to the sofa. “Have a seat.”

  Kara sat. She watched him go into his dining room and pour himself a cup of wine in a black ceramic cup. She admired his muscular figure, his jewelry no doubt for bravery and battles won. Kara wondered how old he was then. Older than her, but it was so difficult to know with aliens. Then a thought occurred to her, and she asked, “Have you been married before?”

  Tir thought this was a strange question, “No, why would you ask?”

  “What do I know about marriage? How old you are?”

  “How old do I look to you?” he was amused now.

  Kara rose and walked over to stand in front of him. She reached up and touched his perfectly symmetrical face. He had few wrinkles, but his grey skin was still quite taunt. She knew Alliance citizens lived to be about 300 years, so she said thoughtfully, “I’d guess you to be about 50 years old.”

  “Not too far off. I am forty-five.”

  “Young to be an admiral,” she commented, wondering how he rose to such a high position so quickly.

  “As you are young to be a captain, Kara.”

  Her body instinctually resonated when he used her given name. “How do you know how old I am?”

  “Your ship is docked here. I’ve looked through all your files and many of your logs. Do you think I’d marry a woman without finding out as much as I could beforehand? Marriage is eternally binding.”

  “Until you kill me that is,” she said calmly.

  “Touché, Captain,” he was pleased to see that she was intelligent. She had not just been lucky with all of her successes. “But, I do hope that you and I,” he motioned between them, “can make a good try of a marriage between us. Something for the Empire to see, a new chapter dawning for our people.” He touched her hair, “And you’re nothing short of impressive.”

  “You’re not worried I’ll kill you in your sleep?” she asked in a sultry voice, that surprised even herself.

  “It’s a chance I’m willing to take,” he took a sip of wine and then she took the cup out of his hand and finished it all.

  Tir poured himself another cup of wine and watched her walk back to the sofa without saying anything more. He thought she still looked beautiful, even out of her uniform, although he could no longer see the human swell of her breasts or hips.

  Kara realized that they were probably waiting for something or someone to get this marriage thing over. Or maybe they were waiting for him to have some wine, she had no idea, but did not want to ask. Kara closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on making a plan. All she wanted now was sex, food, sleep, and then escape, in that order. But the longer they waited, the more that sleep moved to the top position and Kara felt herself drift off into a light sleep as she tried to remember what she knew about Alliance men. She knew that they were rumored to be attentive lovers and brave soldiers but not much else. And what Kara definitely knew about the Empire was even less, all she could remember was that they were a matriarchal society, but that seemed contrary now to how she was being treated onboard the Refa. She wondered if that had just been a rumor. Then despite the frosty air and her hunger for both a man and food, she drifted off to sleep.

  Tir drank a couple of cups of wine while he watched Kara sleep. He did not know if he should move her to the bedroom or not. The truth was, although he was unwaveringly sure of his decision to marry her, he was unsure about how to lead her into this union without a struggle. Alliance women usually lead the men in everything. He knew human men and women were equal, and he could already see this in Kara’s behavior towards him, and he found himself at a loss at how to reciprocate that would be pleasing to her. He did not have time to adequately train her to take the lead, nor did he want to as that would defeat his purpose of taking a human wife, but at the same time, he felt clueless about how to charm her into this partnership.

  The door chimed, and without a word, Tir’s chief medical officer came in. Tir spoke to him quietly, careful not to wake Kara, “She’s sleeping,” he explained as he held out a cup of wine to his friend.

  Siu took the wine, and they both looked at Kara silently.

  Siu needed this cup of wine as much as Tir did. He and Tir, of course, had shared women before, they had been friends a long time, but this was different, it was marriage, and there would be no sharing with his wife. Siu was jealous of Tir and would have to refrain himself from joining in as he was supposed to be the witness to the consummation of their marriage, not an active participant.

  “How long will you let her sleep?” Siu asked.

  “She’s been asleep for an hour, perhaps an hour more,” Tir did not care what Siu’s other plans might be, this took priority over everything.

  “Does she know who you really are?”

  “What do you mean?” Tir answered ironically, “I’m an Alliance Admiral.” Then he said more seriously, “It’s all she needs to know right now. I want her to settle. I don’t want her to have to worry about things that won’t concern her for a while yet.”

  “You won’t send her back with the others?”

  “To be murdered? Can you imagine what they would do to her?”

  Siu drank some wine and nodded, “You don’t think your family would protect her?”

  “I don’t know,” Tir answered honestly looking at Kara sleeping. “But for the moment, I’m not willing to take the chance. And besides, I want her here. Even though we are in the middle of a war, I still want my months of honeymoon.”

  Sui laughed, “How romantic you are? If this marriage lasts, which I’m very skeptical it will, and she finds out she missed the real honeymoon at a real spa. She might hate you forever for it.”

  Tir smiled, “I think, if this marriage lasts, hating me for missing the honeymoon will be quite far down the list of things she hates me for when she finds out.”

  Sui could not help but laugh again, and with his laughter, Kara woke up.

  “Kara, you are awake, are you ready?”

  Kara took a minute to take in her surroundings. She had forgotten where she was. Kara rubbed her eyes and then saw the two tall grey men looking at her. She did not respond to the Admiral’s question. She was not ready. Who was ever ready to get married? she wondered, and suddenly she felt panicked. This was not a joke. She was going to have to do this barbarous thing. She wondered how she could have been so nonchalant about it hours before.

  Tir walked over, stood in front of her and repeated himself, forcing her to look up. Then, he bent down and put both hands gently on either side of her face forcing her to stand.

  His hands were cool, and his rings cold against her cheeks. Quickly her mind raced to where those hands and rings would be on her body soon. Kara’s body wanted him without question. She felt betrayed by her desires, and then in a voice, she didn’t recognize as her own she replied, “Ready Admiral.” She thought of her lack of underwear and wondered if they waited any longer if her wetness would start to run down the top of her thighs and soak the stockings when she stood up. She wondered why her body was nonresponsive to her mind. I hate him vagina, stop it.

  Tir did not remove his hands but gently said, “You’ll be one of the few who calls me by my given name now ‘Tir.’”

  “Tir,” when she said his name, something resonated through them both electrically as if it felt so right to call him this and as if she had said it a million times before. She stood deadly still as the feeling of déjà vu swept through her.

  Tir felt the same knowing feeling and knew what this meant. The gods had destined them for each other, and perhaps in another timeline, they were already together.

  “Is there some Alliance magic at work here?” she asked quietly
looking into his large green eyes.

  “No, this is what destiny feels like.”

  “I don’t believe in destiny. I don’t believe in the gods or religion.”

  Their eyes were still holding, and he suddenly kissed her passionately. Tir was surprised that she was so warm. His tongue was tasting hers. She was so human, so sweet. Then he began exploring her body with his hands. He was intrigued by her alienness, and after each new touch, he only wanted more. After a few minutes, he pulled away, as he realized they still were not married. He had to give her his necklace. Then after the words were spoken, he was going to have every centimeter of her and give every centimeter of himself to her.

  Siu watched them and thought, It's been a long time since I’ve seen such attraction, especially in an interspecies mating. While Tir went to retrieve the marriage necklace, Siu poured himself another large cup of wine.

  Kara was dumbfounded by waking up and then being suddenly kissed by a man her body found irresistible. Her mind wanted to protest, but she could not seem to find the words or the strength to do anything but wait to see what happened next.

  Tir went to his wardrobe in his bedroom and then returned with a heavy intricate necklace. He turned Kara around, so her back faced him and placed the necklace around her neck. It was massive on her small frame, “Captain Kara Rainer of Earth, I pledge my life and honor to you in wedlock.” He turned her back around, “Now you say it.”

  Kara turned around and put a hand up to touch the heavy necklace, “Is this it? Are we doing this now? Like this?”

  Tir looked at her in disbelief, “Yes?” he was baffled why she was confused. “Say the words,” he instructed her.

  “If I say the words, then we will be married? Forever?” she could not keep the anxiety from her voice. Or until you murder me, she thought.

  “What were you expecting? A blood sacrifice? We could do that if you wanted to, it’s quite an ancient thing to do…”

  Kara interrupted him and Siu subdued a laugh, “No,” she waved her hand. “I meant without any preamble. You are just doing this?”

  Tir looked into Kara’s brown eyes and thought, How do I lead her to this amicably? Then he explained, “We’re a simple culture, Kara. Now, will you please say the words as your part of the compromise?” He wanted to avoid mentioning killing her crew during their marriage ceremony.

  Suddenly, Kara looked up at this gorgeous man, and for some reason, she felt a calm wash over her and said, “Tir, I don’t know if you have another name, from the Alliance Empire, I pledge my life and honor to you in wedlock.” She could not help but put her hand on the necklace again, “What’s this?”

  “It’s a necklace to signify our marriage. Don’t take it off.” He was not going to mention that he had initially bought that and had it with him to give to another woman because now there was only his human Kara. Tir took her hand away from the necklace and began leading her into the bedroom.

  Siu followed with his wine in hand.

  Kara looked over at Doctor Siu, “Is he going to watch?”

  “We must have a witness,” Tir replied casually wanting nothing more now than to consummate this marriage. Images of Kara with nothing on but the necklace already dominating his thoughts.


  “Yes,” Tir took both her hands and kissed her for a long time, allowing her time to relax. After several minutes, he slowly let go of her hands and began exploring her body. He was touching her everywhere over the fabric of her dress. Tir loved lingering in the excitement of what was to be. Caressing her nipples through the fabric of her dress and bringing his hands up the full-length of her stockings and then just brushing around the tops of her thighs where the stockings stopped. He could feel her wet arousal on the top of her thighs. Her scent was overwhelming him, and he could focus on nothing but pleasing her now.

  Tir began undressing her slowly. He started with the top of the dress, pulling it down slowly, exposing the tops of her shoulders while he ran his lips along her collar bone.

  Kara tried to close her eyes, but she kept looking at the doctor who was watching them intently. She could not decide if this was utterly barbaric or sexy. Kara wondered if he was going to join in too or only watch. She lost her train of thought then and closed her eyes with pleasure when Tir reached her breasts and said sweetly, “Pink,” then sucked and caressed her nipples equally with his tongue and fingers.

  Tir had never seen such perfect breasts in his entire life. They fit neatly into his hands and were soft mounds with pink nipples, just like the color of her lips. He loved stroking them and drawing on them with his mouth, and even more, the small, gratifying sounds she was making when he touched them. Tir was grateful he had not given her to anyone else on the ship.

  After about ten minutes, he pulled her dress further down, revealing the curve of her hips. He gently kissed all around her flat stomach and tenderly ran his hands along her hips, enjoying the Alliance floral taste of soap mixed with something else he could not identify, but found exotic and erotic. Tir then drew her dress down further to reveal her vulva and was surprised to see a small amount of brown hair there. He immediately reveled in the strong scent of her and guided her to lay back on the bed and began kissing around the patch of hair, gently stroking her vulva, hoping that just as with Alliance women, that there would be a clitoris there to make her orgasm. He scolded himself, While looking through all the documents about her, how could I not check human women’s anatomy?

  It had been a long time since Kara had been with a man who knew what he was doing. Most men had no idea about women’s bodies and just went in for a good rut, and unfortunately, most human women allowed it, including herself at times. Now she thought, It’s ironic that here I am with an alien who cares more about my sexual pleasure than most human men. She was so close to coming now, and it had only been minutes of him stroking her, and he had not even touched her clitoris yet.

  Tir looked to his doctor across the room as to ask with his eyes, ‘Do human women have a clitoris?’

  Siu nodded and then Tir continued what he was doing. It was not long before he saw Kara’s body opening to him. She was so beautiful and pink. Gradually, he replaced his fingers, caressing her vulva and thighs lightly with his tongue. He licked her lightly everywhere before finally settling on her clitoris. Tir had not expected her to almost come so quickly. Siu would think he was rushing the sex if he made her come right away. So, he backed off then and moved his mouth and hands back to her breasts.

  Kara did not like that at all though and began wrapping her legs around him trying to get herself off on his clothed body.

  Tir smiled and put his hands on her hips and pushed her down. He hovered over her and said, “Kara, open your eyes,” she did. Her pupils were huge with desire, and it pleased him, “We’re not nearly done here, I promise.”

  Kara was looking at this gorgeous alien through a cloudy, lustful haze thinking, Yes, but I can come more than once. Come on. Her body was so on edge, all she wanted to do was orgasm, but he was far away from her now, and all she felt was cold air on her sex.

  Tir was sucking her nipples, avoiding her clitoris, just trying to keep her on edge.

  Kara desperately wanted release. She wanted him to lick her until she was writhing in his mouth. She tried to move one of her hands to take care of it herself, but he grabbed her hand and then put it with her other hand above her head. Tir held them there with one of his hands, while he continued to pleasantly torture her with kisses and caresses in all the wrong places.

  Tir was pleased that she was so close that she was willing to take matters into her own hands. After he was sure she would not orgasm immediately, he slowly returned to her clitoris, kissing her all along the way from her breasts, stomach, top and sides of her thighs. Then, he began to build her back up only with his tongue.

  Kara had never experienced so much pleasure, and he was giving her so much pleasure with his tongue now she could not even move. She just lay a
s still as possible to take every ounce of pleasure she could from his attentions, and Kara knew that sometime very soon, he was going to make her orgasm harder than any other man before him and that was all she could think about.

  Then he stopped.

  Kara was in such shock she did nothing for a full moment. Then she found her voice and said, “Don’t stop,” and put her hands on his head to urge him back.

  “Don’t stop, what?” he was looking up at her expectantly. He was confident he would be able to bring her back to come so hard in a few minutes, he wanted to play with her a bit.

  She was thinking, but all she could think about was her pleasure. “Don’t stop, Admiral?” she hazarded.

  He didn’t move, and his face revealed nothing.

  She tried to shimmy her body closer to his face.

  Tir held her thighs tightly to keep her still.

  “Don’t stop,” she began and then was thinking and then almost cried when she realized what he wanted. She couldn’t say the word.

  Tir saw realization cross her face and her hesitation. He would not bend now.

  Kara looked from Tir to Doctor Siu. She did not want to say this. It was one thing to say you pledged your life to someone and he had technically saved her when he could have destroyed her ship, so she did not mind saying that, but to say what he asked now was humiliating and with an audience.

  Siu was clairvoyant. He could hear all of the human’s thoughts, and he felt some pity for her. He reached out to her with his mind to calm her and assure her that she was losing no respect by saying the word Tir wanted to hear.

  Tir was becoming impatient, “Say it, Wife.”

  Kara almost moved away from him at being referred to as his ‘wife.’ It was an insult she had never heard but still stung as if it was the worst thing anyone could ever say to her.


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